Greetings from Bogota, New York City and Moscow! The Bogota Inaugural Service on Sunday, April 17th was incredible!

Spirit moving through the historic First
Eurasian Missions Conference
in Moscow!
Kip & Elena's Missionary Journey: On Wednesday, April 13th, Elena & I flew to Bogota, Colombia! We were enthusiastically greeted at the airport that evening by the Bogota Church Leaders – Jose & Daniela Otero – and the fired-up Bogota Disciples singing in Spanish, We Love You With The Love Of The Lord! Elena cried hearing our Movement's universal greeting in her heart language!

to the McKeans at the airport!
Thursday morning, we heard the news of an incredible miracle – the founding of the SoldOut Press International by Carlos Mejia and Hector Gomez! Hector Gomez started the Berea Publishing House in Bogota several years ago. The Berea Publishing House not only prints Christian books, but Hector has attained the rights to sell most Christian books that have ever been printed including our former movement's DPI Books. Therefore, under the Berea umbrella, the SoldOut Movement through SoldOut Press International will now literally be able to print books in several languages and sell them around the world!

ICOC Church Leaders in 2004. To support
themselves, they founded the Berea
Publishing House that year! Then
in 2015 they initiated the Bogota
Remnant Group!

the best pictures for her book ELEVATE!
That evening, the Oteros, Mejias and us held a planning meeting for all of the events of the weekend and for the Bogota Church's first few months!

the Bogota Church for incredible success!
(Matthew 5:13)

Sector – Raul Moreno of Brazil, the Anuchs of Chile,
and the Mejias of Mexico – exploring the Cathedral
of Salt was a bonding experience!
Friday evening, I preached and Raul Moreno translated in Spanish to the Bogota Church which is composed of 26 remnant disciples. These 26 disciples and the five on the mission team from Mexico City brought 30 more remnant disciples out to hear the lesson,
Through the exiling of the Jews and their return as outlined in 2 Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah, we learned the principle that God scatters and God gathers! This helped so many confused remnant disciples to understand the decimation of our former movement and that now God is gathering a new movement from the "farthest horizons!" (Nehemiah 1:8-9)

from the "farthest horizons!"
Saturday was spent in many studies and meetings. Then on Sunday, April 17th was the Inaugural Service of the Bogota International Christian Church with 140 in attendance!

ICC with an attendance of 140!

her beloved daughter Ximena (third
from the right)!

and his cousin to the Inaugural!
eagerly volunteered for the Bogota
Mission Team sent from
Mexico City!

with Salvador & Martita Deluque!
for the celebration meal after
the Inaugural Service!
meal about those that came to the
Inaugural Service!
To date, God has blessed this dynamic congregation with 11 additions – 6 baptisms, 4 restorations and 1 place membership from our former fellowship! Encouragingly, on one Sunday just a couple weeks ago, God gave this baby church planting three baptisms: a second campus student Michael Santamaria and two singles Katherine Bermudez and Harold Friedman.

second campus student – Michael!

baptized a couple weeks after the
Inaugural Service!

Leaders – Jose & Daniela Otero!
After a brief stop in Dallas where we spent time with Tyler & Shay Sears and Jason Woody and of course our two Texas granddaughters, we arrived in New York City on Wednesday, April 20th! We spent the next few days with Luke & Brandyn Speckman, who will be moving from LA to New York City in June to become their new Church Leaders! Much of our time was spent sharing with the Speckmans about the miracles in that great city in our former fellowship in the 80's and 90's!

to the New York City Disciples!
On Friday evening, Elena & I presented the Speckmans to the Mighty NYC Church, and they were received with open arms! Then I preached about the impact of Jesus' ministry in the first century and that if we apply His principles we can have the same impact in the twenty-first century! Saturday all four of us met with Jay & Barb Shelbrack and the four Shepherding Couples! Then we went to a couple of the key campuses in Manhattan – City College of New York and the prestigious Ivy League college – Columbia University! After praying over each of them, the Speckmans went on to see NYU!

Columbia University – the Speckmans run into
a group of fired-up NYC Disciples!
Sunday was phenomenal! Upon entering the room, the atmosphere was electric! The singing was "off the charts!" Brandyn poured her heart out at communion and Luke preached the Word! All told, 152 disciples had 233 in attendance!

