Greetings from Ventura and the Teen Retreat Headquarters! Today we welcomed two incredible disciples into the Ventura Region! Scot Kendrick returns to Ventura from the Dallas-Fort Worth Remnant Group as an engaged man! His “wife-to-be” is an awesome single mom in our region – Michelle Turner!

The entire Ventura Region is so excited about
Scot & Michelle’s engagement!
Also, Violeta Swann comes from the mighty San Diego Church! We now have three generations of Swann disciples in our region! This family united in Christ brings us a great hope for all of our family members “to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth!” (1 Timothy 2:4)

The three generations of Swanns – Violeta (front
center), her son David (back right)
and his son Kyle!
On another note, we bring back a “good report” from the AWESOME Teen Retreat last weekend! What an incredible group of young men and women who simply want to serve and honor God! Our weekend theme was Zeal For Your House (John 2:17) and the camp grounds were a perfect location for the 40 Teen Participants (majority disciples) to put their “zeal” into practice!

The CAICC Teen Retreat was awesome!

Brandyn captivates the young women’s hearts
with an inspirational Bible lesson!
The camp highlights included homemade feasts (prepared by my amazing husband!), archery, a volleyball challenge, basketball, Sunday service on the top of a mountain, late night “Capture the Flag” Tournament, peer preaching, d-groups, campfire preaching, and of course, S’mores!!! One teen disciple commented, “This was just what I needed to get back to my first love and have zeal for God!” We saw hearts convert from weary upon arrival to on fire at departure!


Luke wakes up extra early to make a
scrumptious pancake breakfast!

The Brothers waste no time eating the
scrumptious pancake breakfast!

Nothing like a hot chocolate to start the day!

Nothing like S’mores to end the day!

The Teen Worship Service begins!

Kirk Hamula preaching about zeal!

The dangers of preaching outside – Kirk moves
a stink bug in the middle of his lesson!
We love you from the bottom of our hearts! Please keep Ventura in your prayers!
-Brandyn Speckman