Filled with the Spirit

Preached by Chris Broom, 4/15/2012

Mahogany Gets Baptized!

Mahogany Gets Baptized!

Chris’ son Austin preaches communion and contribution!
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Chris Broom makes a special visit and preaches on the Holy Spirit!
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Filled with the Spirit – Outline
Ephesians 5:15-17
-“Be very careful”
-When was the last time you used that sentence, and what was the situation?

-God wants you to be very careful with your life
-Are you being careful with how you live?
-Are you being foolish?
-Your life is God’s gift to you; what you do with it is your gift to him
-There are many distractions, but are you being careful?
-We made the way we live
-Is this what God created us to be like
-What are you doing with your life?
-What keeps you from being very careful?
-Make the most of every opportunity
-Do you know God’s will for your life?
-God’s will is the right way to live
-“Every machine has a purpose and if you don’t have a purpose you are a broken machine” –Hugo
-A human not walking with God is a broken machine
-Every machine has all the parts it needs
-God does not do things at random or by accident

Ephesians 5:18-21
-Disciples appear drunk to the world. They do things they would never normally do; not for bad but for good and righteousness
Positive, Encouraging, Affectionate Communication, Every day builds greatness (PEACE)
-Do you walk around thankful for everything in the name of Jesus?
-Be submissive
-When you are filled with the Spirit, things are easier and peaceful
-Satan’s main goal is to make us unspiritual and unwise

Exodus 35:30-33
-God chose you on purpose
-God wants to fill you with the Spirit, give your skills, and give you abilities
-You are part of a plan
-God fixes broken machines
-Will you use your skills for selfishness or let God fill you and build up his Kingdom?

Luke 1:11-17
-When you are filled with the Spirit you can do great things for God
-It changes the way we treat each other
-There is a genuine love for each other
-Are you foolish with how you live?
-John the Baptist was filled with the Spirit and returned people’s hearts to unity

Acts 2:36-39
-Are you a well oiled machine?
-Admit you are broken!
-Everybody falls short but God will fix those who are humble about it
-If you are a part of this world God made you like he made Jesus
-We have to go after people and show them God’s promise
-The promise is for all of us

Acts 4:8-12
-God fills you with the Holy Spirit through repentance and baptism
-“You may have the gift of the Spirit but when is the last time you plugged it in? You have to charge the Spirit.” –Chris Broom

Acts 4:31
-It is not just Peter; they all spoke boldly after ‘recharging’ with prayer

Acts 6:1-4
-When there is a need to be met, people filled with the Spirit help meet the needs of the problems
-There is nothing you cannot do with the Spirit

Acts 13:4-12
-The Spirit directs you
-Do you let people go around speaking false teachings and deceiving others?
-We are not a church of people staying broken
-Suicide, divorce, and gay marriage are on the rise
-Most Christian churches embrace things like gay marriage because there is no call for obedience to the scriptures
-Community churches do not work because they are not evangelizing the world or trying to change it
-They are not filled with the Spirit!
-“There is a whole generation with a new explanation. People in motion.” –Scott McKenzie–’If You’re Going to San Francisco’