Brandyn shares a powerful communion
and then Luke preaches an amazing
sermon entitled IMAGINE!

Jay – have had a tremendous impact
on the NYC Church!
After a day of rest, on Tuesday we met with the Shelbracks one last time, and then headed to the airport. After a couple flight delays, we arrived on Wednesday night in Moscow to the joyous singing of We love You With The Love Of The Lord! Though we did not have our bags for three days, the Moscow Disciples provided us with all we needed!

Russia are warmly embraced by the Moscow
Disciples with a SoldOut
Movement Welcome!
Thursday was filled with meetings and that night was the Speakers Dinner held in a private room at a very tasty Russian Restaurant! To begin the Speakers Dinner of the historic First Eurasian Missions Conference, we read Psalm 126, "When the Lord brought back the captives to [Moscow], we were like men [and women] who dreamed! Our mouths were filled with laughter and our tongues with songs of joy…" Then we sang We Love You With The Love Of The Lord in Russian then French then English and then in Russian again! Indeed, our mouths were filled with laughter at our attempts at Russian, but we all felt that the theme of the conference was being seen – NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD – with the rebuilding of the Moscow Church after one year now numbering over 100 disciples!

Love You With The Love Of The Lord
in three languages!
evening of fellowship!
Friday was the Church Builder Workshop and Raja Rajan of Chennai, India delivered a powerful message, MORE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE! Then there were several charges on Church Growth Practicals by Mike Underhill of Chicago, Lance Underhill his father from LA, Dima & Tanya Serafonov of Moscow, Elena, Anthony Olmos of London, Jenia Sobolev of Moscow, Alexey Voroshenko of Moscow, and Yuriy Zykov of London – he zealously preached in his mother tongue of Russian! Of course all of the lessons were translated so that both Russian and English speakers could understand!

with angelic singing!
came from all around the world!
participants went on a Boat Tour
on the Moscow River!

to the 2016 Eurasian Missions Conference!
Novgorod Remnant Group! This is the fifth
largest city in all of Russia!


starting with a Disney hit Be Our Guest
by Sofia Sirotkina and the
Korotova Sisters!!

entertainer – closed the concert with a
lively Latin dance and song!
Saturday morning was the Men's Session and that afternoon was the Women's Session! The main speeches were forcefully and lovingly delivered by Anthony Olmos and Mike Underhill for the brothers, and Elena McKean and Elena Sirotkina for the sisters!

Women's Session!
sermon at the Men's Session!
Saturday evening was MERCY Night with every participant wearing their green MERCY t-shirt! What a sense of unity was felt in this sea of green! Slava & Lena Kapsky – the Moscow MERCY Directors – shared about MERCY's impact in their great city! The evening closed with the sermon, GO IN THE STRENGTH YOU HAVE!

MERCY Directors!

Movement Disciples feel in our
hearts all year!
Kip preaches about the raising up of an exciting "new
generation" of teens in the movement!
Different than the other sessions, on Sunday we met at the beautiful Presidents Hotel with an astounding attendance of 282!

the final session of the EAMC!

in the Kingdom of God!

moved our hearts on sacrificing for
World Missions!

closes the conference with the call for every
disciple to preach the Word!

& Julia – rejoices in her salvation!

the miracles they had seen that weekend!

on June 12, 2016!
Cesar Limon – Lead Evangelist of Portland: Greetings from Portland and the Pacific Northwest Churches – Seattle, Portland and Eugene! Today was very awesome as we saw four baptisms at our Portland Park Service with each sharing a very moving testimony!

at their Sunday Park Service!

NW USA – Joaly Carr of Eugene, Debbie
Limon of Portland, and Courtney
Parlour of Seattle!

on their engagement!

shield against Satan's persecution!

can see the Spirit send off the Dubai
and Tampa Mission Teams!
Nick Bordieri – World Sector Leader of MERCY: "The worship that God wants is this: caring for orphans or widows who need help and keeping yourself free from the world’s evil influence. This is the kind of worship that God accepts as pure and good." (James 1:27 ERV) The Seventh Annual International Day of MERCY is quickly approaching on June 18th, preceded by our Day of Prayer and Fasting by the entire movement on Friday, June 17th!

