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Dear Friend,
Greetings from San Francisco, Hilo, Manila, Hong Kong, Chennai, Paris and Los Angeles! In the almost two months since the last Good News Email, the Spirit has done so much around the world! In March, Elena & I had the pleasure of being with the San Francisco Church for their Women’s Day entitled BEAUTIFUL where 91 disciples had 230 in attendance! In late March, we flew to Hilo to help our dear son in the faith Kyle Bartholomew be restored to the Lord! We then flew to Manila for the exciting Pacific Rim Missions Conference where three were restored and one was baptized on Sunday! Then Elena & I flew to Hong Kong where we were able to study with and baptize Ria – an actress, model and singer! Following those memorable days, Elena flew home to LA and I traveled on to Chennai for the South Asia Missions Conference (SAMC)! At the Sunday Worship Service, nine were baptized and the Spirit sent out the historic 38 disciple New Delhi Mission Team led by Raja & Debs Rajan! Then before coming home, I flew to Paris to preach to the church and spend time with my beloved grandson and granddaughter in the faith – Anthony & Cassidy Olmos!
Sent out by the Spirit at the 2018 South Asia
Missions Conference was the 38 Disciple
New Delhi Mission Team, which was
nicknamed the Spartans!

The New Delhi Remnant Group was so excited about
the coming of the Mission Team that 14 of their
18 disciples traveled 1,100 miles
(1,800 km) for the SAMC!

Holding up the arms of the New Delhi Mission Team
Leaders – Raja & Debs Rajan – are the Speckmans
and the Sullivans!
Amazingly, this month, we celebrate the 11th Anniversary of God’s SoldOut Movement as the Spirit has multiplied the 42 Portland Disciples that planted the City of Angels International Christian Church on May 6, 2007 to now 6,000 disciples in 91 churches in 36 nations on all 6 populated continents of the world! Truly, this is not a mere movement of men, it is the very Movement of God! And to God be all the glory!
Raja Rajan – Lead Evangelist of New Delhi: After a 28 hour train ride from Chennai to New Delhi, the 38 on the New Delhi Mission Team received a very warm and noisy welcome when we arrived at the Hazrath Nizamuddin Station on Saturday, April 28th! All of us received flower garlands and were invited to dance and rejoice with the 18 disciples in the New Delhi Remnant Group, as the SoldOut Movement of God had officially come to the capital of India!
The New Delhi Mission Team rejoiced as they
traveled by train from Chennai and arrived
in India’s capital after 28 hours!
Sunday was a real blow out service as we had an attendance of 205! The singing was electric! Luke Speckman’s Communion was very touching, and I preached the whole sermon in Hindi with full conviction! Many of our old friends from the ICOC came seeking revival and said this was just like old times! Some had informed their leaders and said good bye to them with the explanation that they were “joining the Kingdom of God!”
After only one day in their new home, the New Delhi
Mission Team was blessed by God to have
a Sunday attendance of 205!
We are now busy with studying the Bible with 30 visitors! God is truly moving in a powerful way! All glory to God!
Tim Kernan – Director of the 2018 Global Leadership Conference (GLC): Out of hundreds of suggested themes for the 2018 GLC, we would like to congratulate Victor Gonzalez Sr. for his entry of EMPOWERED!

The thrilling theme for the 2018 Global Leadership
Conference is EMPOWERED!
And yes, Victor will now receive a free registration for this momentous event! So many Scriptures on God’s power come to mind: “The Kingdom of God [has] come with power.” (Mark 9:1) “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) “I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order [to experience]… His incomparably great power for us who believe!” (Ephesians 1:18-19)
Tim Kernan congratulated Victor Gonzalez Sr.
for entering the winning theme for the
The 2018 GLC will be held on Thursday, August 16th through Sunday, August 19th, 2018 at the Anaheim Convention Center, 800 West Katella Avenue, Anaheim, California! Accommodations will be at the Sheraton Park Hotel – a five minute walk from the Convention Center! (It is also just a 10 minute walk to Disneyland!)
The beautiful Anaheim Convention Center is the
site of the Global Leadership Conference
on August 16-19, 2018!
GLC highlights will include amazing preaching, extraordinary singing, glorious fellowship, the Sixth Commencement of the International College of Christian Ministries, and the Spirit sending out two OPERATION EAGLE Mission Teams: Columbus, Ohio and Milwaukee, Wisconsin! We will also be hosting the “Kingdom’s Got Talent Show!” This year is the fifth such occasion! If you are interested in performing, please send a video of your act to the Director of KGT5 – Jay Causey – by June 1st! A full program will be sent out in the coming weeks!
In 2017 at the Fifth Commencement Ceremony of
the ICCM, 90 BA Degrees, 2 Masters Degrees
and 1 Doctorate Degree were conferred!

Karen Maciel – the Co-Editor of the Good News
Email – received her BA Degree at the
2017 GLC in Manila!
The registration fee is $200 for a regular ticket; $180 for a current ICCM student; and $100 for a teen registration! Our Prayer Goals are for 1,800 American Disciples and 200 International Disciples to participate in the 2018 GLC as this will allow us to financially break even! Register now! (
Dynamic speakers will be heard from all over
the world such as Andrew Smellie
of Lagos, Nigeria!
We are encouraging every Church Leader Couple, every Shepherding Couple and every CAICC Region Leader Couple to stay at the Sheraton Park Hotel. The cost of a room is $139/night plus tax. The group rate is available until July 16th, so book now! (
The Kingdom Banquet is always a
highlight of the GLC!
REMEMBER: There will not be a Global Leadership Conference next year to financially allow particularly American Disciples to attend Geographic Missions Conferences outside of the United States! Thus, this makes the 2018 GLC all the more important to attend!
Andrew Smellie – Lead Evangelist of Lagos: Greetings from Nigeria, now known as “The Giant of Africa!” With a population of approximately 195 million souls, Nigeria has become the seventh most populous country in the world! In the city of Lagos, God has blessed our efforts in the church as we have seen eight precious souls come to the Lord in the month of April! We are begging God for every disciple to be fruitful before our Second Anniversary on June 24th as we are currently at almost 90 disciples!
Nigeria is the largest country in all of Africa
with 195 million lost souls!
On Easter Sunday, April 1st, we witnessed an incredible miracle as three souls came to be baptized – Lolade and Enoch (Students at the University of Lagos majoring in Chemical and Systems Engineering respectively), and Rotimi, my dear friend and neighbor! Rotimi is the Head of Market Development for Africa at the Siemens Corporation!
Easter Spiritual Triplets: Lolade (second from the
left), Rotimi (fourth from the left), and
Enoch (second from the right)!

