Greetings from the Central Region! These past two weeks have been faith-building as six have been added to the Kingdom through baptism! First, last week LaQuisha, the daughter of a Baptist preacher, gave up her misconceptions of the gospel and was baptized into Christ! Secondly, our brother Abel – who was just baptized in January – had the joy of seeing his sister and brother-in law baptized!
Then on Friday night, the incredible couple Josue & Mirna united their marriage through the teachings of Jesus and were baptized into Christ! Lastly, this Saturday Alana, an incredible CSULA student, was the third woman this year who has been baptized through the labors of the Mighty Women’s Dorm Bible Talk!

LaQuesha (second from the left) and the Mighty
Women’s Dorm Bible Talk at CSULA!
And our “seventh addition” was the birth of Joan’s & my third child and first daughter – Bree Bartholomew!

Let’s welcome little Bree Bartholomew to
the City of Angels Church Family!