Greetings from Los Angeles! For the past two weeks as Elena & I visited the great cities of Toronto and Orlando constantly on my heart was my favorite Scripture, “When the Lord brought back the captives to Zion, we were like men [and women] who dreamed… Then it was said among the nations, ‘The Lord has done great things for them.’ …And we are filled with joy!” (Psalm 126:1-3) The highlights of our missionary journey were the past two Sundays that “filled [us] with joy!” The first was Sunday, July 6, 2014 – the historic Inaugural Service of the Toronto International Christian Church where two were restored, two placed membership from our former fellowship seeking revival, and with 10 disciples on the mission team and 25 visiting from the States God gave us 77 in attendance!

The Kernans are overjoyed that the Toronto
International Christian Church meets just
across the street from the University
of Toronto Campus!
Tim preached an unforgettable sermon at the historic
Inaugural Service of the Toronto International
Christian Church!
Sunday night the Toronto Mission Team celebrated
God’s victory at a scrumptious
Chinese Restaurant!
Then on the following Sunday, July 13th, there were two events “among the nations” – The World Cup and the more important one to God – theIGNITE Youth Service hosted by the gracious Orlando Church where 210 gathered to celebrate God as He raises up the “next generation”of leaders for the SoldOut Movement! (Psalm 78:6)

The IGNITE Sunday Service in Orlando!
In returning to LA, we reflected that these past eight weeks in the City of Angels Church have been “a time to plant and a time to uproot… [and] a time to weep and a time to laugh.” (Ecclesiastes 3:2-4) We have said “tearful good-byes” to those sent out by the Spirit: to Tim & Lianne Kernan and Jake & Megan Studer as they planted the Toronto Church; to Megan Mathews who now serves the Portland Church fulltime; to Victor & Sonia Gonzalez as they are now leading the Las Vegas Church; to Gabe & Stephanie Reed as they are leading the Eugene Church; and to Tyler & Shay Sears as they prepare to plant the DFW Church, as well as saying our “good-byes” to all the sacrificial disciples that accompanied these powerful leaders!

The DFW Mission Team Leaders –
Tyler & Shay Sears!
Also during these transitions, we “gladly welcomed” Blaise & Patricia Feumba from London in May to lead the North Region, and just last week, we once again joined the disciples at LAX to “welcome back” Andrew & Patrique Smellie from New York City to lead the West Region! Lord willing, the Smellies will lead the Johannesburg Mission Team in 2016 which will “spearhead” our efforts in Africa! Also leading new charges in LA are: Chris & Kerri-Sue Adams leading the Ventura Region; Luke & Brandyn Speckman leading the OC Region; Jee Blackwell leading the Southland Women; and Cesar Limon & Debbie Bosch leading the East Region!

Welcome back Andrew & Patrique!
Interestingly, 83 disciples have been sent out from LA to plant and/or strengthen churches since January 1, 2014, at which time our membership was a little over 700 disciples with almost 1,200 in attendance on Sundays! So in spite of all these transitions, it is all the more amazing that the Lord has blessed the City of Angels Church in the 194 days of this calendar year with 288 additions: 201 baptisms, 36 restorations and 51 place memberships – several of whom have joined us directly from our former fellowship thirsting for a zealous fellowship with a “family feeling!”
Michael Kirchner – the World Sector Leader of Administration – shares about the entire SoldOut Movement: “In the midst of 200+ disciples moving to plant or strengthen churches, six church leadership changes, five church plantings, and five new region leaders in the LA Church, God has continued to add generously to our numbers! In the first six months of 2014 for the SoldOut Movement, there have been 879 additions – 579 baptisms, 90 restorations and 210 place memberships! This is five additions per day!!! We are almost through the heavy transition period and look forward to the late summer and autumn harvests of souls!”
And now more good news reports from our new World Sectors…
Patricia Feumba of the North Region: “The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly.” (Isaiah 60:22) The Lord has been working among us here in the North Region in a very inspiring way since we moved here two months ago! What an incredible group of sold-out disciples with a heart to do “whatever it takes” to reap the harvest from dead souls in “a valley of dried bones” (The San Fernando Valley) in our part of God’s worldwide mission field! We initiated a Summer Surge Campaign a few weeks ago entitled F.I.T. (Family, Instruction in the Word, and Team Work) with a calendar that covers most Saturdays up to the GLC. We began in Lake Balboa Park playing volleyball, praying and learning what it means to work as a team by hiking the Griffith Observatory Mount and praying to build character and perseverance. God has blessed us with weekly baptisms since!

Blaise & Patricia Feumba are the new
North Region Leaders!
Amongst the other miracles that happened, the highlight of the campaign occurred Saturday, July 12th where we had 13 guests from the CSUN Campus join us for our Bowling Night. An amazing woman, Kandie Haynesworth, had been visiting our church for over 19 years with her sister Rotasha Lewis, a dear servant of the Lord. After 19 years of Rotasha’s relentless prayers and faithfulness to God, Kandie decided to study the Bible! After a couple of weeks of applying the Scriptures to her life, Kandie began to transform! She quickly made the decision to make Jesus Lord of her life and was baptized!!!

Kandie (center) to God’s Family!
It doesn’t stop there, God continues to blow us away by His unconditional love and desire to unify families in Him! Maribel Rodriguez, who is a modern day Lydia, visited our congregation for a couple of years. Inspired by her daughter Lindsey, she decided to begin studying the Bible. Maribel is a true Berean and researched the Scriptures constantly to make sure that her doctrine was correct. After much studying, Maribel decided to submit her life to God and was baptized!

Again, the miracles continue!!! God has brought some incredible single women with a desire to love and honor Him! A young woman, Ayrica Avery who was met by Garret Underwood, visited the North Region and studied the Bible a year ago… Now after much wrestling with the Scriptures, she began to seek God with all of her heart and was powerfully baptized!
And, yes, there is more!!! An extraordinary single mom, Carolina Guardado, who was invited by Javier Hernandez, was prompted to study the Bible when she visited our fellowship and saw the love among the disciples! (John 13:34-35) She decided that nothing was more important than loving our God and was baptized!!

leading Carolina (center) to Christ!
Last but not least, God continued to add to our number from my beloved home nation of France!!!! We are so grateful that Heidi Santa Cruz of Paris will be a part of our North Region Family over the summer!!! We’re all unified and are committed to build God’s Kingdom and save as many as possible from the eternal fire of Hell!
Sonja Chloupek: “Hoe gaan dit?” (Afrikaans for “How ya doin?”) from the AMS Region! (Sonja is South African!) Today Jeffery Tuason was baptized! His father and mother, Jake & Dada, were converted in the original AMS in the 90’s along with Chris & me! Lord willing, they will soon be leaving the USA, after many years, to go back to their home town, Manila, as missionaries! Jeffery’s brother, John, was baptized a couple of years ago and currently serves as one of the best Kids Kingdom coordinators we’ve ever had! What a great inspiration the Tuasons are to all of us!

With Jeffery’s (center) baptism, the Tuason Family –
Jake, Dada and John – are all unified in the Lord!
We also were blessed to welcome into our AMS Family a special brother, Jamal Ellis, from the fabulous Phoenix Church! Jamal was our third baptism after we took a stand and started the Phoenix International Christian Church in 2005! He has been a fruitful vine, following his dear mother, Melinda’s decision to make Jesus her Lord! They have seen four other family members saved since and Jamal was also the person that brought us incredible people such as Coltin Rohn, Chenelle Patterson, Kristen Smith and Ashley Godwin just to mention only a few!

