IE Good News 02.09.14

“He turned the desert into pools of water and the parched ground into flowing springs; He blessed them, and their numbers greatly increased, and He did not let their herds diminish.” (Psalm 107:35, 38) Greetings of love from the Inland Empire! God “blessed” us with four baptisms this week in the IE! In the Riverside Sector, God added through the refreshing waters of baptism an incredible UCR student Joaquin! In the newly planted Palms Springs Sector, He “increased” our numbers with three awesome disciples!

Wednesday night we witnessed the baptism of Valeria! She brought out her entire family to our Midweek Service and they loved the fellowship so much that they didn’t want to leave! Valeria is a dynamic student at the College of the Desert (COD) and is without a doubt a future leader in God’s Kingdom! Then on Friday night Michael was baptized! Michael is another COD student who has been preaching the Word and “evangelizing” his whole life but after The Discipleship Study he saw that he was never making disciples! He was so eager to become a disciple of Jesus that we studied with him two days until 12:22AM, when he was born again in the “pools of water” as a true sold-out disciple of Christ!

Lastly on Sunday, Dasey was baptized! Her mom watched in tears as Dasey showed everyone the small alcohol flask that she would carry every day to have a drink. She handed it to the sisters and happily announced, “I won’t ever need this anymore!” God is good blessing us with a “fruitful harvest” this week “turning the desert into flowing springs!” And to God be all the glory!