OC Good News! 02.09.2014

Two weeks ago, our own black-belted Bible Talk Leader and ICCM Intern – Daniel Granger – was fruitful when he reached out to Jerry, a “slightly older” man, taking classes at his Martial Arts Dojo. Jerry took the challenge at 50+ years old to become a disciple and began sharing his faith and bringing friends to Bible Talk and church weeks before he was baptized! Then, after he overcame a personal addiction by seeking and following the counsel of many advisers, he pursued the truth with the same zeal he has gone after most things in his life, such as the skateboarding he still does… and of course the beach baptism he requested!

Jerry Baptism

Excitingly, our OC Singles Ministry was fruitful again this week! One of our most evangelistic OC Brothers, Jose Luis, had brought out his childhood friend Tatiana to our January 26th Bring Your Neighbor Day Service! Then, last Sunday she came to church and on Wednesday Women’s Midweek Service where she put herself on the “Harvest List” to get baptized this week!

Inspired by Karla, Patty, Kerri-Sue and the other sisters, Tatiana quickly became a Berean who studied out her sin deeply and came to the conviction on her own after reading Acts that she needed to be baptized as an adult! At her baptism she humbly read a letter that she had written to her deceased father, with whom she had held a grudge for many years because of the pain he had caused her and her family. There weren’t too many dry eyes in the house, as she forgave him and herself, allowing God to wash away all her sins… forever!

Tatiana's Baptism