“Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest?’ I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” (John 4:35) Greetings from the Ventura Region! Church was on fire today as 40 disciples had 96 people at our BYND Service! The buzz in the packed room was incredible as my amazing husband Luke convicted us with the Word of God! The fellowship continued as ”[we] ate together with glad and sincere hearts” (Acts2:46) immediately after service! We have so many Bible studies set up for this week!
Also, today Jessica was added to God’s Kingdom through baptism!! She is an incredible soft-hearted woman who first attended church and began her Bible studies in the West Region with Maika Carbonell and Sharon Kirchner! Realizing she lives and attends school in our region, they lovingly sent her to us and thanks be to God, as well as for the love of Kiana Lindsey, Jennifer Habib, Denise Talavera and others, that Jessica is now your sister in Christ! And we are especially excited because she is a freshman at Cal Lutheran University, which is one of two four year universities in Ventura County!

The Ventura Sisters tenderly encouraging
Jessica before her baptism!
Please pray for the harvest in Ventura as we pray for you!
– Brandyn Speckman