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Dear <<First Name>>,
Greetings in the Lord from Washington DC! If you have read this article in the past year, perhaps you will simply want to scroll down to the newest chapter: 2014 – The Year Of Prayer. Otherwise enjoy the entire narrative or go to
In His service,
Ron Harding
By Ron Harding*
The primary purposes of this exciting narration are to honor God with the truth and to encourage those who have never had the dream – or perhaps have lost it – to share in Jesus’ dream of the “evangelization of all nations in this generation.” (1 Timothy 2:3-4) Since we live in an age in which the proliferation of information is often distorted, I have sought to carefully investigate and document with first-hand accounts – including my own – the incredible story of the spread of true Christianity from the 1970’s to this very day. Much of this rich history is intertwined with the life of my “partner in the gospel” Kip McKean – known as a preacher, missionary, reformer, theologian and humanitarian. Therefore, using many of his experiences as a timeline – his faith, his faults and his rekindled fire – allows a detailed rendering for this “orderly [historical] account.” (Luke 1:1-4; Acts 1:1)

Kip McKean at Smokey Mountain outside
of Manila in 1989!
Dr. Thomas Wayne McKean II (May 31, 1954 – present) was named after his ancestor Thomas McKean, who was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. (His mother nicknamed him “Kip.”) In 2003, Kip became the Evangelist for the Portland International Church of Christ. In October 2006, after a valiant three-year effort to bring reform to the crumbling International Churches of Christ, the Holy Spirit used Kip, soon joined by other valiant disciples on every continent, to initiate the new Portland / SoldOut Discipling Movement!
In May 2007, Kip and Elena McKean alongside 40 other disciples from Portland planted the City of Angels International Christian Church, which now has 1,200 at their Sunday Services! While leading the City of Angels Church, Kip serves as the “World Missions Evangelist” for the now fastest spreading Christian movement in the world! Another milestone was achieved in 2012, as decades of dreams and prayers were fulfilled with the founding of the International College of Christian Ministries where Kip serves as the President.
Of note in 1979, Kip and Elena were invited to lead the Lexington Church of Christ (later renamed the Boston Church of Christ). From these “30 would-be-disciples,” the Spirit ignited a movement of churches known as the Boston Movement and in 1994 renamed the International Churches of Christ. Kip’s tenacious embrace of Jesus’ radical dream “to evangelize the nations in a generation,” his bold theological reforms, his personal warmth coupled with his charismatic and uncompromising Bible preaching, allowed the Spirit to take the gospel from one small dying church in Boston to become almost 400 churches in 171 of the 196 nations of the world by the year 2000! Then as this noble effort was being tragically decimated in 2001, 2002 and 2003, God sent Kip on a rocky path of suffering and redemption. For two years, he wandered in a lonely, spiritual wilderness, which greatly humbled him. Yet, those dark days ultimately strengthened Kip’s resolve to fulfill “the dream.” Therefore in 2014, it is so amazing that in just seven years, God’s new SoldOut Movement has almost 60 congregations in 26 nations… and counting! From a historical perspective, no other preacher in the past century has been directly responsible for the planting of so many congregations around the world!
Concerning “the evangelization of the nations in this generation,” some have asked, “What is going to be different this ‘second time’ around?” This presupposes the question, “Can it be different this second time?” The answer in the Scriptures is a resounding yes! The first time the Israelites approached the Promised Land, their lack of faith led them to the dreadful desires to choose a different leader than the one God had chosen and to return to their lives of slavery in Egypt. This unbelief ultimately resulted in their death in the desert. The second time the Spirit led the Israelites to the border of the Promised Land, the Hebrew people – having learned to rely on God in their wanderings in the desert – now succeeded to make God’s dream and promise a reality. This same learning from the past prayerfully will be true for God’s new SoldOut Movement. As Kip preached at the 2010 Jubilee on the theme of The Promised Land on the Second Try, “Second is best because God rewards the quest.”
Table of Contents
Early Life And Family
Kip McKean was born in Indianapolis, Indiana on May 31, 1954. Like many young men of the 1960’s, he was inspired by those who refused to compromise and were willing to sacrifice everything for a worthy cause. This temperament is also deep in the McKean family heritage, as they are called higher by the courage of one of their ancestors, Thomas McKean. As with all of the “Signers of the Declaration of Independence,” death threats were common. Interestingly, Thomas McKean not only was a “Signer” for Delaware, but also was “the President” of the Congress of Confederation – the highest office in the new United States of America – when news arrived from General Washington that the British had surrendered!
Kip’s father, serving as an admiral in the U.S. Navy, became a strong influence and an early role model for leadership and excellence. His mother, a very talented artist, nurtured in him a warmth as well as a character of resilience. Between the ages of seven and 16, every summer Kip alongside his beloved younger brother Randy and dear younger sister Dana spent one month with each set of grandparents – “Grampy and Grammy” and “Grandpa and Grandma.” Those days with his grandparents in Michigan and Indiana respectively heightened his sense of adventure and deepened his love and appreciation of family.

Both of Kip's parents – Tom & Kim – celebrate their 80th
Birthdays in the summer of 2008!
During his high school years – in Virginia Beach, Virginia; Winter Park, Florida; and Libertyville, Illinois – Kip was active in athletics, was selected to be a member of the National Honor Society, and also obtained the rank of Eagle in the Boy Scouts. During these formative years, Kip’s heroes became John F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. However, in time, Kip’s greatest hero became Jesus.
Kip & Elena are married on December 11, 1976!
Kip married Elena Garcia-Bengochea on December 11, 1976. Elena was born in Havana, Cuba on September 2, 1955 and fled with her family to the United States in a boat in 1959. Growing up in Gainesville, Florida, Elena attended P. K. Yonge High School. She distinguished herself as an honor student, Student Body Treasurer, Captain of the Tennis Team, Captain of the Varsity Cheerleaders, and Homecoming Queen.
At 17, Elena was baptized into Christ the summer before her freshman year at the University of Florida on August 8, 1973. Kip and Elena met at the Crossroads Church of Christ and were married there. In 1981, they welcomed their first child – Olivia. Then in 1982 and 1984 respectively, Sean and Eric were born. Their strong characters of the McKeans’ children as well as their godly upbringing are illustrated by the fact that Olivia and Sean graduated from Harvard and Eric, though accepted at Harvard, chose to attend and then graduated from Stanford, where he served as Captain of the renowned Stanford Tennis Team. (Their educations were funded through the combination of the McKeans’ small savings, Kip’s parents, close friends of the McKeans, and scholarships – both academic and athletic, as well as financial aid.)
The McKeans’ children in 1990 in Los Angeles!

Eric, Olivia and Sean in 2008!
Through the years, through all their individual trials, the McKeans remain an extremely happy and tight-knit family. All three children have married and have very successful careers. Kip and Elena are now tremendously excited to be grandparents!
“Abuelo Kip” and one of his beloved
granddaughters Scarlett!
High School And College Years
Prior to high school, Kip was not religious. However, at the end of Kip’s sophomore year in high school, he became very involved in a dynamic fundamental Christian congregation in Maitland, Florida – the Asbury United Methodist Church. Here he came to a deep personal faith in Christ and in the divine inspiration of the Bible.
The Asbury United Methodist Church of Maitland, Florida
where Kip wasfirst influenced to study the Bible!
At the end of his freshman year at the University of Florida, he was invited to a college devotional sponsored by the 14th Street Church of Christ. (A year later, this congregation adopted the name of the Crossroads Church of Christ.) This congregation in Gainesville had begun a pilot program for campus ministry for the Mainline Churches of Christ just five years earlier. Some of the more progressive Mainline Churches of Christ desired to impact the secular college campus and initially modeled their efforts after Campus Crusade. They called this new program – led by Chuck Lucas – Campus Advance. Here Kip was taught to give up everything for Christ and be baptized for the remission of sins to become a Christian. As a 17 year old freshman, Kip made this commitment and was baptized at 1:30AM on April 11, 1972.
For summer vacation in 1972, Kip returned home to Chicago. He became very sick; boils covered the entire upper part of his body. Bandages were wrapped around his body for the next three months. He believes that at this time God was testing and humbling him, particularly through the scarring on his face. Of note, the members of the Mainline Church of Christ that he attended in the Chicago area never came to visit him while he was sick. This incident in his life sensitized him to meeting people’s needs, particularly visiting the sick. Later that summer, even though the doctors strongly advised him otherwise because of his weakened health, he returned to Gainesville so that he could once again participate in a strong fellowship of college Christians.
During his sophomore year in college, though involved in the High Honors Chemistry Pre-med Program at the University of Florida, Kip began to dream about becoming a campus minister. God reinforced this dream when his brother Randy was diagnosed with cancer in the spring of 1973. Kip baptized his brother six months later. (His sister Dana was baptized 15 years later.) Kip’s Christianity also led to conflict where he lived in the Sigma Chi Fraternity House. That same year, his stand for purity almost led to his dismissal from the fraternity. However, many of his fellow fraternity brothers rallied around him electing him “Tribune.” Also, during his three years of living in the fraternity house, he hosted a weekly Bible Study in his room, through which eight of his fraternity brothers were baptized into Christ. These events solidified Kip’s sense that God was calling him into the full-time ministry, thus sacrificing the much more lucrative lifestyle of a doctor.
In 1973, Kip hears the voice of God and
decides to go into the ministry!
During his college years while attending the Crossroads Church of Christ, the vision of dynamic campus ministries throughout America was put on Kip’s heart. He was inspired by the powerful preaching of Chuck Lucas and his associate Sam Laing, as well as in their innovations derived from Biblical principles: “prayer partners” – based on the “one another” Scriptures, “counting the cost” with each individual before baptism from Luke 14:25-33, and evangelistic small group Bible studies called “Soul Talks.” At this point, the seeds of discipling were placed in his life as he personally saw how one man could affect another’s daily lifestyle and eternal destiny for God. During these early years of the “Crossroads Movement” – also known as the “Total Commitment Movement” – the Crossroads Church and the young ministers they sent out became more and more controversial within the Mainline Churches of Christ, because of these innovations. In some cases, these “Crossroads Ministry Churches” were “disfellowshipped” or “marked” by the “other” Mainline Churches of Christ.
God’s Preparation And Education

Kip first served in the fulltime ministry as the Campus
Minister to Northeastern Christian College
beginning in 1975!
In June 1975, Kip graduated from the University of Florida with High Honors as well as being selected to the most well-known of all scholastic honorary fraternities – Phi Beta Kappa. Shortly afterward, the Spirit guided Kip to Philadelphia where he was hired as the Campus Minister for Northeastern Christian College (NCC), a Mainline Church of Christ school. Here he saw first-hand how uncommitted many of the so-called “Christian students” were: drugs, drunkenness, prejudice, impurity and immorality were prevalent. He came to a deep conviction that being religious is not the same as being a righteous and true follower of Jesus.
While Kip was serving as the Campus Minister at NCC, the King of Prussia Church of Christ gave him a scholarship to attend Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary. There he was challenged by one of his professors, the Dean of Academics, that the Bible is not the “only” inspired Word of God. Shocked, yet sure in his faith, Kip zealously responded to the Dean’s challenge, “If there are any other holy writings beside the Bible, then Christianity is reduced to simply another philosophy like Confucianism, Islam, Buddhism or Hinduism. To me, Christ and His Word are the only way, the only truth and the only life.” This core conviction has guided Kip during his 39 years of full-time ministry. As with Jesus, the Apostles and all of God’s prophets, Kip has been persecuted with several death threats, as well as publically chastised in TV shows, on the internet, and in magazines and newspapers for his “narrow view” of the Bible and salvation. (Matthew 7:13-14, Acts 4:12) Yet, he has never wavered in his convictions about Jesus as the Christ and the inspiration of the Old and New Testament Scriptures.
In the fall of 1976, Kip began to serve the Lord at the Heritage Chapel Church of Christ in Charleston, Illinois where he was asked to initiate a campus ministry at Eastern Illinois University, a small college of 9,300 students. During his three years there – starting with just seven college students – God blessed his ministry with 300 campus baptisms!

Kip and Elena during their second year in Illinois,
visiting Elena's extended family – the
Garcia-Bengochea Familia!
Interestingly, Illinois was considered a “mission field” of the Mainline Churches of Christ, as the Mainline Churches are largely concentrated in America’s Southern States – the “Bible Belt.” Kip was supported “as a missionary” by the Memorial Church of Christ in Houston, Texas. After nine months, some of the elders of the Memorial Church visited the Heritage Chapel Church. Instead of rejoicing at the large number of converts, they were “appalled” by the clapping during the singing of devotional songs, women praying in mixed groups, and the overall fervor of the worship service. Accused of “Pentecostalism,” “brain-washing,” and “cult-like practices,” Kip was fired by the Memorial Church two weeks later. Yet inside of the Heritage Chapel Church, the members were very appreciative and loyal. God blessed the church’s Biblical convictions from Kip’s preaching as financial support was quickly found from the Union Avenue Church of Christ in Memphis, Tennessee. The Union Avenue Church generously gave Kip not only financial support, but also a full scholarship to Harding Graduate School of Religion, a “Mainline Church of Christ seminary.”
Revolutionary Theology
Continuing his quest of a Masters in Theology which he began at Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kip attended Harding Graduate School for two summers. He concluded that though helpful in scholastic pursuits, a formal seminary where future ministers were consumed with their academics and so were “removed” from being immersed in the lives of people was not the way to train evangelists. Rather, it is one minster walking with another like Jesus with His Twelve, or Paul training Timothy and Titus.
Well documented at this time was that an “average” Mainline Church of Christ congregation had 150 members and only eight baptisms per year. Six of these baptisms were children of the members and the others were baptized from the world. A majority of the member’s children left the church, and over 90% of the other baptisms fell away. This stagnation remains in the Mainline Churches to this day.
Flavil Yeakley, in his book Why Churches Grow, reported that Mac Lynn’s first accurate survey of the Mainline Churches of Christ revealed only 965,439 actual members as opposed to the 2.5 million that had been claimed. He discovered that instead of an estimated 15,000 congregations, there were actually only 10,165 Mainline Churches of Christ in America. Lynn recorded, “The Churches of Christ have only 24 churches with a membership of 1,000 or more, only four with a membership of 2,000 or more, and only one with a membership of more than 3,000.” The largest Mainline Church of Christ outside the borders of the United States was only 500 in attendance. Yeakley also wrote, “In 1980, the Church of Christ in the United States did stop increasing and started decreasing in total membership [through fall aways and an escalating death rate in an aging membership]. It is clear that if the 1965-1980 trend were to continue unchanged, the Church of Christ would cease to exist in this nation in just a few years.”
Since the senior minister of the Heritage Chapel Church was only able to baptize a few adults, the adult membership remained lukewarm. So during Kip’s time in Charleston, he realized that no matter how dynamic a campus ministry was, unless a whole church is “totally committed,” the campus ministry’s impact will be limited. From Kip’s experience and travels, he observed that many Mainline Churches of Christ with campus ministers from Crossroads split and several of these young campus ministers in turn quit the ministry. In time, Kip would preach, “No one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the new wine will burst the skins, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, new wine must be poured into new wineskins.” (Luke 5:37-38) Thus, Kip concluded through prayer and Bible study that the best way to build churches where every member is “totally committed” is to start new churches – for “new wine [zealous young ministers] must be poured into new wineskins [new churches].”
In Kip’s years at Charleston and Memphis, he devoted himself to studying the Old Testament. This became a major turning point in Kip’s revolutionary theology. First of all, he came to a deep conviction that unlike the Mainline Church of Christ whose plea was to be a “New Testament Church,” a better understanding of God’s eternal plan and His Word would create a “Bible Church.” He fully realized that the Law – “the written code, with its regulations” from the Old Testament, were “nailed to the cross” thus nullifying it. (Colossians 2:14-15) However, Kip taught from 2 Timothy 3:16 that “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” The word “Scripture” in the context of this passage refers only to the Old Testament; therefore, the intent by Paul was to call Timothy – and all disciples – to use the Old Testament “Scriptures” in their preaching, in their discipling, and in their lives. (City of Angels International Christian Church Bulletin – May 22, 2011: The Biblical Significance Of The Old Testament In New Testament Times)
Secondly, Kip came to differ with the Mainline Church of Christ on Bible interpretation. In the early 1800’s, Thomas Campbell – one of the founders of the Restoration Movement, which is the heritage of the Mainline Church of Christ – gave the Mainline Church of Christ the following creed: “Speak where the Bible speaks, and be silent where the Bible is silent.” This creed dictated that one must have specific authorization by command, example or necessary inference only from the New Testament in order to implement a teaching or practice. However, Kip – believing that both the New Testament and Old Testament should be the foundation of the church – coined a phrase in sharp contrast to the Mainline’s approach to interpretation. Kip taught churches should be: “Silent where the Bible speaks, and speak where the Bible is silent.” In other words, a Christian should simply obey where the Bible speaks, and speak (have opinions) where the Bible is silent. Theologically, Christians are free to implement any practice or apply any name that is not prohibited in the Bible.
These two revolutionary concepts about the Scriptures were the fundamental reasons that many Mainline Churches of Christ opposed Kip. Ironically, though he is regarded by most as the “Founder of the International Churches of Christ,” when in the early 2000’s after the ICOC had returned to a more Mainline Church of Christ theological stance, because Kip continued to hold these same convictions, these revolutionary views of Scripture were the underlying causes for most of the leaders of the ICOC to vehemently oppose Kip and God’s new SoldOut Discipling Movement.
The Boston Movement Begins
In 1979, during the McKeans’ last year in Charleston, the Elders of the Lexington Church of Christ in Massachusetts contacted Kip to be both their pulpit and campus minister. At that time, this Mainline Church of Christ was desperate for a new direction as they were considering closing their doors, because their number had shrunk to about 60 members. When the McKeans interviewed for the position, Kip expressed to the leaders in the Lexington congregation that in order for Elena and him to come, the leaders would need to support him in calling “every member” – adults, singles, campus and teens – to be “totally committed.” After five long months of deliberation, they believed that God had not given them any other alternative, so they unanimously invited the young 25 year old preacher to lead them!
Driving all night from Charleston to Boston, the McKeans arrived in the morning of Friday, June 1, 1979. So in this small dying congregation, history was made that fateful evening, as “30 would-be disciples” gathered with enormous expectations in the living-room of members Bob and Pat Gempel to hear Kip’s first lesson! At this point, the Lexington Church was simply viewed as another congregation of the “Crossroads” or “Total Commitment Movement.” The profound difference between the Lexington Church and the other “Crossroads Ministries” would soon become apparent as Kip’s revolutionary call from the Bible was for every member of the church to be “totally committed,” not just the campus students.