Neighbors, best of friends, and now
brothers – Rotimi and Andrew!
On April 8th, we witnessed another two glorious baptisms as two more campus students came to the Lord – Dorcas and Jibola! Jibola is the younger brother of Deji Aregbesola, a brother who placed membership from London earlier this year!
Spiritual Twins: Dorcas (second from the left)
and Jibola (second from the right)!
On the 15th of April, Queenest Aregbesola, the younger sister of our brother Deji, was baptized! After his sister’s baptism, Deji shared with me that he is eager to win all of Nigeria for the Lord by pursuing the full-time ministry! He is now a Campus Ministry Intern!
Deji’s younger brother Jibola was baptized on
April 8th and his sister Queenest was
baptized on April 15th!
On April 22nd, we saw two more incredible baptisms: Fega from the Campus Ministry and Frank from the Singles Ministry!
April 22nd Spiritual Twins: Frank (third from
the left) and Fega (third from the right)!
In the month of April, we also witnessed the birth of our first “Kingdom baby” in the church as Lordwilson & Faith Simon had a baby boy on April 4th named Nathan!
Lordwilson & Faith are so thankful to the
Lord for their son Nathan!
In Nigerian tradition, babies are not named immediately, but instead the family has a “Naming Ceremony” on the 8th day of birth where family members come together to offer different names of meaning to the baby! Nathan’s full name is now Nathan Ojo-Arome Akumabi Simon! Akumabi means, “a fortress that cannot be shaken!”
Nathan and all of his new uncles in the Lord!
As the Evangelist of the church, I was given the privilege to “officially” bless and pray for the new baby! My Nigerian brothers affectionately gave me my own “Naming Ceremony” as I was called “Oluwaranmi” (“God sent me”) and “Ayanfeoluwa” (“The Chosen of the Lord”)! It was encouraging!
The heroic Smellie Family: Andrew,
Patrique, Naomi and Isaiah!
In addition to all the amazing miracles this month, I have been deeply moved and inspired by the faith of my brother Tolani Abiodun, who has handed in his resignation from a prominent IT position and has answered the call of God to pursue the full-time ministry! Tolani counted the cost to be part of the Remnant Group in Lagos before the Lagos Church planting in June 2016! He was baptized in London while finishing his graduate studies at UCL in March 2015! Please pray for our dear brother as both he and Deji join our Staff Team on May 1st! It is so encouraging to see the impact of the Nigerian Homecoming Project (NHP) – where we encourage Nigerian nationals that are converted in other countries to return to Nigeria! The NHP has not only reaped a harvest of many souls, but is raising up the leadership that is dreaming to win all of Africa for the Lord!
Andrew & Patrique are so encouraged that
Tolani & Kate not only are their right
hand couple in the Lagos Church,
but are now dating!
The 2018 African Missions Conference will be held in Lagos on June 21-24, 2018! Do not miss this incredible time of inspiration and fellowship with African leaders from around the continent! There will be a plethora of activities from viewing Nigerian art and culture, enjoying incredible food, and serving orphans in the community! You can register at the following Eventbrite link:
Come to the 2018 African Missions Conference
Thank you American Disciples for your incredible sacrifice that allows us to be used by God who continues to do great miracles here in Lagos and throughout the African Continent! We love you!
Blady Perez – Lead Evangelist of Phnom Penh: Greetings from Cambodia! It was at the 2017 GLC in Manila, when my wife & I together with our son Bryce decided to place membership in the International Christian Churches! We immediately returned to Cambodia to start the church. We had our Inaugural Service last October 29, 2017 with a total of 69 in attendance! God has grown the church from 3 disciples to now 13 disciples in the last 6 months!
Kip welcomed Blady, Cielo and Bryce Perez into
the SoldOut Movement from the Phnom
Penh ICOC at the 2017 GLC!
It is by God’s grace and vision that He moved in the heart of two former full-times of the ICOC in Phnom Penh to join us and build the Kingdom of God! Rasmey & Chan Mona Seng are former staff and the admin couple of our former movement in Phnom Penh! Pheakday & Socheat Kim are missionaries and were full-time in the ICOC when they decided to place membership with us!
Rasmey & Chan Mona Sing are former full-time
staff in our former fellowship!

Pheakday & Socheat Kim were full-time in the ICOC.
However, they began to seek revival and decided
to place membership in the Phnom Penh ICC!
Just last month their son Mathuselah Kim was baptized!
Mathuselah Kim was baptized by Bryce Perez
and his fired up father!
We also had our first Women’s Day this month and with only 5 sisters we had 27 in attendance and Ani was baptized on the same day! We are very grateful for Joe & Kerry Willis for their discipling of us and the Phnom Penh Church! We are especially appreciative for all of their help in our first Women’s Day!
The 5 Phnom Penh Sisters had an outstanding 27
in attendance at their Women’s Day!
As well, we are learning from and imitating the fired up Sydney Campus Ministry to convert university students here! To God be the glory!
Joe Willis – Lead Evangelist of Sydney: Greetings from Australia in what we are claiming to be “The Best Year of our Lives!” The Sydney Church has grown this year from 47 to 61 disciples and now has 21 different nationalities represented! So encouraging to see in this one minute “Thank You Video” for everyone’s continual financial support through the raising of Special Missions Contribution! (
Patrick (center) who is from China was embraced
after his baptism by Emannuel, who is leaving
this year to join the work in Lagos, and
Ken (right) who is Korean!
Other highlights this year included the baptism of our first Aboriginal Disciple, Paula! She is a first year Law Student at University of New South Wales!

Naomi and Jenna (right) prayed with Paula –
Sydney’s first Aboriginal Disciple!
Equally exciting is the baptism of Uka, who was Naomi Radnaabazar’s co-leader in her old denominational church in Mongolia! Their dream is to now plant a true church of sold-out disciples in their home country! We have found a pocket of other Mongolians here in Sydney that are coming to church and studying the Bible! Pray for us to reach all nations!
Flanked by Scotty Lakopo (left), the New Zealand
Mission Team Leader, and Tyrone White, his
right hand man, are Uka and
Naomi – Mongolians!

Uka and Naomi’s dream is to plant the
SoldOut Movement Flag in their
homeland of Mongolia!
Jason Dimitry – Lead Evangelist of San Francisco: “On this rock I will build my church…” (Matthew 16:18) Greetings from the Saints in the Bay Area! What an incredible last couple of months it has been! Where do we start… hmmm.. Women’s Day! This epic annual event entitled BEAUTIFUL took place March 10th and for the very first time was held in Downtown San Francisco!
Great friends and partners in the
Gospel – Elena and Sarah!
God blessed us with Elena McKean as our guest speaker and our 91 sisters had a phenomenal 230 in attendance!
Served before the sharing and Elena’s main speech,
was a delicious continental breakfast buffet!

For the San Francisco Women’s Day whose theme
was BEAUTIFUL, Elena preached on “unfading
beauty” from 1 Peter 3:1-6!
If that was not enough, we had three incredible baptisms at the Women’s Day in a BEAUTIFUL baptistry with red and white rose petals floating on the water!

Emily from San Francisco State was one of three
BEAUTIFUL baptisms at the Women’s Day!
Another highlight had to be the This Is Me Performance which came from the movie The Greatest Showman! The sisters absolutely “brought down the house!” Here is a link if you would like to check it out:
Devon, Jael and Alexis were the lead singers
for the This Is Me Performance!