We are honored to receive such a fruitful brother
as Jamal into LA’s AMS Region!
There’s no business like “soul” business!
Kyle Bartholomew: Greetings from the Central Region! These past two weeks have been awesome as four precious souls were added to our region! First and foremost, a special thank you goes to the Hawaiian Churches for sending two incredible disciples, Loa’a Pine and Bryson Okuno! Both of these young men were serving as interns in the Hawaii Churches these past two years. They will be in the ICCM and training to go fulltime in the ministry!

Loa’a and Levi are reunited as partners
in the gospel!
Bryson is ready to preach the Word in Los Angeles!
Secondly, we were privileged to see Chris, a young man from ELAC, push through intense persecution from his family and get baptized!

Chris overcame Satan’s ploys to enter the Kingdom!
Finally, this past Sunday a young woman Alex who walked away from God over a year ago came back to her senses, apologized to the congregation, and was restored to the Lord!

Alex is restored to her “first love!”
Please pray for us as many more are on the way!
Capil Marhatta: Greetings from the Sensational South! We are now 71 sold-out disciples strong and are climbing vigorously “inch by inch” to reach our prayer goal of “100 disciples for the Lord” by the Moscow Send-Off Service which is December 14, 2014! The South is turning up the heat this summer as two more came to get baptized in the hot sun on top of Table Mountain during our Annual Regional Retreat which was three weeks ago!

The South Region Retreat!
Malcolm will never forget being baptized
on Table Mountain!
Again speaking of the Moscow Mission Team, two more moved from Moscow into the region to train – Lesha & Ira Voroschenko who just got off the plane last week – jumped right into the work of God! Also Sonia from the IE placed membership last Sunday! Much love from the South!

Lesha & Ira have inspired the South Region by
their relentless efforts for the Lord!
Luke Speckman: “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.” (1 Corinthians 3:6) Greetings from the amazing Orange County Region!!! We have witnessed God “making it grow” in the OC the past three weeks with four additions within our Teen Ministry! Over the past couple weeks, Karen and RJ washed their sins away through baptism! Then today, Bibi and Johanna placed membership with us from the Mighty East Region!! We are super excited to watch God continue to grow the Teen Ministry in the OC! We are also very honored to have such incredible hard working Teen Workers: Kirk Hamula, Margie Flores, Michael Schafer and many others who serve our teens!

purity for the OC Region Teens!
Also, we’re fired up to announce Kwaku Sarkodie and Ashley Watson, both ICCM students, are the new UC Irvine Campus Leaders!

As the UCI Anteater Campus Leaders, Kwaku
and Ashley demonstrate their firm grasp
of Kingdom Mathmatics –
2 X 2 Disciples = 4!
To conclude our service today, we had the privilege to send off Rocky to Sao Paulo, Brazil! She will be with Raul & Lynda Moreno!

Too bad Rocky was not able to be in Sao Paulo
for the World Cup, as her fiery prayers of faith
could have won it all for host Brazil!
I absolutely love being a part of God’s movement as we work together as a family to make sure every church has its needs met around the world!! To God be all the glory!
Chris Adams of the Ventura Region: “Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.” (Acts 5:42) This is the theme Scripture for our five week Summer Campaign in the Ventura Region! On each of the next four Saturdays leading up to the GLC, the whole region will be sent by the Holy Spirit on a powerful missionary journey to four of the key cities of Ventura County: Camarillo, Moorpark, Ventura and Oxnard!

The new Region Leaders of Ventura County – Chris
& Kerri-Sue surrounded by their loyal leaders!
Already God is opening the floodgates and on this past Wednesday night, the Ventura sisters baptized a bold, young campus disciple named Crystal, pulling her into the Kingdom of Light! After persecuting one of the sisters for her faith when she was in high school, Crystal came to a change of heart and wanted to apologize to the sister. So as Crystal is selling door-to-door and is let into the backyard for a presentation, who does she find but the sister to whom she wanted to apologize! Of course, the sister forgave her, invited her to church, studied the Bible with her, and after three weeks of “wrestling with God and women,” Crystal was baptized!

Crystal is so moved by God’s amazing grace!
Andrew Smellie: Greetings from the “cool breeze” of the West Region of LA! It is remarkable to be back in the region that was so dear to our hearts just three years ago! While the transition from the NYC Church has left us with a lifetime of memories, the brothers and sisters here in the West Region have welcomed us back with open arms as if we never left! From an outpouring of meals, hospitality and the like, the Lord has blessed our transition, as we moved into our apartment in Brentwood in just over one hour due to the incredible servant hearts of the West disciples!

Andrew, Patrique, Naomi and Isaiah Smellie!
Already there are a couple of souls who are eager to be baptized, and today’s worship service was inspiring as Erica Spence sang a “Kingdom re-make” of Adele’s “Skyfall” entitled, If We Don’t Fall, inspiring us about the importance of God’s Kingdom! Preaching to over 330 students at our Congregational Campus & Teen Devo was also exciting, as many teens were also at the IGNITE Program! Please pray for the work here as Patrique & I are also excited to bond with the Feumbas (North) & Speckmans (Orange County) to dream for evangelizing all of Africa! We love you!
Ighodaro Odighizuwa: “Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to Him those He wanted, and they came to Him. He appointed twelve that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach.” (Mark 3:13-14) Greetings of love from the Inland Empire! This past couple of weeks, God added to our number four new souls! Even with our fearless leaders Argo & Anu Arneson out of town in Stockholm, Sweden, the IE continues to serve the Lord in incredible ways!
Our newly formed Palm Springs Sector is proof that Jesus’ plan to raise up and send out leaders is God’s plan to reach all nations! Palm Springs started with a group of nine valiant missionaries and they have had 22 additions so far this year!! They had a special service last week centered around the concept of building family, entitled OHANA – the Hawaiian word for “Family!” Everybody wore Hawaiian clothing and Garrett Bradley preached the Word powerfully! The Lord blessed them with a new record attendance of 51!
Here in the Riverside Sector, we had our special “Hat Service” two weeks ago! That was a very encouraging and funny event because everybody had to wear a hat! Argo preached an insightful lesson entitled, Jesus – The Man Of Many Hats!

The IE Region Hat Service!
I’m also very thankful working together with Kaspar Tambaur and David Jefferson starting the IE “Young Guns” Preachers Training Program, called L.O.E.G – League of Extraordinary Gentlemen! The whole purpose of the program is to effectively train and raise up preachers so that more souls could be won for God. We created also an IE Crown of Thorns Project, and now have a plan that we are laying before our God to evangelize our region of four million lost souls!!
Pray for us, as we are tagging to raise money to register everyone for the GLC, and to help give all our young disciples a vision for the Kingdom around the world! With a faith goal of $3,500 needed to have everyone register, the Lord has blessed our first week of tagging with $1,400 DOLLARS! See you soon at the GLC!
Cesar Limon: Grace and peace in abundance from the East Region! It has been an amazing ride for Debbie & me in having the privilege to serve the incredible disciples here in the East! God is moving as two people have been granted a new life through baptism this past week: Alejandra and Jose!

Alejandra joins the East Sisters in their weekly
challenge, “The Gospel will reach you next!”
Today, we witnessed a miracle as Jose Meza was able to baptize his father right after the World Cup Game and thus be united with him in Christ! Although he was discouraged that Argentina LOST the World Cup, he couldn’t be more excited that HE is no longer LOST, and that together with his son he can fight to WIN more souls into the Kingdom of God!

