Anthony and Cassidy Olmos Go Back To London!

Anthony and Cassidy Olmos, have done an outstanding job in the ministry while being here in the South Region. Leading the South has prepared them to do even greater things for God. While they were here in the South Region, one great impact we won’t forget, is to always bring “FIRE IN THE CHURCH” as Anthony would say. This charge has brought the church to be BOLD for God. This goodbye is a bittersweet moment as we don’t want them leaving the South, but as the Spirit leads the movement, their visas got approved. Anthony and Cassidy will now be leading the Campus Ministries in London, England. But in won’t be long, starting another church and growing in London is on the Map for these two great Leaders. We said our goodbyes today and we are encouraged that the South Region has done it again…… Sending Out Leaders Is What We Do!! Till the End Mr.&Mrs. Olmos !

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