Kip & Elena in 2012 in front of what was the Lexington
Church of Christ building in 1979!
In 1980, to help his congregation to grow spiritually and numerically, Kip developed a Bible Study Series called First Principles. (Hebrews 5:12; 6:1-3 WEV) The members of the church were asked to memorize these studies and then use the First Principles Studies so that each Christian could be trained to teach non-Christians the original standards that God has for individuals to become disciples of Christ. Perhaps the most radical and impacting study of the series was called “Discipleship.” In this study, Kip taught that in Acts 11:26: SAVED = CHRISTIAN = DISCIPLE. Simply meaning that you cannot be saved and one is not a true Christian without being a baptized disciple. (John 4:1-2; Acts 2:38-42) Kip developed the “Discipleship Study” not only to convert non-Christians, but to bring to light the sharp Biblical distinction between the Lexington (later renamed Boston) Church of Christ, and all “other churches,” including the “Crossroads Ministries.” As a result of the call to “total commitment” to God and the practice of the Biblical concept of discipleship from everyone in the congregation, the Boston Church of Christ multiplied disciples at an unprecedented rate!
Another of Kip’s radical Biblical restorations was the role of an evangelist. He believed that the evangelist’s charge was not simply to shepherd his congregation, but to evangelize that church’s region of influence. (2 Corinthians 10:13-16) Thus in Boston, he divided the city into four geographical “regions.” An evangelist was placed over the disciples that lived in this “territory” for the purpose of evangelizing the entire “field.” In each region there were a number of “house churches,” and in each house church there were a number of Bible Talks. This “pyramidal structure” was Kip’s innovative application of Exodus 18:13-26.
To have the church appreciate the incredible training and sacrifice to become an Evangelist or Women’s Ministry Leader, Kip and Elena began to appoint qualified individuals in front of the congregation. During this powerful ceremony, Kip (or Elena if appointing a Women’s Ministry Leader) would share personally about the deserving disciple and then close out with the “ancient charge” of 2 Timothy 4:1-2 and the presentation of a Bible. This practice was imitated “everywhere in every church” in the Boston Movement, thus further unifying the churches. (1 Corinthians 4:14-17) So amazing is that every congregation in the Boston Movement “recognized” the appointed Evangelists and Women’s Ministry Leaders throughout the other churches in the movement!
Unprecedented Growth And Impact
During the ten years that the McKeans served the Boston Church of Christ, the Spirit produced exponential growth! The original Lexington Church of Christ had witnessed only two baptisms in the previous three years before June 1979. Through the restoration of the radical call and practice that every member of the congregation is “totally committed,” the Boston Church of Christ had 103 baptisms the first year! The most dynamic Mainline Church of Christ for decades had only baptized 200 to 300 each year. In fact, during the 80’s, every year a list of Mainline Churches of Christ baptizing 100 or more was published which usually had only 15 Mainline Churches listed. With God’s Spirit working through the McKeans, the Boston Church of Christ saw 200 baptisms their second year; 256 their third; 368 in the fourth; 457 in the fifth; 679 in the sixth; 735 in the seventh; 947 in the eighth; 1424 in the ninth; and in the churches tenth year 1621 were baptized into Christ. By this time also, the Sunday attendance in Boston was approaching 4,000 as the church met in the famed Boston Garden, “home” of the Boston Celtics professional basketball team. Not only was this the largest single congregation in the history of New England, but it also became the largest “Church of Christ” in the entire world!

The Lexington Church of Christ out-grew its building
after just one year of the McKeans’ ministry. Their
second location was the beautiful First Baptist
Church of Arlington. (Pictured above) Then in
1982 after filling up this building, they
moved into the Boston Opera House,
which is located within the city
limits of Boston. It was at that
juncture that the Lexington
Church of Christ legally
changed its name to the
“Boston Church of
Perhaps unappreciated by the casual observer was the challenge to meet the needs and keep faithful the unprecedented number of new Christians – over 2,000 in the first six years in Boston! In the 60’s and 70’s in the denominational world, there had been much discussion and writing on the “body life of the church” and “shepherding one another.” Thus, in the Crossroads Movement, “one another Christianity” was expressed in a buddy system called “prayer partners,” where each person chose their own “buddy” or “buddies.” Many chose Christians even of the opposite sex!
With so many new Christians in the Boston Church of Christ, Kip felt that the “buddy system” approach was not effective. Building upon the concepts of “shepherding” and “prayer partners,” he came up with “discipleship partners.” In these relationships, the evangelists, elders and women’s ministry leaders – after discussion and prayer – arranged for an older or stronger Christian of the same sex to give direction to each of the younger or weaker ones. (This principle of mentoring is clearly seen in Jesus’ relationship with the Twelve, Paul’s relationship to Timothy, as well as in Titus 2:3-5 where the older women are commanded to train the younger women.) Each pair was expected to meet weekly and have daily contact. This “one-over-one” discipling paradigm was also applied to marriages; thus came the innovation of “marriage discipling” – a mature married couple mentoring a younger married couple. Also honoring marriage, another of Kip’s creative innovations was to replace “Bachelor Parties” (often accompanied with worldly overtones) with “Groom Honoring Parties.”
The Boston Movement Plantings
In 1981, the Lord put a vision on Kip’s heart: “The evangelization of the nations in a generation.” This passion was ignited as he was influenced by former missionaries and the mission efforts especially of the Sunset School of Preaching – a Mainline Church of Christ school to train preachers – located in Lubbock, Texas. Kip’s plan was a simple one: if the Boston Church of Christ could place a small group of disciples (a mission team) in each of the key metropolitan centers of the world, they in turn – by the multiplication of leaders and disciples – could send church plantings to each of the capital cities of the surrounding nations that were under their influence. Then these “capital city churches” could send out church plantings throughout that nation. Therefore, collectively, these capital city churches would evangelize the nations in one generation just as in the first century. (Acts 19:8-10; Colossians 1:6, 23)
The key churches planted in the major metropolitan centers were called “pillar churches” – for a world brotherhood was envisioned to be built on them. Dr. Donald McGavran, the “Father of Modern Church Growth” (in the broadest definition of Christianity), saw the Boston Movement as unique in that it had a plan to evangelize the entire world from one congregation. Almost everyone in the Boston Movement saw the uniqueness of this simple plan as God revealing “His plan” to “evangelize the nations in a generation.”
Kip zealously pursued this vision, as he trained ministers in Boston. Women were also trained in “women’s ministry” by Elena and Pat Gempel. These trained ministry couples were sent to the “pillar cities.” In 1982, Chicago, Illinois and London, England, were the first two plantings of the Boston Movement. By 2000, the Chicago Church attendance was 5,000 and the London Church attendance was 3,000.
In 1983, the New York City Church of Christ was planted. Though this city had a population of 18 million, only 18 disciples were sent from Boston. Kip deeply believed that only one church of “totally committed” disciples – no matter how small – would be necessary to evangelize an entire metropolitan area – no matter how large. At its zenith in 2001, the New York City Church had 7,000 in attendance.
In 1985, Toronto, Canada became the Boston Movement’s second foreign planting. The Lord blessed this congregation with over 100 baptisms in their very first year!
In 1986, Johannesburg, South Africa was planted. God used this planting in a powerful way to glorify His name among the nations, as the “black” and “white” disciples did not merely coexist, but in honor to God, for the first time hugged one another as “one church” in the midst of apartheid and under the threat of extremists. Paris and Stockholm were also planted in 1986, which proved language as an inconsequential barrier for the mission work of the Boston Movement.
In 1987 came the plantings of Mexico City, Mexico; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Hong Kong, China. Also of special note – as detailed in the LA Story's entitled Revolution, Multiplicity, and From Here to Eternity – 1987 marked the milestone of the then disparate churches abandoning autonomy to form one 'world brotherhood' which would have a central leadership. It was written in multiple articles that autonomy was the evil which would insure the world would never be evangelized, let alone in our generation.
In 1988, Bombay, India; Cairo, Egypt; and Tokyo, Japan were planted. The Tokyo planting was built on the Mainline Yoyogi-Hachiman Church of Christ foundation of the 1950’s built by George and Irene Gurganus – whom Kip affectionately called his “Spiritual Grandparents.”
In 1989, there were seven plantings whose mission teams were collectively composed of 120 Bible Talk Leaders sent out from Boston: Honolulu, Hawaii; Los Angeles, California; Miami-Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; Seattle, Washington; Washington DC; Manila, Philippines; and Bangkok, Thailand.
In 1990, the McKeans moved from Boston to Los Angeles to inspire the other church leaders of the movement by leading a smaller church which was “more relatable in size” to the other Boston Movement congregations – thus more easily imitated. (It was from Los Angeles in 1991 that Moscow, Russia was planted.) Valiantly, Kip and Elena personally led the mission teams to Manila, Bangkok and Moscow! In the first year in Manila, 400 were baptized into Christ! In Moscow’s first year, 850 were baptized!

Kip’s photo of the Moscow Mission Team on July 9, 1991
– the day they landed in Moscow! (Elena is
pictured on the far right.)
Of note, in the summer of 1989 after planting Manila, Kip courageously moved his family to Cairo after seven of the original eight mission team members – who were Americans – were deported by the government. This was a daring decision for Kip, Elena and their three young children. Kip felt that if he was to call others to preach in such life-threatening places as the Middle East, he himself must set an example to demonstrate this radical level of faith and sacrifice. Not only in Cairo, but throughout all of his years in ministry to this present day, there have been several death threats against Kip and even a few against his whole family, as preaching the truth always earns Satan’s wrath. (Revelation 2:13, 12:17)

In 2011, the Egyptian lawyer John Beshai – a hero of the
evangelization of the Middle East – joined the
SoldOut Movement! John went home to
the Father on September 1, 2013.
Unique to the Boston Movement, not only did disciples make disciples, but churches planted churches. The Boston Church planted each of the “pillar churches,” which planted other churches, which planted still others. By 2001, at the time of his sabbatical, there were almost 400 churches in 171 nations and a combined Sunday morning attendance of about 200,000! 42 churches had more than 1,000 in attendance and 15 churches had more than 3,000 in attendance! The largest international congregation was the Manila Church at 6,000 in attendance! These numbers were staggering when compared with the Mainline Churches of Christ or any denominational group. Never in history has any church growth movement ever spread as quickly and to so many nations!
From 1981 on through the 80’s greatly aiding this expansion was the coming into the movement of about 2,000 mostly young people from the various elements of the Mainline Churches of Christ, especially the “Crossroads Campus Ministry Churches.” They moved to Boston or to one of the Boston Church of Christ plantings to become disciples or be strengthened as disciples, and to train to be on mission teams. These people – many of whom were leaders – were in awe of God and the unprecedented growth that the Holy Spirit produced in Boston and her daughter churches. They were often referred to as “remnant disciples.” (Isaiah 10:20-22) Kip documents this exciting Biblical phenomenon of God gathering His remnant in both Revolution Through Restoration Part 1 and Part 2.
In retrospect, one amazing aspect of this young movement was that many of these “remnant disciples” who were leaders had several philosophical and doctrinal conflicts with each other. However, Kip made every effort to forge a bond of unity between all of these leaders from the Scriptures by calling them to work side-by-side for one purpose. (Philippians 1:27; 2:1-4) Over time being “partners in the gospel” helped them to “surrender” their personal perspectives and be united in pursuing “the dream!”
On a sad note in 1987, when the Atlanta Church of the Boston Movement was “planted” through a split in a “Crossroads Ministry Congregation,” at this historic moment, the Crossroads Church of Christ sinfully “disfellowshipped” the McKeans, the Boston Church of Christ, and all of its affiliated plantings. Without debate, this made a clear distinction between the Boston Movement and the Crossroads Movement, which was in sharp decline in 1985 after the departure from the full-time ministry of their leader Chuck Lucas for personal reasons.
Central Leadership – The World Sector Leaders

The World Sector Leaders in 1992 – Front Row: Bob
Gempel, Kip McKean, Phil Lamb and Al Baird.
Second Row: Marty Fuqua, Scott Green,
Doug Arthur, Randy McKean, Steve
Johnson and Frank Kim.
In 1988, because of the rapid expanse of the churches, several brothers encouraged Kip to focus on a few “capable… and trustworthy men.” (Exodus 18:13-26) After six months of prayerful consideration and several discussions, Kip and Elena chose nine couples: Doug and Joyce Arthur, Al and Gloria Baird, Tom and Kelly Brown, Bob and Pat Gempel, Scott and Lynne Green, Steve and Lisa Johnson, Frank and Erica Kim, Phil and Donna Lamb, Randy and Kay McKean. These leaders – whom the McKeans had personally trained for the ministry – became known as the “World Sector Leaders.”
This was extremely significant, because the Mainline Church of Christ believes in autonomy – the independence of each congregation. Practically autonomy means that all final decisions about that local congregation are made by the local leadership. They believe that conferring with leadership from other congregations is good, but there is no overseeing authority, which can give directives on matters such as: dealing with difficult situations, raising and sending money for mission efforts, or calling for certain disciples for mission teams to complete an overall plan. Yet in the Scriptures, Paul writes the “overseeing evangelist” Titus (who Paul himself oversees), “The reason I left you in Crete was that you might straighten out what was left unfinished and appoint elders in every town, as I directed you… for there are many rebellious people, mere talkers and deceivers… They must be silenced… Therefore, encourage and rebuke with all authority.” (Titus 1:5, 10-11; 2:15) So Kip and Elena, because of their vision and convictions from Scriptures, forged a “leadership family,” where each couple would “oversee” the evangelization of “their region” of the world – which collectively covered the globe! (Of note, during the first few years of the World Sector Leaders, the McKeans alongside the Bairds and the Gempels – as Shepherding Couples – would make the major decisions for the movement. Later, the Arthurs, the Kims and the Johnsons were added to this decision-making group.)

