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Dear Friend,
Greetings from sunny Los Angeles! The 2018 Global Leadership Conference (GLC) is fast approaching and we will be able to hear first-hand about the many miracles happening around the world such as the planting of the New Delhi International Christian Church!
The New Delhi Mission Team was led by
the valiant Raja & Debs Rajan!
At the South Asia Missions Conference in Chennai, India, on Sunday, April 22nd, the New Delhi Mission Team was formally sent out by prayer and the Holy Spirit! Then on Friday, April 27th, the 38 members of the mission team boarded a train that traveled 28 hours from Chennai to New Delhi! They arrived on Saturday at the Delhi Train Station and were enthusiastically greeted by the 18 disciples in the New Delhi Remnant Group! The next day on Sunday, God blessed them with 205 in attendance!
The New Delhi Mission Team was sent out at the
2018 South Asia Missions Conference
and was nicknamed the Spartans!
On June 2nd and 3rd at the Inaugural Service Weekend, God blessed them with 10 baptisms, 3 restorations and an attendance of 223! So since the New Delhi Mission Team landed just 36 days ago, God has added to their number 52 additions – 20 baptisms, 14 restorations and 18 place memberships from the Delhi Remnant Group! Now the New Delhi International Christian Church numbers 89 sold-out disciples! And to God be all the glory!
Debs Rajan and Brandyn Speckman – best of
friends – are both speaking at the GLC
Church Builders Workshop!
The thrilling theme for the 2018 GLC is EMPOWERED! So many Scriptures on God's power come to mind: "The Kingdom of God [has] come with power." (Mark 9:1) "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8) "I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order [to experience]… His incomparably great power for us who believe!" (Ephesians 1:18-19)
As of the end of May, 11 of the 22 on the Columbus
Mission Team, were from the City of Angels
Church including their dynamic leaders –
Coltin & Mandee Rohn!
However, on June 2nd, Joey Gregory asked
Karen Maciel to be his girlfriend! Praise
God, because now there are 23 on
the Columbus Mission Team!
The GLC will be held on Thursday, August 16th through Sunday, August 19th, 2018 at the Anaheim Convention Center, 800 West Katella Avenue, Anaheim, California! Accommodations will be at the Sheraton Park Hotel – a five minute walk from the Convention Center! (It is also just a 10 minute walk to Disneyland!)
The beautiful Anaheim Convention Center is the
site of the Global Leadership Conference
on August 16-19, 2018!
GLC highlights will include amazing preaching, extraordinary singing, glorious fellowship, the Sixth Commencement of the International College of Christian Ministries, and the Spirit sending out two more OPERATION EAGLE Mission Teams: Columbus, Ohio and Milwaukee, Wisconsin!

Jay & Barb Shelbrack are the inspirational
Milwaukee Mission Team Leaders! Lord
willing, the Milwaukee ICC will be the
19th OPERATION EAGLE Planting!
"The fields are ripe for the harvest" among the
44,000 students at the University of
Wisconsin Milwaukee!
We will also be hosting the "Kingdom's Got Talent Show!" This year is the fifth such occasion! If you are interested in performing, please send a video of your act to the Director of KGT5 – Jay Causey – by June 15th! The full GLC Program will be posted on the City of Angels Church Website on Sunday, June 10th!
In 2017 at the Fifth Commencement Ceremony of
the ICCM, 90 BA Degrees, 2 Masters Degrees
and 1 Doctorate Degree were conferred!
The registration fee is $200 for a regular ticket; $180 for a current ICCM student; and $100 for a teen registration! Our Prayer Goals are for 1,800 American Disciples and 200 International Disciples to participate in the 2018 GLC as this will allow us to financially break even! Register now! (
Dynamic speakers will be heard from all over
the world such as Andrew Smellie
of Lagos, Nigeria!
Michael & Michele Williamson are planning
on bringing 25 London Disciples to
the 2018 GLC!
We are encouraging every Church Leader Couple, every Shepherding Couple and every CAICC Region Leader Couple to stay at the Sheraton Park Hotel. The cost of a room is $139/night plus tax. The group rate is available until July 16th, so book now! (
The Kingdom Banquet is always a
highlight of the GLC!
There will not be a Global Leadership Conference next year to financially allow particularly American Disciples to attend Geographic Missions Conferences outside of the United States! Thus, this makes the 2018 GLC all the more important to attend!

Kip & Elena McKean are so excited that over
2,100 disciples from around the world
have committed to come to the
2018 GLC in LA!
As at every GLC, I am reminded of Jesus' words to the Apostles after the 70 had returned with joy, "Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it." (Luke 10:23-24) In essence, Jesus was saying to the 12, "It is happening… The evangelization of the nations in this generation!" Prayerfully, after the GLC, we too can have a similar vision of "It is happening… again!" And to God be all the glory!
We are family… by God's amazing grace,