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Dear Friend,
Greetings from Dallas/Ft. Worth, Moscow, Lagos, Dubai and Los Angeles! Elena & I had a terrific time with the Dallas/Ft. Worth Church as we joyfully celebrated Mother’s Day! Then it was on to Moscow for the amazing Eurasian Missions Conference on May 18th through May 20th, where almost 250 disciples came together to celebrate THE ETERNAL COVENANT! That same Sunday, the City of Angels International Christian Church (CAICC) raised over one million dollars for Missions! Then at the end of May, I had the great honor to preach at the 11th City of Angels Church Anniversary Service! Two weeks later, the CAICC had a record attendance at their Bring Your Neighbor Day (BYND) of 2,105! On Saturday, June 16th was the incredible International Day of MERCY where thousands around the world were served by the zealous and loving MERCY Ambassadors! At the African Missions Conference on June 21st to June 24th in Lagos, God blessed us with seven baptisms! On Friday, June 29th, in a very tearful leadership exchange, RD & April Baker – the Father and Mother of faith of the Middle East – graciously entrusted the souls of the 35 sold-out Dubai Disciples to Miguel Mendez and Megan Mathews! And to God be all the glory!
Michael Williamson, Andrew & Patrique Smellie, and
Kip & Elena were so fired up to participate in the
2018 African Missions Conference in Lagos!
In Dubai, RD & April Baker, Megan Mathews, Miguel
Mendez and Kip & Elena were grateful to be in
the fight together for the evangelization
of the Middle East!
Tim Kernan – Director of the 2018 Global Leadership Conference (GLC): The thrilling theme for the 2018 GLC is EMPOWERED! So many Scriptures on God’s power come to mind: “The Kingdom of God [has] come with power.” (Mark 9:1) “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) “I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order [to experience]… His incomparably great power for us who believe!” (Ephesians 1:18-19)
Enjoying his new GLC T-shirt, Adam
Zepeda – the AMC Region Leader
of LA – is excited to welcome
over 2,000 disciples to
the 2018 GLC!
The GLC will be held on Thursday, August 16th through Sunday, August 19th, 2018 at the Anaheim Convention Center, 800 West Katella Avenue, Anaheim, California! Accommodations will be at the Sheraton Park Hotel – a five minute walk from the Convention Center! (It is also just a 10 minute walk to Disneyland!)
The gorgeous Anaheim Convention Center is
the site for the entire 2018 GLC!
GLC highlights will include amazing preaching, extraordinary singing, glorious fellowship, the Sixth Commencement of the International College of Christian Ministries, and the Spirit sending out two more OPERATION EAGLE Mission Teams: Columbus, Ohio and Milwaukee, Wisconsin!
Coltin, Mandee, Hailee and Trina Rohn are euphoric
that most of the Columbus Mission Team have
already moved into their respective homes!
We will also be hosting the “Kingdom’s Got Talent Show!” This year is the fifth such occasion! If you are interested in performing, please send a video of your act to the Director of KGT5 – Jay Causey – by July 15th! The full GLC Program has been posted on the City of Angels Church Website!
Since the Ohio State Stadium in Columbus
holds 105,000 people, perhaps a future
GLC will be held there!
The registration fee is $200 for a regular ticket; $180 for a current ICCM student; and $100 for a teen registration! Our Prayer Goals are for 1,800 American Disciples and 200 International Disciples to participate in the 2018 GLC as this will allow us to financially break even! Register now! (
The Kingdom Banquet and Encouragement
Dates are always a highlight of the Global
Leadership Conference… Especially
for the married sisters!
We are encouraging every Church Leader Couple, every Shepherding Couple and every CAICC Region Leader Couple to stay at the Sheraton Park Hotel. The cost of a room is $139/night plus tax. The group rate is available until July 17th, so book now! (
At the 2018 GLC Commencement of the ICCM,
89 BA Degrees and 6 Master’s Degrees
will be awarded!
There will not be a Global Leadership Conference next year to financially allow particularly American Disciples to attend Geographic Missions Conferences outside of the United States! Thus, this makes the 2018 GLC all the more important to attend! Be praying that over 2,000 disciples from around the world will come together for this momentous event!
Nick Bordieri – World Sector Leader of MERCYworldwide: “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven.” (Matthew 5:14-16)

MERCY is the acronym for Maximizing Efforts
for Relief Care and Youth!
On June 16, 2018 all of the SoldOut Movement Disciples on all six populated continents of the world became MERCY Ambassadors to let our light shine during the 11th Annual International Day of MERCY! Donning our KNOW MERCY T-shirts in a sign of unity across the globe, we served hurting individuals and communities with hearts of compassion and a spirit of joy!
In Moscow at the 2018 Eurasian Mission Conference,
Nick & Denise Bordieri shared about MERCY
and its worldwide impact!
Our passion to live out our purpose did not go unnoticed! So many lives were impacted by MERCY Ambassadors during this year’s Day of MERCY! I particularly like the name the Sacramento Community gave the MERCY Ambassadors: “Angels in Green Shirts!” The following pictures only give a glimpse of how God used the Angels in Green Shirts!
On June 16th, the SoldOut Movement Disciples
donned their MERCY Shirts and became
MERCY Ambassadors known in
Sacramento as “Angels in
green shirts!”
The Abidjan MERCY Ambassadors went to the poor
neighborhood of Gesco to support a clinic that
helps pregnant women and the
sick free of charge!

In New York City, while watching Sarah perform,
one passerby commented, “It is great to see
so many young people fighting for a cause
they believe in and sharing their
joy with the world!”

The Phnom Penh MERCY Ambassadors
brought water, food and joyful games
to the children of the Cambodia
Social Welfare Orphanage!

The Los Angeles MERCY Ambassadors partnered
with the Red Cross and installed a record
1,400 fire alarms!

Teams of three disciples – with one being a
Spanish-speaker – were required to
install each alarm in the
underprivileged city of
Pico Rivera!

The Paris MERCY Ambassadors teamed up with
a local Fire Department for the Day of MERCY!

In preparation for a disaster, medical emergency
or terrorist attack, the disciples learned
life-saving CPR and first aid skills!

At the Sixth Annual Hilo MERCY Day Fair, the people
affected by the Kilauea Volcano eruption were
treated to free food, clothing, haircuts
and entertainment!

The Mexico City MERCY Ambassadors served
with TLC (tender loving care) babies
and children in two orphanages!

The Seattle Disciples developed a partnership with
Home Depot and the Washington Native Plant
Society to plant trees! As well, a first for the
International Day of MERCY, an
Program was initiated!
Andrew Smellie – World Sector Leader of Africa: Greetings from Lagos, Nigeria and Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), respectively the largest and third largest cities on the continent of Africa according to! After an inspiring African Missions Conference in Lagos, I had the privilege to travel to Kinshasa on Wednesday, June 27th to help build a sold-out base of disciples by strengthening the Kinshasa Church Leadership and planning the evangelization of the almost 80 million souls of the DRC!
The Democratic Republic of Congo has a population
of almost 80 million lost souls!

With a population of over 13 million, Kinshasa
has become the third largest
megacity in Africa!
On my arrival to Kinshasa, at 1:30AM on Thursday morning, I was greeted by Micky & Lyly Ngungu, the Evangelist and Women’s Ministry Leader for the Kinshasa Church, along with seven other zealous Kinshasa Disciples!
Upon arriving in Kinshasa at 1:30AM, Andrew
was given an enthusiastic SoldOut
Movement Welcome!
After getting some rest on Thursday, I met with the Ngungus for lunch and celebrated Lyly’s birthday as we reviewed the status and history of the Kinshasa Church. Micky & Lyly are both Congolese and became disciples in early 1993 in Johannesburg, South Africa as a married couple with two kids! After moving to Abidjan, Ivory Coast because French was their native language, they were called to the ministry in 1995 and planted the Kinshasa ICOC in October of that year! After moving back to Abidjan from 1997-2000, they returned to their homeland in 2000 and led the Kinshasa Church which reached 800 disciples by 2005!
Andrew and the beloved Kinshasa ICC Leaders –
Micky & Lyly Ngungu!
Sadly, due to the “Great Tribulation” in the fall of the ICOC, the Ngungus were mistreated and deeply wounded spiritually. There was deep division in the Kinshasa Church as the ICOC usurped the Ngungus’ leadership and eventually disfellowshipped 12 key leaders. Included in the 12 were the Ngungus, who chose to take a godly stand against returning to autonomy and other Mainline Church of Christ doctrines. In 2007, Lyly in desperation took a job in South Africa just to make money as a nanny, since the Ngungu Family had grown to four children – Li, Sarah, Lena and Delia! After meeting with Tim Kernan back in 2012, Micky was eager to join the new Movement and came with a group of 150 remnant disciples also desperate for revival! At our First African Missions Conference in Abidjan in 2015, Lyly was restored to the Lord! Now both Micky & Lyly live in Kinshasa together, strong and united in the Lord!
The Ngungus and Kip first embraced one
another at the 2015 AMC in Abidjan!
On Friday, we visited the University of Kinshasa (UNIKIN), which numbers over 26,000 students! It is a large campus, and a few disciples who graduated from UNIKIN also work at the university. Our prayer is for the whole Kinshasa Church to meet in their large amphitheater soon!
The prestigious University of Kinshasa – UNIKIN!