Kip & Elena and Bob & Pat Gempel stroll together
through the Garden of Gethsemane just outside
of Jerusalem in 1994.
On January 1, 1990, the McKeans went to fortify the Los Angeles Church, which was planted in August 1989 by Tom and Kelly Brown. In turn, the Browns were sent back to Boston for strengthening, and Marty and Chris Fuqua replaced them as World Sector Leaders. When the McKeans arrived, the Los Angeles Church had 154 members. By March 1993 when I was baptized, church services were incredible celebrations of God’s glory. At that time, the LA Church was having 3,000 in attendance! Amazingly in 2001, the last year that the McKeans led the congregation, there were 10,000 members with about 15,000 in attendance regularly every Sunday morning, and 2,500 were baptized that year! Of special note, one of my most memorable worship services of the LA Church was when 17,000 of us gathered on a warm Saturday evening in November 1997 in one of America’s largest stadiums – the Rose Bowl! At this glorious occasion, Kip’s visionary sermon was simply entitled, The Purposes Of God.
As well in 1991, the McKeans asked Bob and Pat Gempel to become the Directors of the newly founded HOPEworldwide as their charge as World Sector Leaders. HOPEworldwide was the benevolent arm of the Boston Movement Churches. Its uniqueness from all other charity organizations was that the World Sector Leaders could mobilize every member of every church in every country for a focused volunteer effort to help the poor and needy around the world. In 1994, the World Sector Leaders of the Boston Movement officially adopted the name International Church of Christ (ICOC). This name was first given to the Boston Movement by John Vaughn, a denominational church growth expert. He surmised that the vast majority of the Mainline Churches of Christ were located in the “Bible Belt” of America, but the Boston Movement (to him with a similar plan of salvation) had an equal number of congregations internationally as they did nationally. So in his articles from his research, he distinguished between the Mainline Churches of Christ and the Boston Movement Churches, thus birthing the name: “International” Church of Christ!
Also in 1994, Kip wrote and laid out his most visionary project to date – The Evangelization Proclamation! Signed by the McKeans and all the World Sector Leaders, they vowed before God to plant a discipling church in every nation of the world that had a city with at least a population of 100,000 by the year 2000! It became more commonly known as The Six Year Plan. At its signing, we were in “just” 53 countries. Through the power of God, this monumental task was accomplished by July 2000! Unprecedented in the history of Christianity, in just 21 years, God had multiplied the “30 would-be disciples” in the Boston Church to almost 400 churches, 135,000 disciples in 171 nations with a combined Sunday attendance of 200,000!

The World Sector Leaders in the fall of 1994. By this time,
Cory & Megan Blackwell had been added to the group
to spearhead the evangelization of the Middle East!
The Women World Sector Leaders in 1998 – First Row:
Chris Fuqua, Megan Blackwell, Gloria Baird, Elena
McKean, Pat Gempel and Kay McKean.
Second Row: Donna Lamb, Erika Kim,
Lisa Johnson, Joyce Arthur
and Lynne Green.
Very encouraging to the movement were the following leadership appointments. In the late 80’s, Kip asked Cecil Wooten – a two-time recipient of the Purple Heart in World War II and the former Vice President of Chicago Bridge and Iron – to become the Administrator of the Boston Movement Churches. Each World Sector Leader had a World Sector Administrator. Cecil oversaw and coordinated this group. In 1993, the McKeans asked Al and Gloria Baird to oversee a new world sector called the “Media and Law World Sector.” Also at that time, the McKeans trained Cory Blackwell – a former NBA basketball player – and his wife Megan for the ministry, while building the “Cross and Switchblade Ministry” in the dangerous neighborhoods of South Central LA. Since Cory’s single mother was a devote Muslim, the Blackwells were asked by the McKeans to become the World Sector Leaders for the Middle East. (Cory’s mom – Wazirah – was later baptized in 1999!)