Jose and his father give the ageless East challenge,
“The Gospel will reach you next!”
We are also very excited about the prayer goals announced for the East Region this year and I ask you pray for them as well! The first is that God doubles the region this year bringing us to 72 disciples! The second goal is that we start a Latin Ministry! Our third goal is that we can have four new interns! And our last goal is to register every member of the East Region for the GLC! We are tagging four times a week to get it done!
Also to get everyone ready for the GLC, we are going through aRebuilding The Temple Of God Series! It is remarkable to see how the challenges and opportunities that the Israelites faced in rebuilding the temple are the same ones that we face today! We are all grateful that God has “granted us new life to rebuild the house of our God.” (Ezra 9:9) Love you all!
Elizabeth McDonnell: Greetings from sunny Santa Barbara and a small part of the Middle East World Sector! God has been doing amazing things!
Two weeks ago, we witnessed Rodrigo’s baptism!! He is a student at Santa Barbara City College and was reached out to by one of our ICCM students, Dale Bryant. Dale saw Rodrigo about to open the cafeteria door and shouted at him, “Stop, don’t open that door! I have another door for you to open…” This received Rodrigo’s attention long enough for Dale to share his faith and invite him to do a Bible study! In talking to Dale, Rodrigo told him that he had been praying for God to reveal Himself! After this first meeting, Dale invited Rodrigo to come help us move and he did! What a great servant-like heart! He then studied the Bible and in two short weeks, fell in love with God’s Word and was baptized!

Brothers – (left to right) Dale, Rodrigo,
Alex and Reynaldo!
Today we had our Bring Your Neighbor Day themed Faithbook! God blessed us with a record 42 in attendance with only 19 in our membership! The service was electric and my husband inspired everyone to have a purpose for their life and to study the Bible.

The Faithbook Invitations!
Please be praying as we have quite a few women who are close to the waters of baptism!
Jeremy Ciaramella: Greetings from the Valley of “the Son!” Jesus teaches us that we must remain in the vine or there will be no fruit in our lives. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) Jesus also teaches us that it is to his “Father’s glory, that [we] bear much fruit, showing [ourselves] to be [His] disciples!” (John 15:8) The other week, God blessed Josiah & Kristin Smith as Josiah’s diligent patience in loving his coworkers paid off because “God opened [Paula Deen’s] heart to respond to [His] message!” Paula was baptized into Christ Saturday, June 28, 2014!

Kristin and Paula (right) – Sisters forever!
Most outstanding today was our incredible Bring Your Neighbor Day! We’re continuing in our theme of In The Vine and today the 184 in attendance were challenged with the sermon – Are You In The Vine?We are so grateful that Scott & Sandy Lunde continue to be used by God to strengthen and deepen the convictions of disciples in the church with their tireless efforts in the CR Ministry as today we witness four disciples graduate from Chemical Recovery: Doug Hunt, Tommy Quintanilla and Dan & Laura Barrett!

The Phoenix CR Graduates!
We also had the privilege of welcoming Kelsey Campbell – who is placing membership here and is moving to train for the 2016 Summer Olympics! She is a sister who will serve in in our Campus Ministry and one who has done a lot of wrestling – with God and with women, literally!

Kelsey with Michael Williamson at the 2012 Olympics
in London, where she wrestled for the USA!
Most excitingly of the day was the baptism of King Solomon Burke! It was a joy seeing this fiery young man share his heart for God today! King shared how he had to “humble himself” and take ownership of preaching false doctrine thus becoming that “hypocrite” mentioned in 1 Timothy 4 and then radically repent! Thanks be to God for this “fruit!”

“King Solomon” solemnly prays before his baptism!
Pray for us to “remain in the vine” and to convert the numerous new studies from our BYND so we may give the Father glory “bearing much fruit, showing [ourselves] to be Jesus’ disciples!”
Victor Gonzalez of Las Vegas: Greetings from the “ALL IN” Church! The Word of God teaches that the only way to be a disciple is to give up everything you have! (Luke 14:33) I am super fired up to be leading the Las Vegas International Christian Church, where Jason & Sarah Dimitry have done a spectacular job planting this incredible congregation! God has been taking care of the Supplemental Mission Team in every way! From the 16 members from LA, everybody has a residence and 14 have jobs!

The new Las Vegas Church Leaders –
Victor & Sonia Gonzalez!
This week, we had two incredible baptisms: Nallely, a teen who had an eager heart to know God, and her mom Maria who originally did not allow Nallely to get baptized for almost a year! After studying the Bible every day last week, Maria’s heart was changed through the Scriptures and she expressed with tears her apologies to her daughter Nallely saying, “I am sorry for not letting you get baptized last year, but I am very happy that today we are going to be baptized together!”

Maria (center) and her daughter Nallely (right) are
totally unified because of the blood of Jesus!
We also have two more awesome dating couples in the Las Vegas Church – JD & Karen, and our song leader, Udo & Sara Gonzalez!

Congratulations to JD & Karen and Udo & Sara!
Please keep praying for us as we are working hard for the Lord here in “Saint City” and we are so encouraged to be in the Middle East World Sector with Cory & Jee and willing to “go anywhere!” We look forward to seeing you all at the GLC!!!
NEWS FLASH – Tim Kernan: Greetings from the Toronto International Christian Church (TICC)! Well it’s been an incredible forty-three days since we arrived here in Toronto, Canada! Last week, we were so grateful for all the disciples who came from around the world to encourage us! We are so grateful for our dear leaders Kip & Elena from LA along with Lance & Connie Underhill, Jay & Barb Shelbrack with a crew from Chicago, the wonderful Rivera family from New York City, Joel & Courtney and the gang from Syracuse, the crew from Boston, and Prisca Scheidecker all the way from Paris!

As is their custom, Kip & Elena give “The Welcome”
at every new SoldOut Movement Church Planting
which includes reading Psalm 126!
During the Inaugural Service, we saw two powerful restorations! The first was Kevin Smellie a former Canadian Professional Football player on the Toronto Argonauts!

Kevin Smellie is restored with the help of
another recently restored brother – Steph
Brown, who is Lianne’s Dad!
for the Toronto Argonauts in the 90’s!
And the second restoration of this historic day was Bernadine Kakakeway – an incredible sister from the Cree First Nation!

Bernadine is restored through the “teamwork”
of Lianne, Megan and Prisca!
Also, forming a Remnant Group in Calgary, Alberta, we were joined by the incredible Jun & Michelle Narciso! They will be moving to Toronto in the coming months but will try to gather as many as they can from Western Canada to come with them!

After “placing membership in the SoldOut Movement,”
Jun & Michelle will be moving from Calgary
to Toronto next month!
This week, the church was overjoyed to welcome Donna Smellie to our fellowship! She is the sister of Kevin Smellie and is a former member of the Canadian Olympic Team! She was also a member of the Toronto ICOC Staff along with her brother Kevin!

Kevin, Elena and Donna!
Donna at the 1984 Summer Olympics where she
participated in the Heptathlon for Canada!
Lastly today, we saw the incredible baptism of Sylvie!

Sylvie (second from the right) is the first
baptism of the Toronto Church!
With that baptism the Toronto Church has now doubled! Thanks for praying for the Toronto International Christian Church (TICC)! TICC, TICC, BOOM!
Jeremiah Clark: Greetings from the Mighty Denver Church – the light of the Rocky Mountains! “The Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge!” (Psalm 19:1-2) God’s amazing voice has truly resounded in the Denver Church as we have had the privilege to worship Him in His creation at park services and at our First Annual Denver Church Camping Trip this past weekend in Estes Park! Over the last two services that we met in the park, God truly blessed us as we had record attendances two Sundays in a row with attendances of 104 and 110!