The UNIKIN Disciples are praying for the whole
Kinshasa Church to meet in their large
amphitheater very soon!
On Friday night, I was encouraged to meet with all the 42 Bible Talk Leaders of the Kinshasa Church! Since the Democratic Republic of Congo is French-speaking and my secondary school training in French is far from fluent, I was grateful to have Micky translate for me! His ability to speak in English has grown tremendously, and inspires me to practice and become fluent in French! We are also looking forward to having our dear friends Blaise & Patricia Feumba move back to Abidjan, Ivory Coast in June 2019, so that they can oversee the evangelization of the 14 French-speaking Countries on the continent of Africa!
The cranking Bible Talk Leaders Meeting!
After preaching to the leaders from Ezekiel 33 and giving them an admonition to be courageous and to call every disciple to be “fully committed” (2 Chronicles 16:9), they were inspired to surpass the “former glory” of 800 members in the ICOC and do “even greater things” for the Lord! After our d-groups that evening, I was told that because of the lack of availability of water for a baptistery on Sunday, we would need to meet on Saturday morning at the Congo River to see 13 souls baptized – a new record in the Kinshasa Church! At 2:00AM, we greeted Amadou & Angele Sountoura – the present Abidjan Church Leaders – with the same warm SoldOut Movement Welcome that I received!
Met at the airport by Andrew and Micky, Amadou –
still wearing his AMC Yellow T-shirt – and
his wife Angele of Abidjan were excited
to arrive in the DRC to help with the
Kinshasa Reconstruction!
Then we headed over to the river for the baptisms! It was incredible to see the joy of the Kinshasa Church as they sang all the way from our meeting place to the river where we had the baptisms!
While escorting their future brothers and sisters,
the Kinshasa Disciples sang all the way
to the Congo River!
Our 13 new Kinshasa Disciples!
After the baptisms we went to the hospital to encourage Lyly’s sister Martha, one of the most fruitful Sector Leaders of the Kinshasa Church! Despite three rounds of chemotherapy for breast cancer and enduring a mastectomy, she was fired up to greet us and sends her love to the Lagos Church and to the disciples around the world!
Though suffering from cancer, Martha realized
that because the Lord has not taken her
home, it means, “fruitful labor for
[her]!” (Philippians 1:22)
On Sunday, we celebrated the start of the Kinshasa Church Reconstruction with much singing and dancing! I preached on being RELIGIOUS OR RIGHTEOUS? from Daniel 3 to an audience of 579 souls! In fact, we probably had well over 600 as there were even more people outside of the windows listening intently to the message as Micky translated in French!
To encourage Andrew, the Kinshasa Disciples
sang his favorite song, Men Who Dream!
After a great day of worship, Amadou preached at a very fired up Bible Talk Leaders Meeting on the lessons that God taught him in the reconstruction of the Abidjan Church just three years ago! He concluded by sharing about their Bring Your Neighbor Day on June 17, 2018 where 150 Abidjan Disciples had 602 in attendance and witnessed 8 baptisms and 1 restoration! Amadou preached that those kind of miracles will only occur when the foundation of a congregation is composed of only sold-out disciples! Amadou explained that this sold-out foundation was accomplished by counting the cost with every Abidjan Church Member!
A record 602 attended the Abidjan BYND and heard
a prophet preach – our brother Blaise Feumba!
Then, we had dinner and a Sector Leaders Meeting at the Ngungus’ home. Afterward, we had a time of Q&A regarding their ministries and we counted the cost with each of these leaders! As a result of the reconstruction, the Kinshasa Church is now 291 sold-out disciples, making it the second largest church after Los Angeles in God’s new Movement! After cost-counting in Kinshasa, the Ngungus counted the cost with the three other established DRC Remnant Groups – Mbuji-Mayi (53 disciples), Bandundu (34 disciples), and Kikwit (22 disciples)! That means that there are now exactly 400 disciples in the Democratic Republic of Congo!
Charlie & Boniface Bidilukinu – the
Mbuji-Mayi ICC Leaders – now
serve 53 sold-out disciples!

Constant Buya leads the 34 disciples in the
newly reconstructed Bandundu ICC!

After the reconstruction, there were 22 Kikwit
ICC Disciples nobly led by Good &
Cathy Kwekana!
What a privilege it is to serve the Lord on the Motherland of Africa! Please pray for forceful advancement as God continues to build His Kingdom in the DRC and throughout the African continent!
Richie McDonnell – Lead Evangelist of Manila: Greetings from the beautiful 7,641 Islands of the Philippines! The month of June has been incredible for the Filipino Churches! The Metro Manila ICC celebrated our Third Anniversary on June 10th with a record attendance of 433!
At the Metro Manila Third Anniversary Service,
God blessed them with a record
433 in attendance!
Then both the Metro Manila and Metro Cebu Churches had an amazing Day of MERCY on June 16th! It was a day filled with serving the young and impoverished children of the Payatas Community, which is a neighborhood adjacent to a dumpsite. The people of Payatas rummage through the dumpsite to recycle the trash for their everyday lives. This community is the poorest of the poor. Most of them are unable to afford an inexpensive jeepney ride out of the neighborhood, costing only about $0.14 USD.
According to Wikipedia, Payatas houses a 50
acre landfill dumpsite, which earned it the
name “Second Smokey Mountain!”

Medicines were made available for prescription
by doctors and dentists that served
at the Manila Day of MERCY!

“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but
painful. Later on, however, it produces
[good teeth]!” (Hebrews 12:11)

The MERCY Ambassadors enjoyed the games
as much as the children!

Since delicious Jollibee food was served to all of
the children, the Jollibee Mascot was the
most popular person that day!
In Metro Cebu the Day of MERCY was just as awesome! The MERCY Ambassadors similar to us in Manila played games with the children of Barangay Ermita, performed songs, and danced with the kids! Delicious food was provided for all of the children and over 100 backpacks of school supplies were given to them as well! God was truly glorified on this Day of MERCY!
In Cebu, the MERCY Ambassadors gave out to the
children of Barangay Ermita over 100 backpacks
filled with school supplies!
Next, on June 24th, the Metro Cebu Church hosted its very First Women’s Day where 18 sisters and 7 visiting sisters had 96 women in attendance and 3 baptisms!
The powerful preaching of Elizabeth McDonnell
coupled with the tremendous organization
of Anna Malnegro ELEVATED the faith of
all 96 women that attended the First
Cebu Women’s Day!
Many of the visitors were so impacted by the
Women’s Day that they studied the
Bible immediately after this
momentous event!
The incredible Cebu Women’s Day Speakers!
It has been an exciting month as the Lord continues to “add to our number!” The Metro Manila ICC has been blessed by God with 83 additions in 2018 so far – 56 baptisms, 16 restorations and 11 place memberships! Also of note, a new remnant group of 13 has come out just a three hour bus ride north of Cebu in Daanbantayan! And to God be all the glory!
Anthony Olmos – Lead Evangelist of Paris: Greetings from Kiev! Though it has been difficult to be away from Paris, I am very appreciative of Kip and Oleg giving me the opportunity to reconstruct the Kiev Church! It has truly been an amazing time here, as Cassidy & I have fallen in love with the disciples and this incredible city! God has been glorified as we celebrated the One Year Anniversary Service of the Kiev Church on a boat! With 40 disciples, we had 191 in attendance! By God’s grace, we will have many baptisms and restorations very soon!
The beautiful Dnieper River flows through
the heart of the city of Kiev!

Very creatively, Anthony & Cassidy Olmos planned
for the One Year Anniversary of the Kiev Church
to be on a boat traveling on the Dnieper River!

40 Kiev Disciples filled the boat with 191
in attendance at their unique
Anniversary Service!

Anthony was translated by Dr. Sergiy Pomentun –
a tremendous servant of the Kiev Church!

Oleg Sirotkin – the Eurasian World Sector Leader –
closed out the service with high words of
praise for the Kiev Disciples!

The Kiev Campus Ministry Leaders – Sasha & Alina
Balitski – had Sasha’s sister as one
of their many guests!
These past three weeks in Kiev have been inspiring, yet extremely challenging! Most challenging of all is that Cassidy suffered her second miscarriage in the past few months, and now both of her Fallopian tubes have been surgically removed – one from each miscarriage! We were very encouraged by Cassidy’s doctor when she shared that Cassidy might still be able to become pregnant through “in vitro fertilization.” I am so very proud of her as she is still radiant, faithful and trusting in the Lord! We celebrated her 30th Birthday this past weekend! To make it extra special, I surprised Cassidy on Friday morning with a “piece of Paris” cake! After her cake, our Father and Mother in the faith – Michael & Michele Williamson – sent beautiful flowers that moved Cassidy to tears! We continued to celebrate that night at a restaurant overlooking all of Kiev!