Fellowshipping together in 2013, Wazirah, Cory
Blackwell’s mother, and Elena, whom Cory
affectionately calls his “spiritual mom.”
Another replacement among the World Sector Leaders was made when the Lambs, because of “family and health issues,” were asked to step aside in order to receive strengthening. (Sadly, the Lambs later divorced; Phil fell away, yet Donna remained faithful till her death by cancer in December 2007.) To replace the Lambs, who oversaw the Central and South America World Sector, Peter and Laura Garcia – the trusted brother and sister-in-law of Elena – were asked to serve in this role. In 1999, Cecil was in his 70’s and wanted to take a step back from the rigorous demands of administration. Consequently, Andy and Tammy Fleming were selected to assume his role as the leaders of all the administrators throughout the ICOC. The McKeans made this into the “Administration World Sector.” The last World Sector Leaders selected were Russ and Gail Ewell. They led the “NET World Sector” – New media, Exceptional children, and Technology. The leadership structure of the International Churches of Christ was as simple as it was creative and unique! Of the original World Sector Leaders – except the Gempels and the Bairds whose role was to shepherd the group – each was given a geographic charge. There evolved eight geographic World Sectors: British Commonwealth – Great Britain, India, Singapore, Indonesia, and Australia (Arthurs); ACES – Africa, Caribbean, Eastern States (Johnsons); Europe (the Randy McKeans); Pac Rim (Kims); Central and South America (Lambs); Northern Federation – former Soviet Union nations; Scandinavia, Canada and the Western US (Fuquas); China (Greens); and later the Middle East (Blackwells). Each World Sector Leader Couple’s discipling group was composed of 10-12 other couples: a World Sector Administrator, a World Sector Elder, a World Sector Teacher, and Geographic Sector Leaders (Evangelists and Women’s Ministry Leaders). Also, in most world sectors, there was a World Sector Media and Law Couple. The World Sector Elders were collectively called the “Kingdom Elders.” They were overseen by the Bairds. The World Sector Teachers were collectively known as the “Kingdom Teachers,” and eventually led by Andy Fleming. The Geographic Sector Leaders (GSL) oversaw the evangelism of a region of that World Sector. For example, in the ACES, Mike and Anne-Brigitte Taliaferro were the “GSL Couple” for Africa, and in the Northern Federation, Sasha and Louisa Kostenko served as the “GSL Couple” for the 15 nations in the former Soviet Union – the Commonwealth of Independent States. In time, each GSL Couple built their own discipleship group, which was composed of essentially an evangelist and women’s ministry leader for each nation or group of nations, which was in their geographic charge.
World Missions Evangelist – Sabbatical
At the beginning of 2001 as a college student in Boston, the oldest of the McKeans’ children began to question her faith. Though everyone who falls away must take full responsibility for this decision, it must be noted that this young woman was unjustly and heavily criticized – largely because of the high profile of her parents – and feeling unloved by many in the congregation contributed to her no longer attending church. (Luke 17:1-2) This single event caused uncertainty in the McKeans’ leadership among many of the World Sector Leaders, as well as among the Kingdom Elders and Kingdom Teachers. In September of 2001, the World Sector Leaders “forced” the McKeans to go on sabbatical – though later, some deeply regretted this decision.
Unbiblically applied to Kip were the qualifications of an elder, not an evangelist. The reasoning was that to “oversee” a church, one had to “manage his own family [well or] how can he take care of God’s church.” (1 Timothy 3:4-5) Also cited incorrectly was Proverbs 22:6, “Train a child in the way he should go, and… he will not turn from it.” Left out from this quote is the phrase, “when he is old.” Disregarding what is obviously implied in the phrase “when he is old,” is that during their younger years children may not be faithful to God, but will return to the kingdom because of their good training when they are “old.” (This has now been seen in the SoldOut Movement and the ICOC over and over again.) Even sadder is the lack of grace by almost all of the World Sector Leaders, Kingdom Elders and Kingdom Teachers. In the Scriptures, some of God’s and Israel’s greatest leaders had unfaithful children – Aaron, Samuel, and even the Old Testament’s “man after God’s own heart,” David – yet they continued to victoriously lead “all Israel.”
Kip was profoundly affected by his beloved daughter leaving the faith, the “stripping away” of his leadership, and the public condemnation of his “leadership style” and the Biblical teachings that propelled the movement to almost all nations. Most of all, he was brokenhearted at the decimation of the churches that came in early 2003. I remember quite vividly those dark days of the McKeans’ sabbatical. After working on Elena’s computer in 2002, I came downstairs to see my devastated friend and leader, distraught by the condition of God’s family and hurting from the lost relationships of those who abandoned him in his time of need. The only words I could muster were, “Kip, I don’t know what to say to you. But, I do know that the whole Kingdom world-wide is falling apart around us and you need to ‘get back on the horse’.” Through God’s strength found in weakness, this he did.
In the past 10 years in both sermons and his writings, Kip is quite vulnerable about wrestling with bitterness, being depressed and unmotivated, as well as drifting and becoming quite distant in his walk with God for about a year of this one-and-a-half year sabbatical. Kip has openly confessed that these are all signs of one of the rarely acknowledged “seven deadly sins” – “acedia,” from which many other remnant disciples have suffered the consequences. (2 Corinthians 7:10; Hebrews 12:3, 15)
Read Kip's Article on Acedia
In the summer of 2002, the McKeans were invited to Bald Head Island, North Carolina, which is located near where the Cape Fear River empties into the Atlantic. Kip writes the following in Revolution Through Restoration Part 3:
"In the waters off the beach known as Cape Fear, there were huge, raging waves as the currents of the Atlantic Ocean collided with the currents of the Cape Fear River. Historically, this tumult resulted in many shipwrecks. I went to spend time with God at Cape Fear. I soon noticed that where there should have been a lighthouse, there was only a weathered foundation. This is what I wrote that day:"
The Cape Fear Psalm
The rage of the opposing currents
Has shipwrecked my faith.
The lighthouse has gone
And I have no direction.
I am alone for I feel your anger Lord
From your Word and from people who feel like foes,
That used to call me friend and leader.
I gloried in your victories
Which I foolishly called my own.
And now your hand is pushing me under the currents
For I exalted myself, and not your grace.
I am weary through unceasing pain
From morning until night,
In sleep there is a peace when I close my eyes.
But my dreams are full of anguish and darkness.
Because your lighthouse has been destroyed.
I am drowning in self-pity and bitterness engulfs me.
You know that I cannot bear much more.
I fear for your movement.
I fear for my family.
And I fear most for my soul.
I have thoughts of dying.
But realize there would await me
Only an unrelenting, malicious presence,
To be eternally away from you.
My daily tears have been for me,
Yet now they are because I have disappointed you
And have hurt so many through my sins.
Please forgive my arrogance.
I became confused in my pride
And I turned from your wisdom to mine.
I stopped consulting your Word and my brother prophets.
Let my heart return to that simple eternal moment
Where I first saw your lighthouse.
Through the calm sea of baptism
I responded to your Word.
I first felt your Fatherly embrace
Just 30 short years ago.
I was indignant at your enemies of false prophets
Those hypocritical leaders of your people
For they led me and the whole world astray.
I was damaged by their arrogance and sin.
But by your Mighty Hand, even that first day
You gave me the strength to confront them.
Now I am them. I find no fellowship.
Only angry confrontations.
The prophets I trained are furious
At the damage I have caused your movement.
Few remember my deeds, fewer my zeal,
Only you know my heart.
Father, lead me to rebuild that lighthouse.
If your mercy allows, I will help to rebuild it.
Today I promise you I will stop drifting out to sea.
Today I promise I will swim till I reach the other shore.
I will not quit.
I realize my sacrifice only brought you ever-lessening pleasure
As my heart became dull.
For you desire only a broken and contrite heart.
Only these prayers are the incense of heaven.
Today I promise to strive to be only a disciple.
I surrender my ambition to lead till you refine it in the fires of criticism.
I will no longer care what the media, my enemies and even my friends say.
Because this brought me to Cape Fear.
Only your approval will I seek.
My most heartfelt prayer is
Let me and my family make it through the raging currents.
Let your lighthouse shine mightily
So we can make it to the other side.
Kip continues in Revolution Through Restoration Part 3 reflecting on how his sins affected the movement:
During the sabbatical, God taught me to take responsibility for my leadership in the Kingdom, the decisions of the World Sector Leaders, and for the spiritual condition of each person in my family. My sins are clear and grievous. I have been arrogant, almost always thinking I was right. I did not listen. I did not actively seek discipling for me and my family. I was only partially open and deceit came into my life. This led to the sin of anger towards those who disagreed with me. Too often, I viewed these individuals as critical. I did not draw people out. I built an atmosphere in which people were afraid to speak up. There were times when I corrected people that I was mean, cruel and I even humiliated them. I was too controlling. For this I apologize. I am truly sorry…
Ultimately, my most devastating sin was claiming God’s victories as mine. In pride, I boasted in “my” accomplishments. I allowed people to give me glory; I did not refocus them to God. Though some have charged “growth was god,” this was never true. My goal was, and still is, simply “to win as many as possible.” (1 Corinthians 9:19) However, people developed wrong motivations and stumbled because of my overemphasis on numeric goals and accountability, though I still believe in accountability if it is used wisely as Jesus did. (Mark 6:30) In retrospect, I see that many leaders did not imitate Christ in me, but my ungodly leadership traits, and they are now being hurt by those they hurt. I confessed these sins while sharing my sabbatical journey at the Unity Meeting in LA [specifically Long Beach] in November 2002.
One evangelist called the Cape Fear Psalm, “Kip’s Psalm 51.” As for his shortcomings in his family, Kip humbly shared, “Though Elena and I believe that we raised our precious children in the Lord as each was baptized and remained faithful during their teen years, my biggest regret was that I put my children on a pedestal in front of the movement. This put too much pressure on them and hurt them spiritually as sometimes they felt that they could not measure-up. I have apologized to each of them for this. They have forgiven me, and we remain a very close family. I pray daily and believe with all of my heart that because of the godly training each received that one day ‘when they are [older]’ they will return to the Lord.”
God taught one last invaluable lesson to Kip about his sins in his leadership concerning the weak. He wrote, “God has a sense of ironic justice. To rid Jacob of his deceitful nature, God placed Jacob under Laban, a worse deceiver. To show me how insensitive and in fact merciless at times I had been to the weak, God placed me “under” upset and – from my point of view – unforgiving brothers who would not give me any mercy or the benefit of the doubt, though I felt I had done so much for them through the years. I felt humiliated through shame and exasperated to the point of considering leaving the Lord. I learned that mercy expressed through kindness, forgiveness and gentleness – was not only God’s way to encourage and strengthen the weak, but the only path to keep a movement together. In all of these trials, my dear wife exemplified how one should love the weak by staying at my side with unconditional love.”
These lessons were painfully learned through the discipline of suffering that God allowed Kip “as a son” to endure. (Hebrews 12:5-11) However by July 2003, Kip – though severely weakened by these many trials – was a “changed man.” He was refreshed by repentance, and so the Spirit sent him to Portland to build again with these lessons freshly etched on his heart. (Acts 3:19)
The Destruction Of A Global Movement
At the onset of the sabbatical – shocking to many of us – most of the World Sector Leaders failed to support the McKeans in their time of crisis. Some World Sector Leaders agreed that because of the unfaithfulness of McKeans’ child, they were now unfit to lead. Some individuals were bitter and in their words, “The McKeans have too high of expectations for us and our churches.” While others, silent for years, now openly expressed, “Why do ‘our churches’ need to contribute money to HOPEworldwide and/or the Central Missions Fund?” So the insidious desire to be autonomous as well as doubting whether the world could be evangelized in a generation began to permeate the World Sector Leaders thus paralyzing them.
At this point, mercy, forgiveness and an ongoing support of the McKeans’ leadership on the part of the World Sector Leaders would have saved the ICOC from its fall. Indeed, the McKeans humbly begged for the forgiveness of their sins and shortcomings on multiple occasions and even in tears shared Scriptures to this end. Yet, no mercy was extended as the World Sector Leaders cowered as there mounted a growing number of vociferous attacks on Kip and Elena. Clearly in retrospect at this juncture, a “domino effect” of “God’s ironic justice” was beginning to occur. As the World Sector Leaders had drawn back from the McKeans, so now most of the World Sector Leaders were being likewise undermined with no mercy by those under their leadership for the exact same issues: marriage dynamic, children’s behavior, and leadership style.
This created a leadership vacuum. It was at this point that the Kingdom Elders and Kingdom Teachers chose to elevate themselves. Of note, these two groups were composed entirely of people with their roots in the Mainline Church of Christ. They were fueled by their feelings of under-appreciation and entitlement. Very sadly, this bitter “Absalomic spirit” and common denominational roots bonded the Kingdom Elders and Kingdom Teachers. Like Absalom, they initiated a very calculated campaign to “steal the hearts of the men of Israel” (2 Samuel 15:6) by playing to the complaint: “Who then can be saved?” (Matthew 19:25) This “complaint” is one that all disciples have during the course of following anyone preaching the true Jesus. They heightened the issue of “unbelieving children disqualifying men from leadership” through a series of articles appearing on the Los Angeles ICOC Website. Here, they also introduced their confusing “Mainline doctrines” of “consensus leadership” and elders having authority over the very evangelists that appointed them.
In the Kingdom Elders’ and Kingdom Teachers’ lessons and local meetings, they viciously attacked the “hierarchical structure of the ICOC,” in which they were subordinated to the McKeans and the World Sector Leaders. As stated before, this leadership pyramid was Kip’s practical application of Exodus 18:13-26, and was the vehicle that the Spirit used to spread the gospel to 171 nations. They cruelly assailed Kip further on his “forceful approach of leadership and preaching” labeling this: “Kip’s militaristic style as a son of an admiral.”
At the forefront of this ungodly rebellion were Andy Fleming, the leader of the Kingdom Teachers, and Scott Green, who were both World Sector Leaders with Mainline Church of Christ backgrounds. Fleming and Green, alongside Gordon Ferguson, Douglas Jacoby and Sam Laing – Kingdom Teachers – as well as Wyndham Shaw and Bruce Williams – Kingdom Elders – began a focused effort to “falsely” teach against the Biblical concept of a central leadership with a central leader for God’s people, thus returning the ICOC to the “Mainline theology of autonomy.” They used professed “wisdom” and proclaimed that these “better and more mature teachings” (James 3:13-16) – like autonomy and “discipling is optional not a command” – would make “the Kingdom” much “healthier.” Sadly, but again clearly in retrospect, these “better teachings” and their “wisdom” only served to halt the expansion of God’s movement, confuse and scatter disciples, and save far fewer people.
In Matthew 7:15-16, Jesus preaches quite pointedly, “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them.” The Arabian wolf – a small, white wolf in Israel about whom Jesus referred – is very hard to distinguish from white sheep of similar size. They travel in packs ferociously devouring individual sheep and destroying whole flocks of sheep. Therefore, according to Jesus, the discerning Christian should examine very carefully the condition of the “spiritual flock” and be perceptive about who is a sheep and who is not. Likewise, by examining “the fruit” of devastation to the ICOC flocks of souls around the world caused by “false teachings,” it is very obviously – though so shocking to some that it is hard to accept – these once powerful and highly esteemed preachers and shepherds became “false teachers.” (2 Corinthians 11:13-15)
After the McKeans’ sabbatical began in 2001, spearheading the “new direction” in the LA ICOC was Bruce Williams, my mentor for my first eight years as a disciple of Jesus. Williams opted to circulate the slander about the McKeans and the “new teachings” through “Family Talks,” each consisting of about 20 Christians. Williams – heightened in his influence by the support of his fellow elder in the LA ICOC Al Baird, who had been a World Sector Leader – travelled throughout the six county area of metropolitan LA, falsely teaching the people that it was Kip’s personality, his “militaristic style of leadership,” and his inability to lead his own family that was the demise of our churches. Three deacons from Williams’ own region and I openly challenged Williams, calling him to stop the slander.
Knowing I had been in near daily contact with Baird as his personal computer consultant for two years, Williams contacted Baird and called me on a conference call where they insisted their claims were well-known amongst the leadership and they had the McKeans’ full approval to talk about the situation with his kids. I put into practice Proverbs 18:17, attempted to conference in Kip. However, the moment Kip was added to the call both Williams and Baird disconnected and refused my calls to reconnect. In my ensuing conversation with Kip, I was heartbroken when I learned the real truth that the McKeans had never given such approval.
Later in 2003, Fleming, Williams, and Baird – alongside former World Sector Leaders Marty Fuqua and Peter Garcia of LA – would perpetuate an unprecedented move. These men swayed those who held positions on the Board of Directors to use the authority given to them by the “laws of the United States” to supersede the “laws of the Scriptures” and force out the leader that even all of them for years had wholeheartedly agreed was “God’s man” – placed in authority by God to lead His movement and maintain unity. I remember the shock and horror of learning in a 45 minute discussion with Andy Fleming that this was a thoroughly thought-out and executed plan. He preached to the Riverside Sector of the Los Angeles Church about our new “freedom in Christ” “boasting” to the congregation how “he” had Kip removed. After Fleming’s lesson, he relayed to me more specifics.
Interestingly, there are many movements recorded in the Scriptures. Noah, Moses, Joshua, Nehemiah, David, John the Baptist, and of course Jesus were all raised-up by God to lead remnants of God’s people to become great movements. Near the end of their lives, both Gideon and David personally chose to step away from their positions. However, only one time in all of Scripture is the leader of one of God’s movements ever “forced out” of his leadership position by the people he led. This occurred in Absalom’s rebellion against David with Absalom suffering the consequence of death. (2 Samuel 15-18) In time, God raised-up David to lead again – just as He has now done with Kip! In the Bible, God always “raised-up” and “took out” His leader in “His” timing. God expected His people to trust Him and to wait on His timing instead of rebelling against Him and His leader.
Although the McKeans were “officially fired” in April 2003, this horrific and shameful event was never announced to any of the International Churches of Christ. Immediately following the firing of the McKeans, another series of articles about “unbelieving children” was circulated, which essentially began, “We have continued to study the topic of unbelieving children…” Here, these same teachers completely reversed their stance on “unbelieving children” – the very principle that was falsely used to “force out” God’s leader. As of today, not one of the former World Sector Leaders, Kingdom Teachers or Kingdom Elders would say that an unfaithful child disqualifies an evangelist, because many of them have unfaithful children and presently serve as “Lead Evangelists.” Sadly, this unspoken reversal of position – to now “protect” themselves – exposes the hypocritical evil of “using” the McKeans’ child to “rid” the movement of God’s man.
The harsh and ungodly treatment of the McKeans in firing them from the ministry, as well as this “double standard” about “unfaithful children,” would have led most couples to simply quit the “fish bowl life” of the ministry. Though severely wounded, what set the McKeans apart from most couples was their deep conviction that God had called them into the ministry, as well as their constant encouragement to each other to stay righteous before God and to continue to love their critics, not giving into Satan’s temptations of hate, self-pity or “striking back.”
Of special note, only one World Sector Leader Pat Gempel has publically apologized to the McKeans. This she did in Portland at the 2005 World Missions Jubilee. It’s also important to state that Kip has said, “I’ll never condone in the new movement anyone speaking out naming the men and women in leadership in the ICOC, whose children are unfaithful and especially which of their children have become unfaithful and left God. I have personally felt the devastation it causes in the lives of a family and especially in the lives of the children. I still love all of these families very much. Therefore, I would never intentionally hurt any of these children, as I pray that each of them will return to God and once more be a faithful disciple.”
Sadly, the cruel public character assassination of both Kip and Elena using the spiritual condition of their children continues to this day. Yet, the sharp decline of members in the ICOC since the McKeans’ sabbatical in 2001, testifies to God’s hand being against this ungodly “conspiracy.” (2 Samuel 15-18) In sharp contrast, the rapid increase of disciples and churches in God’s new SoldOut Movement, which God has raised-up Kip to lead – alongside a loyal and unified team of overseeing evangelists, women’s ministry leaders, and shepherding couples – testifies to God’s approval! (1 Corinthians 3:7)
Another significant testimony of God pouring out His blessings when authentic discipling was restored is in marriage and family. For years, the ICOC “boasted in the Lord” to have very few divorces. With discipling abandoned, divorce became rampant – even with couples who were at one time in the fulltime ministry! In sharp contrast, in God’s new movement once again divorce is non-existent in most congregations, as the marriages and families are “rejoicing in the Lord.”
The two most prominent aspects of Mainline theology (but hidden to many because of a lack of knowledge about the roots of the ICOC) were blindly adopted by most preachers in the ICOC: 1) Becoming only a “New Testament” Church – the Old Testament Scriptures (though historically accurate) had no authority, especially in the areas of leadership and governess. 2) The mode of the interpretation of Scripture by Thomas Campbell – “Speak where the Bible speaks, and be silent where the Bible is silent.” Since the New Testament does not explicitly have the term World Sector Leaders, the Kingdom Elders and Kingdom Teachers swayed the rest of the leaders of the ICOC at the Long Beach Unity Meeting in November 2002, to completely dissolve the structured, central leadership. In shame, the McKeans and the World Sector Leaders who had not yet stepped down were “forced” to resign their roles at the Long Beach Unity Meeting. (However, the McKeans were still to be paid full-time and in January 2003 began serving in the Cal State Long Beach Campus Ministry.)
This upheaval embraced a reactionary “new and better vision” of congregations that were “so mature” that they no longer needed overseeing evangelists. Most also embraced consensus leadership in the local congregation with no “Lead Evangelist” – because the term “Lead Evangelist” is not found in the New Testament. At this time, a movement to eliminate a structured outreach (Bible Talks) and structured discipling (Discipleship Partners) arose. “Kip’s vision” of the evangelization of the nations in a generation was called “a good idea” yet “impossible” by such outspoken critics as Douglas Jacoby and Scott Green. Some began to label Kip as a “false teacher” for this dream, believing that the pressure on the churches to evangelize the world in a generation was the primary source of bitterness in many leaders and in many churches. Yet devoid of the dream to change the world, Proverbs 29:18 would prove true again – “Without vision the people perish.”
The ultimate demise of what was then known and revered as the International Church of Christ came in February 2003, when Henry Kriete, a hurting and former Mainline Church of Christ evangelist in London, released his letter entitled, Honest To God. In his letter, Kriete advocated “a time for anger and the overthrowing of temples: I believe the time is now.” The rebellion of some of the World Sector Leaders and all of the Kingdom Elders and Kingdom Teachers was consequently passed on to all the members. Thousands left God confused and angry. Other disciples quietly “walked away” to try to find “the same church elsewhere,” which proved to be in vain.
Further confusing the membership was the decision by the Kingdom Elders and Kingdom Teachers in April 2003 to “reopen the door to the Mainline Church of Christ.” Kip – as a loving and concerned “father in the faith” – reminded and warned the LA leadership as well as what was left of the ICOC leadership that most members in the Mainline Church of Christ were not totally committed disciples. (1 Corinthians 4:14-17) He conveyed that trying to merge the “two fellowships” – ICOC and Mainline – would produce more confusion. Not heeding the words of “their prophet,” as of today, the ICOC has lost its distinctiveness and identity. Very significantly, to signal a fundamental change of doctrine, almost all ICOC congregations no longer called themselves the “International Church of Christ,” but simply the “Church of Christ.” For example, the Boston International Church of Christ changed their name to the Boston Church of Christ.
Satan’s doctrine of autonomy had two more destructive effects on the ICOC: First of all, outside the United States autonomy gave birth to a “sinful nationalism.” Many international congregations did not want their church led or overseen by “a foreigner.” Consequently – just a month after the November 2002 Long Beach Unity Meeting – the London ICOC fired their Lead Evangelist, for the most part because he was American. After the 2003 Kriete Letter that called for an angry rebellion, scores of missionaries were rejected by “the nationals” they laid down their lives to convert. These same missionaries returned home in shame. Tragically, they then needed to find secular jobs, as the American congregations could not absorb the salaries of so many returning missionaries, especially with their own weekly contributions plummeting because of complete lack of confidence in leadership and a flagging conviction about the “need” for a worldwide movement.
Secondly, autonomy – and “the hypocritical desire for each preacher to lead his own kingdom” – very sadly led to the “one ICOC church in each city” dividing into several congregations of varying convictions. For example, London divided into six separate churches; Los Angeles splintered into seven congregations; and Atlanta separated into 12 congregations!
While the ICOC embraces most of these other congregations as brothers, the SoldOut Movement is criticized for “planting new congregations” into cities such as these. The establishment of SoldOut Movement Churches in these cities does not condemn individuals who are saved as they continue to truly live as disciples in the ICOC’s splintered congregations. The planting of these “new congregations” simply says we are going to evangelize the world, including cities which already have disciples who will not work in unity with us. Ironically in the 80’s and 90’s, the Mainline Churches of Christ made the same statement when the Boston Movement (ICOC) planted churches in “their” cities. The ICOC position then and ours now is: The need for “another church” is that we do not believe that any other congregation will evangelize that entire city, and thus the world. We believe we must obey this command of God, because though “our congregation” is not the only church with disciples, it is the only church composed of only disciples.
Fired By Men – Approved By God
In April 2003, the McKeans courageously confronted the LA ICOC leadership in the presence of Bob and Pat Gempel, who the McKeans asked to come as witnesses. Kip and Elena challenged Al Baird, Marty Fuqua, Andy Fleming and Bruce Williams on these issues: 1) Abandoning discipling; 2) Returning to Mainline theology – especially autonomy; 3) The silence – the deceit – about this decision with the LA membership; 4) The silence – the deceit – to the LA membership about the incredible numbers leaving the ICOC around the world in every congregation – falling away or walking away; 5) Calling the dream of the evangelization of the nations in a generation, ”Impossible.” Kip and Elena reiterated at the meeting, “The dream of an evangelized world is not only possible, but it was accomplished in the first century and is the command of God.” (Colossians 1:23; 1 Timothy 2:3-4, 3:16, 4:9-11) After this meeting, the McKeans were fired for these convictions.
Now with little support from any disciples anywhere, Kip takes his stand and writes Revolution Through Restoration Part 3: From Babylon To Zion. In this treatise of faith, despite all the opposition and abandonment of many once faithful brothers, Kip has been able to realize all the more the sovereignty of God and how He uses seemingly down and disastrous times as a means to propel the gospel of Jesus around the globe. He also humbly assesses his leadership, as well as what was godly and right in the Boston Movement, which became the ICOC. He documents where his and others’ sins and shortcomings were addressed with little or no mercy and forgiveness. Kip concludes that this lack of “agapé love” was ultimately responsible for the demise of what was once God’s movement.
The Spirit Moves The McKeans To Portland
Officially on July 11, 2003, at the invitation of the leadership of the Portland International Church of Christ, Kip and Elena moved to Portland, Oregon to lead a hurting and devastated church. When the Kriete Letter came out in February 2003, the Portland Church had 300 members. Yet at the McKeans’ first midweek just five months later in July 2003, it was only necessary to set up 25 chairs for the entire congregation! Over the next three years, the Portland Church experienced incredible growth to 600 in attendance on Sundays (with 487 in the membership) when they handed over the leadership of the church as they left on the “LA Mission Team” in early 2007. During the years following the Kriete Letter, the Portland International Church of Christ – under Kip’s seasoned leadership – was the fastest growing congregation of what was left of the ICOC churches in the world!
The Spirit’s revival of the Portland Church centered in Kip’s faith in preaching the Word and his uncompromising but “now gentle call” for every member’s heart to obey it. Bible Talks, Discipleship Partners, a College/Teen Devotional, and the weekly contribution collections were quickly reinstated. The turning point came early on when Kip, though weakened but faithful and wiser after over two years of intense suffering, called for an “Evening of Atonement.” On Wednesday evening, August 13, 2003, over 100 people gathered to share their repentance to God and to each other publically. Tony Untalan and Jeremy Ciaramella were the first to share, apologizing with tears and mentioning specific people in the crowd that they had sinned against. It moved everyone to tears. The heartfelt apologies and sharing by about 25 more individuals lasted almost three hours! Through this effort, about 75 disciples returned to be members of the Portland Church. By January 2004, the Portland Church numbered 120 disciples and word began to spread across America and in fact around the globe that “things were happening in Portland!” Over the next three years, individuals from 26 different states moved to Portland where many exclaimed upon their arrival as my wife and I did, “This is the church I was baptized in!” It was such a powerful time that DJ and Kacie Comisford – who moved from Ohio to be a part of the growing revival in the perpetually rainy city of Portland – wrote about their experience in a song:
The Portland Song
Wasting – away here
When it was suddenly revealed
That we couldn’t make it here without rain!
What a shame!
Patiently waiting, begging God constantly praying
Please lead us to greener pastures!
God is there anywhere to go?
Is there any hope to grow again?
Where are the people that still dream?
Please bring us times of refreshin’.
Then He sent hope from the West Coast!
There’s plenty of rain on the West Coast!
Welcome to Portland, Oregon
Where the rain is pourin’
Hope your soul feels at home.
All the people criticizin’
But we are just baptizin’
Got plenty of H20!
And you say hey-o welcome home!
And you say hey-o welcome home!
Came here with nothing
But with the faith
God could do something great!
Now this was more than we asked for
That’s for sure! Oregon
You shared your faith
You shared your dreams
Gave us love
Helped us to believe
You were the answer to our prayer!
God provided a place to go
He gave us hope to grow again!
And here are the people that still dream
Now are the times of refreshin’.
And we found hope on the West Coast!
There’s plenty of rain on the West Coast!
Welcome to Portland, Oregon
Where the rain is pourin’
Hope your soul feels at home.
All the people criticizin’
But we are just baptizin’
Got plenty of H2O!
And you say hey-o welcome home!
And you say hey-o welcome home!
The Global Internet Ministry Begins

