Disciples are really cranking it here in the East Region, bearing rare fruits and never stopping! For example, our new Brother in Christ Nick Bae was baptised on January 21, 2015! But what is cool about Nick is that he was a foreign exchange student at Cal Poly Pomona from South Korea. For one month, he dedicated himself to learning and studying about his Father, our Lord Jesus Christ! What a great way to spend your time in America!

Nick Bae, foreign exchange student from South Korea gets baptized in the East Region! (Disciples Pictured from left to right: Steven, Nick, Pete, Darrell)
The East Region is also very happy for their mission team in Azusa called A-Team! This group of young people/SoldOut Disciples have already been quite fruitful and are equipped with the most powerful weapon: The Word of God!

The A-Team poses for a photo that will go down in history!!! Back Row: Sara, Jacob, Domonique, Nick, Jose Jr., Richard, Alejandra. Up Front: Cris, Louis.
What is extremely cool is that the East Region had an attendance of 99 people at their Bring Your Neighbor Day blowout service! Their service consisted of amazing fellowship, a spectacular showing of the movie musical titled “Upside Down,” great singing, and delicious food!
Lastly, and very miraculously, our new sister Elizabeth was baptized during our Women’s MidWeek service on January 28, 2015! The greatest part is that Elizabeth is the mother of our faithful sister Alejandra Gamon! God works in amazing ways and chose Tia Liz to be another one of His ambassadors! Only a few more baptisms left and the East Region may have the opportunity to start a Latin Bible Talk!!!

Elizabeth points her bible with ambitions to reach out to YOU next! (Disciples Pictured from left to right: Alejandra, Elizabeth, Marie, Jackie)
As you can see, God is really using the workers in the East Region as powerful instruments to change the lives of many! GO GOD!!!