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Dear Friend,
Happy New Year! For the first time, the Annual Global Leadership Conference (GLC) of the SoldOut Movement will be celebrated outside the United States further signifying that we are a worldwide family! The location for the historic 2017 GLC will be Metro Manila, Philippines at the Makati Shangri La Hotel! Be sure to save the dates for this glorious event – August 3-6, 2017!
The Metro Manila ICC was planted in June 2015 and
has become the fastest growing SoldOut
Movement Church since that time! This
remarkable congregation now has
215 sold-out disciples with
close to 300 on Sundays!

The Spirit guided Kyle & Joan Bartholomew to
become the Manila Mission Team Leaders
in order to evangelize Joan's homeland
of the Philippines!
Since we are centering all the lessons on the Book of Revelation, the inspirational theme for the 2017 GLC is VICTORIOUS! "And I saw… those who had been VICTORIOUS over the beast and his image and over the number of his name. They held harps given them by God and sang the song of Moses the servant of God and the song of the Lamb: '…All nations will come and worship before you!'" (Revelation 15:2-4)
Since the 2017 GLC will be based on the Book
of Revelation, we have selected the
thrilling theme – VICTORIOUS!
During this epic occasion, a whole day will be devoted for every MERCY Ambassador to serve in some of the poorest communities of Metro Manila! As well, we will witness the Fifth Commencement of the International College of Christian Ministries! And perhaps most excitingly, Lord willing, three mission teams will be sent out: Miami (Florida), Cebu (Philippines), and Hong Kong (China) – the Twelfth (and last) Crown of Thorns City!
2,000 MERCY Ambassadors participated
in the 2016 GLC!
The cost for the registration will be $225 for those outside of the Philippines. Filipino Disciples may register for $40. To encourage as many as possible to register early, we are having an Early Bird Special Registration of $205 until the end of January! Our Prayer Goals are for 250 Filipino Disciples and 550 International Disciples to participate in the 2017 GLC as this will allow us to financially break-even! You may register at and keep up-to-date on Facebook at!
At the 2016 ICCM Commencement, we awarded
65 Bachelor's Degrees, 5 Master's Degrees
and 1 Doctorate Degree in Ministry!
We are encouraging every Church Leader Couple, every Shepherding Couple and every LA Region Leader Couple to stay at the Shangri La Hotel as we have agreed in our contract to have at least 400 room nights. The cost of a room (which includes an incredible breakfast) is $158/night. There are many considerably less expensive hotels in the area that others may select online. If you choose to do so, strive to find an option that is in or close to Makati as the traffic in Metro Manila is considered by many to be the worst in the world! We will send out a link to register at the Makati Shangri La ASAP!

The entire 2017 GLC Program will be held in the
magnificent Makati Shangri-La Hotel
in Metro Manila!
Once in the Philippines, food is relatively inexpensive. However, plane tickets will surely increase in price as the event draws near, so consider buying your plane ticket ASAP! Let's be praying daily for the 2017 GLC to be such a momentous event that we will still be talking about it in Heaven! Please feel free to contact Tim Kernan – the GLC Director – with any questions at!
We are family… into eternity,