Today, we capped off an incredible church camping trip with two tremendous baptisms! Tara, the faithful wife of Joel who was baptized just three weeks ago, and Rayvon, a campus student, were baptized side by side in a cold tranquil lake nestled beneath a majestic Colorado mountain!

Tara and Rayvon – spiritual twins!
In just one year since our planting, God has poured out His blessings on the Denver Mission Team as we have seen 40 added to our number bringing the total number of disciples to 53! To God be all the glory!

The Denver Mission Team has almost
tripled in their first year!
Sierra McClelland of Eugene: Greetings from Track Town, USA!! This week has been incredible for the Eugene Church! First of all, we had the privilege to have one of the Movement’s Shepherding Couples, Nick & Denise Bordieri, visit us from the LA Church! It was such a joy to show them around the beautiful campus of the U of O and the rest of this “green city” that God has given us to evangelize!
Then on Sunday, God gave us an phenomenal victory during our Park Service as we had a record breaking attendance of 101! The atmosphere of the service was electric as two young brothers, Daniel Jouvin and Everitt Smith preached the Word and challenged us to obey it! We closed out service with another miracle as Jazzman was baptized into Christ! Jazzman is a single mom who was reached out to by her cousin, Macque, from the Portland Church!

Jazzman had a pretty “jazzy baptism”
in a beautiful Oregon lake!
Equally as exciting was Naarah Wilson placing membership from the AMS Region in LA! God has already blessed us with 11 additions in the first seven weeks of the Reeds’ ministry! We are praying that He adds even more to His Kingdom in the following weeks! And to God be the glory!
Mike Underhill of San Francisco: “God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:8) I’m writing this as I’m riding a 26 foot moving truck with nine people’s belongings on board heading to NYC! My wife Brittany & I are excited to serve God in that great city, but looking over the SF Bay, there are no words to express the longing my wife & I feel for the great church in San Francisco! Our hearts will forever be with the disciples that so loyally served the Lord with us in planting the church there. We have seen many miracles, have had our hearts broken, and felt Satan’s push back many times as we fought spiritual trench warfare for God. SF Church, you are our heart!

Truck Cake” to honor Mike & Brittany!
We’re so encouraged by all the incredible gifts and encouragement as we said goodbye yesterday. We can’t imagine life without the SF Church but I know God promises prosperous plans when we seek Him wholeheartedly, so I know the unknown holds great things for us! It’s exciting to know that the Spirit will now use the Dimitrys to advance the SF Church and take it to even greater heights!

The new San Francisco Bay Church
Leaders – Jason & Sarah Dimitry!
Also, it’s been miraculous to see all the SF disciples rally for six weeks to raise an additional $31,000 for all the expenses needed for Kingdom needs… especially the 16 LV disciples coming here as well as our nine going to NYC! The disciples have blown out the expectations… What’s incredible is that with our May Missions Contribution and our June 29th Supplemental Missions Contribution, we raised over $70,000! To put this in perspective, we came back from a $5,000 deficit in May to blow it out by $25,000 in June! I’m so grateful for the bold men and women who never gave up tagging some 20 times these past two months and blew it out for God’s Kingdom!
Lola Lof: Greetings from the Lord’s warriors in Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of Congo! Two weeks ago we appreciated the works of the Holy Spirit in His church here in Congo as God has opened the doors for a new Bible Talk that we call the ”Corneille (Cornelius) Ministry!” (Acts 10:1, 8)
The first fruit was the baptism of Kotoko, a brave and humble policeman! After that his wife Clarisse was so moved by his deep convictions about God’s Kingdom and the complete changes in the behavior of her husband that she has made up her mind to follow Jesus! So last week, Clarisse was powerfully baptized into the body of Christ! Of special note, Kotoko’s & Clarisse’s conversions attracted another villager, their neighbor Thérèse who was an usher in a denominational assembly! But after studying the Scriptures, she is now a baptized disciple of Jesus in God’s modern day movement! And to God be all the glory!

Clarisse “loved her neighbor” and
now Thérèse is her sister!
NEWS FLASH – Ricky & Coleen Challinor, the IGNITE Directors:Greetings from IGNITE of 2014!!! This year’s program was nothing short of astonishing! The teens all arrived from all over the world on Saturday, July 5th and left completely changed on Monday, July 14th!

The 2014 IGNITE Teens hailed from
all around the globe!
For the first section of the program, we were able to travel up to Greenville, Florida, just 30 minutes south of Georgia. We stayed at an incredible plantation. For the second section, we stayed in Orlando near Disney World. Over the last nine days, these teens have been called to a radical repentance, as well as to the ideal to imitate our great leader – Jesus! We had a full length lesson with multiple d-groups everyday based on core qualities of great leadership.

Ricky & Coleen Challinor – the 2014 IGNITE Teen
Directors – did an outstanding job motivat-
ing these incredible young disciples
to strive for leadership
in the Kingdom!
As well, we were able to serve in a great way for MERCY as we went to a “dementia center” to sing and give our hearts. For our day of fun, we went kayaking where we saw dozens of manatees (sea cows)! On Saturday, we went to the malls to evangelize. We were kicked out of the first and so moved on to a second mall where we shared and pleaded the good news with over 500 people!

Only Christians really know how to have “real fun!”
The Sunday Service was electric as the teens did an “all world job” of leading the worship!

Thanks goes to the remarkable IGNITE Teen Interns!
My personal thanks to Matt & Helen Sullivan, Mike & Chenelle Patterson, and Princeton & “soon-to-be” Joy George for all the help they provided as the Florida Church Leaders!
Teen IGNITE is a program to push and propel teens to become the future leaders that will ensure the evangelization of the nations in THIS generation! I truly believe that these teens will become pillars to forcefully advance Gods movement! Lastly, I am excited to announce that next year’s IGNITE Program will be held in San Francisco!!! The event will be July 4th through July 13th! See you next year teen leaders!
NEWS FLASH – Matt Sullivan: “Many of the people of Israel will he bring back to the Lord their God. And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous – to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” (Luke 1:16-17)
These past three weeks have been amazing as God has added six to our number: two awesome restorations and four powerful baptisms! Two Sunday’s ago, George Flores was restored after months of trials and some radical decisions he was able to give his heart fully back to the Lord. Excitingly his son Gabriel Hamblin was a great help. “Gabe” as everyone calls him just graduated from Missouri State and played basketball there. As a “D1 player” he engrossed himself in the world and then began to pay the price. George always reached out to him but there was no power there as he had left the Lord.
Gabe graduated and George convinced him to come to Orlando. His first week here he came to church then walked up to me after the sermon and said “I have to study the Bible because you were talking directly to me!” George was inspired to be the example of a “disciple dad” again and was restored and then helped baptize his son! What a glorious day!
A few days later at our Campus Devo, a lesson was preached entitled,What Are You Waiting For? My daughter Amanda was listening and something just struck her that night! She pulled Tia Taylor (one of her best friends) aside and said, “I have heard sermons like that for my whole life, but tonight I get it! I have to become a disciple!” Tia and several other sisters studied the Bible with her for about two weeks and Amanda was baptized last Sunday! I am so grateful to God as He has literally given me two “daughters in the faith” – Melissa and Amanda! My son Ryan is not far behind as he too decided to start studying the Bible! Please pray!

