OC Good News! 06.08.14

During Paul’s farewell to the Ephesian elders, he talks about how hard he had worked among them for the sake of the gospel and Paul urges them to do the same, quoting to them the very words of Jesus, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35) It is with this spirit that we in Orange County say goodbye to Chris & Kerri-Sue Adams and the four incredible disciples now known affectionately as the “VENTURA 6!”

“The Ventura 6″ – Bryan Clavel, Erika Woods, Chris & Kerri-Sue Adams, Karla Garcia, and Dennis Sloan!

Chris & Kerri-Sue have been dear friends and partners in the gospel for many years! They are the epitome of sold-out disciples of Jesus Christ and I have watched them prove it over and over again! While we may be“more blessed” to give Ventura these wonderful, hard-working servants of Christ, Ventura is sure to be blessed as well!

Chris & Kerri-Sue have led churches in Syracuse and New York City and most recently, have led the Singles Ministry of Orange County to bear much fruit! In fact, just a week ago at Men’s Night Out, I met a man named Otilio who had been studying the Bible with Chris and the single brothers. When I said to him, “I heard you will be getting baptized soon,” he replied, “Yes, tonight!” Sure enough, he studied right after church and was baptized at 1:30AM!

Dennis embraces and welcomes Otilio
to the OC Family!