Greetings from the Sensational South! He has Risen! The Lord continues to use us “to raise to a new life” lost souls especially on this Easter Sunday! To God’s glory five souls were added by baptism to God’s precious Kingdom here in the Long Beach Area!
Stacy & Lynette Ybarra were “on cloud nine” with the angels rejoicing as they saw their son Christian (20) & daughter Cameryn (14) get baptized at yesterday’s Easter Service! Stacy & Lynette were just recently restored to the Lord last month and God has blessed their repentance by their kids becoming disciples!
Last Easter, Cameryn asked Lynette about Jesus and she realized that Cameryn didn’t even understand that Jesus died on Good Friday not Easter! Then just a few months ago, Cameryn asked her father Stacy to baptize her and Stacy knowing the truth (even though he wasn’t living it or even going to church) saw that the only way he could baptize his daughter was to get right with God himself! Stacy phoned Chris Chloupek who married Lynette & him and through the AMS and South Region disciples, the Ybarras were restored and now their kids are disciples!

After Cameryn is baptized by her dad & mom, her
“brother brother” Christian applauds!
The Teen Ministry has been on the rise as well as they have added three in the last month with Myles Ellison-Keys and Cameryn Ybarra added Sunday! Myles (13) is a very pure hearted boy who became a man of God as he made Jesus the Lord of his life! Myles is a “Kingdom Kid” whose mom is Stephanie Keys, who has been serving tirelessly for years in the City of Angels Church!

Our new brother Myles has come “miles” to
become a baptized disciple!
Also, a young man named Harry DeBerry was baptized! He is an incredible young man who was dating our dear sister Mitchelle in the world while playing semi-professional football, and by Mitchelle’s faith in God and example he has joined the party in the Kingdom!

Lance (left) and Andrew welcome
Harry into the Kingdom!
Finally, our Russian sisters Aliona and Olena baptized a Russian-American young lady named Anya! She has been wrestling with the Scriptures for a few months and came to the conclusion that Jesus isn’t a mean God but in fact was loving, compassionate and humble!

Our dear American-Russian sister Anya is baptized
just in time to start training for the
Moscow Mission Team!
In other good news, when disciples are bearing fruit God blesses relationships as well! Anthony Olmos & Cassidy Deaves who lead our crankin’ Campus Ministry were engaged last week where Anthony & Cassidy had their whole family present! Amen!

Since Anthony & Cassidy served gallantly on the
Paris Mission Team, the Kernan Family
congratulates them upon
their engagement!
Finally, to cap off all of the victories in the Lord today, Joe Estep asked Capil to be his girlfriend down by the famous ship, the Queen Mary in Long Beach! As Ice Cube once sang, “Today was a good day!”

Congratulations to Joe & Capil!