Amanda (center) with her awesome family – Ryan,
Matt, Helen and Melissa!
This past week was so encouraging as Helen & I were able to “spy out the land” in South Florida with Princeton George & Joy Axelson of the AMS Region of LA! We all met up with Jack & Jeanne McGee in Ft. Lauderdale and explored Broward County, Palm Beach County, and then on Thursday, Miami-Dade County. All of us fell in love with South Florida and have dreams of an incredible church of sold-out disciples being built very soon! Our vision was enhanced as the Lord blessed us with 18 at our Midweek Service!

LeBron is leaving Miami, but Princeton & Joy
are coming and will bring “the true heat!”
Finally, this Sunday was a highlight that I will never forget! It was incredible having the Challinors powerfully lead the IGNITE Program here in Orlando that cumulated in the IGNITE Teens leading the entire Sunday Service where we had our largest attendance ever of 210! Each IGNITE Disciple did an amazing job as they sang, ushered, rapped and preached! The entire Florida contingency of churches was in the house as the Miami-Ft. Lauderdale Church and the Gainesville Church were there worshiping with us!
My wife had 10 visitors come with her and poured herself out the last two weeks helping get our daughter ready to be baptized, scouting out the land in South Florida with Princeton & Joy, as well as studying with Ashley who was baptized and Jesse who was restored! What an amazing woman of God as she also took care of me… and our household! It was also so encouraging to have Kip & Elena in town as they equally poured themselves out to encourage us especially preaching to the Florida Church Leaders on Friday night! As well on Sunday, Kip’s parents, Admiral & Mrs. McKean, were in attendance and were so inspired by the IGNITE Teens!
God gave us the joy of seeing Jesse restored; a UF football player from Gainesville baptized… then Ashley, and finally Tray closing out our IGNITE Weekend with four additions to the Florida Churches! Tray shared powerfully how he had to give up everything for the Kingdom of God, even a girlfriend! He simply said, “I thought hmmm, God or girlfriend… And I chose God!” Tray is a “cornerback” for the football team at Winter Park High School where my kids go to school and where Kip attended many, many, many years ago! Tray is the fifth teen baptized in Orlando in the last five weeks! Truly God is bringing so many back and “turning the hearts of the fathers to their children!”

Tray is the fifth teen baptism in the Orlando
Church in the last five weeks!
Mike Patterson of Gainesville: “The next day Agrippa and Bernice came with great pomp and entered the audience room with the high-ranking military officers and the prominent men of the city. At the command of Festus, Paul was brought in.” (Acts 25:23) Following the Spirit of God, when Paul preached he would target the “prominent opinion leaders” who could in turn impact the multitudes for Christ! (Acts17:4, 12, 34; 18:8) Certainly God does choose the foolish, weak and lowly to do the mighty works of God! (I consider myself in all three categories!)

Mike & Chenelle Patterson!
In Gainesville, we have been praying for “opinion leaders” to be baptized! I shared already how God gave us a fraternity brother from the PIKE Fraternity named Mitch who has already been fruitful by baptizing his friend Ben! Two weeks ago Michael (who was met by our sister June “the Baptist” – the most fruitful sister in Florida) was baptized on a Monday night! He is part of a “Christian fraternity” on campus called Kappa Phi Epsilon. Once he saw the truth of God’s Word, he realized he never was a Christian as well as those close to him! Right now he is working with his fraternity brothers, so pray that we may get some opportunities to speak at the fraternity! Lord willing, the Chaplin should be coming to Bible Talk this Tuesday!
Then last week an amazing UF woman from Kenya named Charity was baptized! Finally, Kerollin Francois was baptized today! Kerollin plays football for the University of Florida and is the first (of hopefully many) Gator football players to be baptized! As with King Agrippa in the Scripture above, these guys are held in such high honor in Gainesville as the city revolves around the exciting Gator Football. Kerollin was tired of the world and although he was religious and going to church, he saw clearly that he was not a disciple of Jesus after our courageous intern Marcel Turner reached out to him. He chose to put God and His Kingdom above football!

As a Gator Football Player, Kerollin will have a
tremendous influence on the entire
UF Student Body!
Tyler Sears: “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit…”(Ephesians 4:3-4) “Howdy y’all!” from Dallas-Ft. Worth (DFW)! Six of the fourteen disciples on the DFW Mission Team arrived on Wednesday and joined together with the valiant 10 disciples in the Dallas Remnant Group to worship on Sunday. The Spirit moved powerfully as the disciple’s hearts were immediately knitted as one!

The DFW International Christian Church
Leaders – Tyler & Shay Sears!
We would like to thank all the disciples in Dallas for their sacrifice and hospitality, as well as all the disciples in the movement whose sacrifices have helped us get to DFW! It was equally exciting as a brother from Austin, Texas, Grant, joined us from Austin after contacting several disciples around the USA! It’s such a blessing to be part of a unified movement! Please pray for us as we continue to “hit the ground running” before we come back for the official send-off of the Dallas-Ft. Worth Mission Team at this year’s Global Leadership Conference and our Inaugural Service on September 7th! We love “y’all” so much!
NEWS FLASH – Michael Williamson: Greetings from London! Three weekends ago, Michele & I visited the remnant group in Amsterdam. Upon arrival we enjoyed an incredible dinner with the lead couple Menno & Yuklin Zutijdk – who you’ll meet at this year’s GLC! The following day, we had a powerful Friday Night Devotional where the entire remnant group agreed “as one” to move to London! Renee & Anita Vermaat were Shepherds in our former fellowship before joining us a year ago. Of note, Renee (a mathematician) & Anita (a teaching assistant) both exemplify a noble character in taking such good care of their special needs child Rean.

Menno & Yuklin will partner with Michael
& Michele in London!
Arnie Sicam is a former evangelist in the Philippines and top scientist in Europe training and teaching PhD students at the “eye hospital” in Rotterdam. During our time there, Arnie not only confirmed his decision to move to London but also booked his flight to the GLC! During our absence the disciples in London rejoiced at hearing the great news about Amsterdam, as they baptized two incredible South African converts! Brandon (a former leader in his church) and Hepworth left their congregation (the largest South African Church in London) after finding out they were not disciples and therefore were not saved!
The following week, we celebrated our International Sunday which was spectacular! Finally this week, we had a great remnant sister (who Maria Hart converted) visit from Spain and wants to be restored and move here as soon as possible! We also had three incredible souls make Jesus Lord! Joseph who was met by Brandon (our new South African zealot) was baptized Wednesday night at the end of a very fruitful First Principles Series!

Joseph rejoices that “the weight” of all
of his sins has been removed!
At Sunday Service, a young man Miguel was baptized in Campus, and Michael (Mikhal) from Bulgaria shared deeply about how after hearing the gospel “he couldn’t resist but become a true disciple!” Michael, only 19, has been kicked out of his house for following JESUS CHRIST, and his father showed up at church threatening violence against our courageous Yomi Bello if Michael was baptized! Police were called, a huge commotion was stirred in front of church, but Michael threw off everything that hindered and was baptized! God is moving! See you in a few weeks!

Michael’s baptism is the seed of the
gospel for Bulgaria!
Eugen Sobolov: “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” (Romans 12:1) Privet from Moscow! I am very proud of the disciples here who are ready to sacrifice all they have to strengthen the Kingdom!

