Letting Go…And Moving On! East Region’s Women’s Day Recap

Hello & greetings from the East Region City of Angles International Christian Church! We come in celebration and joy to bring you good news about this weekend’s Women’s Day! This event took place on March 14, 2015 in the Kellog West Hotel at Cal Poly Pomona.

east region kellog west cal poly pomona

A beautiful day in the East Region (Kellogg West Hotel at Cal Poly Pomona)

After lots of planning, coordination, and creatifity, we were able to host a successful event! Many women both disciples and visitors left inspired and refreshed by God. This was the first Women’s Day in the East Region. It was an excellent event and had a total of 60 women in attendance. :) 60 women, all drawn to the love of the Lord.

“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever”
Psalm 118:1

Women’s Day was a heartfilled time where the women learned that, by the grace of God and the support of his people, we can let go of the things that may burden us:

  1. To let go of the fear
  2. To let go and be free
  3. To let go and be pure
  4. To let go of the past
The speakers at the East Region Women's Day!

The speakers at the East Region Women’s Day!

Big ups to the women who shared their hearts this Saturday! You can hear their sermons here: http://www.caicc.net/east-region-sermon-archive/ They demonstrated vulnerability and full trust in the Lord, admirable traits that were perfect for this event. At the end, all women left smiling…

…and traveled on their way to the baptism that concluded Women’s Day!

Stephanie gets baptised at the East Region's first Women's Day!

Stephanie gets baptised at the East Region’s first Women’s Day!

Lastly, this event would be NOTHING without the workers! Shout out to the brothers of the East Region and beyond (future Heaven-dwellers) that gave their whole hearts to serving the women this Saturday.

“From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.”
Ephesians 4:16

Thank you to everyone that came out this Saturday! To God be the glory!