Global Directors of MERCYWORLDWIDE!

Joe & Denise Chiappetta!
Update: The Crown of Thorns Project
The Crown of Thorns Project is the SoldOut Movement's vision and plan to evangelize the nations in this generation! It is merely an imitation of Jesus' vision and plan to evangelize the nations in His generation! Before ascending to Heaven, Jesus said to the Apostles, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8) For the SoldOut Movement, our Jerusalem is the Los Angeles Church; our Judea and Samaria are the United States and Canada; and the ends of the earth are still the ends of the earth! In Phase 1 of The Ends of the Earth, we targeted 12 of the most international cities of the world, guided by remnant groups. From these 12 churches the remaining nations will be targeted for church plantings! This plan was put into effect just seven years ago and here are the updates along with their year of planting in parenthesis:
Alfredo Anuch – Lead Evangelist of Santiago (2009): "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Leaders – were just selected to the Crown of
Thorns Council, which oversees all the
SoldOut Movement's missions plans!
Greetings from the Santiago International Christian Church! April was a very special month for Santiago… We had our first campaign called: "I HAVE MANY PEOPLE IN THIS CITY!" Highlights include: 1) A prayer goal for 14 new souls for Christ! 2) In each d-time share your faith with 14! 3) Each disciple shares with 14 every day! 4) Each day, we pray for 14 minutes more than what we were praying! 5) Every 14 days, we will fast! 6) Read in the Book of Acts: 1 chapter each day! And in answer to our prayers: Exactly 14 new souls were added in April – 13 baptisms and 1 restoration! So we now have 141 members – 30 additions this first third of the year – so our prayer goals for 2016 of 100 baptisms and 200 in membership are well within reach!

April in Santiago!

Mery and Grace!

by Cristobal and Alfredo!

persuades 14 of her friends to
come to the London
Women's Day!

Disciples during the EAMC in Red Square!
Raul Moreno – Lead Evangelist of São Paulo (2011): "Love is patient, love is kind…" (1 Corinthians 13:4) Happy Mother's Day from São Paulo! As we celebrate this most joyous holiday in most parts of the world, we are reminded that God loves us like a very caring father and also like a loving and compassionate mother! (1 Thessalonians 2:7,11)
Mothers are great gifts from God, but equally amazing is the fact that in the Kingdom, we have many inspiring spiritual mothers that God uses for us to remain in the straight and narrow path! For Lynda & I, Elena McKean truly epitomizes spiritual motherhood for our movement! Elena, during all of your visits to São Paulo, we cannot help but to think about this passage, "Your beauty should not come from outward adornment… but from the inner disposition of your heart, unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit which is precious in God's sight." (1 Peter 3:3-4 BSB) However, behind this "gentle and quiet spirit," is a drive, resolve, prayer life and faith in our Lord Jesus that is stronger than steel! That is why I think that God chose you to be Kip's wife! You are the perfect balance for him! Thank you on this day for being a spiritual mother to us all!

rides on a llama into Bogota!

de Janeiro House Church starting in July 2016,
and in February 2017 Danilo Bataglin (left) will
lead the official planting of the Rio ICC!
Carlos Mejia – Lead Evangelist of Mexico City (2012): "When they came to Jerusalem, they were welcomed by the church and the Apostles and elders, to whom they reported everything God had done through them." (Acts 15:4) Greetings from Mexico City! We are extremely happy to "report everything" that God is doing in our part of the world! In the month of April, God has given the church a total of 17 additions growing our membership of 50 to start the year to now over 100 sold-out disciples! We were blown away as two couples that placed membership last month were former fulltime Sector Leaders in the ICOC!

to grow the Mexico City Church from 50 to
now over 100 Disciples!
In our very first week of May, the Lord has brought us 5 more additions which included one campus and two singles baptisms!

entire Singles Ministry!
Of special note, the Lord brought to us Leonel & Cristina Torres, a wonderful couple who placed membership today directly from our former fellowship! At one point they led 1/4 of the Mexico City ICOC as Super Regional Leaders – over 1,000 disciples! They are an amazing couple for the Lord as they have also previously served as missionaries leading powerfully in various states in Mexico! We are so grateful to have Leonel & Cristina as partners in the gospel, as they are eager to roll up their sleeves and rebuild God's Kingdom! To Him be all the glory!