The Moscow Remnant Group in Red Square!
Last Friday we said goodbye to Alexey & Irina Voroschenko who moved to LA for the next two months to be trained! But God is very merciful – He gave us two additions this week! First was Viktoria, a single mom from our sister church in Kiev! She decided to move to Moscow with her six year old daughter and finally she did it! Second was Tatiana, a single sister. She left the church two years ago because of bitterness and unforgiveness. God was leading her through the desert of loneliness and sadness and finally she repented! Her testimony moved many of us to tears! And to God be all the glory!
Oleg Sirotkin reporting for Kiev: In the month of February, a women named Natasha went to Kiev from a city called Zaporizhia hoping to find a job. But on her way there, someone stole all of her money. Right after she came out of the train, she started praying to God begging Him to help her find a church that would surely help her with her life. Without having any money, she came to Kiev’s main square – where she could eat and sleep, because the revolution was at its peak.
And so, that is where she was invited by a women named Luda Voytsekovskaya! For her whole life, Natasha thought that the closest people in her life were her family members, but when she was invited to God’s church, the disciples became her real friends and family! Moreover, God gave Natasha a job and a place to live! By 12 midnight on the 7th of July, she was baptized in the Dnieper River!
The Spirit continues to work in Moscow and LA to officially plant the Moscow International Christian Church in December! We have 38 disciples in the Moscow Remnant Group and 12 Russian speaking disciples training with us in the South Region of LA! So if the Moscow Church were to start today we would have exactly 50 sold-out disciples… But evidently God wants us to grow more before we even start! And to God be all the glory!

Lesha & Ira (center) have provided their own funds to
train alongside the other 10 Russian speaking
disciples in LA’s South Region for the
Moscow Mission Team!
Raul Moreno: “When the Lord restores His people, let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad!” (Psalm 14:7) This Scripture is being lived out in the Sao Paulo Church as two came to be restored to Christ: Dalva and Lucieni! Although they both never stopped going to church in our former fellowship, when they came over, they realized that they had both fallen away from God since they lost the commitment and heart of a disciple of Jesus! It is great to have them in the fellowship with a renewed spirit! Helping to draw them back to God were Dalva’s sister and Luciene’s daughter who are in the Sao Paulo Church! Our love can save our family members!

efforts of her sister Ana Cristina!

from the right) now have a united witness!
Lastly, Moises was baptized as a 17 year old USP student majoring in Math! He has a great heart as he works fulltime to help support his family and then he goes to school at night! We love you with the love of the Lord!

Moises and the two sisters that met him!
Jared McGee: Greetings from God’s people in Mexico City! We are rejoicing with the heavenly hosts as the Lord has added two more to our number in these past two weeks! A young man named Alejandro was approached by two brothers at UNAM, after they noticed that he had been crying and was markedly sad. After a couple of weeks of Bible study and sold-out fellowship, Alejandro joyfully proclaimed that “Jesus is Lord” and was literally crying tears of joy as he shared for his baptism!

Now Alejandro (second from the right) is all smiles
because of his salvation!
Equally inspiring was the restoration of our dear sister Andrea! Andrea is a business student at UNAM, and we are so grateful to have her there as we forcefully advance the gospel on this great campus of over 300,000 college students! And to God be the glory!

As a prodigal daughter, Andrea (second from the left)
finds peace in her return to God’s house!
Carlos Mejia of Santiago: “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom.” (Isaiah 40:28) Greetings from “the ends of the earth!”This Sunday while I was visiting the awesome DC Church, God was tirelessly pouring out His blessings on the Santiago Church! I heard from several disciples that Sunday service was amazing as Jose Otero preached a very powerful lesson with nearly perfect Spanish! This is truly remarkable because Jose is a “NewYorican” missionary from Jersey via Los Angeles and DC! I’m so proud of Jose and his lovely, six months pregnant wife, Daniela! They have together grown so much in their leadership and in numbers! We are also SUPER grateful for Jose giving all of his talents for the Kingdom as he is the designer for all GLC art and media!

Jose zealously preaching the Word!
The best part of the service was of course the baptism of Cristobal, a biology student at Universidad Catolica, which is now rated the #1 University in all of Central and South America! (Our condolences to perhaps the movement’s strongest Campus Ministry at the University of Sao Paulo – USP – which fell to #2!) We are very humbled by God´s grace, as it is a “difficult” campus to evangelize but we are beyond hopeful and very faithful that God will continue to enable us to harvest this amazing campus!

Cristobal is a student at the number one campus
in Central and South America!
Finally we would like to share that our two remnant groups in South America – Bogota, Colombia and Caracas, Venezuela – will be represented at this year’s GLC! Hector & Adriana Gomez and Gerson & Alexandra Higgins respectively will be attending this year´s conference in LA! Please meet and greet them as they will be in need of sweet fellowship and the encouragement that only comes from sold-out disciples of Jesus!!!! See you all in just a couple of weeks!
Hector & Adriana Gomez of Bogota: “Then Jesus said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.’” (Matthew 9:37-38) Greetings from the Bogota ICC! This prayer is being answered as God has added to our original remnant group of four disciples! We have had disciples from our former fellowship added through restoration as well others from the world by baptism! As of today, we have 11 sold-out disciples and 15 people studying the Bible! Please pray for an amazing harvest from God!

Virginia de Luque – the “fantastic four” that
initiated the Bogota Remnant Group!
Two amazing women had their hearts captivated by our loving God last week! Jenny Fonseca and Johana Ninco were both baptized! It has been truly marvelous and inspiring to see God change their lives and give them the hope that one day their own teen children will be baptized and make Jesus Lord! Sisters, welcome to the Family of God!

inspired by her mom’s changes, is now
studying the Bible!
Lou Jack Martinez: It was yet another BAD DAY FOR THE DEVIL as Brad “Alika” Kawawaki was baptized into God’s Kingdom at Electric Beach in Nanakuli!!! Alika had met David Kelly earlier this year through mutual friends in the body-boarding community, and they quickly became great friends! Alika studied the Bible all the way through to the Church Study with David, Scott Utter, Martynas Justinavicious, Daldos Carr and Alex Aehegma over several weeks. He then got “cold feet” and dropped off the radar for a awhile! Three (3) weeks ago, Alika sent David a text saying: “Ok I give up. The best thing for me right now is to get baptized and follow Jesus fully; I gotta stop putting it off by doing this part time. It’s too hard!”
After an attack from Satan in the form of a serious illness and some scheduling difficulties, Alika was able to get together with David and Alex for a “marathon refresher study” and get baptized TWO days later!!!

Alika during his surfing days
where he first met David!
What a great send-off for David heading to Kona with his wife Beth and his daughters Rachel and Charlotte to lead the Kona House Church!!! Additionally, we also sent Sarah Chang & Martin Justinevicius to Kona, as well as Scott & Terra Utter, who will now lead the Hilo International Christian Church!!!

The Kellys (left), the Utters, Sarah and Martin are
sent by the Spirit to strengthen
the Hilo Church!
Finally, Bryson Okuno left for training in LA! Please be praying that God blesses the awesome sacrifice of our Honolulu Church!!! We will miss these folks immensely, but we know God is going to use them in unprecedented ways on the mission field!!! Please be praying for our first official BAPTISM SUNDAY, where we will meet for worship at Magic Island and, good Lord willing, baptize several of our studies after they count the cost and make their individual pledges of a good conscience toward God!!!