The Olmoses as they headed out for
Cassidy’s birthday dinner!
The next day was the most special surprise of all for Cassidy, as her best friend Rebecca Gray secretly traveled from London to Kiev! This was the most special as Cass was “stung” by unbelief! Both sisters embraced each other and were filled with emotion as each wept in each other’s arms! This was really one of Cassidy’s best birthdays!
Cassidy’s spirits were greatly lifted at the
surprise visit of her best friend from
London – Rebecca Gray!
Thank you to all the family around the world who keeps us in your prayers!
Dustin Miller – Lead Evangelist of Denver: Greetings from the beautiful Mile High City! It has been an incredible last few months as we have seen the Denver ICC grow in so many ways! Amanda & I are so proud of the church in Denver as we blew out our Missions Goal of $80,000 (which was a 32x for us)! Also, we have seen 13 additions since the last Good News Email on May 5th, and have even sent out our intern to Albuquerque and an incredible sister to Columbus, Ohio!
Dustin & Amanda Miller have done a tremendous
job in leading the Denver ICC!
Since volunteering to send Shyloe Pollard to Albuquerque, God blessed us with 4 amazing place memberships! It is incredible to have seen firsthand how God really does take care of us when we trust Him! Lastly, very encouraging to me was to see the baptism of Angie Garcia! Angie was reached out to by our dear sister Jennifer Torres during a very tough time. Jennifer gave birth to a son named Sam, and very sadly only a few minutes later he passed away. It was during this time that Jen reached out to Angie. Angie shared at her baptism that it was seeing Jen’s incredible faithfulness and love for God during her trials that inspired Angie to pursue a relationship with God and make Him Lord of her life!
Angie (center) shared at her baptism that it was
Jen’s (left) faithfulness to God during a very
difficult time in her life that inspired Angie
to make her decision to follow Christ!
Lastly, Curt & Morgan Valdez have joined our efforts to evangelize the Rocky Mountains! Amanda & I are so excited to build an incredible partnership in the Gospel with them!
The Millers welcomed Curt & Morgan
Valdez back “home” to Colorado!
Alfredo Anuch – Overseeing Evangelist of Quito: The Quito (Ecuador) Church was planted in March 2018 by Manuel & Claudia Palma! They were sent off at the South American Missions Conference last February! The Lord used the Palmas, and they valiantly grew the church from 9 disciples to 19 disciples in just three months! This was remarkable! That being said, we know that Satan often attacks after victories, and that is precisely what he did. Satan attacked the Palmas through discouragement and acedia. Now, the good news is that the Palmas are faithful and happy to be back in the fellowship in Santiago!
The South American Nation of Ecuador has a
growing population of 17 million!

Of the 17 million of Ecuadorians,
5 million live in Quito!
As the Lord always does, He provided a new leadership couple to lead the Quito Church to build on the foundation of the Palmas. That couple is Anthony & Alejandra Rodriguez, who planted and led the Monterrey (Mexico) ICC.
Though Anthony & Alejandra Rodriguez (left) are
Venezuelans, they have acclimated extremely
quickly to life in Ecuador!
The Rodriguezes are fired up to be in Quito, and once again God is taking care of His church as He always does!
Peter Markarian – Lead Minister of Gainesville: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” (Matthew 5:8) Greetings from Gator Country! In the past two months since Jessica & I were blown by the Spirit to Gainesville, the miracles have been nothing short of phenomenal! First off, we are very grateful for Marcel & Tia Turner’s love, patience and training! So amazing for the Gainesville Church was that in the midst of preparing the Miami Supplemental Mission Team, God gave us five powerful additions!
The Send Off Party of the 10 on the Miami
Supplemental Mission Team!
One of these baptisms was met by our brother Zach Dryden a year ago! He studied the Bible, but at the time he was heavily engrossed in Satan worship. After arguing with the Scriptures, he decided to walk away only to return a year later humbled by God. He ran into the brothers once again, and after restudying for about four weeks, Trey was baptized! He went from being a pagan in the Kingdom of Darkness to now a prince in the Kingdom of Light!
The blood of Christ has taken Trey (third from
the left) from the Kingdom of Darkness
to the Kingdom of Light!
On that very same day, a supplemental mission team was sent to Miami! It was a tearing of heart as friendships had been forged in just a few short years with these faithful few, and yet God has called them to “even greater things!”
Marcel & Tia – the Miami Supplemental Mission
Team Leaders – will serve as the Miami
Campus Ministry Leaders!
Lastly, the parents of two sisters here have been heavily persecuting them and the church, and even went as far as to file a complaint to the University Police Department! That is when one of the workers overheard them making their complaint, and instead of being repelled, he was compelled to find this controversial church! He recalled at that moment, “I have not heard of persecution like this since the Crossroads Church in the 70’s and early 80’s!” After finding us online, Steve & Angie Middleton – who were both part of the Crossroads Movement and the ICOC – attended their first service and quickly realized that “this was the church they were baptized into!” About three weeks later after becoming dear friends to the Turners, Jessica & me, they officially placed membership with God’s SoldOut Discipling Movement! The Middletons were so moved by the passion and fire of every single disciple in the fellowship! Steve shared with tears in his eyes that his heart has again been ignited on fire like the day he was first baptized!
Steve & Angie (center) knew to follow persecution
to find God’s true church!
Raul Moreno – World Sector Leader of Central and South America: “By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.” (Hebrews 11:8) What an amazing passage! Abraham went to Canaan even though he had never been there, and he was blessed because of this faith! Likewise, the São Paulo Church has made some radical decisions to see our part of the world won for Christ! At service, we announced all the changes and everyone was filled with joy and with tears as well! Here are the plans we laid before the Lord:
Raul & Lynda Moreno lead the fast-expanding
Central and South American World Sector!
1. After the GLC, Tulio & Vaítsa Amaral will move from leading the Tatuapé Sector to lead the South Region of the São Paulo Church! Lynda & I will be there with them for six months to further their training. In January 2019, the Amarals will move to Santiago, Chile to learn Spanish, as in February 2019, they will plant the Lima (Peru) Church! We already have a small remnant group there, and we have several more Peruvian Disciples in both São Paulo and Santiago that will go on the team!

Tulio & Vaítsa Amaral are “good to go”
wherever the Spirit takes them!
2. After the GLC, Danilo & Carol Bataglin will move from leading the West Region of the São Paulo Church to, God willing, Dallas, Texas to bolster the campus ministry work there! After that time, they will move to Santiago for about a year to lead the campus ministry!

Danilo & Carol Bataglin were among the first
few baptisms at USP – the University
of São Paulo!
3. After the GLC, Vini Rodrigues & Bia Hida will move from the South Region to lead the West Region of the São Paulo Church! The West Region will be divided into two sectors: an English Sector and a Portuguese Sector! An English church service is very attractive to opinion leaders in São Paulo, so we will use this resource to save those individuals!
Lord willing, Vini & Bia will be married
immediately after Vini graduates
from USP this December!
4. The English Sector will be led from August 2018 to December 2018 by Lynda & me with Luca di Beo assisting! In January 2019, the Holy Spirit will bring Sophia Sirotkina from Moscow to São Paulo as she just “happens to be” dating Luca! Then for the first six months of 2019, Luca & Sophia will lead the English Sector, and when Luca graduates from USP in June, Lord willing, they will move to London to further their training to plant a discipling church in Rome!
Though Luca & Sophia only began dating in
May, they share the dream to plant the
Rome International Christian Church!
5. After the GLC, our Tatuapé Sector will be led by Renato & Maria Jose Tria! This sector will be used to train two awesome young dating couples for the ministry: Alex Carrim & Daine Ferreira and Gabriel Especamilha & Amanda Silva!
Renato & Maria Jose Tria have been best of
friends with Raul & Lynda since the 90’s!
Thank you LA for sending missionaries to São Paulo to plant our church seven years ago! God-willing, we will imitate your example to produce a similar result! Oh yes, we are so ecstatic to welcome Jasmine Mikulak of LA to help Lynda & me with our children’s homeschooling! Indeed, “God is good!” (Psalm 106:1)
Though Jasmine (left) and Karen are dear partners
in the Gospel, both are excited that the Spirit
is sending Jasmine to the mission field of
Brazil – almost like a Hollywood Movie!
Brian Carr – Lead Evangelist of Eugene: After completing our Missions Contribution, we moved into our “Fight for Someone Summer of Fun Campaign” where everyone adopted the goal of finding one open person to befriend, study the Bible with, and baptize! Excitingly, Leo was baptized into Christ just 10 days into the campaign!
Immediately before leaving to Dubai,
Emmanuel (right) baptized Leo!
Tyler Jongsma from Sacramento came to surprise his dad in Eugene for Father’s Day and reached out to his friend Denny. Amazingly, Tyler and I made plans to go hike a mountain one morning and do a follow-up study with our newly baptized brother Leo, and Denny just “so happened to be” at the same mountain to go hiking that morning! We ended up all hiking the mountain together, studying the Bible with Denny at the top, and in less than two weeks he was baptized as our brother in Christ! To God be the glory!

Denny’s first Bible Study was literally a
mountain-top experience!
Raja Rajan – Lead Evangelist of New Delhi: Greetings from the Capital of India! God has given us more than we could ask or imagine! Since the New Delhi Mission Team landed in New Delhi just 63 days ago, God has added 70 souls – 38 baptisms, 19 restorations and 13 place memberships! So with 38 on the mission team, God has grown the Delhi Church to now 108 sold-out disciples!