CyberEvangelists: Jeremy Ciaramella, Rob Onekea
and Ron Harding
In the early days of Portland to propel the message that God put on his heart, Kip relied heavily on Jeremy Ciaramella to build a website that would appeal to the faithful remnant around the world. The name Upsidedown21 (USD21) was selected; “Upsidedown” since the first century church “turned the world upsidedown” (Acts 17:6 RSV), and the “21” gave the vision that the disciples’ impact in the first century would be echoed in the twenty-first century! The weekly bulletin articles of the Portland Church were displayed on the USD21 website. Quite creatively, these articles were translated into seven other languages also displayed on the website. Feedback from the website was tremendous! Most of the people that ended up moving to Portland first became interested through the articles and Kip’s sermons online. Kip realized there was an entirely new frontier for unifying the people of God and evangelizing the world in a generation. This led him to yet another innovation, the appointing of Jeremy Ciaramella as the first CyberEvangelist at the 2004 Jubilee! (In 2009, I was greatly humbled when Kip asked me to serve as the Lead CyberEvangelist for the SoldOut Movement’s Global Internet Ministries. Of tremendous encouragement to me are my fellow CyberEvangelists: Jeremy Ciaramella, Tim Kernan, Rob Onekea and Jake Studer.)
The Portland Controversy
In June 2004, just eleven months after coming to Portland, Kip and the Portland Church hosted the first World Missions Jubilee entitled, The Lord Of The Fellowship. Many leaders of the ICOC attended – some genuinely interested in the incredible growth in the Portland Church; others came skeptical, even scornful. Trying desperately to bring reform, repentance and unity to what remained of the ICOC, Kip asked several of the more influential leaders in what remained of the ICOC to speak on the program. Most accepted this invitation. However, controversy soon followed as Kip delivered one of the most impassioned pleas for world evangelism through “making disciples”. in his message, A Great Light Has Dawned.
In the summer of 2005, the World Missions Jubilee was entitled UpsideDown21. It was on this momentous occasion after prayer and fasting that Kip decided that the only way to salvage the ICOC as a discipling movement was by “calling out the remnant.” Even greater controversy followed. In September, in reaction to Kip’s “calling out the remnant,” he was “uninvited” by Scott Green from speaking at the ICOC Leadership Meeting in Seattle set for early September 2005.
In Phoenix, adding fuel to the Spirit’s fire, Chris and Sonja Chloupek – former high-profile ministry leaders in the LA ICOC – after visiting the Portland Church in late September 2005, decided to confront Gordon Ferguson, a former Kingdom Teacher and now the preacher for the “very Mainline” Phoenix Valley Church of Christ – formerly the Phoenix International Church of Christ. They challenged him on the lukewarmness in the Phoenix Church, as well as the hundreds of disciples that had fallen or walked away. They appealed to Ferguson to ask Kip for help. In anger, Ferguson refused to seek help. Seeing his hardness of heart, the Chloupeks asked Kip if he would back them in starting what came to be known as the first “remnant group.” Now, all around the world, the term “Portland Movement” began to be whispered with the hope of a new day!

Chris & Sonja Chloupek and their children in 2005!
Contrary to democratic “Western thinking” where the “majority is always right,” on many occasions in the Scriptures, the “minority report” is the one that is of God. (Numbers 13:26-33; Matthew 7:13-14) Even in Elijah’s day, the question was surely asked, “Can 450 prophets of Baal be wrong, and one prophet of God be right?” Sensing people were “wavering between two opinions,” in October 2005, 65 evangelists and elders from what remained of the International Churches of Christ wrote a letter criticizing Kip as a “troubler of Israel.” (1 Kings 18:17-21) They confronted him on being “divisive” not realizing that Jesus “came to bring… division” (Luke 12:51) and not comprehending that divisiveness is of God when someone preaches the Word like Jesus! (John 10:19)
There were four false charges against Kip: 1) His words were “unwholesome” and thus divisive, as he called the ICOC Churches “lukewarm.” (Though Kip indeed called the ICOC lukewarm, but like Jesus in Revelation 3:19, Kip courageously challenged them because of his love for them.) 2) The charge of divisiveness continued as scores of move-ins to Portland were called “sheep stealing” instead of the Spirit moving them to a place of revival. (Jeremiah 23:3-4) 3) Kip was called divisive because he accepted the invitation of evangelists in other places – such as Raul Moreno in Santiago, Chile – for the discipling of their lives and churches. (Yet Kip was graciously responding to their plea for help and fellowship, as in their own words, “We were completely abandoned” – when overseeing evangelists were eliminated and called “unbiblical.”) 4) Kip supported any group of disciples that gathered from what was left of the ICOC to start a new church of “sold-out disciples.” Interestingly, some remnant groups formed seeking revival even before many heard of the SoldOut Movement.
A forceful yet humble response letter entitled, A Concern For All The Churches was written by Kip and the leaders of the Portland International Church of Christ. A second letter was written in response to Portland’s A Concern For All The Churches. This second letter, once again was subtly asking people, “Can all of us be wrong?” was signed by 85 leaders in what was left of the ICOC now hopelessly plagued with Mainline theology. This sinful letter officially marked Kip and those who followed his gallant leadership as “divisive” and not to be associated with. Jesus warned, “All this I have told you so that you will not go astray. They will put you out of the synagogue [disfellowshipment]; in fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God. They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me.” (John 16:1-3)
However, as time has passed, many disciples around the world like me now understand that envy, jealousy and insecurity were at the root of these attacks. (Psalm 106:16) Of grave concern, cynics labeled these events as simply “church politics” instead of what it truly was: an epic confrontation for the hearts of the remnant and the lost souls of the world. Inspired by Kip’s stand that autumn and his nine-part series in the Portland Bulletin: God’s Mandate For World Evangelism, the Kiev (Ukraine) Remnant Group of 25 disciples was formed in December 2005. This was the first of many remnant groups established by the Spirit outside the United States!
The Birth Of The SoldOut Movement
Despite all of the criticisms from within the ICOC, the Portland Church continued to multiply disciples through not only baptisms, but through more and more “remnant disciples” moving to Portland to find spiritual revival and refreshment. Also after much prayer, Chris and Theresa Broom, leaders of the Central New York Church of Christ, made a bold decision in early 2006 to call their entire congregation to “fully join” with Kip. In June 2006, the Brooms led a mission team composed of Syracuse and Portland disciples to plant the Chicago International Christian Church. The mission team joined a small remnant group already in Chicago. This was in fact the first “church planting” of what was clearly becoming a new movement!
In time, the Central New York Church of Christ was renamed the Syracuse International Christian Church. From this small but heartsy congregation of 120 sold-out Christians came such future leaders as Chris and Theresa Broom, Andrew and Patrique Smellie, Chris and Kerri-Sue Adams, as well as Roger and Kama Parlour and their children – Joel and Brittany. For its incredible sacrifice of disciples and finances for God and His new movement, the Syracuse Church became known as “the little church that could… and did.”
Shortly afterwards in July 2006, the Spirit sent 14 member mission team from Portland to Phoenix dauntlessly led by Matt and Helen Sullivan. Having been inspired by the 2004 Jubilee, the Sullivans were “remnant disciples” who moved from the decimated Fresno, California ICOC to Portland to find revival and to train for the ministry. Combining the mission team and the remnant group in Phoenix, the Sullivans built a rock-solid “foundation.” (1 Corinthians 3:10-11) Through discipling, they raised-up Chris and Sonja Chloupek as well as Luke and Brandyn Speckman into the full-time ministry. In 2008, the Spirit sent the Sullivans and a small mission team to join the remnant group in Santiago, Chile. Thus the Santiago International Christian Church became the first international planting of the SoldOut Movement! In turn, the Phoenix Church was dynamically led by the Chloupeks and the campus ministry was served by the Speckmans.
In Santiago, the Sullivans repeated their building of a solid “foundation” of disciples as they did in Phoenix. In turn, Raul and Lynda Moreno – the valiant leaders of Santiago – moved to Los Angeles for healing and training. (Lynda has expressed on many occasions that she suffered a “nervous breakdown” at the collapse of what was once God’s movement – the ICOC – and the desertion of her “friends” in the ICOC, which only intensified when the Morenos joined God’s new movement thus starting the Santiago Remnant Group.) In 2010, the Chloupeks moved to Los Angeles for more training and to initiate a new AMS (Arts Media Sports) Ministry. Very revealing is that the AMS Region of the old LA ICOC changed its name to the “Turning Point Church,” as its leaders receive much of their ministry direction and training from a denominational church that does not believe in baptism “for the remission of sin.” (Acts 2:38)
This dangerous doctrinal drift – with the pleasing appeal of “open-mindedness” – is also seen on the International Teaching Ministry Website of Douglas Jacoby – now the most prominent of the former “Kingdom Teachers” as Fleming’s writings are regarded as of “little weight” since he leads a congregation in Birmingham, England of less than 120 members which – according to Andy’s email to me in April 2012 – has averaged seven baptisms a year during his over four years there… sadly less than the “average” Mainline Church of Christ. On Jacoby’s website, which contains some very good commentaries on the Scriptures making it credible, he posts such articles as Baptism Revisited by John Lang. Lang teaches that the Baptist Church position on salvation before baptism is valid: “There is no conclusive Biblical support for the view that God rejects baptized, repentant believers simply because they believed that their salvation coincided with their point of faith rather than their baptism… [Therefore], we should be honest about our limitations and acknowledge our inability to precisely determine ‘who is and who is not a Christian’.” This is a “Satanic false teaching” from a false teacher “masquerading as a servant of righteousness.” (2 Corinthians 11:13-15) Yet Jacoby writes in his introduction of this article, “I appreciate brothers like John…”
The primary differences between the “first movement” (ICOC) and the new SoldOut Movement is the unity among the leaders on doctrines such as: salvation is promised only to baptized disciples; the visible church should be composed of only “sold-out” baptized disciples; “the view of Old Testament Scriptures;” church government (autonomy is sin); discipling is a command of God; and the vision to evangelize the nations in a generation. Most in the ICOC in the 90’s “thought” that their leaders were completely unified, but this was never the case. During Kip’s years of leadership in the ICOC, his biggest challenge was unity. He was constantly encouraging, striving and “battling” with those in leadership to bring everyone to unity on the aforementioned Bible convictions “to replace” their traditional beliefs from their Mainline roots. Ultimately, this disunity of doctrine was a key reason that led to the fracturing of the once genuinely close relationships among the leaders. This disconnect between disciples now extends throughout the entire ICOC. While there are a few pockets of faithful disciples scattered throughout the world who continue to live in much the same way as before the “new direction of 2001,” these devious teachings will most likely cause this drifting to reach them as well.
In August 2006, the Third World Missions Jubilee was celebrated! It was aptly entitled, Follow The Fire. In attendance was the new full-time minister from the Hilo International Church of Christ, Kyle Bartholomew. Kyle was converted in 2001 from the University of Hawaii – Hilo. He was the star and the captain of their basketball team. Confident and charismatic, Kyle humbly realized that he was untrained for the work of the ministry. After participating in the Jubilee, he asked Kip and Elena to disciple him and his wife, Joan. Upon being asked to disciple Kyle, Kip asked Kyle, “You do realize how controversial the Portland Church is? If I disciple you, you will become equally as controversial.” Without any hesitation, Kyle responded, “I see no other possible alternative for my wife and me, and no hope for Hilo if you do not come.” Interestingly, Kyle was fully supported in this decision by his two younger brothers – Evan and Levi – and by most in the Hilo Leadership Group. However, less than half of the membership was behind this radical resolution.