SoldOut Movement Family!
Philippe Scheidecker – Church Leader of Paris (2012): Bonjour! It was just simply amazing and a huge blessing from God for Prisca, our daughter Rebecca, and I to attend the First Eurasia Missions Conference, and experience first-hand the love, care and dedication of our brothers and sisters in Moscow! As Kip preached about on Friday night, it was especially moving for us to see the "next generation" that God is raising up for His glory: our daughter Rebecca (14) from France, Sofia (15) from Russia, Shefali (16) from India, and now Anya (12) who was baptized at the conference!

Shefali and Sofia!
This is what our daughter Rebecca said, "Since the conference was not too big, it was easier for me to get to know the different brothers and sisters… It was great to go and hang out with the teens as one group! I also loved the translation and organization! Sophia was already one of my best friends, but it was great to become friends with Shefali and Anya so quickly, to attend one of Anya's studies in Russian, and to see her become my sister through her baptism after the Sunday service! We need to build unity with every generation!"
Needless to say, we came back from the conference inspired, encouraged and so grateful for what God is doing throughout His Kingdom! We can't wait to come back next year with more disciples from Paris and Europe!

so much to the EAMC!

Olmoses were ecstatic to receive the
news that the Holy Spirit is sending
them to lead the Paris Church
late this year!
Joe Willis – Lead Evangelist of Sydney (2014): G'day mates! I wanted to share one of the ways that we made our Special Missions Contribution this year! We originally trained the church on how to make cupcakes to sell… Well then someone suggested we take water bottles to help people "wash down" the tasty cupcakes! Interestingly, people started to be more interested in giving money for missions for bottles of water! So by the end of our push, we would stand opposite a prominent place near a supermarket and ask for donations for mission work in exchange for a bottle of water, which had a "suggested price" of $1! When we ran out of bottles, we simply went into the supermarket and bought more! The CBD (Central Business District) Bible Talk raise over $1,400 doing this on a few Saturdays with several people giving $5, $10 and $20 notes on occasion!

Talk Leaders – Pete Wade & Paulina
Rivera – take a well deserved
"beach break!"
Debs Rajan – Lead Women's Ministry Leader of Chennai (2014): "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you." (John 15:18-19) Greetings from the "Land of Temples!" India is a nation of 1.2 billion lost souls with many cultures and languages. Each of our 29 states has many languages! In fact, there are 122 major languages and an additional 1,600 other languages!

just baptized in Chennai!

Legend House Church Sisters!
Oleg Sirotkin – Lead Evangelist of Moscow (2015): To get a firsthand glimpse in five minutes of our First Eurasian Mission Conference, please go to my dear friend and brother Lance Underhill's Facebook page on ICC Hot News – Moscow! ( In just five minutes, you too will come to believe that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD!

The ICC Hot News Team of Lance (right) and Mike
Underhill at the EAMC interview Dima
minutes before he is appointed
an Evangelist!

participants a vision to evangelize the
nations in this generation!

Philippines! Since the Inaugural Service on
June 7, 2015, God has blessed them
with 124 baptisms!

and Cholo – as well as their nephew Stephen!

with the help of Rose Sobrino!

June 17-19, 2016!

passed on to glory just two weeks later!
Andrew Smellie – Lagos Mission Team Leader (2016): "The path of the righteous is level; you, the Upright One, make the way of the righteous smooth." (Isaiah 26:7) Greetings from Lagos, Nigeria – home of the 2016 Africa Missions Conference, entitled, A GREAT LIGHT HAS DAWNED and the birthplace of the Lagos International Christian Church, which celebrates its Inaugural Service on June 26th! I have just returned from Lagos this week after a productive journey to "spy out the land" as our Mission Team makes final preparations to be sent out from Los Angeles to Lagos on May 22nd!

awaits the coming of the Smellies and
the Mission Team!

with the CAICC in preparation for going
on the Lagos Mission Team!


in London – is the Lagos Remnant
Group Leader!
RD Baker – Dubai Mission Team Leader (2016): Pray for the Spying out the Land Trip that the World Sector Leaders of the Middle East – the Blackwells – and April & I will take from May 23-31, 2016! Pray that I can land a job on the trip and then start a job by July 1st so that April & I can lay the foundation for the Dubai Mission Team to come immediately after the 2016 GLC! So that you can pray for them, let me introduce the Dubai Mission Team: Anna Avrils, Jamal Ellis, Dao Henderson, John & Genina Tuason all of LA, and Gina dela Pena of Manila and June of Chennai!

