“Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.” Ephesians 2:19-20 When becoming a Christian, we are not just changing the status on our Facebook, or our political party, but are being brought into a whole new family! We Christians make up […]
Author: City of Angels International Christian Church
A Case For Christ
SoldOut Disciples from all over the world gather for the Latin America Missions Conference in Mexico City, dreaming of an evangelized world! Jesus the Jew Jesus was born in Bethlehem into Judaism at 4BC. Jesus was then brought up in the ways of the ancient order of things (the Old Testament) named, circumcised and redeemed on the 8th day according to the law of Moses. Each year Jesus and His […]
Every Disciple A Life Changer
One of the most shocking facts about Christianity is that the very “way” to become a Christian was lost for the greater part of 1500 years. From the Edict of Milan in 313 AD when Emperor Constantine ushered in the modern Catholic Church to the 16th century when the “Radical Reformers” in Europe influenced the “Anabaptists,” we do not know of any movement that made disciples and baptized them […]
The Bible Vs. The Quran Part 1
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful… For the word of God is alive and active… For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” (John 1:1; 2 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 4:12; 2 Peter 1:21). The […]
Motivated By Grace – Pledge Drive
“Grace, she takes the blame. She covers the shame. Removes the stain. It could be her name. Grace, it’s the name for a girl. It’s also a thought that changed the world.” Words from the hit song “Grace” by U2 rings true today for Disciples all around the globe. If we are going to change the world, we must be motivated by grace! GRACE BUILDS THE CHURCH “For […]
Married’s Valentines Event
Don’t miss this incredible time to bond and have fun with your spouse. Only $20 per couple, hors d’oeuvres and treats provided.
Fool Says There Is No God
The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” Proverbs 14:1 Many have said, “I believe in Science, so I can not believe in God.” But what if science proves the existence of God? Would people still fight to believe? What if we could prove there is a God, and the Bible is the Word of God, would we then follow the Scriptures? Let us consider why people refuse […]
2018 Women’s Day – Unfading Beauty
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or ne clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. 1 peter 3:4-5 Region Date & Time Location Register Invitations AMS March 4 | 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM […]
For Where Your Treasure Is, There Your Heart Will Be Also.
Where we put our finances, is where we have put our hearts. Whatever we invest our hard earned finances into, we invest our very selves, our hearts. Howard Dayton compiled a topical overview of 2,350 verses from the Bible which comment on handling money and possessions! Money is said to be the most talked about subject in the Bible. But why would the Bible talk so much about finances? Because […]
OC Prayer Goals For 2018
When Jesus was about 30 years old, he started his public ministry (Luke 3:23). Jesus’ ministry lasted for only three years until He ascended into Heaven! Starting in one of the roughest areas off the shores of Galilee, Jesus began a revolution using 12 ordinary men! Appointing these men from fishermen, tax collectors, and zealots to His Apostles also known as messengers (Luke 6:12-16). The 12, the 70 others and […]
The Blood, Sweat and Tears of Grace
By Dr. Tim C. Kernan “But you have come to Mount Zion, to the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly, to the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. You have come to God, the judge of all men, to the spirits of righteous men made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of a […]
Winter Workshop Schedule
The City Of Angels International Christian Church Presents: Strong In The Grace, Winter Workshop 2018. Wednesday, January 3rd to Sunday, January 7th
For a Time Such as This Guest Editorial: Ghislain Normand
Editor’s note from Kip McKean: Ghislain and Debbie Normand were baptized in the late 1990’s through the efforts of the Campus Ministry in the International Churches of Christ (ICOC). They married in 2002, and in 2003, they planted the Quebec City ICOC! Interestingly, Ghislain baptized Tim Kernan in 2001 in their Montreal Days. Therefore, in the mid-2000’s, the Normands started following Tim and Lianne Kernan’s efforts for Christ by listening […]
Rear Admiral Thomas W. McKean A Tribute of Admiration and Affection by Dr. Kip McKean
“Fair Winds and Following Seas” is a toast or salutation between mariners. It implies that a ship will have favorable winds and not have to pound into the waves, for on a perfect sailing day, the wind direction is the same as the waves. Such was the life of my father – Rear Admiral Thomas Wayne McKean, USN (Retired). A dear neighbor wrote to my mother this week, “Tom was […]
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” Matthew 13:44-46 Treasure is […]