Kyle & Joan Bartholomew of Honolulu in 2006!
In the May 25, 2008 City of Angels International Christian Church Bulletin, Kyle wrote an article entitled, Hope For The Islands! He recapped the history of discipling ministries in the Hawaiian Islands including his conversion:
When I was baptized as a disciple on July 29, 2001 through the efforts of the Hilo International Church of Christ, I was blown away by the commitment, passion and love that I saw in each and every disciple. What inspired me most was the dream that each disciple shared to evangelize the Islands, the Pacific Rim and ultimately the world in their generation. In 2001, there were about 60 disciples in Hilo, 75 in Maui and around 1,000 in Oahu – every disciple believed this dream was possible, and so did I! Sadly, in November 2002 after the ICOC leadership’s decision to return to a more Mainline Church of Christ theology, as well as the advent of the “Kriete Letter” in early 2003, so many beloved aspects of ‘my church’ began to change. Gone was a fellowship where every member was a practicing disciple of Jesus. Gone was the deep love for one another through discipling relationships. And gone was the dream to evangelize the Islands and the world. By 2006, membership was declining at an alarming rate! Oahu dropped from 1,000 disciples to 200; Hilo went from almost 60 disciples to 38; and Maui was reduced from 75 disciples to 25. Oahu went from six full-time couples to two, and both Hilo and Maui went from a full-time couple leading each congregation to untrained volunteers, as vision and then contribution plummeted. Baptisms became extremely rare, restorations were almost non-existent and there had not been a single church planted from the Islands for over six long years. It was obvious to me that something needed to change!
In late 2006, I was asked by the “leadership group” of the Hilo ICOC to be the minister. They were indeed desperate as the Hilo Church had not had a baptism for over a year! Since I was untrained, I was convinced we needed additional help. Therefore, in considering which church to ask for help, I decided to attend the Portland World Missions Jubilee. I was so in awe of God so obviously working through the Portland Church, as the fastest growing church in the ICOC at that time, that I asked Kip and Elena to disciple Joan and me. Thankfully, they agreed. One month later, the McKeans came to help us rebuild the Hilo Church’s foundation to be composed of only disciples (1 Corinthians 3:10-11). After an eventful weekend of Kip’s and Elena’s preaching, God left us with a “Gideon-like” twelve disciples, whose dream was to once again evangelize the world in our generation! The other 26 members, many of whom were lukewarm, started a new congregation with the help of evangelists from both the LA ICOC and the Oahu Church of Christ. Not having a baptism for over a year in Hilo, yet starting with twelve sold-out disciples, God blessed us with 20 baptisms that next year! Sadly, yet to the point, the congregation that was started in opposition to Kip’s and my vision of world evangelism through God’s plan of discipling still has not seen a baptism to this day.
Upon the McKeans’ return to Portland, the Portland leaders, as well as others who believed in Jesus’ dream for the evangelization of the nations in one generation, pleaded with Kip to realize that God was initiating a “new movement” by calling him to start again. On October 15, 2006, compelled by the Spirit, Kip published in the Portland Church Bulletin the first of a three-part series entitled, Partners In The Gospel. Though the names “Portland Movement” and “SoldOut Movement” had been used by detractors for over a year, these three articles were the formal announcement of the birth of a new family of churches – a new movement of God!
I personally was so encouraged by the events of August, September and October 2006. At the request of my dear wife who listened to sermons on the Upsidedown21 Website and read every bulletin, I visited the Portland Church in late August, one week before the Jubilee. After just one service, I went up to Kip and said, “This is the church I was baptized in! I’m moving my family here as soon as possible.” I then came the following week to the Follow the Fire Jubilee and after confessing my sins associated with my lukewarmness, I moved my family to Portland on September 1, 2006. Shortly afterwards, Tracy at communion shared, “I finally have ‘my Ron’ back!” What Tracy meant was that when the ICOC made “discipling optional” (in reality for me non-existent) I had gone back to being my “old self” – a stranger to Tracy since we met and married in the church. However, through discipling, my “first love” for God was restored and I began to “do the things [that I] did at first.” (Revelation 2:4-5) In other words, I was a sold-out disciple again, and thus once more “the Ron” with whom she had fallen in love!
The Spirit Takes The McKeans To Los Angeles
Inspired by divine wisdom, Jesus centered the first century movement of disciples not in the small towns of Galilee where He for the most part ministered, but in the largest of Jewish cities – Jerusalem. Later the center for the church would move to the most influential city in the whole world – Rome. Realizing that the size and accessibility of the city of Portland was limiting for a worldwide movement, the McKeans laid a fleece before God about where to move. The Lord put upon their heart to move to either New York City or Los Angeles. The fleece was simple: wherever a remnant group came out first, this would be the place from which to build again. In late October, God answered the prayer with a small remnant group forming in Los Angeles – gathered by the Spirit working through Sal and Patricia Velasco and my wife and me. Though composed of only 23 disciples, the persecution was quite vicious. Therefore, Kip and I both felt that it would be best if I moved back to LA to stabilize the remnant group. Just before my return, a formal letter was sent out by the LA ICOC Leadership wrongly “disfellowshipping” these few valiant disciples and me. (John 16:1-3, 12:42-44) Without question, the LA ICOC Leadership – overseeing a congregation of less than 5,000 – felt threatened as they had witnessed over 5,000 of their members walk away or fall away since the Kriete Letter and the unjust firing of the McKeans.
In the meantime, Kip and Elena – seeing the hand of God leading them – came to Los Angeles to minister to the remnant group and to climb their beloved “Mt. Shalom” (aka Mt. Hollywood) to vow to God that they would be faithful to His vision to the end. By January 2007, plans had been made to raise $150,000 to send a 42 disciple mission team from Portland to Los Angeles. The leadership of the Portland Church was given to Steve and Lisa Johnson. Later the Johnsons led many in the Portland Church astray with their hidden convictions on autonomy.
The Inaugural Service of the City of Angels International Christian Church was May 6, 2007. We had an attendance of 324! The 2007 World Missions Jubilee was held in Portland that summer, because Kip felt that the young church planting in LA should not be distracted with all of the necessary preparations for a Jubilee. Also to encourage the Portland Church, the McKeans wanted to return with many of the newly baptized disciples from the mission team’s efforts. This would demonstrate that the Portland Church’s sacrifice of disciples and finances was more than worth it. The theme of the Jubilee was King of Kings!
Kip very prayerfully and with trustworthy counselors chose the name “International Christian Church” for the new movement’s congregations for three reasons: 1) The name “International” conveyed the world vision of the new movement. 2) “International” would also signal to the remnant that we are a revival movement out of the shattered “International” Church of Christ. 3) “Christian” because Kip’s view of Scripture from a Restoration Movement historical perspective was closer to the conservative Christian Church’s position: “anything is permissible as long as it does not contradict the Bible,” verses the Church of Christ: “speak where the Bible speaks…” which means that one needs a command, example or necessary inference to name or have a particular practice.
By the end of the first year of the City of Angels Church in May 2008, 104 had been baptized into Christ – one more baptism than Kip and Elena’s first year in Boston! Kip’s rare ability to raise-up effective evangelists was once again witnessed as early on in the second year and unparalleled in the history of discipling churches in America, the Spirit sent-out the City of Angels Church’s first two mission teams: Honolulu, Hawaii – led by Kyle and Joan Bartholomew, and New York City – led by DJ and Kacie Comisford. In August 2008, the fourth World Missions Jubilee was held in Los Angeles and entitled, Declare His Glory Among The Nations. At this momentous event, not only was the New York City Mission Team officially sent out, but the Washington DC Mission Team, led by Andrew and Patrique Smellie and composed of disciples from Syracuse and Eugene (Portland’s planting in 2004), was sent out as well!
Yet the highlight of the Jubilee was Kip’s announcement of the forming of the Central Leadership Council (CLC) of the SoldOut Movement! The McKeans – after many hours of prayer and counsel – selected Evangelist Couples: Chris and Theresa Broom, DJ and Kacie Comisford, Andrew and Patrique Smellie, and Matt and Helen Sullivan, as well as Shepherding Couples: Nick and Denise Bordieri and Tony and Therese Untalan.

The first meeting of the Central Leadership Council in 2008!
Later, my dear brother and sister Michael and Sharon Kirchner were added to the CLC as the third Shepherding Couple, as well as for Michael to become the Administrator of the SoldOut Movement. Previous to moving to LA, Michael served as a Vice President of General Mills in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He gave-up this “dream job” – literally sacrificing millions of dollars in future earnings – to join God’s new movement in Los Angles in the summer of 2007, as he like Moses “regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of [the American dream], because he was looking ahead to his reward.” (Hebrews 11:26)

Michael & Sharon Kirchner were selected to be in the
Central Leader Council, where Michael serves as the
Administrator for all the SoldOut Movement
Another historic decision announced at the 2008 Jubilee was the creation of MERCYworldwide. In the Boston Movement, the benevolent arm of the church was called HOPEworldwide. “HOPE” was officially founded in 1991 under the leadership of Bob and Pat Gempel. With the World Sector Leaders as the Board of Directors (with Kip as the Chairman of the Board), HOPE. became one of the most powerful and respected religious charities in the world as all the members of every church could be mobilized as volunteers, thus having a “worldwide” impact. Eventually, HOPE had projects in almost 100 countries. HOPE’s impact declined rapidly when the ICOC churches became autonomous. No longer could disciples be mobilized for worldwide projects, but also many church leaders had no desire to continue to fund a centralized organization. Interestingly, HOPE was officially founded in 1991 in the twelfth year of the Boston Movement. MERCY was founded in only the second year of the SoldOut Movement!

By 1995, the global impact of HOPEworldwide was so great that the
Gempels – Directors of HOPEworldwide – and Kip as Chairman of
the Board were able to present to Nelson Mandela the “HOPE
Unity Award” at the “South African White House” in
Pretoria. Kip now serves as Chairmen of the Board
for MERCYworldwide, using his many years of
invaluable experiences in HOPEworldwide!
Kip never forgot how HOPE had opened the door of evangelism to many nations, such as India and Israel. Therefore, creating a “new HOPE” was a very high priority in his desire to fulfill Jesus’ dream of the evangelization of the nations in this generation. The Directors of “MERCY” are Nick and Denise Bordieri.

Nick and Denise Bordieri
The Portland Church Is Led Astray
Also at the 2008 Jubilee, the travesty of Steve and Lisa Johnson’s abandonment (a second time) from Kip and Elena and Jesus’ dream for the evangelization of the nations in a generation became apparent. I will never forget in his Jubilee speech, Steve foreshadowing their eminent departure from the movement with the ominous opening words, “This is probably the last time I will be speaking to you at the Jubilee.” I was caught completely off guard because previous to the Jubilee, Steve and I had almost weekly Skype times where we mutually encouraged one another. We discussed some very challenging topics, but I had no idea what he was really planning.
Two weeks after the Jubilee, Steve Johnson officially broke away from the SoldOut Movement, when he delivered a Wednesday Midweek sermon on autonomy. The week before this sermon, I had several conversations with Steve where he finally disclosed to me his true beliefs on discipling, autonomy and authority. He then told me that he was going to separate. This hurtful decision was precipitated by not wanting to pay a price that he and Lisa deemed too high to remain in the new movement – the loosing of most of their relationships in the ICOC and the Mainline Churches – their roots. Though subtly taught by the Johnsons after the Spirit had sent the McKeans to LA, now the Johnsons came out and vehemently opposed a central leadership with a central leader for a family of churches.

Chris & Theresa Broom of Chicago in 2007!
Largely through the efforts of Jeremy Ciaramella, the minister for the Eugene Church, a Portland Remnant Group quickly formed in reaction to Johnson’s betrayal and unbiblical teachings. These heroic souls could not conceive of participating in a very staid Mainline worship service, into which the Portland Church immediately morphed. Upon news of this incident, critics seized the opportunity to attack Kip, Elena and God’s young movement. Stepping to the forefront to defend God’s honor, the new movement’s validity, and Kip’s “calling out of the remnant” was Chris Broom – then the Lead Evangelist of the Chicago International Christian Church. Broom composed a very profound document detailing the destructive departure of the ICOC to Mainline theology, paralleling this to the Johnsons’ deceit-filled leaving from the SoldOut Movement, which directly caused the Portland Church to crash from 500 to less than 200 in attendance. This letter was entitled, A Portland Report According To My Convictions.

Ron & Tracy Harding in late 2008!
The formation of the Portland Remnant Group was essential in Kip’s mind to reestablish a dynamic discipling ministry in Portland, since the city was the birthplace of the SoldOut Movement. After prayer and fasting, my wife and I graciously accepted the invitation to lead a mission team from LA to Portland. I told Kip that I needed time to speak with Steve before we made any announcements so that I could honor Steve’s and my relationship. I called Steve and told him that I was not coming to Portland to be against him, but because he was refusing to work with us. I also conveyed that I still had the hope of having fellowship with one another. Since I was a professional drag racer for five years before I became a Christian, we agreed to go to the races at Portland International Raceway when I arrived. Sadly, Steve has never returned another call of mine since my arrival in Portland. The Portland Remnant Group joined the mission team in late 2008. In Portland, God has vindicated Kip’s call for a new movement where every member in every church is “sold-out.” After the sending of the mission team, the vibrant and new “Portland International Christian Church” quickly grew larger than the now stagnated “Portland ICOC” which remains autonomous to this day.
The Crown Of Thorns Project
The theme for the 2009 Global Leadership Conference (GLC) was Go Into All The World. It was held in early August and leaders from 20 different nations traveled to Los Angeles to participate. The following is a section of Kip’s account of the GLC as recorded in the City of Angels Church Bulletin of August 16, 2009:
At the end of the lesson, I presented The Crown of Thorns Project. Remember that Jesus said to the faithful Eleven, “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
The Spirit has made Los Angeles the “Jerusalem” of God’s new movement. So to evangelize the world, we must evangelize “our Judea and Samaria,” the United States. In just three years of existence, the SoldOut Movement has planted dynamic discipling churches in the four most influential cities of America – New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago and Washington DC – as well as in Portland, Honolulu, Hilo, Syracuse, Eugene, and Phoenix. These churches do not include several heroic remnant churches. The US congregations [alongside our future first world congregations such as London and Paris] will provide the needed resources – disciples and finances – to go “to the ends of the earth.” Therefore… we must plan to encircle the globe with unified discipling churches on the other five populated continents. Listed are the 12 targeted international cities that when a line is drawn connecting them forms a jagged circle – a redemptive “crown of thorns” – around the world: Santiago, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, London, Paris, Cairo, Johannesburg, Moscow, Chennai, Hong Kong, Manila and Sydney. It was so exciting that during the conference… that Joe and Kerry Willis of Brisbane, Australia solidified plans to move to LA for strengthening and further training… As He promised, our God is gathering a remnant from “the farthest horizons.” (Nehemiah 1:8-9) It’s happening!
From the 2009 GLC to date, The Crown of Thorns Project has become a rallying vision for the movement. Throughout the SoldOut Churches, disciples like me simply want to make a difference and change the world.

