Luis Miguel Limon: Last week, the East Region was overjoyed as Victor Sr. & Sonia celebrated their 30th Wedding Anniversary! As well we went up to our sister church in Portland, Oregon to give our attention to the needs in the Latin Ministry, and since Kip challenged every ICCM student to visit a church planting, I gladly accepted the invitation to go to Portland! It was inspiring to see Victor, Sonia, Ricky and Coleen work together to unite the Latin Ministry! The Portland Church is doing great, and in my time there, I had the chance to participate in their Latin Ministry Midweek, their Campus All Night Prayer, their Bring Your Neighbor Day and even go snow-boarding with the brothers! Of special note, the 100 disciples of the Portland Church had 269 at their Bring Your Neighbor Day!

Ricky (right) works side-by-side in the
Latin Ministry with his “grandson
in the faith” – Miguel!
On Saturday, Tim Kernan held a “WebDeacons-in-Training” meeting in Northridge. It was a group of about 15 of us, from all over LA gathered in his living room. Tim and Ryan Lomeli greatly inspired and urged us to have the convictions it takes to have an excellent and growing Web Ministry, one that is more powerful than “Satan’s Web Ministry!” As technology is always advancing so should our websites! Thank you Tim for your deep convictions about Web Ministry!
Today was an exciting service as we moved into a bigger room! Now we meet in one of the biggest rooms at Cal Poly University! It is so evident that God is going to do incredible things in our new East Region Spanish Ministry as today we had a service with one to one visitors! Lastly in the month of January God has added nine people to the East Region Family!

The Gonzalez Sisters – Sonia and Liz – now embrace
Christina as their sister in Christ!