The six that were baptized that day in Delhi
collectively celebrated their spiritual
births with a cake!
We started with just one teen, our daughter Isheeta, and now in just two months, we have 17 teens in the New Delhi Church!
Akshath was one of 16 teens baptized in the first
two months of the Delhi Planting, and is the
son of Johnson & Vandana Gona – the
Shepherding Couple for
the Delhi Church!
We also had our first marriage in the church – Vignesh & Scarlett! Vignesh is from a Hindu background and Scarlett from a Muslim background! At their wedding, the disciples fulfilled the Scriptures to be “their” mother, brother and sister as both physical families did not come for the wedding! However, it was a magnificent and glorious celebration!
Congratulations to Vignesh & Scarlett!
We started the First Principles Classes and many from our former fellowship heard the teaching and said, “We have never heard such teachings before;” “We were never taught these truths as only the full-time workers did the studies;” “These teachings are good and will help me to teach others effectively;” and “I am so happy I get to learn how to teach others!”
The phenomenal New Delhi Teen Ministry!
We are so excited to meet all of our brothers and sisters from across the world during the GLC in just five weeks!
Elena & I were so looking forward to going to Dallas/Ft. Worth (DFW) for the Mother’s Day Weekend on May 11th through the 13th! Not only were we able to fellowship with the DFW Church and their valiant leaders – Tyler & Shay Sears – but we were able to spend great time with our daughter Olivia, her husband Santtu and our two precious granddaughters – Scarlett (5) and Savannah (2)!
“Abuela Elena” celebrated Mother’s Day with her
darling daughter Olivia and her two precious
granddaughters – Scarlett and Savannah!
One of the many highlights of the Mother’s Day Service was the Welcome and Opening Prayer! The Welcome was given by Ernesto & Stephanie Morales and the Prayer was done by their disciple sons – Geo and Aiden! Then beautiful roses were passed out to all the “moms” in the audience that day!
The Morales Family gave the Welcome and
delivered the Opening Prayer for the
DFW Mother’s Day Service!
Amazingly, without talking to each other, Nicole Peralta moved our hearts for Communion as she shared Proverbs 3:1-6, and Elena for Contribution shared Proverbs 3:9-10!
During the Contribution message, Elena shared
about the many miracles around the world that
were made possible because of the sacrifice
of the American Churches!
For the sermon entitled GOD’S AMAZING GRACE, I chose the account of Hosea & Gomer to help the brothers and sisters appreciate God’s amazing love for us as sinners! After church, we were blessed to have an incredible Mother’s Day meal with Santtu, Olivia, Scarlett and Savannah!
Scarlett loves her daddy which she
calls in Finnish “Isi!”
Savannah loves her mom which she
calls in Spanish “Mama!”
After a very joyful but long Mother’s Day,
Abuela and Scarlett did not make it
through the movie!
Then Elena returned to LA, but I went on to Moscow for the Eurasian Missions Conference! I was met at the airport by Raul Moreno of São Paulo, Oleg & Aliona Sirotkin – the Eurasian World Sector Leaders – and the new dating couple Luca Di Beo also of São Paulo & Sophia Sirotkina! The exciting them was THE ETERNAL COVENANT!
Kip was greeted at Moscow’s Domodedovo Airport
by Raul, Oleg & Aliona, and the new dating
couple – Luca & Sophia!
The stirring theme of the 2018 Eurasian Missions
Conference was ETERNAL COVENANT!
On Thursday evening, May 17th, we had the Speakers Dinner which was in fact a delicious meal! To conclude that evening, I gave a short charge on GOD SCATTERS AND GOD GATHERS challenging all the leaders to be like Jesus and be the very hands of God in gathering the lost and the remnant! My four points were simply, 1) God Gathered; 2) Jesus Gathered; 3) Paul Gathered; and 4) We Must Gather!
Oleg welcomed the out-of-town speakers and the
Moscow Staff to the Speakers Dinner!

An incredible Russian feast was enjoyed by all!

Kip was blessed to sit with the Moscow Campus
Leaders – Vlad Matveyuk and Masha Bizimova!
Friday morning, May 18th was the Leadership Workshop where Michael Williamson of London preached to a packed house on THE ETERNAL COVENANT! He stressed that disciples do not have a “contract” with God, but a “covenant!”
Key leaders in Kiev – Kirill & Lesia Karasyov –
were among the first to finish
the registration process!

The “pre-huddle” prayer for the 2018 EAMC
Leadership Workshop was powerfully
delivered by Raul Moreno!
One of the best Song Leaders in the Kingdom –
Sergey Anohin – led the opening song!
The EAMC Leadership Workshop was filled with zeal
even before the first speech!
Though the Leadership Workshop was filled with
zeal, all received an upward call from Michael
Williamson’s convicting preaching!
There was a packed house for the
Leadership Workshop!
Though young at heart, Victor Gonzalez Sr. of LA
celebrated his 60th birthday at the EAMC!
Then we divided into Men’s and Women’s Programs! Anthony Olmos of Paris preached to the men on A COVENANT OF LOVE! I will never forget his account of Cassidy – who like Anthony – had been very fired up over her newfound pregnancy because she had previously suffered two miscarriages! However, Cassidy was rushed to the hospital for a third miscarriage! And yet, Cassidy was singing Thank You Lord! This was a huge upward call for me to be joyful as it was a very tough day since my father would have turned 90 years old that day.
The enthusiastic Men’s Program!

Anthony moved the crowd to tears as he shared
about the trials of his wonderful wife Cassidy!
Following Anthony’s inspirational lesson, five short charges were preached by Slava Kapskiy of Moscow, Kaspar Tambaur of Stockholm, Vlad Matveyuk of Moscow, Luca Di Beo and RD Baker! Kaspar shared a terrific insight: The Greek word for co-worker is “synergoi.” This is where we get the English word – synergy – which means the performance of the whole is greater than the sum of the parts! So in 2 Corinthians 6:1, we are “co-workers with God,” therefore we can do much more than we thought possible! Being a “co-worker” with fellow disciples as Paul shared about in Philippines 4:3, each of us is motivated to do more!
Kaspar Tambaur of Stockholm shared his insights
about being co-workers with God and
with one another!
In the Women’s Program, Michele Williamson of London spoke on ELEVATE FOR ETERNITY!
Aliona – translated by Sophia – introduced Denise
Bordieri of LA to pray and Michele Williamson
of London to preach!

All the sisters had a notepad and a pen ready
to learn from the Scriptures!

Michele is a gifted speaker who moves her
audiences to laugh, cry and everything
in between!
After her lesson, the five charges were given by Aliona Sirotkina, Sophia Sirotkina, Masha Bizimova of Moscow, Cassidy Olmos of Paris, and April Baker of Dubai!
Sophia had many opportunities to translate for
her mom Aliona from Russian to English…

But then Sophia spoke and it was Aliona’s joy to
translate from English to Russian!

Masha’s spiritual aura encouraged all
the sisters as she spoke!

Cassidy has lived out, “Rejoice in the Lord
always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”
(Philippians 4:4)

April Baker inspired the sisters to rely
on the Lord and on one another!
For lunch, I was able to fellowship with Erik & Michelle af Klint and Erik’s son Gustaf that I had known since he was in elementary school!
Kip had a delightful lunch with the
Af Klints, especially enjoying his
reunion with Gustaf!
Later that afternoon, Oleg and I studied “remnant theology” with Sasha & Paulina Korostelov of Kiev, who were attending our former fellowship yet seeking revival! The following weekend they placed membership with the Kiev ICC!
Kip and Oleg studied the Bible with Sasha & Paulina
Korotelov to give them the courage and the
convictions to join God’s new Movement!
On Friday evening, was the First General Session of the Eurasian Missions Conference! The singing was incredible! Then came a powerful Opening Video! Following was the always inspirational Flag Ceremony of all the Eurasian Nations! While the flags were paraded into the conference hall, Sophia beautifully sang the lead for the Moscow Band as they sang, Make Me A Believer!
MERCY Night at the EAMC!

The Flag Ceremony at the EAMC included the
15 Russian-speaking nations of the
former Soviet Union!
Then I was privileged to share GOOD NEWS FROM AROUND THE WORLD!
As Paul did when he arrived in Jerusalem after his
third missionary journey, Kip “reported in detail
what God had done among the [nations]
through his ministry!” (Acts 21:19)
Then came a brief but powerful MERCY Presentation by Nick & Denise Bordieri – the World Sector Leaders of MERCY – and Slava & Lena Kapskiy, the Moscow MERCY Directors!
Slava & Lena Kapskiy are the very creative
Moscow MERCY Directors!
To conclude this “MERCY Moment,” we saw several of the Down Syndrome children – that the Moscow MERCY Ambassadors reach out to regularly at Dancing House – perform a dance with their house parents! There was not a dry eye in the auditorium!

After the riveting performance of the Dancing House
Children – all with Down Syndrome – each of
the children received a special
bag of food and gifts!
After a break and more singing, Oleg preached the Word as only Oleg can preach it with humor and conviction on the theme, GIVE YOUR LAST DROP OF BLOOD!

Jurij Zykov of London was masterful in
translating Oleg’s often humorous
but convicting speech!

The EAMC MERCY Ambassadors!
On Saturday, May 19th was the Second General Session! I spoke on THE COVENANT OF GRACE! After a half-an-hour break, we divided into three sessions: Marrieds, Singles and Campus And Teens! For the Marrieds, RD & April spoke together on THE ETERNAL MARRIAGE COVENANT! This class was followed by Admonitions by Erik & Michelle Af Klint of Stockholm, Victor & Sonia Gonzalez of LA, and Dima & Tanya Serafonov of Moscow!

Victor & Sonia Gonzalez preached
on Keeping The Covenant!
The Singles Track was led by Anthony & Cassidy on the theme ENJOY BEING SINGLE! Short charges were given by Timur & Vika Butakov of St. Petersburg, Juriy Zykov of London, and Yulia Ursul of Kiev!
Anthony & Cassidy emceed and taught
at the Singles Session!