The Usher Team – led by Kwaku Sarkodie (left) –
guarded the gift baskets!
The following day on Sunday, we had the privilege to hear Kip preach to a combined service of the San Francisco and Sacramento Churches! That day 2 more were baptized and another soul was restored!
The combined Worship Service of the San Francisco
and Sacramento Churches packed the auditorium!
Other incredible feats of God this year have been the 34 baptisms and 3 restorations we have had so far! Of note, it has been so inspiring to see how God has worked in the Spanish-speaking Ministry! Since last year when Fernando & Jackie Chavez heroically uprooted their family and moved to the Bay for ministry training, God has blessed their Spanish-speaking Bible Talk with 7 incredible baptisms including 2 married couples! Very excitingly is that come June they will assume the leadership of the South Bay Region centered in San Jose!
The Chavez Familia: Fernando, Jackie,
Andrea, Natalia and Vivi!
Luke Speckman – Lead Evangelist of New York City: This was an outstanding month for us! Particularly energizing was the final week of our Basketball League!
The New York City Basketball League
played at Columbia University!
As the number 1 seed, New Jersey had a bye and Manhattan played Queens in the semi-final. Manhattan rallied from a 10 point deficit to claim the victory over Queens! Jordan Swann won the 3 point competition which was held between the semi-final and final game! Then Manhattan beat New Jersey by 10 points to become the champions!
Jordan Swann attempted to block his
New Jersey opponent’s shot!

Malik Speckman sealed the New York City
Championship with a breakaway dunk!

The New York City Basketball League Champions –
the Manhattan Region!

Malik was awarded the MVP of the NYC
Church League and Jordan walked
away with the 3 Point
On Easter Sunday, we had a congregational service! It was a joyous celebration as we had not had a congregation service since our Winter Workshop the first weekend in January! There were outstanding dance, musical, singing and spoken word performances done by the disciples as well as a Chemical Recovery (CR) Graduation which was very powerful! Also, we had over $105,000 turned in for Missions that day!
Aaron & Sharmayne Viscichini are joyfully but
forcefully advancing the Kingdom
in the Brooklyn Region!
The highlights of the day were the 5 additions – 1 restoration and 4 baptisms! Kiana Davis, who is a daughter to my wife Brandyn & me, had fallen away late last year. Yesterday, she was joyfully restored by Jill Swann and Brandyn!
At Kiana’s restoration, she tearfully apologized
to her husband Jonathan!
The Manhattan Campus Men had 2 baptisms: 1 from CCNY and 1 from the Ivy League College – Columbia University! Of special note, Malcolm completed his Bachelor’s Degree at Columbia and currently works on campus. He is preparing to begin his Master’s at Columbia as well. Malcolm played football at Columbia for 4 years and is helping to connect me with the coaching staff and other football players. Since I now have a position in the Chaplain’s Office, my goal is to be the Chaplain of the Columbia Football Team beginning this fall! On Friday, I received keys to my office and a conference room that I have access to. Nick Enfantino and I did 3 Bible Studies there that day!
Malcom played for the Columbia
University Football Team!
As well, just two weeks later another Columbia Student was baptized and on Monday another Columbia Student became a disciple! So with the baptisms of Jerome and Sally, we now have 5 men and 5 women in our Columbia Ministry! 14 months ago, we had only 1 man!
RD Baker – Lead Evangelist of Dubai: Greeting from the United Arab Emirates! We have had an exciting last two months here in this key city in the Persian Gulf! To celebrate our Year And-a-half Anniversary, we had a special Desert Safari Service in the Arabian Desert! Incredibly, we had 71 in attendance! This is our second highest total yet!
The daring Dubai International Christian Church!

After two years in the Middle East, RD & April Baker –
the valiant Dubai Mission Team Leaders – are
heading back to LA for April’s healthcare!
Miguel Mendez and Megan Mathews will
become the new Dubai Church
Leaders in June!
We have had 4 baptisms in the last month: Mesraq Kizito, Ivan Giliwango, Paul Moni and Angela Rapiz! The 3 young men were from Uganda, and Angela is from the Philippines. This brings us to 7 baptisms this year and 38 since January 2017! Mesraq from Kampala, Uganda was raised as a Muslim. However, when he was 18 years old his family gave him the option to choose to continue in the Islamic faith or pursue another path. As God’s Spirit directed, his friend Paul who had been studying the Bible invited Mesraq to come witness the church that was having such a great effect on his life! Mesraq saw the truth in the Scriptures and made Jesus his Lord and was baptized! Paul quickly followed suit and was baptized shortly after!
John Tuason and Jobert Bravin baptized
Paul on a cool Dubai night!
We are also excited by the two incredible additions of Evangelist Miguel Mendez and Woman’s Ministry Leader Megan Mathews! The church has enjoyed “welcoming” them to the family, and acclimating them to our wonderful city! Both have already made a huge impact on our church! It will be announced on Friday, May 4th that April & I are heading back to the States and Miguel and Megan will become the new Dubai Church Leaders! I believe the church is in great hands!
Megan Mathews’ farewell party at the West
Region Women’s Midweek in LA!

Megan Mathews’ warm SoldOut Movement
welcome to Dubai!
Finally, we have enjoyed hosting many brothers and sisters from around the world who have encouraged the church greatly: Tamara Kusto from Stockholm, Michael & Sharon Kirchner of LA, Jay & Barb Shelbrack of soon-to-be Milwaukee, and Ernest & Shannon Baker of New York City! Also, Dao Henderson (an original Dubai Mission Team Member) and her boyfriend Nick Enfantino also visited and encouraged the disciples!
Miguel Mendez showed the visiting brothers –
Ernest, Michael, Jay and Nick – the Burj
Khalifa, presently the tallest building
in the world!
Oleg Sirotkin – Lead Evangelist of Moscow: After Aliona & I were convicted by attending the South American Missions Conference in Brazil, we began to pray for the list for people who had left the Moscow Church for a year or more. First, Angelica called us and she was restored a week later! Then a campus girl named Milana called and was restored at the Women’s Conference! Then Ludmila and Yuriy called disciples and were restored in the Lord last Sunday! A few weeks ago, Olga called with a humble question, “What do I need to do to be in family of God again?” So, this Sunday, we received back our fifth sister! All these people were on the prayer list which further united the Moscow Church through prayer! Glory to our Lord that He does not want anyone to perish, but to live!
Milana was restored on March 18th and
baptized her mother Angela
on April 1st!
Not only has God given us many restorations, but He has blessed us with even more baptisms! To mention a few, God blessed us by baptism with a beautiful campus girl Julia! She was invited to Bible Talk by our young sister Lola. At the Bible Talk, Julia shared that she was a member of a Pentecostal church, but after studying the Bible with true disciples, she understood that she had never become a disciple and was baptized in a week!
Julia was a campus convert
on March 11th!
Also in March, God blessed us with an awesome young campus guy, perhaps a diplomat in the future, Kyril! He was invited a few months ago by Oleg Sirotkin (me 😊) in the gym where we were both working out! Despite his high social level as he is the heir of Lev (Leo) Tolstoy, the well-known author of War And Peace, Kyril had a very soft heart and was baptized in the Lord with strong conviction!
Oleg (left) was personally fruitful with Kyril,
a descendant of Leo Tolstoy!
Lastly, Heo Kyu is an awesome teen boy from Moscow! Since his father is from South Korea, Heo speaks fluent Russian, English and Korean! He was baptized Sunday, April 29th! Our Teen Ministry Family is growing spiritually and in many fruits! Heo’s teacher said that he was the main troublemaker in school, and he even persecuted Lydia because of her conviction on salvation. A month ago at a basketball tournament in their Academy, Sophia and Lydia decided to invite Heo to the Campus and Teen Devo. Afterward, Heo started to study the Bible! At the counting of the cost, Lydia told him that she is ready to go on a mission team even to North Korea! Then she asked Heo, “What about you?” He quickly answered, “Yes!” He went on to say that this is an answer from God, as there is a new start of relations for the first time in 65 years between South and North Korea! The parents of Heo were at the baptism and testified about the huge changes in their son and gave glory to God with all of us! God is a faithful Father and full of grace!
Heo is the sixth disciple in the same “Christian
Academy,” where Sophia was the only
disciple just a year and-a-half ago!
Michael Williamson – Lead Evangelist of London: Greetings from England! We had an incredible celebration this weekend as we saw three campus students baptized, and the beautiful wedding of Denzel Keyede (from Ghana) & Thu Lé (from Vietnam)!
Congratulations to Denzel & Thu!
All three baptisms were amazing, but let me share about a very intelligent and gifted young woman Victrix! She is a first year physics major at UCL, who received a scholarship to attend there as she received “ten A stars,” a grade that made her eligible to attend either Oxford or Cambridge University! I am so proud of Jenia (Jurij Zykov’s new girlfriend), Josie and my lovely wife Michele for meeting and converting this incredible young gentle woman who is a direct fruit from our Women’s Day!
Praise God for London’s Triplets!