Team look to God to open the
doors to the Middle East!
Leading the Hong Kong Mission Team which Lord willing will be sent off at the 2017 GLC – thus completing Phase #1 of the planting of the 12 Crown of Thorns Cities – is Che Leong, and accompanying him are: Dean Lam, Candice Lee, Brian Lin, Calvin Shuen, Themis Shuen and Cain Peng all of Sydney, as well as Charlotte Xia and Lan Yang of LA!

at Jeremy & Ros Beck's house! The Mission
Team Leader is Che Leong (fifth
from the right)!
Sydney: We are so excited in the Sydney Church to see the engagement of our first conversion Teigan Fraley to one of the original missionaries Sean Valenzuela, who was part of a group of Christians who met her on campus two years ago! Sean "converted" our church building into a "candle light trail of presents" right up to Sean standing in a love heart of candles where he proposed to Teigan with the church hiding in the balcony, who at Teigan's reply "yes" then erupted into applause!

to find Teigan – a match made in Heaven!

for their daughter –
Also, God blessed Muoki & Rosita Ndaka with their fourth child on April 27th, as their son, Jacob Muoki Ndaka, was born!

birth of their son Jacob!
Orlando: Childhood friends and partners in the gospel Windeley Ambroise (baptized in Miami when Princeton & Joy were there) and Chantal Williams (who just graduated from UCF with a degree in Speech Pathology) were engaged just a few weeks back and we are so fired-up for their upcoming wedding on October 2, 2016!

get engaged!
Los Angeles – Orange County Region: Isaias, Ana and little Sophia Valentin are still celebrating the birth of Sophia's little brother Mateo!

brother Mateo in the family!
Scot Kendrick proposes to his beloved Ana Turcious! Lord willing at the end of the year they will move as a married couple to New York City to be partners in the gospel with their spiritual dad and mom – Luke & Brandyn Speckman!

fall in love with him! Congrats Scot & Ana!
East Region: Excitingly, Jonathan & Bree Pedraza, the Bible Talk Leaders of the Ontario-based "Mountain Movers," just had their baby boy, Malachi, on April 18th!

prophet" – Malachi!
AMS Region: Adorable baby Caleb Drew was added to our number just last week! He is the son of proud parents – Daniel & Rebecca Drew!

their son Caleb will become a hero in
the faith like his namesake!
Stockholm: The Kingdom Wedding of Kaspar & Ashley Tambaur was glorious beyond words! Their complete purity not only set a great example for all future dating couples but completely amazed and inspired the non-Christians in the audience!

life winning many souls!
Tim Kernan – Lead Evangelist of the City of Angels International Christian Church (CAICC): Happy Mother's Day! This Friday night, we had our Fourth Annual CAICC Basketball League Championship! The Bulls of the Southland Region, led by our awesome brother Cory Blackwell, won the championship for the third straight year! His Bulls defeated the heavily favored Grizzlies 45 to 38! Congratulations to all the amazing brothers and sisters who competed so valiantly this year!

with CAICC Disciples!

Contest! Third Place – Sal Velasco (left)!
Second Place – Chris Anderson (right)!
Champion – Jarrett Hardy!
Every CAICC League Game begins with two prayers –
one from a member of each team! That said, few
gave the Bulls even "a prayer of a chance"
against the Grizzlies as the Bulls had
lost to them during the season!

from the past his youthful self in both the
CAICC Basketball League Championship
and the All Star Game – winning both!
Cory's NBA Trading Card!

Cory keeps the coveted Championship Trophy!