Timur & Vika Butakov – the St. Petersburg (Russia)
Remnant Group Leaders – preached decisively
at the Singles Session on The Covenant
Of Righteousness!

Jurij Zykov and Yulia Ursul have lived out
their message – Eternal Loyalty!
For the Campus And Teens, Raul spoke on FORCEFUL ADVANCEMENT! Then the students were treated to amazing practical Biblical teachings from Luca, Sophia, Vlad and Masha!
Luca & Sophia were magnificent as they
taught together for the first time at the
Campus And Teens Session!

Aliona translated for Kip at a very informative
lunch meeting with the Kiev Interns –
Alina (left), Sasha and Yulia!
Then at 3:00PM was the Football (Soccer) Tournament: Moscow vs. the World! Well, it ended with Moscow handily winning 8 to 3!
Oleg – the Moscow Team Captain – tried in vain
to keep up with Luca of the World Team and
Vlad of the Moscow Team, yet Moscow
dominated the game 8 to 3!
Saturday night was the Third General Session – The Kingdom Banquet! There was sooooo much food and very tasty too!
The EAMC Kingdom Banquet began
with a giant Prayer Circle!

Lydia Sirotkina (right) with Varya Kapskiya – the
gracious daughter of Slava & Lena – led the
way through the buffet line!

The EAMC Banquet was delicious!

Sasha, Paulina, Sasha (8) and Yana (4) Korostelov
so enjoyed the relaxing evening!
That evening, to conclude his 60th birthday
celebration, Victor & Sonia enjoyed the
chocolate fondue fountain!
Then we heard Raul deliver the masterful speech, ETERNAL IMPACT calling us to focus our eyes not on this world, but on all things eternal!

Raul preached an incredible lesson from 1 Kings 17
on the faith of the widow of Zarephath!

The remarkable Moscow Teen Ministry!
Sunday morning, we opened up church with a Mini Concert! Sophia and the Moscow Band again sang, Make Me A Believer! Marina Pryadko of Kiev sang a famous Russian song which translates to, I Will Stay. Ada Rodriguez of Moscow – a professional singer – treated us with Raise Me Up in English, and Walt Whitaker of Stockholm sang an amazing song that he wrote, I’m A Soldier!
Sunday Service at the EAMC began
with a Mini Concert!

Marina Pryadko sang the famous
Russian song, I Will Stay!

Ada Rodriguez followed with an amazing
rendition in English of Raise Me Up!

Walt Whitaker performed, I’m A Soldier!
After this, Michele Williamson shared for Communion saying, “The Kingdom is all I have!” Then, Raul read Haggai 1:2-4 and gave a stirring Contribution Charge!
The Moscow Teen Ministry celebrated Sophia’s
4th Spiritual Birthday with a cake
and beautiful flowers!
Then RD Baker gave the close out speech, ETERNAL GRACE! He preached on the Great Commission in Matthew 28, and then told the story of the Dubai Mission Team which celebrated their Inaugural Service in September 2016! There were 9 on the team, and they did have 6 restorations in that Fall! However, there were no baptisms, as well three on the original team returned to their homelands in the Fall because of visa issues. So the then 12 Dubai Disciples at the 2017 January Winter Workshop were called to repent and in the next 12 months, God blessed them with 29 baptisms! RD laid it out, “I learned that people are as open my mouth!” He went on to say, “So you do not want to be a missionary on a mission team? Well, it’s too late! You signed up to be a missionary when you were baptized!” It was an incredible send off speech for all of us!
RD challenged the crowd to understand that
how hard we work to win souls is directly
proportional to how much we
appreciate God’s grace!
At the end of the service, Lena placed membership; Tanya was restored; and Julia was baptized!
Lena placed membership all the way from our
former fellowship in Novosibirsk, Russia!

Our sister Tanya was thrilled to be
back in her Father’s House!

Sophia asked Julia the two most important
questions of her life!
The fellowship went on for quite some time after the phenomenal singing of the closing song, Молитва За Cмелость (Prayer For Boldness)!
After church, Kip enjoyed a late lunch
with the Sirotkins and Luca!
Three weeks after the 11th Anniversary Service of the City of Angels Church on May 27th, Elena & I flew to Lagos, Nigeria for the African Missions Conference (AMC) entitled, FEAR NONE… EXCEPT GOD!
The challenging theme of the 2018 African Missions
Conference was FEAR NONE EXCEPT GOD!
We arrived on the afternoon of June 19th and were greeted by the fiery Lagos Disciples with the song, We Love You With The Love Of The Lord!
Kip & Elena were given a rousing
SoldOut Movement Welcome!

On their way to the McKeans’ hotel, traffic was so
horrific that street vendors could walk in
between the cars selling their wares!
The next two days, we spent great time with Andrew & Patrique Smellie – the heroic Lagos Church Leaders, as well as we renewed our relationships with so many disciples including Michael Williamson, Blaise & Patricia Feumba of LA, LuJack & Cathi Martinez of Washington DC, and Benedict & Felicia Atason of Lagos!
The Washington DC Church – planted by the
Smellies and led by LuJack & Cathi
Martinez – is now a part of the
Africanus World Sector!
The AMC officially began on Thursday evening, June 21st with the Speakers Dinner held at the beautiful Terra Kulture Restaurant!
Amadou entered the Prayer War Room to do battle
on behalf of the Lord and the AMC!
Gathered that evening were the key leaders of the Lagos ICC, as well as disciples from 10 African Countries: Dr. Carol Lourdes from Mozambique, Tamru Belhu from Ethiopia, Ben & Monique Mpah of Cameroon, Amadou & Angele Sountoura of Ivory Coast, Micky & Lyly Ngungu of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ezekiel Awira and Emmanuel Lemmon of Uganda, Michael & Pamphilia Otsieno of Kenya, Nick Winn and Jacques & Jeanette Groenewald of South Africa, and Jerry Koroma of Sierra Leone!
Blaise registered at the Terra Kulture Restaurant –
the site of the Speakers Dinner!
Andrew & Patrique joyfully welcomed all
to the Speakers Dinner!

A Nigerian Buffet complete with jollof rice was
scrumptious and seasoned quite hot!

Teddy and Tamru came all the way from Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia to Lagos, which is
about 5,500 km (3,500 miles)!

“What a fellowship…”

“What a joy divine!”

Elena graciously autographed her book for Tosin –
the wife of our new brother Rotimi!
Micky and Kip – loyal Prayer Warriors –
reunited for the battle in Africa!
Other special visiting disciples were Brandon Davis of London and Jonathan Panossian of Los Angeles!
Jonathan Panossian (center right) of LA on one of
his many missionary journeys to Uganda!
After an incredible Nigerian Feast, we heard our dynamic brother Blaise Feumba deliver the stirring message, FEAR GOD AND GIVE HIM GLORY! My favorite quote from that amazing message was, “The power is not in the messenger, the power is in the message!”
Blaise passionately preached the Word on FEAR
In the morning of June 22nd, we met at the Virginrose Hotel for the Church Builders Workshop of the AMC! Andrew & Patrique gave the Welcome and announced that it was Patricia Feumba’s 50th Birthday!
Andrew & Patrique welcomed the excited disciples
from 10 African Nations to the AMC Church
Builders Workshop!
During the Opening Prayer, everyone lifted up
holy hands in reverence to God!
Then after the prayer, Elena & I were privileged to share GOOD NEWS FROM AROUND THE WORLD!

Kip & Elena enthusiastically shared GOOD

Tina Nwachukwu (left) – a Lagos Intern – met and
baptized Dr. Carol Lourdes in Paris! Now
Carol is a “one-woman remnant group”
in Maputo, Mozambique!
After a short break, we came back together with the song, Come And See where a Conga Line quickly formed around the room!
Tony Adamu of Lagos led the song,
Come And See…
And a Conga Line formed where everybody – even
Blaise – was dancing around the room!
Then we heard Michael Williamson preach on Nehemiah 7:2, INTEGRITY AND FEAR OF GOD! He shared that in the Bible there are 18 different words for the fear of God! His three points were so memorable: 1) The Fear Of God Has Been Dismantled In The Churches; 2) There Are Varying Degrees Of The Fear Of God; and 3) The Signs Of Churches Who Do Not Fear God! On his last point, he preached that churches that do not fear God are fruitless, idolizing of people, autonomous and do not raise up leaders!
Michael’s modeling head shot from his Portland
Days (upper left) has been posted
all over Lagos!
After another break, we heard four admonitions from Exodus 18 on LEADERS WHO FEAR GOD! Micky Ngungu preached on Being Worthy Of Trust; Jacques Groenewald spoke on Hate Dishonest Gain; Andrew & Patrique addressed the issue of Dealing With Difficult Cases; and Amadou Sountoura closed out this session with Stand The Strain!
ICC Hot News covered Blaise translating
Micky from French to English on
Being Worthy Of Trust!
Jacques Groenewald – the Johannesburg
Remnant Group Leader – preached
on Hate Dishonest Gain!
Amadou – the Abidjan ICC Leader – spoke
passionately on Stand The Strain!
The afternoon was open so it afforded more opportunities for fellowship and some rest! That evening was the First General Session!
The extraordinary First General Session!
The opening included amazing singing, a Cultural Dance Performance, a Welcome Video and the Opening Prayer by Dr. Benedict Atason – the “Man of Nigeria!”
Five extremely talented Lagos Sisters danced…
While African Drums beat at an
ever-increasing rate!
Benedict was given the name “Man of Nigeria” similar to the “Man of Macedonia” in Paul’s dream recorded in Acts 16 where a “Man of Macedonia [begged Paul], ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us!'” This gave direction to Paul – from God – to expand his ministry from Asia to Europe! Likewise, Benedict’s plea to Andrew and me was to change the Crown of Thorns Project’s key African City from Johannesburg to Lagos! This we did!
Naomi and Isaiah Smellie were thrilled to be with
their spiritual grandparents: Elena,
Benedict & Felicia!
Three generations of disciples: Andrew the
Evangelist, Kaine the Intern, and Faith
the University of Lagos Disciple!
Then we had a very encouraging session where several different disciples shared GOOD NEWS FROM AROUND AFRICA!
Tamru shared about the working of the
Holy Spirit in Addis Ababa!
Cathi shared about the mighty
Washington DC Church!
Ezekiel presented Andrew with a Ugandan
Flag as a symbol of unity under
Andrew’s leadership!