Ian (left) was baptized a week ago
and is an IT business owner!

Rachel Perejel likewise was baptized a week ago
and is the twin sister of Joseph!
Also terrifically exciting, we had an incredible CR Graduation where six more graduates received their certificates, and then we sent off our faithful Kiwi warrior Chris Singers to Sydney, Australia to train for the New Zealand Mission Team!
Kolbe & Rebecca Gray – London’s West Region
Leaders – have been selected to be the
ICCM Alumni Relations Directors!
A News Flash: So proud of my son “Lil Mike” who had four three’s… a few Steph Curry runners… and was 2 for 4 from the line to drop 20 – the highest score in the championship game!

With Michael Adrian’s scoring prowess in
3 point shooting, he has really taken
after his spiritual Grandpa!
Finally, we are just three weeks away from our 20X Missions Contribution, so please keeps us in your prayers!
Raul Moreno – Lead Evangelist of São Paulo: Greetings Brothers and Sisters! The saints are fired up in Brazil as God has allowed the São Paulo Church to grow from exactly 200 disciples at the beginning of the year to 221 as of now!

The 70 Disciples of the São Paulo Campus Ministry!
One of the innovative endeavors that we started was to host a weekly English Service. This creates a platform to bring visitors that are “opinion leaders!” One of those visitors was an amazing USP Campus Student named Lucas that was baptized last Sunday!
Lucas (second from the right) is a fellow USP
Student with Moises, Luis and Gabriel!
Also last week, the 28 disciples of our valiant and very loved Rio de Janeiro Church had an amazing 4 baptisms to the glory of God! I guess they are fired up as their church leaders, Caio & Carol, were joyfully married just 2 weeks prior!

Congratulations to Caio & Carol – the Rio
de Janeiro Church Leaders!
Love seems to be in air in this part of the world, as our very own São Paulo Sector Leaders, Tulio & Vaitsa, were happily married this week as well!

Congratulations to Tulio & Vaitsa Amaral – the
East Campus Sector Leaders of the
São Paulo Church!
We also have three more weddings looming on the horizon! God is always good! (Psalm 106:1)
Chi Leong – Lead Evangelist of Hong Kong: Greetings from China! I was so encouraged that the City of Angels Church in Los Angeles sent one of their best interns – Alicia Winthein – to co-lead the Hong Kong Church with me! She has made an incredible difference with the sisters!
Joe & Kerry Willis (center) flew to Hong Kong to
be with Chi in welcoming Alicia!
In the past month, the Lord has been working powerfully in Hong Kong by blessing us with 4 baptisms! Their names are Matthew, Daisy, Ria and Harry! These young men and women are from the University of Hong Kong and Polytechnic University! We look forward to all the great things that God will do through these zealous disciples!
Aaron shared from the Scriptures about
Harry’s love for God!
Also, we had our first Women’s Day where the Lord brought out 47 women in attendance as the sisters shared their hearts to inspire the crowd!
With only 6 women disciples including those from
Sydney, the Hong Kong Women’s Day
had 47 in attendance!

Jenna Loheed of Sydney delivered the keynote
address on INNER BEAUTY!
In addition, we had our record Sunday church attendance of 37 when Kip came and preached the Word powerfully to the crowd!
At the Hong Kong Church Service, Kip preached
to a record Sunday crowd of 37!
Please continue to pray for us as now there are a total of 13 disciples in the Hong Kong International Christian Church! To God be all the glory!
Cory Blackwell – Lead Evangelist of Chicago: God is amazing and He is doing great things in the Windy City! After a long spell with no baptisms, the church fasted and prayed for God to open His floodgates of fruit! Prayer really works! We have had additions the last 6 weeks in a row!
Cory baptized Avrie on August 7, 2011! Today,
Avrie is a full-time intern in Chicago and
is returning to USC as a student
in the fall!
I will share about only one of these amazing miracles! Luis Avila was born in Venezuela. Today his country is in great political turmoil. Like many from third world countries, he had the American dream. He received a full baseball scholarship, but unfortunately like many young athletes without guidance, he made poor choices that cost him his baseball scholarship! When Luis was met on the UIC Campus, he was faced with deportation! Something told him to listen to the brothers that reached out to him. Luis persevered through all the hardships. Then he made the best decision of his life – making Jesus Lord! Immediately after Luis’ baptism, he was no longer faced with deportation and he has been asked to play baseball for a new college, where he longs to help build the Kingdom!
God blessed Luis (center) with a second chance
in life when he was baptized and shortly
afterward, Luis had a second chance
at a baseball scholarship!
Blaise Feumba – Overseeing Evangelist of Haiti: “So the Word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests [PREACHERS] became obedient to the faith.” (Acts 6:7) At the beginning of the month of April, the Lord blessed the International Christian Churches of the nation of Haiti with the forming of a ninth church! Alexis Turgeau, Jean Bonard Colin and 13 other leaders of our Haitian Congregations in Port-au-prince, Saint-Marc, Mirebalais and Jacmel answered the call of a desperate denominational church in the city of Seau-d’Eau, an hour-and-a-half away from Port-au-prince! Our team landed there to teach the First Principles Series to over 100 people! After 5 days of intense Bible studies, the Lord blessed their efforts with 21 baptisms, 6 of them were preachers!
Anel Magoffy baptized Bidjinie Baptiste, 1 of 21
new disciples in the Seau-d’Eau Church!