The Crown Of Thorns Project
The Plan For World Evangelism For The SoldOut Movement
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Acts 1:8
“Jerusalem” – Los Angeles
“Judea and Samaria” – United States & Canada
Judea: Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Phoenix, San Diego, Santa Barbara
Samaria: Boston, Chicago, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Denver, Eugene, Gainesville, Hilo, Honolulu, Houston, New York City, Orlando, Philadelphia, Portland, San Francisco,
Syracuse, Toronto and Washington DC
"Ends of the Earth"
PHASE ONE: Plant The Crown Of Thorns Cities
2009 |
2014 |
2010 |
2014 |
Sao Paulo
2011 |
2015 |
Mexico City
2012 |
2016 |
2012 |
2016 |
2013 |
Hong Kong
2017 |
PHASE TWO: “Crown Of Thorns Churches” Target Surrounding Nations’ Capital Cities
PHASE THREE: Each Capital City Church Evangelizes Their Nation
(Green: Church Plantings Purple: Remnant Groups Red: To Be Planted)
God Gathers From The Farthest Horizon
God has always worked through a “remnant” from the days of Noah to the present. Biblically, “the remnant” is defined as the small group of “survivors” that have retained or returned to God’s truths after most of God’s people have not chosen this path. (Isaiah 10:20-22) Nehemiah prayed to God for the remnant, “Remember the instruction you gave to your servant Moses saying, ‘If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations, but if you return to me and obey my commands, then even if your exiled people are at the farthest horizon, I will gather them from there…’” (Nehemiah 1:8-9) Who would disagree that the ICOC was “scattered among the nations?” Therefore, so exciting in our day, God is gathering His remnant from “the farthest horizons.”
When the Lord sent the McKeans to Portland in 2003, only 25 “survivors” gathered at that first Midweek Service. Yet this 25 through faith, forgiveness and discipling became the sold-out base to which God added. Interestingly, though the Portland Church was planted in 1991, they had never planted a single church until the McKeans arrived, and were considered “small and relatively insignificant.” Yet gathered that fateful evening were the “remnant disciples” that became the seeds of leadership for God’s new movement. Among those attending that night were: Nick and Denise Bordieri, Tony and Therese Untalan, their daughter Coleen (Challinor) – the only faithful teen, Jeremy and Amy Ciaramella, Jay and Angie Hernandez, Michael and Michele Williamson, and Sarah Travis (Dimitry) – one of only four college students! Fascinatingly, all of these now “dynamic leaders in the SoldOut Movement” were “unknowns” to all the leaders of what remained of the ICOC! (1 Corinthians 1:26-30)
By March 2004, the Spirit brought to Portland from “their exile” working a secular job in St. Louis, the first former full-time ICOC family – Victor and Sonia Gonzalez and their 10 children. Victor Sr. was fired in LA, because his “leadership style” was “too much like Kip’s.” From 2004 to date, a thirsty remnant has come into the SoldOut Movement congregations finding “living water” – “the church they were baptized in!” Among the leaders – both former fulltime and non-fulltime – are: Chris and Kerri-Sue Adams, Erik af Klint, Alfredo and Alejandra Anuch, Argo and Anu Arneson, RD Baker, Nevin Bhalla, Evan and Kelly Bartholomew, Kyle and Joan Bartholomew, Cory Blackwell, Chris and Theresa Broom, Chris Bryant, Timur and Vika Butakov, Eric and Jackie Chapman, Donna (Smellie) Clark, Jeremiah and Julie Clark, Chris and Sonja Chloupek, Ian and Margot Clague, DJ and Kacie Comisford, Sal & Jen DiFusco, Anthony and Elizabeth Eckels, Jim and Donna Fenton, Blaise and Patricia Feumba, Cecy (Mejia) Frazier, Carlos and Maria Elena Gallardo, George & Angelica Grima, Jacques and Jeanette Groenewald, Rich and Stephanie Hackett, Bill and Lisa Hamilton, Michael and Maria Hart, Slava and Lena Kapskiy, Ted and Sheila Karonis, Tim and Lianne Kernan, Michael and Sharon Kirchner, Lola Lof, Matt and Marlo Lovacheff, Afa Maile, John and Anna Malnegro, Nimrod and Vis Malnegro, LuJack and Cathi Martinez, Jack and Jeanne McGee, Carlos and Lucy Mejia, Raul and Lynda Moreno, Micky Ngungu, Gary and Cyndee Ochs, Rob and Burgandie Onekea, Roger and Kama Parlour and their children Joel and Brittany (Underhill), Jermaine and Stefanie Peacock, Gina Dela Pena, John and Bernie Pereda, Russ and Lana Preston, Mike and Suzette Purdy, Jake Ramsier, Raja and Debs Rajan, Steve and Kithy Ranga, Joe and Mary Santos, Philippe and Prisca Scheidecker, Jay and Barb Shelbrack, Oleg and Aliona Sirotkin, Andrew and Patrique Smellie, Kevin Smellie, Eugen and Julia Sobolev, Amadou and Angele Sountoura, Matt and Helen Sullivan, Chris Teves, Renato and Marie Jose Tria, Sal and Patricia Velasco, Lance and Connie Underhill and their sons – Mike and Joey, Rene and Anita Vermaat, Joe and Kerry Willis, Menno and Yuklin Zoutendijk, and Tracy and me.

Tim & Lianne Kernan at Notre Dame in Paris!
In 2010, one of the most significant events was the coming of Cory Blackwell, the former World Sector Leader for the Middle East. Cory’s placing membership (now he calls it his restoration) in November 2010 was such a balm for Kip’s own wounds. Though the trauma of Cory’s wife leaving the Lord over ten years before and the subsequent ostracization from all ICOC congregations had almost destroyed Cory’s faith, Cory not only was reinstated Evangelist at the 2011 Global Leadership Conference, but now leads the Southland Region of the City of Angels Church and has been given the charge to once again evangelize the Middle East. (City of Angels International Christian Church Bulletin – November 28, 2010 The Dream Never Dies) Excitingly, since Cory became part of God’s modern day movement, his daughter Avrie has become a very dynamic baptized disciple!

Cory and Kip in 1994!
On a personal note, after playing against Cory for seven years in the LA Church Basketball League (and beating him once in the Three Point Contest!) it’s great to be “partners in the gospel” with him and to learn from his years of experience! I’m also very encouraged that in the Winter of 2013, Cory led the way in establishing the City of Angels Church Basketball League! This year’s champion was the AMS Region!

Cory Blackwell
In June 2011, another valiant leader Blaise Feumba and his wife Patricia joined God’s new movement. Upon requesting to join the new movement, Blaise expressed to Kip his sorrow for his signing the two letters against him in 2005. He apologized for his cowardice and was moved by Kip’s unconditional forgiveness. This email to Kip is recorded in the City of Angels International Christian Church Bulletin – June 19, 2011 The Glory Of The Second Temple:
Dear Kip,
I remembered those 10 minutes I spent with you in Seattle [at the 2005 ICOC Leadership Conference] wanting to understand what was going on in our family of churches at that moment. You told me you were going to start another movement compelled by the Spirit of God. At that point, I wasn’t sure that was the best thing to do, but after the churches in French Africa went through the same Satanic rebellion in 2007, I understood what you meant in that room at the Seattle Conference… Most of what has been said about you and Elena has been said about Patricia and me in a very smaller scale. But the pain and the sufferings we have been through were used by the Lord to draw us closer to His heart through countless nights of tears and grief in His purifying hands.
We survived by God’s grace and kept preaching the gospel for which I have been called. From a church [which I once led] of over 2,000 members in Abidjan, [Ivory Coast], a band of about 20 courageous disciples followed Patricia and me for the start of a new planting. We were all resolved to follow the clouds and not the crowds convinced that the church we have given our youth for was dead with politics and deceit. This was the new game played by the shepherds in the ICOC for power and influence. Without any support from men, we grew from 20 to over a hundred in two years, as well as sending out a new planting to Hiré, Ivory Coast, which now numbers 30 disciples…
I want to use this time to let you know that I am sorry for the letter I have signed against you in 2005, because I was not courageous enough to stand against the crowds. I did this against my conscience, but of this I do not blame anyone other than myself. Please forgive me brother because I have sinned against the Lord with a band of brothers who wanted to kill their “father” to take his position. We did not learn from David who understood that God hated rebellion against Saul no matter how badly Saul had treated him. I have no hatred in my heart against my former friends. In fact, I have resolved to pray for them every day begging the Lord to draw them back to once again be close to His heart…
At this time, I can’t think of another captain I would like to pursue this with. I have watched you over the past three years. Your deeds speak of God’s mighty hand on you. No matter what you have been through you are still standing stronger than ever for Jesus and for His mission to see this lost world evangelize in one generation. You have proven yourself worthy to be followed as you follow Christ. Here am I… with a burning desire to save as many souls as possible. I need you in my life. Our love to Elena.
Blaise & Patricia Feumba

Blaise & Patricia Feumba with their three children
– Helena, Odelia and Yoel!
With the Feumbas’ coming, two more “remnant churches” were added to the movement in Ivory Coast. These groups remembered and appreciated that Blaise & Patricia had served in the ICOC as GSL’s (Geographic Sector Leaders) and brought to the gospel to them as well as for the 22 churches in the 14 nations of French-speaking Africa. The Feumbas were likewise reinstated at the 2011 GLC to be Evangelist and Women’s Ministry Leaders. They now joyfully serve the Lord as fulltime servants in the North Region of the City of Angels Church.
As stated before, Kip’s conviction is that the ultimate reason that the “first movement failed to evangelize all nations” was the lack of grace, mercy and forgiveness in his leadership, as well as in other leaders’ lives. Therefore, whenever someone is restored or places membership at the City of Angels Church, Kip often personally leads the song, We Love You With The Love Of The Lord. Also similar to the brothers greeting Paul at Rome, but unique to the SoldOut Movement is the “chorus of sold-out disciples” who gather at their city’s airport to greet a fellow disciple from anywhere around the world with the song, We Love You With The Love Of The Lord! This is practiced by all SoldOut Churches on all six populated continents, as this hymn has become the anthem of God’s new movement trumpeting for all to hear that this “second time” to “love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul and with all our mind and with all our strength” and “to love your neighbor as yourself” will be the preeminent teachings!
The New Movement Multiplies

The Moscow Mission Team Leaders – Oleg & Aliona
Sirotkin and their daughters in 2010!
In August at the 2010 Global Leadership Conference entitled EXODUS, the second Crown Of Thorns City – London – now led dynamically by Michael and Michele Williamson was sent out! The third Crown Of Thorns Church Planting – Sao Paulo was sent-out by the Spirit at the 2011 Global Leadership Conference entitled, The Calling. This noble effort is courageously led by Raul and Lynda Moreno.
Michael & Michele Williamson on the London Eye
overlooking Big Ben, Parliament and the
Thames River!
The theme for the 2012 Global Leadership Conference was CHOSEN – Spiritual Leadership In The Days Of The Judges. An historic five mission teams were sent out by the hand of God: Boston, San Francisco and Orlando, as well as the fourth and fifth Crown Of Thorns Plantings: Mexico City and Paris. Paris was inspirationally led by Tim and Lianne Kernan, French-speaking Canadians who came to the first Jubilee and later formed the London Remnant Group! Satan attacked our efforts in this beautiful but atheistic city through the authorities denying the Kernans a long term visa. So presently, the Paris Church is now gallantly served by the former fulltime Campus Ministry Couple in the Paris ICOC – Philippe and Prisca Scheidecker! As of today, Tim and Lianne Kernan – whom Michael Kirchner calls “the face of world missions for the SoldOut Movement” – after fearlessly preaching the Word in Chennai, India have planted in their homeland the Toronto International Christian Church! Now in November 2014, though almost 500 disciples have been sent out on 19 mission teams as well as to strengthen existing congregations in the past seven years, the City of Angels Church continues to multiply. Their attendance is 1,200 on Sunday mornings! Astonishingly, in the first 320 days of 2014, God blessed this congregation with 463 additions – 333 baptisms, 48 restorations and 82 place memberships – many of whom have “come over” from the ICOC seeking revival!

Raul & Lynda Moreno
The true impact of Kip’s leadership must be measured not only in the multiplying of disciples in Los Angeles, but in the multiplying of churches planted from LA. When one counts all of these churches, in just seven years’ time, the Lord used the original 42 members of the City of Angels Mission Team to multiply into over 3,000 disciples with a Sunday attendance of 5,000! Overall, the SoldOut Movement is now present on all six populated countries of the world! Counting both “church planting churches” and “remnant group churches,” God’s new movement collectively numbers almost 60 congregations in 26 countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Curacao, Democratic Republic of Congo, England, Ethiopia, France, Guam, Haiti, India, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Mexico, Netherlands, Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, Venezuela and the United States of America… and counting!
On a special note, it has been the “joy of our lives” for Tracy and me to lead the Washington DC Church! June 2013 marked a historic event – as we saw a first in the SoldOut Movement: In sending out the Denver Church Planting, the DC Congregation became the first church to train, to send out and fully fund an entire mission team!

The Denver Mission Team!
So now, the DC Church has transformed from a “church planting” into a “planting church!” Of course, the Lord always blesses those who truly give-up everything, and so He gave the 100 member DC Church a big hug, blessing our International Day services on the lawn of the National Mall with attendances of 508 in 2013 and 646 in 2014!

Ron Harding preaches before a crowd of 508 in 2013
and 646 in 2014 on the lawn of the National Mall!
The Founding Of The International College of Christian Ministries

Every major “Christian denomination” in the world has established their own seminary to formalize its doctrine and to train their ministers. On two different occasions in our former fellowship – in Boston in the early 80’s with the “Boston School of World Missions” and in LA in the early 90’s with the “Los Angeles International School of Ministry” – Kip sought to establish an accredited school. Sadly the leadership of the ICOC never came to a consensus on the curriculum in order to establish a school where degrees were recognized. Being “brought to complete unity” (John 17:23) with the founding of the International College of Christian Ministries (ICCM), the Central Leadership Council and the church leaders worldwide in God’s new movement are fulfilling Jesus prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane to let the world know He has sent us!
One of the first goals of the ICCM was to recognize those who already serve as Evangelist and Women’s Ministry Leaders by formally granting to each of them a well earned BA in Ministry Degree at the 2013 Global Leadership Conference! So at the 2013 Global Leadership Conference entitled Prophets And Kings – Longed To See What “We” See, we all “stood in awe of [our] God” as 94 individuals received their BA, Master’s or Doctorate Degrees!

Michael Kirchner – Chairman of the Board of
Regents – introduces the Processional for the
historic First ICCM Graduation!

As the Processional begins Wagner’s 'Ride of the
Valkyries' is played!

The motto of the ICCM is "Venia et Veritas"
which means "Grace and Truth"

“We were like men AND WOMEN who dreamed!”
(Psalm 126:1)
The 2013 Inaugural Commencement Brochure read:

“It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the 2013 Inaugural Commencement Ceremony of the International College of Christian Ministries (ICCM)! This “dream become reality” was made possible because the Lord answered our prayers on August 16, 2012, as the California Bureau of Postsecondary Education approved our application for the founding of the ICCM. We received the “Verification of Exempt Status” which allows the ICCM to grant Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate Degrees in Ministry according to “our” Biblical doctrines and standards.
This “school of prophets” (2 Kings 2:3, 5) is not a substitute for Jesus’ plan to train ministers by walking with them side-by-side for a period of years. (Mark 3:13) The SoldOut Movement Leadership believes that “our appointed ministers” – Evangelists, Women’s Ministry Leaders, Shepherds, Shepherdesses and Administrators – are among the best trained and most effective in all Christendom. What we have lacked hitherto is the vehicle to accredit the robust and dynamic course of training that our leaders already undertake, while augmenting our present efforts with more classroom oriented Biblical studies.
The European Degree System – Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate Degrees – has been one of the most successful European cultural exports in history. The doctorate (Latin: docio) originated in Medieval Europe as a license to teach (Latin: licentia docendi) at a Medieval university. Its roots can be traced to the early church when the term “doctor” referred to the apostles, church fathers and other Christian authorities who taught and interpreted the Bible. This academic program is now present in almost every part of the world – even in China and Saudi Arabia, countries which are not viewed as being “pro-western.”
This Degree System has been fully embraced globally, as the most legitimate indication of competency and qualification in a professional field. Today, we are able to accord these very high honors to our students as we recognize years of training and diligent work for the advancement of the gospel all over the world in this generation.
To found a college with the European Degree System, there must be at its head an individual holding the Doctorate Degree. Therefore, today Thomas W. “Kip” McKean II will be awarded the Doctorate Degree (D.Min.) for his years of preaching, teaching, training and building churches around the world. This is not to mention his widespread writings as a scholar and theologian. His formal training and experiences at University of Florida in Speech Communications (High Honors), as well as at Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary and the Harding Graduate School of Religion have enriched his leadership. Kip humbly serves as the President of the ICCM.
Others on the “ICCM Leadership Team” are Chris Adams (BA – Yale University; MS – Long Island University; M.Min. – ICCM), who diligently serves as our Vice President and the Dean of Academics, as well as Elena McKean (BS – University of Florida; M.Min. – ICCM), who nobly serves as the Dean of Women as well as a professor. With 36 years of full-time ministry, as well as being born in Cuba, Elena will provide great insight into the challenges of building a college of diversity.
Our Chairman of the Board of Regents that oversees the ICCM is the Administrator for the SoldOut Movement, Michael Kirchner (BA – University of Iowa; MBA – University of Minnesota). Also serving on the Board of Regents are Tim Kernan (BA – ICCM; M.Min. – ICCM), Andrew Smellie (BS – Cornell University; MA – Cornell University), and Helen Sullivan (BA – Stanford University; MHA – Stanford University). Pray for the entire ICCM Leadership Team, as the ICCM is a “work in progress.”