East All Stars 76 to 73!
The Victorious West All Stars!
Though Francois Tchoyi played an incredible game
for the East, Jordan Ybarra is mobbed by his
teammates after being named the MVP
of the All Star Game!
Thank you Commissioner Tony Untalan (left) for
another successful season!

was the baptism of Chris Martin (right) just
three weeks ago!
Over the past several weeks, Lianne & I along with the CAICC Shepherds – the Bordieris and the Untalans – and the CAICC Admin Couple – the Economos – have been visiting every church and LA Region in the Crown of Thorns Project's "Judea" (California plus Nevada and Arizona)! We dubbed this venture "The Walls of Jerusalem Project!" In each place, we have focused the messages on the SoldOut Movement's Distinguishing Core Convictions, inspiring the disciples about Special Missions, reinforcing the conviction that every Bible Talk should be fruitful in every church, and much more!

enjoyed spending time with the flock in
each CAICC Region during the Walls
of Jerusalem Project!

for over 23 years – shares his strengths and
weaknesses after receiving his
Shield of Faith Pin!
After George Grima of the West Region received his
Shield of Faith Pin, he humorously shares about
being in a Bible Talk led by Kip "way back" in
1974 when they were both students
at the University of Florida!
"Then I proclaimed a fast there at the river of Ahava, that we might humble ourselves before our God to seek from Him a safe journey for us, our little ones, and all our possessions." (Ezra 8:21) This Saturday, we fasted as a church for God to add to our contribution and to use us to do great things around the world! We are so proud of all the disciples being sent out on missions teams this year. We are praying that they will be safe, and that our Special Missions Contribution will surpass their needs! Everyone in LA is feeling the loss of Cory & Jeraldine Blackwell and their Supplemental Chicago Mission Team; Andrew & Patrique Smellie and the Lagos Mission Team; Luke & Brandyn Speckman and the New York City Supplemental Mission Team; RD & April Baker and the Dubai Mission Team; Mark & Keri Garrido and the Hilo Supplemental Mission Team; Kolbe Gray & Rebecca Rico who are going to the awesome London Church; and Adam Zepeda, who is going to the delightful Sao Paulo Church! We will miss them all sorely!

"Hawaiian Shaka" signalling they are ready
to be sent by the Spirit to lead
the Hilo (Hawaii) Church!

are ready to swing in from Boston to lead the
Mighty Orange County Region!

rejoices in his newfound life in Christ!
Dearest Brothers and Sisters: May 6th marked the Ninth Anniversary of the Inaugural Service of the City of Angels International Christian Church! With just 42 sold-out disciples from Portland joined by the 12 in the remnant group in Los Angeles, God has multiplied this courageous church over these past nine years into almost 5,000 disciples, in 66 churches, in 33 nations on all six populated continents of the world! Truly, this is not a movement of men but it is indeed the modern day movement of God!

The Moscow Mission Team!
Though God's movement is growing numerically and spreading geographically, there remains a deep sense of family! At the Eurasian Missions Conference in Moscow, participating were not simply Russian Christians, British Christians, Indian Christians, Congolese Christians and American Christians, but all came to a profound conviction that God's call is to be Global Disciples! Our love for the Father and His people must supersede our loyalty to our country of citizenship, our nation's international policies, and even our beloved physical families. Through the ages, nationalism, sentimentality and a quest for comfort have destroyed righteous global initiatives of all kinds – especially movements of God.

Christians, Russian Christians or American
Christians, we are Global Disciples!
A long-held conviction for me as an American is that since God has blessed America with so much, then America has a moral obligation to reach out and to help the less fortunate of other countries. Likewise in the Kingdom, God expects us who are blessed with so much – "every spiritual blessing" – to reach out and to help those less fortunate: anyone outside of God's family. (Ephesians 1:3) Let us remain ever thankful to God as all of us in the SoldOut Movement owe a huge debt of gratitude for those that prayed for us, reached out to us, and sacrificed financially so that God could build His church in "our" city! So in this month of Missions Contributions for the Lagos and Dubai Mission Teams as well as existing churches in the third world, let us remember: "Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously… Be generous on every occasion, and… your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God!" (2 Corinthians 9:6-11)

From the McKeans: Happy Mother's Day and
Happy Spiritual Mother's Day!
In closing, many countries celebrated Mother's Day on Sunday! Let us be thankful for and honor not only our physical mothers, but our spiritual moms as well! Even the Apostle Paul treasured this special relationship found only in the Kingdom,
(Romans 16:13) Praise God for His purposes, His plans and His people around the world!
We are family… to the end,