Elysee Alexandre (kneeling) – the Saint-Marc ICC
Leader – with 7 new disciples in Seau-d’Eau!
Alexis and another group of leaders are planning to go back next week from May 3rd to May 6th to strengthen these new disciples and to study the Bible with many more!
The Haitian Leadership Team with Blaise
during his last visit in 2017!
It is amazing to see what the Lord has done with Alexis – a Mainline Church of Christ Preacher – who reached out to Kip! Kip invited him to attend the 2013 GLC! After studying with several of the French-speaking Evangelists, Alexis was baptized the day after the GLC ended! So, from one sold-out former Church of Christ Preacher, we now have 367 disciples in 9 churches in Haiti!
The French-speaking Evangelists – Tim, Blaise and
Amadou – studied with Alexis (second from
the right) during the 2013 GLC!

Tim baptized Alexis – a Mainline Church of Christ
Preacher – as a sold-out disciple of Christ!

Tim and Blaise rejoiced with Alexis
over his salvation!
Amazingly, 25 of these disciples are former preachers with 16 of them coming directly from the Mainline Churches of Christ!
Elena & I flew to Hilo, Hawaii on Tuesday, March 27th where we were warmly greeted by Kyle Bartholomew, as well as Dennis & Corinna Sloan who are the Hilo Church Leaders! Over the next few days, we were able to spend quality time with the Sloans!
Dennis & Corinna Sloan graciously welcomed
the McKeans to Hilo!

Corinna was very excited to have
fellowship with them!
However, the main purpose for our going was to study with Kyle to be restored on Easter Sunday! A highlight for us was on Friday night when Elena & I had dinner with Kyle and his three children – Brett, Connor and Bree!
The McKeans had a fun dinner on Friday night
with Kyle and his children – Brett,
Connor and Bree!
Another highlight was Saturday night as we enjoyed reconnecting with the Hilo Shepherding Couples – Chris & Mahe Directo and Robbie & Linda Robinson! All four were part of the 12 Hilo Disciples – led by Kyle Bartholomew – that took a stand for discipling, central leadership and world evangelism in September 2006, thus sparking the New SoldOut Movement into existence!
The McKeans were reunited with the
Directos and the Robinsons!
Of course, the ultimate highlight was Easter Sunday and Kyle’s tearful restoration! At his restoration, Kyle shared Micah 7:8-9, “Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light. Because I have sinned against Him, I will bear the Lord’s wrath, until He pleads my case and establishes my right. He will bring me out into the light; I will see His righteousness.” Kyle wholeheartedly apologized to the Lord, to the churches in Hawaii and the Philippines, and to his physical family. He wept as he expressed how disappointed the Lord was in him and how his falling away had a devastating impact on so many peoples’ faith.
Kyle’s tearful restoration!

After Kyle’s restoration, the Hilo Church sang to
him, We Love You With The Love Of The Lord!

Kyle’s mom Cindy – a Hilo Disciple – was among
the first to congratulate Kyle!

Kyle’s adoring parents – Jay & Cindy Bartholomew!
Interestingly, after singing to Kyle, We Love You With The Love Of The Lord, and taking a fellowship break to welcome him back to the family, Kyle’s father Jay – who is not a disciple – came up to me asking if he could address the church for five to ten minutes. After a quick “Nehemiah Prayer,” I said, “Sure!” So after a song to gather everybody back, I introduced Jay to the church. Jay began by saying, “I want to share with you a true story, something that I witnessed about a month ago, but in fact, it is a parable. As I was walking I heard the squawking of a large flock of mynah birds in a tree. All of a sudden, one of them flew off alone and then a huge hawk pounced on him, grabbing the mynah bird with his sharp talons! Then all of the mynah birds in the tree squawked all the louder as they witnessed the hawk clutching one of their own! You may ask yourself why did the mynah bird fly off on its own? Well… Maybe it was arrogance? (Kyle shared during his restoration that the core sin that took him out was arrogance!) Maybe it was stupidity? Or maybe the mynah bird was just seeking a thrill?
Hawaiian Mynah Birds in flight!
Almost immediately after all the birds were screeching, four of the mynah birds came out of the tree and hit the hawk in rapid succession! Now you may be thinking, ‘Why didn’t more mynah birds come to the rescue?’ Well… Maybe they thought that the bird that flew out on its own was getting what he deserved? Or perhaps they were just cowardly? Anyway, after the four birds hit the hawk, the hawk dropped the one mynah bird and the mynah bird flew to safety back with the flock in the tree. I believe the church is a family and for me, I can never give up on family. Let me just say, Kyle is not the only one who has struggled and went away on his own. Don’t look down on your brothers and sisters that stray like the one mynah bird, but with love and courage – no matter the price – go after them. Be true family! That’s all I’ve got to say!” Then Jay went back into the audience and sat down.
Jay shared with the Hilo Church his moving
Mynah Bird Parable!
After this amazing parable, I was supposed to preach and I did! That said, I believe the most memorable sermon that day was the Mynah Bird Parable delivered so eloquently by Jay Bartholomew! Since the Easter Church Service was held in an outdoor facility, it was relatively easy to have a picnic feast and an Easter Egg Hunt! Most of us left after a few hours so encouraged and with a bit of a sunburn!
Ready for the Egg Hunt?

Kyle helped his precious little Bree to
collect her Easter Eggs!
On Tuesday night, April 3rd, Elena & I were given a SoldOut Movement Greeting by the Manila Disciples!
The Manila Disciples gave the McKeans an ever-so
encouraging SoldOut Movement Welcome!
On Wednesday, we had lunch with the dynamic new leaders of the Metro Manila International Christian Church (MMICC) – Richie & Elizabeth McDonnell! Over lunch, we discussed the incredible healing that had taken place in the MMICC over the three months that the McDonnells had led the church. We also overviewed the program for the 2018 Pacific Rim Missions Conference (PRMC) entitled STRONG AND COURAGEOUS! All of the titles for the sermons and lessons came from the Book of Joshua!
Metro Manila has a population of over 24 million
with a density of 100,000 people/square mile!
That evening at 7:00PM, was the opening of the Prayer War Room and the Speakers Dinner! At the dinner, all of us who attended from outside of the Philippines were very impressed with all of the Filipino Leaders!
Kiko Javier of Cebu prepared to enter
the Prayer War Room!

By Sunday morning, the Prayer War Room
was covered in post-its with heart felt
prayer requests!
On Thursday morning was the Leadership Workshop from 9:00AM – 11:30AM! All the way from LA, Tim & Lianne Kernan – the World Sector Leaders for the Pac Rim – delivered a stirring Welcome and Ronnie Gonzalez – one of the MMICC Shepherds – gave a moving Prayer!
The Leadership Workshop’s fervent singing
was led by RJ Castro!