At the AMC, Blaise and Jonathan brought the two
Ugandan Remnant Groups together! Emmanuel
(second from the left) led 40 Kampala Disciples!
Ezekiel led the 50 Lira Disciples that are
moving down to Kampala, where
Ezekiel will lead the now
90 Kampala Disciples!
Immediately following, I preached on THE IDOLS MEN FEAR OVER GOD! We concluded this session rather early at about 9:30PM!
Proudly wearing his African garb, Kip was very
serious as he spoke on THE IDOLS MEN
On Saturday morning, June 23rd, we divided into Men’s and Women’s Programs! The lessons from Proverbs 23:17 – BE ZEALOUS FOR THE FEAR OF THE LORD – were delivered by LuJack Martinez and Elena respectively!
LuJack so enjoyed preaching in Africa for the first
of what promises to be many times in his life!

Ariel Hazelton – a member of the courageous Lagos
Mission Team – introduced Elena by sharing
about ELEVATE!

Elena spoke fervently on the theme, BE ZEALOUS
Then each program heard five very interesting 20 minute charges: Overcoming The Fear Of Failure, Overcoming The Fear Of Family, Overcoming The Fear Of Sacrifice, Overcoming The Fear Of Job Loss, and Overcoming The Fear Of The Past! When I heard Bolaji speak so powerfully on Overcoming The Fear Of Job Loss, I sensed that he would once again become a very influential Evangelist!
Bolaji shared first-hand about how he & his
wife Chinyere wrestled in prayer on
Overcoming The Fear Of
Job Loss!

The effervescent speakers for the
AMC Women’s Program!
After a short lunch break, we boarded small buses to go to our MERCY Project at the Red Cross Orphanage in the underprivileged community of Makoko! Unfortunately, it rained during our time there so it limited some of the disciples’ access to the orphans. That said, those of us that were able to go into the buildings had a terrific time holding babies, singing Kingdom Songs with the younger children, and doing crafts as well as playing games with some of the older orphans!
Travel to Makoko for the AMC MERCY Event was
quite treacherous as the rain flooded
many of the streets!

The Lagos Church has built a strong partnership
with the Nigerian Red Cross Orphanage!
Sharon Groman – a New York City Disciple – took a
selfie with her beloved Nigerian Family!

Sharon knew Andrew & Patrique when
they were baptized in Syracuse!

The MERCY Ambassadors shared the love of
Jesus with the children of the orphanage!
The light drizzle did not dampen the spirits
of the MERCY Ambassadors!
Bolaji presented food and gifts on behalf
of the Lagos MERCY Ambassadors
to the Red Cross Orphanage!
That evening was the Talent Show and Dance Party! Elena & I were not able to attend, as this was the only time available for us to fellowship with Bolaji & Chinyere! The Akinfenwas are a very talented couple who served full-time in our former movement overseeing the work in three African Nations! Lord willing, Chinyere will join Bolaji on the full-time Lagos Staff in the very near future!
Bolaji & Chinyere inspired their daughter
Abigail to get baptized one year ago!
Sunday, June 24th was the Final General Session and the AMC Worship Service! To open up the service, our hearts were greatly moved by the singing and an International Prayer! I still remember leaning over to Michael Williamson and enthusiastically sharing that there is no place else where the singing is as powerful as in Africa!
Kate was so fired up about the Second Anniversary
of the Lagos ICC… especially about the cake!
The singing on Sunday morning so inspired one
of Patrique’s guests (second from the
right) – a former Vogue Model!
Then Bolaji dedicated to the Lord the son of Lordson & Faith Atason – little “Baby Nathan” – with a prayer!
Bolaji prayed for “Baby Nathan” to become
a disciple through the godly parenting
of Lordson & Faith!
Following was the Communion by the Feumbas and the Contribution by the Groenewalds!
The Groenewalds shared from their hearts about
the need for every disciple to sacrifice
for their weekly contribution!

Though the auditorium at the Virginrose Hotel
was a little dark, the Groenewalds were
easily heard with the excellent
sound system!
The Sunday sermon was WHOM SHALL I FEAR? by Dr. Andrew Smellie! Very interestingly, Andrew had three points: 1) What Do Religious People Fear? 2) What Do Irreligious People Fear? and 3) What Should Disciples Fear?
Andrew answered the question posed by
his third point, “What should disciples
which was the AMC theme!
After all of us were thoroughly convicted, we had the Kinshasa Reconstruction Team Send Off! Ornate Ostrich Egg Trophies with a map of Africa beautifully painted on them were given to Micky & Lyly – the Kinshasa Church Leaders – and Blaise & Patricia – the Overseeing Ministry Couple for French-speaking Africa!
Kip & Elena oversaw the Kinshasa Reconstruction
Team Send Off!
An ornate Ostrich Egg Trophy painted in great
detail with a map of Africa was presented to
both the Ngungus and the Feumbas!
Then we heard the “good confessions” of seven who were baptized after service: Uduak, Segun, Daniel, Livius, Kehinde, Taiwo and Felicia Atason, who saw from the Scriptures that she was not baptized as a disciple in the Mainline Church of Christ!
Kehinde literally jumped for joy because
of his salvation!
Forever bonded by the moment are the seven AMC
Baptisms, who stand hand-in-hand as the newest
members of the Lagos Family!
Goodhope Atason helped Patrique to
baptize his mom – Felicia!
To gloriously close out the AMC, LuJack Martinez wrote new words to The Glory Song – The Africanus Version!
LuJack led the final song of the AMC, The
Glory Song – The Africanus Version!

The gathering of the Johannesburg Mission
Team, which Lord willing will be sent out
at the 2019 AMC in Lagos!

Sunday night, “Grandpa Kip” & “Grandma Elena”
treated Naomi and Isaiah to Pinkberry!
Monday, June 25th Elena & I had very special times with the Lagos Women Interns and Tolani & Kate!
Monday morning the McKeans enjoyed coffee
with three of the Lagos Women Interns:
Tina, Dolapo and Ariel!