Pray for baptisms on Baptism Sunday!
We love you ALL with the love of the Lord and look forward to seeing so many dear friends at the Global Leadership Conference 2014 in Palm Desert!!!
Jason Woody of Sydney: Greetings from “Down Under!” The Bible reads in Psalm 127:1, “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.” On August 2, 2014, we will be celebrating the Sixth Month Anniversary of the Sydney Church Planting! Amazingly, God has already more than doubled our church!
This past Sunday, Ben, a university student, made Jesus Lord and was baptized into Christ! It was truly obvious that it was “God that changed his heart!” He made the decision to be baptized after nearly two months of studying the Bible and wrestling with God. He is the first Aussie brother in our student ministry!

Ben understands Christian = Disciple!
Secondly, today was very exciting as we welcomed Joe & Chesca Ugorji into our fellowship! Joe & Chesca have a very inspiring story as they have been disciples for many years. Living in Cincinnati and attending our former fellowship, they were searching for spiritual revival and longed to be used by God in a powerful way once again. Through much prayer and being led by the Spirit of God, they gave up their lives in America and moved here with two children (one still being an infant)! It is already very clear that God will use this couple in a very power way in His Kingdom once again! Please be praying for us, and for God to continue to build His church here in Sydney!

The Clagues and Willises welcome Joe &
Chesca Ugorji to the Sydney Family!
Gina Dela Pena of Manila: “Remember the instruction you gave your servant Moses, saying, ‘If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations, but if you return to me and obey my commands, then even if your exiled people are at the farthest horizon, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place I have chosen as a dwelling for my Name.’” (Nehemiah 1:8, 9)
This Scripture has come alive to a 17 year old teenager named Deborah! Deborah’s parents met at church in the Hong Kong ICOC then were married in the church but eventually fell away. Their family moved to South Africa and then they moved to China. The pressures and challenges of their living conditions made Deborah became bitter. Deborah started working at the age of 11 and being the eldest, she was pressured by the responsibilities that was put on her shoulder; subsequently she became rebellious and stubborn and fell into different sins.
As God would have it, to discipline Deborah, her parents sent to Manila as her punishment. Then one day when she hit rock bottom, Deborah realized that she needed God. She googled to find the church in Manila; found John Malnegro’s number and John gave her my number. She first attended a House Church Service at the Tabizons’ residence. Then she started studying the Bible and has made the most important decision in her life to be a sold-out disciple of Jesus on July 6, 2014! It is now her dream to reach out to her family and relatives who once became disciples from the efforts of the ICOC!

Deborah – a lost Kingdom Kid – is found by God
and baptized into Christ!
The angels are again rejoicing over Metro Manila as another soul is won by the grace of God! Our new sister in Christ, Rona Smith, was invited to church by her co-worker Toni Panlaque. Rona was searching for the “Real Church of God” and once she began her Bible studies Rona knew there was no turning back! Rona is married and finishing her Masters in Guidance and Counseling; she is looking forward to finishing her degree next year so she can join her husband Jason who currently resides in Arizona. Rona is grateful to God and is eager to join our sister church in Phoenix next year!

Rona (bottom right) is gently made into a
sold-out disciple by the Manila Sisters!
NEWS FLASH – Ron Harding of Washington DC: “Saul’s son Jonathan went to David at Horesh and helped him find strength in God.” (1 Samuel 23:16-17) The last few weeks showed the DC Leadership things you can only experience in God’s Movement – the love and sacrifice of sold-out disciples and churches who will sacrifice people, time and money to help one another! A few weeks ago, after having 10 additions (7 Baptisms, 1 restoration, and 2 Place Memberships directly from our former fellowship), we had our Second Annual International Day, where we saw a record 650 in attendance!

Ron Harding preaching at the Annual DC
International Day Service!
Satan seized the moment and immediately mounted his largest scheme, attacking the unity of Tracy & my marriage as well as the unity of the DC Leadership. After a week, it was apparent we needed help badly! In a selfless act, the LA Church paid for a round-trip ticket to send Carlos Mejia from Santiago to DC for one week to help Tracy, me and the DC Leadership to “find strength in God.” It was a powerful time of vulnerability, repentance and great vision for how powerful the DC Church can really be. God used Carlos to repair what was broken, to breathe life into the church, and to give instruction and a plan to keep us unified. As he leaves DC, the leadership’s relationships are stronger than ever! We are filled with gratitude and vision for one another.

The “balm of Gilead” – Carlos Mejia –
preaching to the DC Church!
We acknowledge the great sacrifice that it has been to have Carlos travel to Mexico, Bogota, and to again have him make an unplanned trip to DC! We want to thank the Santiago Church, the Mejia Family, and the great LA Church for their love and their sacrifice of people, time and money to strengthen the DC Church. We are eternally grateful for the love and support that is only seen in God’s new movement! Much love from the Hardings, Chapmans, Rangas, Hamiltons, Onekeas, Haynes and the entire DC Church!
Chris Broom: Greetings from New York City! First, Theresa & I want to send our love to the LA disciples and especially those in Orange County! We miss you and can’t wait to see you at the GLC!
Secondly, we want to thank Andrew & Patrique Smellie along with the NYC Shepherds, the Chins and the O’Donnells, and the entire New York City Church for the incredible welcome we have received! We are in awe of our God and all that He has done to bring the Supplemental Mission Team to New York from our sister churches in Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Syracuse! Our heartfelt thanks to those churches for their sacrifice! Many team members have already secured incredible apartments and jobs! We have fallen in love with the church here and are so humbled that God has chosen us to serve them!

The Henshaws of Syracuse have already “rolled up
their sleeves” and are ready to work
for the Lord in NYC!
Finally, God has added an awesome young man named Nick to our number! He grew up in Texas… as did I; moved to New York City to study at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy… as did I; and we baptized him in the lake at Central Park only a few blocks from where I was baptized in 1990! Obviously God wants to remind me of my own conversion and give me great vision for this great city! Keep us in your prayers!!!

Chris Broom (right) is so inspired by Nick’s decision!
Joel Parlour: What an incredible few weeks we have had in Syracuse! First of all, a special thanks to Tim & Lianne Kernan and the entire Toronto Church for hosting us and so many others at their awe-inspiring Inaugural Service!

The Parlours are welcomed to the Toronto Inaugural
Service by Toronto’s Sister of Encouragement –
Megan Studer!
And also a special welcome to the New York City Supplemental Mission Team! Within a five hour drive in nearly every direction, we have churches in Toronto, Philadelphia, Washington DC, New York City and Boston! I am excited to serve under the leadership of one of my best friends and greatest influences Chris Broom! I know the Northeast USA will be evangelized!
Over the past few weeks, we have had the honor to send out “our best” to sister churches! I could share about these disciples at length, but for time’s sake… I won’t! Sharon Groman has served and served in Syracuse for many years and is one of the most genuine and sacrificial disciples I know! Now she is living out Romans 12:9 in New York City! Alvina Baugh has been a mother to us all in Syracuse! She lives out Romans 16:13 in Las Vegas! Yinet Montesino is a lot like Lydia in Acts 16 as she has been very persuasive and fruitful over the past eight years here! Now she brings that heart to Gainesville!
Drew & Tina Henshaw are one of the most dynamic couples I know and have tirelessly served “under the radar” in Syracuse since the 1990’s! Now they live like Priscilla & Aquila in New York City! Along with these people goes their sacrificial efforts and nearly $2,000 a month in sacrificial giving! We will continue to sacrifice for the sake of God’s Kingdom and give “our best” for all time!
God is doing great things in Syracuse and I believe the miracles will now multiply! God blessed us with a powerful restoration and an amazing Singles Retreat!