Tim & Lianne Kernan’s Welcome filled us
with anticipation for the PRMC!
Jason Dimitry – the Lead Evangelist of the San Francisco Bay Church – gave an amazing speech entitled, GIVE ME THIS MOUNTAIN! In Jason’s opening remarks, he shared that he lived in Daly City, which is called in San Francisco because so many Filipinos live there – “Little Manila!” So Jason said that he felt quite at home in “Big Manila!” As Jason preached about Caleb having the vigor to take the mountain in his old age, Jason recalled his father’s words to him, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going!”
Jason Dimitry lives in “Little Manila!”
Following came the COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIP SERMONETTES: Courageous Preaching by Princeton & Joy George of Las Vegas, Courageous Hard Work by Ricky & Coleen Challinor of LA, Courageous Discipling by the newly engaged couple Sean O’Connor & Krystal Legarda of LA, Courage For Nationals To Save Their People by Marc & Maika Carbonell of Manila, Courage On Campus by Zach & Ariel Shields of Manila, Courageous Marriages by John & Emma Causey of LA, Courageous Prayer Life by Joel Parlour of Seattle, and Courage In Finances by Tim Kernan!

Zach & Ariel Shields are the new Davao
Mission Team Leaders!
Thursday evening was the First General Session of the PRMC! After incredible singing, Richie & Elizabeth gave the Welcome and EJ Duldulao opened with a Prayer!
The McDonnells gave the Welcome at the First
General Session and EJ Duldulao stirred
everyone’s heart in prayer!
Then came the glorious Flag Ceremony where all the flags of the Pacific Rim Countries were represented!
The magnificent Flag Ceremony
of the Pacific Rim Nations!
Kip & Elena never tire in sharing GOOD NEWS
Following was a Special Dance Presentation!
Our sisters Vin and Yna sang and danced
respectively with all their hearts!

The dance changed from classical to hip-hop, but
it was still done with all their hearts!

To close the Special Dance Presentation, confetti
was shot into the air as Carlos and the other
brothers waved the Pac Rim Flags!
The main speech for the evening was enthusiastically delivered by John Causey on the theme, AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSEHOLD! In John’s speech, he shared about ceramic bowls that cracked in Japan. The cracked bowls are far more valuable than ones that are not! Why? Because the Japanese glue together the cracked bowls with gold! He went on to share that all of us have “cracks” in our lives and through the gold of discipling, we can become everything God wants us to be!
Joel Parlour of Seattle offered his discipler John
Causey a few words of encouragement
before he spoke!

John used Joshua 24 as his text for the riveting
On Friday morning, the Challinors gave a rousing Welcome for the Second General Session!
Ricky & Coleen Challinor gave a rousing Welcome
for the Second General Session!
The main speech was powerfully preached by Richie and entitled, GET THESE PEOPLE READY! Richie’s amazing lesson had three simple points: 1) Ready To Do Anything, 2) Ready To Go Anywhere, and 3) Ready To Give Up Everything! He had us in tears when he read a poem by his beloved wife Elizabeth that encapsulated these points!
Richie has become one of the best young
preachers in the entire Movement!
In the afternoon, from 2:00PM – 4:30PM were the Men’s and Women’s Programs emceed respectively by Ronnie Gonzalez and Elena!
One of the MMICC Shepherds – Ronnie Gonzalez –
emceed the Men’s Program which was
opened with a prayer by
Jason Alejandro!
The initial sermon of each program was entitled EVERY PLACE YOU SET YOUR FOOT! They were delivered respectively by Ricky Challinor and Elizabeth McDonnell!
Ricky preached with deep conviction!

Elizabeth shared the challenges that she has
faced since moving to Manila!
Thrilling short charges followed the opening main speeches: Setting Your Foot In Integrity, Setting Your Foot In Purity, Setting Your Foot In Life-Skills, and Setting Your Foot In The Light!
The Women’s Program Speakers!

The Men’s Program Speakers!
The second major speech was given by John Malnegro and Lianne Kernan on THE WALLS OF JERICHO!
John Malnegro – the Cebu Church Leader – has
grown so much in his preaching since
the planting last September!

Lianne spoke decisively on the qualities that
sisters need to have in order to assault
After the main speeches, short charges were given on Marching By Faith, Marching By Conviction, Marching By Leading, and Marching By Loving!
JC Jose preached passionately on his
short charge: Marching By Love!

Gina Dela Peña spoke boldly on
Marching By Faith!
That evening was the Third General Session – The Kingdom Banquet! Nimrod & Vis Malnegro – a Shepherding Couple for the MMICC – presented the Welcome and Oliver Lapeña gave the Prayer! Following was an incredible Dance Presentation!

The Kingdom Banquet Dance Presentation!

At the Kingdom Banquet, a good
time was had by all!

Aki asked Lou to start dating him! Following this,
both Aki & Lou were named full-time
interns in Cebu!
I had the privilege to deliver the message of the hour, HAVE I NOT COMMANDED YOU?
Kip said, “All commands have a
motivating promise!”
Although we were a bit tired, all of us went to our rooms with great expectations for Saturday’s MERCY Day!
Baby Monty and Baby Miracle are dreaming to
be campus interns one day!
All of the International Delegates for the PRMC were taken from the Hotel Jen to the Don Bosco School, while the Filipino Delegates easily found their way to the MERCY Day site!
The MERCY Ambassadors were so excited to
spend time with the children at the
Laura Vicuña Foundation!
Two hours before we arrived, 173 children of squatters were treated by doctors and dentists sponsored by MERCY!
Doctors and dentists were provided for
all 173 kids at the Don Bosco School!
Co-directing this event with Manila’s MERCY Director Ronnie Gonzalez was Sister Helen, who is the leader of the Laura Vicuña Foundation.
Nick & Denise Bordieri met the
delightful Sister Helen!
The program was filled with games, singing, dancing and lots of fun!

The setting of the Don Bosco School provided
the perfect MERCY Day site!
Perhaps the most riveting of the performances was the Filipino Martial Arts!
In the Filipino Marital Arts Performance, Maruja
was attacked by two “bad guys!”

After a gravity-defying “scissor – headlock” around
the “Bad Guy Reymer’s” neck, it is safe to say
that the “bad guys” will not bother her again!
One of the children’s favorite games was Making Mummies!

Sean O’Connor (above) and John Causey
became living mummies!
Each child was presented with a backpack full of school supplies and delicious food from Jollibee’s!

A backpack full of school supplies was
given to each of the 173 children!

Princeton George did a “duet rap” with
the Jolibee Mascot!

The phenomenal MERCY Day Event!
The Sunday Worship Service and Final General Session was incredible with 346 in attendance!
The Final General Session had
346 in attendance!
JC Jose and Rosas Sobrino – the East Region Leaders of the MMICC – were given the honor to share for Communion!
For Communion, Rosas Sobrino shared vulnerably
about her insecurities that have plagued
her Christian life!
Nimrod & Vis Malnegro gave a convicting message on Contribution where they shared on the Scripture, “Get your provisions ready!” They told “their story” about moving from the Davao Remnant Group to Manila! Although it was difficult, in doing this both of their sons Michael and Lance became disciples!
Nimrod & Vis convinced us all that when
we sacrifice, we are the ones that
are blessed!
Then, Dr. Tim Kernan gave perhaps his best message to date entitled, BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS! Tim was hilarious as he told us about the movie The Dark Tower! In the movie, the last gunslinger defeats the man in black. The gunslinger played by Idris Elba makes the statement, “I do not aim with my hand; he who aims with his hand has forgotten the face of his father. I aim with my eye. I do not shoot with my hand; he who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father. I shoot with my mind. I do not kill with my gun; he who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father. I kill with my heart.” Tim admonished us to always “remember the face of our Father!”
As Tim spoke on The Dark Tower, at first there
was much laughter, but by the end of the
analogy the dropping of a pin
could be heard!
To close the service were 3 moving restorations – Lorenz, Rachel and Janien – and 1 baptism, Estella the mother of Alba Guitierrez!
Janein’s confession and restoration helped
to heal those who were hurt
when she fell away!