Following, the McKeans were delighted to spend
a special time with the newly dating
couple – Tolani & Kate!
Then we were off to the airport to fly from Lagos to Frankfurt to Dubai! As we neared Dubai, so many awesome memories of the Dubai Mission Team and Inaugural Service flooded our minds!
There were seven Americans on the Dubai Mission
Team in August 2016! Gina de la Pena of Manila
and June Picardo of Chennai would
meet the team in Dubai!
Upon landing in Dubai on Tuesday night, June 26th, since we were in a Middle Eastern Country, there was no singing by the disciples, but there was loud cheering and signs warmly welcoming us to the United Arab Emirates! We also circled up and had an awesome prayer!
Almost every Dubai Disciple greeted the McKeans
at 11:00PM on a Tuesday night!
Elena was presented with a “Dubai teddy bear”
and beautiful flowers!
Our main purpose for going to Dubai was to oversee the change of leadership from RD & April Baker to Miguel Mendez and Megan Mathews! The next two days were spent in fellowship times with these four courageous disciples!
Like the old prophet Haggai and the young
prophet Zechariah, are Kip and his
grandson in the faith Miguel!
Friday mornings are the days of worship for our Dubai Church Family! We gathered on Friday, June 29th as usual at 11:00AM at the Welcome Hotel!
Two key hotels in the short history of the Dubai ICC:
The Hilton Garden Inn – the site of the September
2016 Inaugural Service (right) and the Welcome
Inn – where the Dubai Church meets presently!
Amazingly, with 35 disciples, God gave us 69 in attendance! Several non-Christians had come to say their good-byes to RD & April, who had endeared themselves to them during their almost two years in Dubai!
For the Leadership Transfer Friday Service,
God blessed the 35 Dubai Disciples
with 69 in attendance!
Since RD was preaching and he usually led the singing as well, I volunteered to “come out of retirement” and to lead several of the songs for our worship service!
Kip “came out of retirement” to help
lead the singing!
Miguel and Megan gave the Welcome which was followed by a Multi-language Prayer! This bold prayer was delivered by: Tchalo Filipe – who was baptized in Paris after initially studying the Bible in Dubai – who prayed in French; Anna Aviles prayed in Arabic; Jobert Bravin in Tamil; Angel Bisht in Tagalog; and Praveen Bisht closed out in English!
Miguel Mendez and Megan Mathews are
the new Dubai ICC Leaders!
For Communion, April shared about her life and how her time in Dubai had impacted her.
Kip gave a glowing introduction of April
for the Communion!
For the Communion, April prepared a slideshow!
Here she shared that she was 11 months old
with the disease Cardiomyopathy where
the doctors did not expect her to live!
For Contribution, Elena & I shared GOOD NEWS FROM AROUND THE WORLD focusing on the financial sacrifice that particularly the American Churches have made through the years, especially helping the Dubai Church!
Kip & Elena shared with the Dubai Church the love
that the USA Churches have expressed in
their Missions Contribution that helps
to support the Dubai Church!
Before RD preached, we were shown a slideshow about all the good times and the baptisms in Dubai for the past two years! Inspirationally, the song Time Of Your Life was played during the slideshow! The title of RD’s sermon was THE END OF CHAPTER ONE! He began his lesson by recounting the sacrifices of the original nine-person mission team and the astounding Inaugural Service attendance of 56! He also shared about April suffering a heart attack and ensuing cardiac arrest for four minutes in 2017! Yet, God blessed the 12 Dubai Disciples of January 1, 2017 with 40 baptisms in 21 months! Due to the transient nature of the city of Dubai, 10 of these baptisms have moved “home” to nations such as India and the Philippines! As RD finished his sermon, there was not a dry eye in the house!
Jeremiah was the weeping prophet of the Old
Testament; RD is the weeping prophet
of the new Movement… His
tissues are by his side!
After service, we had lunch and an awesome study with a remnant couple – Sada & Dores Kochunni! A week later, Sada placed membership in the Dubai ICC!
Sada & Dores – remnant disciples – studied the Bible
with Megan, Miguel, the Bishts and the McKeans!
Sada placed membership the following Friday!
Saturday, we had a farewell breakfast with the Bakers knowing that we would see them very soon in Los Angeles, where they will become the Ventura Region Leaders!
RD & April are the Father and Mother of faith
for the Middle East and will be eternally
thanked by the Lord, the Dubai
Church and their converts!
Saturday night was the Going Away Party for the Bakers! The room was exquisitely decorated with balloons and pictures of the Bakers’ Dubai Days! Pasted on the wall at the back of the room was the heartwarming thought, “Home is where the Lord is!”
As the Bakers entered the room for their Going
Away Party, RD touched everyone’s
hearts as he wept!
After a delicious meal of foods from around the world as the disciples of Dubai are from around the world, Elena & I shared about RD & April and then we were driven to the airport to return to the States!
At the Going Away Party there was plenty of food
from around the world, and affectionate sharing!
As we sat on the plane, we could not help but thank God for this incredible missionary trip to encourage and to be encouraged by our beloved Lagos and Dubai Church Families!
A picture for the Dubai Family Album!
Pray for Miguel, Megan and the dynamic Dubai Church as they begin “Chapter Two!” And to God be all the glory!
John & Genina Tuason – instrumental members
of the Dubai Mission Team – are pregnant
and so are moving back to their “home
church” in Los Angeles!
Our dear sister Ana Aviles is the last member of the
original Dubai Mission Team to continue the
work in the United Arab Emirates!
Portland: It is great to be a part of a worldwide Movement as Cristina, who was studying the Bible earlier this year, was told by her husband that if she was baptized, he would divorce her. Cristina was having a hard time until she went on a prayer run and it finally clicked for her: God is a lot more important than anyone or anything! She was baptized that weekend and then because of certain situations, they soon moved to Mexico City! Her husband Raul had met the disciples in Mexico City… And then he met God through the studies and was baptized! Excitingly, Cristina then baptized her mom and Cristina returned to Portland last month, but this time with her mother and her “formerly persecuting” husband as disciples of Christ! Praise God we have a church in Portland! Praise God we have a church in Mexico City! And praise God we have churches in so many cities to baptize our families!
Cristina endured intense persecution from her
husband Raul, but her steadfast faith won
him over to the Lord!
Denver: We were all able to witness the incredible baptism of Dave Jones! Dave is the father of our young campus brother Sean and has been attending church since Amanda & I moved to Denver a year and half ago! We are very proud of Sean and the example he has set for his family!

Sean (center) lived out the dream of
baptizing his father Dave!
Dallas/Ft. Worth: Hector Mogollon & Taylor Williams were engaged on May 12th and their wedding is planned for August 11, 2018! Hector was baptized in the South Region of Los Angeles in 2011 and was a key member of the DFW Mission Team! Taylor was baptized in DFW in 2015 and is also the sister of Ryan & Nikki Williams in San Diego! Together they help lead our Teen Ministry!

Congratulations to Hector & Taylor on
their engagement!
Boston: On May 13, 2018, Sharmayne Viscichini gave birth to her first child, Ethan Tobias in Brooklyn, New York just two weeks before Aaron & Sharmayne left New York City to lead the mighty Boston Church! Aaron shared, “What a miraculous experience that will forever change our lives and my perspective on the strength of women, as Sharmayne had an all-natural birth!”
Ethan Viscichini is happy-as-can-be bringing
much joy to his parents – Aaron &
Sharmayne – and to all of his
“aunties” and “uncles”
in the Kingdom!
Also, on Saturday, July 7th, Gianni DiFusco got down on one knee and proposed to the “love of his life” Skyla Eastman! These two talented disciples just started leading the Boston AMS Ministry and are “superlatively happy” (Psalm 119:1-2), as they enter into this new adventure and new stage of life!

Congratulations to the future
Mr. & Mrs. DiFusco!
New York City: On June 25th, we had our smallest addition to the New York City Family! We are honored to announce “Baby Iva Merritt” is finally here!

Bobby & Kensey Merritt welcomed
“Baby Iva” on June 25th!
On June 30th, our dear brother Jamal Ellis was “finally” engaged to be married to an amazing woman of God – Urline Jean-Baptiste!
Congratulations to a very sweet
couple – Jamal & Urline!
Mexico City: The first six months of 2018 have been simply amazing as God has given us 44 baptisms, 8 restorations and 5 place memberships! One of our most recent miracles is the birth of Isabella Wagers, the beautiful daughter of Albert & Jeny!
Papa Albert loves “Little Isabella!”
Moscow: On June 10th, Rezo & Sasha Davitadze inspired the entire Moscow Church at their wedding with their love for God and their vows to one another!

Pozdravleniya to Rezo & Sasha Davitadze!
Kiev: Congratulations to Sasha & Alina Balitski who dynamically lead the Kiev Campus Ministry!

Congratulations to Sasha & Alina – the hard-working
Kiev Campus Ministry Leaders!
Las Vegas: José & Liz Torres are now the proud parents of two beautiful little girls! Their second daughter – Riley Margarita Torres Gonzalez – was born on May 3rd at 6:40AM at 7lbs. and 18inches!
“Riley Margarita” is the 15th grandchild of
Victor & Sonia Gonzalez!
São Paulo: At the 2018 Women’s Day, everyone rejoiced that Luca’s mom Marisa Vila Real was baptized into Christ!

Luca’s mom Marisa was baptized by Luca at
the São Paulo Women’s Day!
Honolulu: This past week, we had two incredible teens baptized! Toa and Meleane are the son and daughter of Joe & Mary Santos – the Honolulu Shepherding Couple!
Joe & Mary Santos joyfully baptized
their oldest son Toa!
Toa then helped his parents baptize
his sister Meleane!
Shouts of joy and tears came
from the Santos Family!
Hilo: Chris & Mahe Directo – who serve as the Hilo Shepherding Couple – baptized their youngest son, Austin! So now their family is totally united in Christ!

Congratulations to the Directo Ohana!
San Francisco: Since the last Good News Email, two of our amazing interns here in the San Francisco Church – Tyre Ellison & Jael Cook – were engaged! Lord willing, they will be married in November and then next year at our Annual Winter Workshop, “the Ellisons” will lead the planting of our fifth region in Hayward, California!
Congratulations to Tyre & Jael!
Los Angeles – Metro Heights Region: Congratulations to Omar Valdovinos on the baptisms of his twins – Savana and Ezekiel!
The moment Omar had been waiting for all
of his Christian life was baptizing
his son Ezekiel…

And Ezekiel’s twin sister Savana!
Also, a special congratulations to Mario Mijango & Michelle Miranda on their engagement!
Congratulations to an enchanting couple –
Mario & Michelle!
Los Angeles – Antelope Valley Region (AV): For the AV Teen Ministry, we witnessed the baptism of Isaah Hernandez on June 28th and Christina Hernandez on July 5th! To add to these miracles, Isaah and Christina are the younger siblings of Malonie Penn (our new teen leader) and the children of our amazing sister Genisha Williams! Their family now has four disciples united in Christ!
Isaah (right) helped to baptized his sister
Christina (center) on July 5th, just
one week after he was baptized!
Los Angeles – AMS Region: Our dear brother Terri Tait passed on to glory on June 8th. On the card sent with the beautiful bouquet of flowers to Debbie Tait in honor of her disciple husband was written, “Terri touched so many lives as ‘he fought the good fight and finished the race!’ Our spirits are lifted from our loss because we will see him in Heaven! Our condolences to you who must remain separated from your love for a while. We are family… by God’s amazing grace, the City of Angels International Christian Church.”
Before Terri passed on to glory, Adam had
several deep and inspiring conversations
about Heaven with him.
Terri & Debbie lived across the street from
Chris & Sonja Chloupek, who studied the
Bible with them and brought them
into the AMS Region Family!
Miami/Ft. Lauderdale: On a very bittersweet note, we had our dear sister Juana Dominguez join the angels last Tuesday. She is the grandmother of Dania who moved to Miami from NYC to be on the mission team. Dania had one dream coming here and that was for her grandmother to become a disciple! Juana made her good confession and was baptized late last year at 88 years of age! Since her health was failing, Juana could only make it to a few Bible Talks, one House Church Service, and just a few months ago, she had enough strength to attend one Congregational Service! She was so full of life and at one point was so fired up that she stood up during service and lifted her hands in joy and Dania and the Spanish Ministry were amazed! She leaves behind a very grateful family, including Joseph, Dania’s cousin who was also baptized a few months ago! The family is sad, but content, knowing Juana made it home!
Pilar (left) and Yinet were inspired by Juana’s
unwavering faith about going to Heaven!
Manila: Incredibly, on June 2nd, Felip Biongan & Wis Leuterio, the Ateneo Campus Ministry Leaders, became engaged at the Armor Bearers and Shield Maidens Royalty Gala!
Heartfelt congratulations to Felip & Wis – the
charismatic Ateneo Campus
Ministry Leaders!
On May 19th, the Manila Church celebrated the wedding of Arkho & Hon Andalis!
Congratulations to Arkho & Hon Andalis!