Chris Adams – Vice President, Elena McKean – Dean of
Women and Professor, Michael Kirchner – Chairman
of the Board!
The ICCM is dedicated to the glory of Jesus Christ hence our motto (in Latin) comes from John 1 verse 14: Venia et Veritas – “Grace and Truth.” So, In the words of John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States of America: "The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it – and the glow from that fire can truly light the world."
Thank you for joining us for this momentous event, and congratulations to all those who are receiving degrees today!”
There was such a sense of honor, integrity and humility in the air as Kip fell to one knee while bowing his head as Michael Kirchner – Chairman of the Board of Regents “hooded” Kip deservingly awarding him the Doctorate of Ministry Degree! (D.Min.) This single moment brought a thunderous and prolonged standing ovation of the almost 2,000 in attendance!

Kip receives the Doctorate of Ministry Degree!

Kip delivers the Commencement Address!
Then, Kip delivered the following memorable address:
Sir Francis Bacon in 1597 wrote, “Knowledge is power.” Yet let the word go forth on this historic day that ‘Scriptural knowledge’ gives access to divine power but only obedience to the Scriptures gives eternal life – our hope for all mankind.
John 1:14 reads, “The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” This is the theme Scripture for the ICCM. From it comes the Latin Motto of our college Venia et Veritas – “Grace and Truth.” This college honors our Savior Jesus Christ by augmenting the already excellent training of our ministers and women ministry leaders. In fact, our ministers and women’s ministry leaders are among the best trained in the world.
Today is historic! Our former fellowship in the early 80’s established the Boston School of World Missions, yet a degree path could not be established. In the 90’s, we established the Los Angeles International School of Ministry and again no consensus could be reached for a degree path. Today is miraculous as we witness the fulfillment that this present “remnant temple” has become more glorious than our “former temple.” And to God be the glory!
Then Kip turned to the 90 brothers and sisters awaiting their BA Degrees. He charged them, “Please stand, all BA Degree Candidates of the historic Class of 2013! By the authority vested in me by God, by the ICCM Regents, and by the Great State of California, I duly confer upon you the Bachelor of Ministry Degree! Congratulations! You may move your tassels from right to left!” Then all 90 with huge smiles and tears made the traditional “walk across the stage” where each recipients name was announced, hugs were given by the ICCM Faculty, and gorgeous diplomas awarded!

The 90 BA of Ministry Degree Recipients!

The highlight of the 2013 GLC for Ron Harding
was the ICCM Commencement!

Two happy graduates!
Following came the awarding of the Master’s in Ministry Degrees by “hooding” Chris Adams, Tim Kernan and Elena McKean!

Chris Adams is congratulated after receiving his Master’s Degree!

ongratulations to Elena in earning the Master’s of
Ministry Degree from the ICCM where she serves
as the Dean of Women and as a Professor!
To conclude, Kip shared his vision that an Evangelist awarded the ICCM Master’s Degree will be able “to open” an extension campus in his city! Excitingly, Tim Kernan received his doctorate degree at the 2014 Commencement of the ICCM. Therefore, we now have the “ICCM – Toronto!” Since Kyle Bartholomew received his Master’s Degree at the 2014 Commencement, Lord willing, when he and his wife Joan plant the Manila Church in June 2015, God will bless the SoldOut Movement with our second extension campus: the ICCM – Manila!
Also historic at the 2013 Global Leadership Conference was the unveiling of our first Good News Network (GNN) short dramatic film, Eyes Wide Open, which was a finalist in the 168 Film Festival! Chris Chloupek also directed a very powerful second film in 2014 for this competition – RESPECT. This film addresses the controversial issue of homosexuality with Biblical convictions and Jesus’ compassion for all sinners. Lord willing in time, a video magazine that will be similar to our former movement’s “KNN” will be produced every few months and distributed to all the SoldOut Movement Churches.
2014 – The Year of Prayer
I'm so encouraged Kip took my suggestion: 2014 is The Year of Prayer for the SoldOut Movement. At the City of Angels Church Winter Workshop – attended by church leaders from around the world – Jesus’ vision for the church was embraced, “My house will be a house of prayer for all nations.” (Mark 11:17) Excitingly, through the prayers and hard work of the saints, the Spirit has planted new discipling congregations this year in: Gainesville, Florida (January); Santa Barbara, California (January); Sydney, Australia (February); Houston, Texas (April); Toronto, Canada (July); Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas (September); Chennai, India (September); and Lord willing, Moscow, Russia in December!

The heroic Sydney Mission Team!
The Crown of Thorns Project was first presented in August 2009. Amazingly, with the plantings of Sydney, Chennai and Moscow this year, nine of the 12 Crown of Thorns Project Cities will have been planted in just five years! To complete “Phase One” of the Crown of Thorns Project, the SoldOut Movement has prayer goal dates for the last three to be planted: Manila in 2015, Johannesburg in 2016, and Cairo (or another “key” Middle East City) in 2017!

Raja & Debs Rajan and the 14 Paid Interns of the
new Chennai International Christian Church!
Kip has preached on several occasions this year that “challenges” are viewed as “problems” when we have little faith and “opportunities” when we pray and act in faith. (Mark 11:23-24) Indeed, there have been many “opportunities” in 2014! As in the late 1980’s and because the new movement had likewise grown so rapidly, the McKeans once again were “feeling the challenges” of being spread “too thin” by discipling too many couples and churches. They realized that the time had come to “focus on a few” by selecting World Sector Leaders (WSL) for the SoldOut Movement. After months of prayer, the World Sector Leaders were formally introduced at the Sunday morning service of the 2014 Global Leadership Conference – ZION’S DREAMERS.
At the WSL’s very first meeting together on Wednesday morning August 7th, Kip delivered the message, Jesus The Savior Of The World. Immediately following, the WSL Couples shared communion. As each person broke the unleavened bread, the individual held it up and pledged to the group, “We are family.” Then before drinking the cup that signifies the shedding of Jesus blood at His death, the person added to the pledge, “To the end.” Remembering that a lack of grace, mercy and humility were the downfall of our former fellowship, “We are family to the end” has quickly become a rallying cry and in fact a “shibboleth” for the entire movement.
Let me introduce the SoldOut Movement World Sector Leaders:

Chris & Theresa Broom and their children – Austin and Maria!

Tim & Lianne Kernan with their boys – Junior and David!

Matt & Helen Sullivan

Michael & Michele Williamson

Oleg, Aliona, Sophia and Lydia Sirotkin in
Moscow’s Red Square!

Andrew, Patrique, Naomi and the young prophet Isaiah Smellie!

Cory & Jee Blackwell

Raul, Lynda, Felipe and Bella Moreno!

Joe, Kerri, Ally and Luke Willis!

Kyle & Joan Bartholomew at Manila’s UP Campus!

Tony & Therese Untalan

Nick & Denise Bordieri
Michael & Sharon Kirchner
The 2014 GLC had many highlights including the Second Commencement of the ICCM. The stirring Wagner classic Ride Of The Valkyries was once again played for the procession of the ICCM Faculty, Board and Graduates! Then a total of 57 BA Degrees were awarded in four different tracks for the first time: 21 were presented with BA Degrees in Ministry; three were given BA Degrees in Ministry and Administration; five received BA Degrees in Ministry and Charitable Services; and 28 earned BA Degrees in Ministry and Shepherding! Then Tim Kernan spoke on The ICCM And The European Degree System. Elena – our Dean of Women – followed up with the enlightening description of the Equal Opportunity For Sisters In The ICCM. Following this, three Master of Arts in Ministry Degrees were given to: Kyle Bartholomew, Lianne Kernan and Andrew Smellie; and then, the Degree of Masters in Ministry and Administration was awarded to Michael Kirchner!

The “hooding” of Andrew Smellie as he
receives his Master’s Degree!
Following came a moment that all of us will cherish for a long time; Dr. Tim Kernan "was hooded" and given the prestigious Doctorate of Ministry Degree!

Dr. Tim Kernan delivering an address on the History
of the European Degree System!

The ICCM Faculty, Staff and Board of Regents!
ZION’S DREAMERS focused on prayer, missions and the “Five Core Convictions Of The SoldOut Movement” built on the foundation of Jesus being our resurrected Messiah. These convictions – which divided the ICOC from the Mainline and then ironically divided the SoldOut Movement from what was left of the ICOC when they returned to a more “Mainline theology” were:
- All Scripture Inspired By God – Building A Bible Church;
- Where The Bible Speaks We Are Silent, And Where The Bible Is Silent We Speak;
- The Church Is Composed Of Only Sold-out Disciples In Discipling Relationships;
- A Central Leadership With A Central Leader; and
- The Evangelization Of Nations In A Generation.
Since the GLC was “livestreamed” into 52 countries, this forthright address of the SoldOut Movement’s convictions drew several remnant disciples to join the new movement around the world. Of special note, the Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) Remnant Group was formed from those that watched the GLC Livestream. However, it also exposed “contempt and disunity” in a few “remnant” disciples, who left our fellowship after the GLC believing in congregational autonomy and not central leadership. (Deuteronomy 17:12-13) Also leaving our movement at that time were Vic & Aurora Gonzalez. They were put on probation in 2013 for ineffectiveness in the ministry and contempt for several leaders in the movement. By May 2014, it was necessary to bring them to step three of church discipline for bitterness, contempt, slander and divisiveness. (1 Corinthians 5:9-13) Sadly, after they refused to repent, we had to show God’s tough love and they were disfellowshipped and marked. (Romans 16:17-19; Titus 3:10-11) His former best friend for years Kyle Bartholomew simply said, “I agree with the disfellowshipping and marking 100%. When Vic Jr. was not chosen to be a World Sector Leader, this furthered his contempt for the leadership.” We continue to pray for their repentance.
Yet in all of this, God was sovereign and His will was done. Through these challenging events, He graciously blessed the SoldOut Movement with the “opportunity” to be “brought to complete unity to let the world know [that God] loved them.” (John 17:23) This unparalleled unity has allowed the Spirit to multiply disciples in the movement even more rapidly.

The 2014 GLC!
Kip’s commitment to follow Jesus’ blueprint of His first century movement has led to another unique aspect of the SoldOut Movement – The Crown of Thorns Council. The SoldOut Movement’s WSL parallel Jesus’ Twelve. The Crown of Thorns Council parallels the 70 (or 72) of Luke 10. Jesus was never “random;” in selecting the 12 Apostles, He was signaling to the Jews that a new Kingdom was being created. The physical nation of Israel came from the 12 sons of Jacob; spiritual Israel would come from the 12 Apostles.
Likewise, Kip is convinced (though not dogmatic) that it is 70 not 72 as some versions have for the second group of preachers Jesus commissions in Luke 10, because there were 70 original founders in the “table of nations” in Genesis 11-12. As well, Moses selected 70 elders to lead with him. (Exodus 24:1) And historically, 70 men translated the oldest Greek version of the Old Testament called the Septuagint – Latin for 70. And the Jewish Sanhedrin of Jesus’ day was composed of 70 men, as the number “70” for the Jew stands for human leadership and judgment. Kip believes the 70 of Luke 10 are the “apostles” of 1 Corinthians 15:7 and were a part of the 120 of Acts 1:15. Kip believes the 70 was Jesus signaling the evangelization of the nations, as the table of nations in Genesis suggests. Whatever your convictions about whether it was 70 or 72 is fine. The point is that Kip realized the absolute need of a second larger group of preachers to not only preach the Word, but to promote a greater unity. Therefore, the Crown of Thorns Council (with whom the WSL meet) oversees the evangelization of the nations.
As awesome as answered prayers have propelled God’s movement to greater heights, perhaps the greatest “opportunity” for God to work directly in the McKeans’ lives came in April of this year. It was at this time that Elena was informed by her doctor that she had an early stage of bone cancer, which the medical community views as ultimately incurable. This diagnosis was made because of a highly elevated calcium level in Elena’s blood as well as actual cancer markers. Cancer markers are simply proteins produced by the cancer cells or a protein produced by the white blood cells when they attack the cancer cells.
At first Kip and Elena were stunned by the news. They shared with their family and closest brothers and sisters asking them all to pray for Elena’s recovery. The McKeans prayed and fasted through “juicing.” After going through more tests in May and June, on June 11th, Elena’s oncologist (cancer doctor), who is the head of the department, greeted the McKeans with a big grin, sat down on the examination table, and said, “Never in all my years of practice have I seen anything like this! Your calcium is back to normal and your cancer markers are gone!” Knowing Kip and Elena were in the ministry, he then added, “I’m sure that you both prayed a lot!” In fact, this was very true! Though Elena has shared she is not afraid to die, inspired by Hezekiah’s prayer, Elena prayed to live 20 more years so that she could see the world evangelized!

God hears the prayers of the SoldOut Movement
and cures Elena of cancer
One last splendid “opportunity” for God to work in 2014 through the SoldOut Movement was the raising of the funds to be able to accomplish the seven church plantings this calendar year while sustaining our already productive efforts in the third world. Remarkably, the collective weekly giving of the SoldOut Movement Churches is presently $85,000 per week. Amazingly, in this Year of Prayer, the sold-out disciples of the SoldOut Movement through prayer, fasting and creative fundraising sacrificially gave to God another $2,000,000 for missions giving us “more than we could ask or imagine” to accomplish all that God put on our hearts to do for His glory. (Ephesians 3:20-21) Truly, 2014 will be remembered as The Year of Answered Prayers!
Faithful To The End
Kip’s uncompromising call from the Scriptures to all who would follow Jesus has remained the same for his almost 40 years in the ministry: “Go anywhere, do anything, give up everything.” For he believes that Jesus’ dream for “the evangelization of the nations in this generation” can and only will be accomplished through a movement composed of sold-out disciples. Most mornings “while it is still dark,” Kip prays that before he dies that the Lord will allow him to write as Paul did, “All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and… has been proclaimed to every creature under Heaven.”
Ron Harding
November 24, 2014

Kip and Elena McKean!
*The main sources for this biography were countless first-hand accounts, as well as an earlier narration on this same website written by Jeremy Ciaramella and Chuck Hess. Another key source has been the City of Angels International Christian Church Bulletins. Also, many of Kip’s writings, especially his Revolution Through Restoration Parts 1, 2 and 3 have been invaluable. Also, thanks goes to Kip and Elena McKean for the many conversations and emails that have allowed me to have first-hand information on all the contents of this entire article. My prayer is that this commentary will be used by the Spirit to overcome the persecution on the internet, to give remnant disciples deep Biblical convictions to join God’s new movement, and that these accounts will forever silence Satan’s lies about a true man of God – Kip McKean.