Janein’s mother filmed the restoration and
was touched by the softness of her
daughter’s heart!

The Father welcomed back the 3 restorations:
Janein, Lorenz and Rachel!
We closed out the service arm-in-arm singing at the top of our voices my favorite Kingdom song, Great Among The Nations! Incredibly, since January 14th when the MMICC had their first 2 baptisms of the year and 187 disciples in their membership, God has blessed this amazing church with 59 additions – 38 baptisms, 10 restorations and 11 place memberships! They now have 235 sold-out disciples! And to God be the glory!
Of the 38 disciples in the Cebu Church, 32 of
them flew to Manila for the PRMC!
On Thursday, April 12th, Elena & I flew to Hong Kong! However, our plane was quite late and so we arrived after midnight! Nonetheless, all but one of the then 11 member church was there greeting us with big smiles and singing, We Love You With The Love Of The Lord!
The lights of Hong Kong at night!
The McKeans landed in Hong Kong after midnight,
but the disciples stayed in the airport to give
them a SoldOut Movement Welcome!
Friday night, Elena & I met with the Hong Kong Church Leaders – Chi Leong and Alicia Winthein! It was a tremendous time of sharing about their efforts at Hong Kong University and the Polytechnic University!
Chi and Alicia are doing a great job in
leading the Hong Kong Church!
On Saturday, we had lunch with the brothers – Dean, Cain, Aaron and Matthew!
The Hong Kong Brothers were looking forward
to pizza, not knowing that Chi had taken the
McKeans to a pizza place the night before!
Following this marvelous time, Chi and Alicia asked Elena & me to study with a young Chinese woman who had wrestled with witchcraft and sorcery. Only 24 years old, Victoria “Ria” Li was very vulnerable and humble despite being a beautiful actress, model and singer! After several hours of Bible Study, Ria decided to be baptized the next day on Sunday!
What a joy for Kip & Elena to study with Ria!
On Saturday evening, Elena & I had dinner with the sisters – Shaineh, Jess, Themis, Kandice and Daisy! All of them were so fired up that Ria was getting baptized the next day!
The Hong Kong Sisters – being a little classier
than the Brothers – opted for Thai!
On Sunday morning, we woke up to rain! Even at noontime when Chi picked us up in a taxi to go to the baptism, it was still raining!
Sunday morning it was raining when Chi picked up
the McKeans to go to Ria’s baptism!

While waiting for Ria, it was obvious that
McDonalds was not waiting for anybody
as they are evangelizing the world!
However, when all the disciples had gathered at Kowloon Park (essentially Hong Kong Central Park), Ria appeared and the rain stopped! We gathered in a circle and all of us shared something encouraging about Ria’s conversion! I will never forget when our brother Cain shared. He cried while he said that he did not believe that most of his friends in his homeland of Taiwan would ever become Christians, because they were involved in witchcraft. Then he added, “Ria, your conversion has given me hope for all of them!”
When Ria arrived in Kowloon Park, God stopped the
rain and we began the sharing for Ria’s baptism!
At about 1:30PM, Ria was baptized and received God’s precious and powerful Holy Spirit!

Jess and Alicia were just as jubilant as Ria
after her baptism!

Ria promises to be a powerful “force” for the
Lord as a model, actress and singer!
Since we had a little bit of time before the worship service, Elena wanted to stay awake and so we headed to Starbucks!
Like McDonalds, Starbucks is
evangelizing the world!
Church in Hong Kong is at 4:00PM and amazingly, with 12 disciples in the church and Elena & me, God blessed us with 37 in attendance! Truly the “fields are ripe for harvest!” (John 4:35)
The brothers set up for 4:00PM church!

The view from the window on the 17th floor where
the Hong Kong Church meets!

Chi was inspirational as a song leader!

Before Elena shared for Communion, she gave an
autographed copy of her book ELEVATE
to our new sister, Ria!
On Tuesday morning, April 17th, Elena flew home to Los Angeles as her doctors have urged her not to travel as much as me because travel increases stress and stress can cause her health problems to return. Also that morning, I flew on to Chennai, India for the 2018 South Asia Missions Conference (SAMC)! Because of a long layover in Singapore, I did not arrive into Chennai until after 10:00PM! Amazingly, when I came out of the terminal, over 100 Indian Disciples sang, We Love You With The Love Of The Lord and they greeted me with hugs for about an hour!
Over 100 Indian Disciples greeted Kip as he
landed in Chennai!
On Wednesday morning, I gathered with Raja & Debs Rajan – the former Chennai Church Leaders and the New Delhi Mission Team Leaders, Luke & Brandyn Speckman – the New York City Church Leaders and the Overseeing Ministry Couple for South Asia, and Matt & Helen Sullivan – the Miami Church Leaders and the SAGES World Sector Leaders, to go over the SAMC Program!
The planning meeting with the Speckmans,
Sullivans, Rajans and Kip!
At noontime was the Shepherd’s Luncheon where we were able to meet several of the stronger and more mature couples in the Chennai, Bangalore and soon-to-be New Delhi Churches!
At the Shepherd’s Luncheon, Luke asked everyone
to introduce themselves and to share good news!

The Gonas and the Vijayans – Shepherding
Couples – had lunch with Nick Bordieri!
After an afternoon of fellowship, we celebrated the Speakers Dinner!
The Speakers Dinner offered another opportunity
for the International Delegates to get to know
the Indian Church Leaders!
On Thursday morning, we got ready to go on the Historical Tour where we visited the Monuments of Mahabalipuram, which are located about 60 km (37 miles) south of Chennai.
Anup and Mali of Kathmandu were the first to
board the bus for the Historical Tour!

The horrific Chennai traffic as viewed
from the bus!

Yet, the traffic went unnoticed by all the disciples
who were having a blast fellowshipping with
disciples from all over the world!
Fascinatingly, all of these Hindu Monuments were hewed out of giant rocks! This sculptural legacy was left behind by King Mahendravarman I (580 – 630 AD) and his son King Narasimhavarman I (630 – 668 AD).
The Five Brothers Temple!

Prathrap – the Chennai Church Leader – was a very
knowledgeable tour guide as he explained about
Krishna’s ten forms, one of which is a pig!

The Pattersons of Boston were in awe of
the Ganesha Rada Temple which took
50 years to be carved from one
rock in the 6th century!

This rock is nicknamed the “Butterball!”

The International Delegates gathered under
the immense Butterball Rock!