Hon so enjoyed dancing with her father –
Tito Willie – at her wedding reception!
In the last two months, it has been incredible to see so many physical family members become spiritual family together! Joy’s younger brother, Wil, was baptized! Yanyan, the teenage daughter of Lito was baptized! Janine’s mother, Margarita, was restored! Aires’s sister, Love, was baptized! Ge’s cousin, Mela, was baptized! Rose’s sister, Che, was baptized! Mark’s niece, Grace, was baptized! Maricel’s daughter, Justine, was also baptized!

God answered Rosas’ (second from the left)
impossible prayer when she baptized her
sister Che (center left)!
Lastly, it was incredible to see a whole family brought to unity in Christ: the Siasat Family, who were seeking spiritual revival after having left the ICOC years ago! First, the youngest teenage daughter and Kingdom Kid, Jaja, was baptized, which then inspired her older sister, Christia, to be restored the following week! These events finally culminated in their two parents, Relly & Gina, getting restored the week after! To God be the glory!

Keyk and Caramel Castro baptized Jaja – a fellow
Kingdom Kid with which they grew up!

The Siasat Family rejoiced that Jaja (center) was
baptized and Christia (right) – inspired by
her sister – was restored!
Tim Kernan – Lead Evangelist of Los Angeles: “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!” (1 Corinthians 15:57) Greetings from sunny and beautiful Los Angeles, California! We are currently in the middle of an unprecedented heatwave as temperatures have hit 117 degrees! The highest previous record in Downtown LA was 112 in 1990! Lianne & I do not have air-conditioning, so it has been a little like living in a Western movie at the Kernans!
Mason & Nathalie Fetelika have been sent
by the Spirit from LA to lead the
undaunted San Diego Church!
We are so grateful to God for all the amazing things that are happening right now highlighted by raising over 1.1 million dollars for Missions in May!
Priscilla – the oldest daughter of Jared & Rachel
McGee – sold lemonade and coffee to raise
money for Missions! In her appeal on her
poster, Priscilla shared, “Born on
the Mission Field!”

Priscilla raised $350 for Missions!
Another landmark victory was the record attendance of 2,105 at our Bring Your Neighbor Day on Sunday, June 10th!
The record attendance of 2,105 for the City of
Angels Church on BYND came through
prayer, fasting and many late nights
and early morning of hard work!
Thank you to Kip & Elena who called each LA Disciple to fast and pray to move God’s heart until that disciple had collected five commitments for the BYND! Lianne & I are so grateful for each LA Disciple who fought so hard for this immense victory!
The Normand Family of Toronto was given a SoldOut
Movement Welcome by the City of Angels Church!
The Normands will stay in LA until they leave
to become full-time in the New York
City ICC after the GLC!
Another amazing story is that of Anthony & Tayyiba “Ty” Haneef-Park who were baptized on Saturday, July 7th in the FORCE Sector of the Orange County Region! Ty is a three-time Olympian in Women’s Volleyball! Amazingly, she won silver medals in both Beijing and London! Anthony is a fighter pilot who ran track and played football for the Air Force Academy! Ty was met through the CyberMinistry via Chantelle Anderson’s Confidently His VLOG! Ty came out to the AMS Women’s Day with Chantelle! After Ty heard Chantelle’s testimony and Therese Untalan, the keynote speaker, she immediately started to study! Our mighty Congregational Shepherds – Tony & Therese Untalan and Nick & Denise Bordieri – led most of the studies!
Anthony & Ty Haneef-Park were baptized through
the efforts of so many disciples!
Ty contacted Chantelle after watching
one of her Facebook Vlogs!
Chantelle invited her to the
AMS Women’s Day!
Ty is a two-time Olympic Silver Medalist in
Women’s Volleyball! She stands 6′ 9″!
All of these medals were won by Anthony when
he played football and ran track for the
United States Air Force Academy!
Lastly, it is so encouraging that our dear sister Yelena Astanina has recovered from a diabetic coma and is now back working in our amazing Movement Administrative Staff! Please keep us in your prayers as we are in the middle of radicalizing all of our Bible Talks! And to God be the glory!
International Nationals
The 2018 African Missions Conference in Lagos had so many memorable moments! From a church-building perspective, perhaps the most profound for me was when I was introduced to Tolani Abiodun and Deji Aregbesola – both Nigerian nationals who were baptized in London through the efforts of Michael Williamson! Upon their returning home to Nigeria, Andrew Smellie saw both of these “International Nationals” to be five-talent men! Therefore, they quickly became full-time interns and students at ICCM-Lagos!
Working together for world evangelism, Michael
was fired up to baptize the Nigerian Nationals
Tolani (second from the left) and Deji, and
then to send them to Andrew in Lagos
who quickly selected them as interns!
Women International Nationals that have made a huge difference in Lagos are Tina Nwachukwu and Kate Awara! Again, both five-talent and full-time interns! What makes these four disciples so special is that they have renounced “their rights” to live in the First World! It could be said of Tolani, “By faith [Tolani] when he had grown up, refused to be known as a [Londoner]. He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time. He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as a greater value than the treasures of [England], because he was looking ahead to his reward! By faith, he left [England], not fearing [his parents’] anger; he persevered because he saw Him who is invisible!” (Hebrews 11:24-27)
Though born in England, Anna Adebayo has a
Nigerian heritage, and after attending the
AMC, she has decided to move to
Lagos to become an intern!
Other young national disciples that have had a terrific impact returning to their homelands or their heritage include: Marc & Maika Carbonell, Zach & Ariel Shields, RJ Castro and Carlos Robielos – in Manila; Lucy Mejia, Miguel & Myrna Limon in Mexico City; and six of the Hong Kong Seven Mission Team! All of these disciples have made a huge difference in building these key churches!
In 2015, Zach & Ariel Shields – because of their
Filipino heritage – were on the Manila Mission
Team, and later were married on the mission
field! They have been targeted to plant the
Davao (Philippines) Church in June 2019!
It also occurred to me that God in His foreknowledge knew that our former fellowship would be scattered because of our sins. Yet, He left a small remnant in most nations that allows us to initially begin remnant groups. In time, we are able to plant churches by sending mission teams or by reconstruction. International remnants have allowed us to build incredible churches in India (Raja & Debs Rajan), Russia (Oleg Sirotkin), Ukraine (Aliona Sirotkina), London (Michele Williamson), Sydney (Kerry Willis), Santiago (Alfredo & Alejandra Anuch), Paris (Philippe Scheidecker), Lagos (Goodhope & Bonita Atason and Bolaji & Chinyere Akinfenwa), Abidjan (Amadou & Angele Sountoura), Kinshasa (Micky & Lyly Ngungu), Johannesburg (Jacques & Jeanette Groenewald), and seven more couples in seven other African Nations!
When Benedict Atason joined the new Movement, he
traveled to Lagos and studied the Bible with his
son Goodhope and his wife Bonita Atason.
They left the Mainline Church of Christ
and initiated the Lagos ICC
Remnant Group!
Often, remnant disciples from our former fellowship or Mainline Churches of Christ come into God’s new Movement still hurting from being in lukewarm congregations. Most have lost a great deal of trust in God and in church leadership leading them to the sins of acedia, contempt and even lukewarmness! “To win the remnant,” young church leaders must have a respect for these “veterans” in the war against Satan. In love, we must offer trust and mercy even when the remnant are hesitant to give their hearts. We must continue to “fry the airwaves” in getting God’s message out to the remnant – both in churches and fallen away!
The Causeys (left), the McKeans and the Kernans
continue to take a stand against lukewarmness!
It is time to call our young national disciples to remember their vow at baptism – “go anywhere, do anything and give up everything!” Yes, the price is high, but what a joy it will be to bring “their people” and for many their physical families the message of the Gospel and the gifts of forgiveness of sins, the Holy Spirit, the Church and Heaven for eternity! So looking forward to meeting and hugging all of our International Nationals at the 2018 Global Leadership Conference! And to God be all the glory in all nations!
We are family… by God’s amazing grace,