Engracia (second from the right) is joyfully
restored to the Lord!
Please pray for God to blow out our 21st Anniversary Service next Sunday! To Him be the glory!
Coltin Rohn of Boston: “After we had torn ourselves away from them, we put out to sea and sailed straight to Kos.” (Acts 21:1) We recently had to tear ourselves away from Mercedes Bonilla who was sent out from Boston to be a part of the Supplemental Mission Team to San Francisco! All of our hearts were sad to see her go but we rejoice in knowing that the evangelization of the nations is been accomplished by her work there in the Bay Area!

Mercedes (center) will always be a daughter
in the faith to the Rohns!
It’s always good when God brings families together and over the past few weeks God allowed the Rydstedt twins to be in the same church once again as David moved from Los Angeles to be with us here in Boston. Thank you Los Angeles for sending David to us!
Very exciting is a new dating couple Brian Carr & Jhoally Vallejo, who was visiting from our sister church in Las Vegas!

Congratulations to Brian & Jhoally!
We are all very excited to see everyone at the Global Leadership Conference and have been “tagging” in the streets of Boston to raise money to help with registration and plane tickets. Last week at Midweek Service and at Friday Night Devotional, the Lord bless us with raising over $1,000! See you at the GLC!
Jay Shelbrack of Chicago: “Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like the eagles; they shall run and not be weary.” (Isaiah 40:31) So much transition has happened in the last few weeks that we are eager to move forward! After we sent out the “Tenacious 10″ to New York City, we began to prepare the “Fab 5″ for LA! We also sent our three amazing teens along with their fearless leader K.C. Cook to Orlando for the Teen IGNITE Program where at the Sunday IGNITE Service, Danielle shared in Spanish; King delivered the Contribution Message; and Jose preached the main message with two other disciples entitled, Breaking Down The Gates Of Hell!
Last weekend, eight Chicago disciples took the nine hour drive to Toronto to help support the church there with the Inaugural Service! We were very encouraged and felt very loved by the mission team. It was such a blessing to work together as we were handed a stack of invites to spread the Word and help get people to church! We were more than convicted as it reminded us of all the hard work it took the Chicago Church to get started. We need to get back to the spirit of each Christian being a missionary!

The Shelbracks are lovingly embraced
by the Kernans!
We are also working hard to get 90 disciples to the GLC! We calculate that to do so we will have to raise at least $96,000! As usual, we have been tagging to raise the money. This Saturday 14 disciples, led by the Millers, decided to tag in spite of severe thunderstorms. These brave 14 were still able to raise over $2,000 in just six hours convicting many others who chose not to go! So looking forward to seeing everyone at the 2014 GLC!
Roger Green of Chennai: “If one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” (1 Corinthians 12:26) Greetings from India – the nation of 1.2 billion lost souls! This Sunday service was particularly special as the whole body rejoiced along with Arul Francis & Keerthika as they took their vows and became one in the Lord!

Arul Francis “places Keerthika as a seal over
his heart!” (Song of Songs 8:6)
Last week, we had the amazing baptism of Priya who was very much against Christianity! However, when she came to the Rajans’ household and started studying the Bible she was blown away by the love and care and most importantly with the tremendous change that happened in her life! She is a certified pilot and also won the award for best actress in a short film! She is a “bold lioness” who is like Deborah of the Bible and will lead many to the Lord!

Priya (in yellow) so appreciates all the Chennai
Sisters that helped her to find the Father!
Our amazingly gifted sister – Priya!
We also had Christopher who in spite of strong persecution from his former church was very clear about the truth and made the courageous decision to get baptized!

Christopher and the joyful Chennai Brothers!
The Delhi Remnant Group’s brothers and sisters now have a new hope to see India evangelized in the light of Kip’s & Elena’s visit to India this coming September! Pray for more and more hurting and/or fallen away disciples to join God’s movement in India in the coming months!

The Delhi Remnant Group!
Lastly, we are very grateful to the LA Church for their love and support of the Rajan Family during their four week stay there to attend the GLC and to learn from the gracious disciples in this awesome congregation! Chennai loves all of you in God’s movement very much!

Raja & Debs Rajan!

Dearest Brothers and Sisters: Excitingly, the Sunday morning opening of the 2014 Global Leadership Conference (GLC) – ZION’S DREAMERS – is just 27 days away! Last year, we had a record 1,114 paid registrants! This year since we are inviting so many missionaries and their families to “return home to LA” our “financial break even” registration number for the GLC is 1,230. Presently, we have 504 registered – which is more than last year at this time! That said, let’s all pray and work toward each congregation in the movement to have considerably more participants than last year, and Lord willing, we will shatter last year’s attendance! If you have not registered for the GLC, please go to the City of Angels International Christian Church Website and pay online the $175 registration fee.

ZION’S DREAMERS is the heroic theme for the 2014 GLC!
Sadly, all the rooms at the beautiful JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort which is the location of the GLC are sold out, but there are many hotels in the Palm Desert Area that have plenty of openings!

The site for the 2014 GLC – the beautiful JW Marriott
Desert Springs Resort in Palm Desert!
Excitingly this year’s Global Leadership Conference will be broadcast via! All of those who are unable to attend the conference can still catch all the major events and workshops in real-time! Via there are multiple ways to catch all the major events!
- You can view the 2014 GLC Event Page
- Also there will be live video players posted on multiple church websites.
- Livestream also features apps for your IPhone/IPad/ IPod Touch via the APP Store, Android Phone / Tablet via Google play, and Roku TV Set-Top Box. After you have installed the app on your device, just search for 2014GLC!
For all the “twitter tweeters,” we will have a live twitter handle @Zion2014GLC where you can follow us, get instant updates, and maybe have your encouraging comments displayed live for the entire Kingdom during the Livestream!
Here’s the Livestream Schedule for the 2014 GLC:
Sunday, August 10 9:00AM Church Service
6:00PM Kingdom Banquet
Monday, August 11 9:00AM Austral-Asia / India World Sector Forum
7:30PM Evening General Session
Tuesday, August 12 9:00AM Women’s Session
11:30AM Closing Session
Pray for us to reach the nations through this incredible technology!
On the Monday after the Toronto Inaugural Service, Tim & Lianne drove us about an hour and a half outside the city to share one of the most spectacular natural treasures of Canada – Niagara Falls!

The breath-taking Niagara Falls as viewed
from the Canadian side!
Along the way, we stopped off in the Niagara Wine District. There we “waded” into one of the local vineyards. Tim pulled out John 15 on his beloved “Canadian Blackberry” and read it on the spot! Lianne later wrote to Elena & me: “It was wonderful to spend time with you in Toronto and the Niagara Region! The vineyard was an incredible spiritual moment for us. Those vines were amazing; what an interesting way for Jesus to describe Himself! What was equally remarkable were the branches! After much pruning not only do they bear much fruit but they have so many leaves which provide shelter for all those precious and vulnerable baby grapes. What a reminder for Tim & me to provide safety and shelter for the remnant and the lost we are bringing to God! And yes, now I’m so thankful to God for our times of pruning!” Indeed, that visit will forever live in Elena’s & my memories!

“The harvest is plentiful…”
“…but the workers are few! Ask the Lord of harvest,
therefore to send out workers into
His harvest field!”
Lastly, Elena & I are so very grateful to all of you that are fellow workers in God’s worldwide vineyard!

Elena and Lianne – Sisters bonded by their
work in God’s worldwide vineyard!
Let us as a movement not have a “summer slump” but a “summer surge” of fruit, “so that [through discipling] all nations might believe and obey Him!” (Romans 16:26) And to God be all the glory!
Much love,