Sharon Kirchner of LA decided to take the fast way
down the slope to get to the air-conditioned bus
as the temperature was about
100 F (38 C)!
That evening at 7:30PM, we gathered for the Bible Talk Leaders Workshop! After a warm Welcome by Raja & Debs, I was honored to present GOOD NEWS FROM AROUND THE WORLD!
Thursday evening was the exciting Bible
Talk Leaders Workshop!
WORLD especially highlighting Hilo,
Manila and Hong Kong!
After this was a Special Dance Performance by Yassa Green! She performed the extremely difficult Bharatnatyam Dance, which is the State Dance of Tamil Nadu where Chennai is located!

Roger was so proud of his wife Yassa for
performing flawlessly the difficult
Bharatnatyam Dance!
Then Luke delivered an amazing sermon, KEEP ON SPEAKING AND NOT BE SILENT!
Luke pleaded with all the Bible Talk Leaders
to refocus on their personal evangelism!

During the fellowship, Kip was very impressed by
meeting Ani and Emmanuel – doctoral students
who were recently baptized!

Kip invited Anup Shakya (left) from Kathmandu,
Nepal to be on the New Delhi Mission Team!
He in turn invited another former Buddhist
Priest – Mali – to come to the SAMC!
On Friday morning, April 20th, all of us were ready at 6:30AM to go to the MERCY Event, which was held at Chengalpet Leprosy Colony! After two short charges by Nick Bordieri – the World Sector Leader for MERCY – and myself, the International Delegates were broken into 6 groups.
Kip exhorted the MERCY Ambassadors from
Mark 1:40-42 to be like Jesus who was
“filled with compassion” and willing
to reach out and touch the lepers!
Each group had an Indian couple in charge with other Indian Disciples to help us out with translation. As well, we had several packets of clothes to distribute to each one of the lepers. Amazingly, leprosy can be completely cured with a series of shots that have a total cost of only $150 USD! In visiting one leper who is a 48 year old woman and had been in the Leprosy Colony for 6 years, she shared with my group, “I prayed today would be a great day.” I responded, “God has answered your prayers!” Our visit with the lepers lifted their spirits and changed our lives!
There were 6 MERCY Ambassador Teams that
went to the 6 wards of the Leprosy Colony!

Tamil and Kip took time to reach out to Jayaraman
and his wife Bala Mani! Kip asked the question
to Jayaraman, “What is the secret of living
to be 74 years old?” He simply
answered, “God!”

Franklin peeled an orange for the 50 year old
woman named Muniammal! His kindness
caused her to cry!

Jaysree – Tamil’s wife – began a Bible study with
Bagyawathi whose husband died just 9
months ago!

The disciples Shanthi, Kavinpriyai and Melissa
reached out to a 48 year old woman, who
does not have leprosy, but her mother
does. She has a monthly salary to
sew and cook of 40 rupees –
less than $1 USD!

Our sisters Ilakkiya (middle) and Phoniya
encouraged Ajunabhi – a leprosy patient
who had been there 20 years!

The MERCY Ambassadors!
After spending 2 hours at the Leprosy Colony, we came back to shower and then went for a South Indian Lunch at Hotel Saravana Bhavan, where we ate on banana leaf plates only using our fingers!
The Speckmans and the Shelbracks were amused
at having banana leaves for plates and the
prospect of eating with their hands!

Luke cleaned his plate!

Sadly, Debzy (left) – who is Indian – “corrupted”
Melissa and Omar of NYC by leading them
astray with spoons!
Then we were off to St. Thomas Mount to see where the Apostle Thomas was martyred in 72 AD. We ended our “St. Thomas Tour” where he humbly lived in a cave!
Ernest & Shannon Baker of NYC were sobered by
the Apostle Thomas’ home, which was a cave!
On Saturday, the First General Session began at 9:00AM! The singing was off the charts! Luke & Brandyn gave a great Welcome and Prayer! Nick gave a short charge about MERCY Projects around the world!
The First General Session of the SAMC!

Nick Bordieri – the World Sector Leader for
MERCY – shared about MERCY Projects
around the world!
Then we witnessed a Special Indian States Dance! 6 of the 29 States of India were represented: the Bollywood Dance of Maharashtra, the Fisherman’s Dance of Goa, the Sampalpuri Dance of Bihar, the Mohini Attam Dance of Kerala, the Kashmiri Dance of Jammu, and the Garba Dance of Gujarat!

The Special Indian States Dance were
mesmerizing in motion and color!
At 9:45AM, Raja spoke on BY WHAT POWER AND WHAT NAME? He shared in his message about his Hindu background where over time he became an atheist. After a life of partying and immorality, Raja called his life “a total mess.” One Saturday night after a party, he was so distraught that he hit his bedroom wall several times crying out in tears, “God are you there?” A short time later, he was met by disciples and was baptized! After his baptism, Raja’s father beat him and threw him out of his house along with his clothes. God has raised up a great prophet for India from this miraculous conversion!

In his sermon, Raja called upon the Chennai
Disciples – who would be “orphaned” by the
38 on the New Delhi Mission Team – not
to focus on man but on their
Father in Heaven!
Another highlight followed Raja’s lesson when Prathap & Maggie Stevenson were appointed Evangelist and Women’s Ministry Leader in the Kingdom of God! They now lead the mighty Chennai Church!
Debs appointed her daughter in the faith, Maggie
to be a Women’s Ministry Leader!

Prathrap was choked up by Raja’s fatherly
kindness and confidence as he was
appointed an Evangelist to lead
the Chennai Church!
From 11:00AM – 1:00PM were the Men’s and Women’s Programs! The first message of both sessions was delivered respectively by Jay Shelbrack of New York City and Helen Sullivan titled, SAVE YOURSELF FROM THIS CORRUPT GENERATION!
The mighty Men’s Program!

Jay Shelbrack will lead the Milwaukee
Mission Team in August!
Following were short charges on different characters in the Book of Acts!
Marcel Turner of Gainesville encouraged the
brothers in his preaching and
his song leading!

Christy – the Bangalore Church Leader – preached
on Barnabas the encourager!

Rafael Jerez of Syracuse admonished the brothers
not to be like Ananias in Acts 5!

Ernest Baker spoke on the powerful preaching
of the first Christian martyr – Stephen!
The second main message for both programs was entitled, CHANGING THE CUSTOMS! From the buzz in the fellowship, Prathrap and Debs did a terrific job on this topic!
Prathrap & Maggie – the new Chennai Church
Leaders – and their baby Yalimi Abigail!
The Second General Session was from 3:00PM – 4:30PM! We were divided into 2 groups: Group 1 – Campus and Group 2 – Singles and Marrieds! In the Campus Session, Mike & Chenelle Patterson of Boston taught the class, THE LORD ADDED TO THEIR NUMBER DAILY.
Mike Patterson of Boston spoke with great authority
that the Lord can add to our numbers daily
when we retain a sold-out foundation
in a church!
For the Singles and Marrieds Session, Luke & Brandyn had this same topic!
Luke & Brandyn had two points: 1) Mission
Minded Marrieds and 2) Sold-out Singles!
In each class, short practical lessons were given to help to implement the Scriptures in THE LORD ADDED TO THEIR NUMBER DAILY lessons!
Matt introduced the speakers for the Singles and
Marrieds Session: Thomas, Ted, Scarlett,
Jaysree, Lisa and Jeffrey!
Ted Green admonished everyone to be
“devoted to the fellowship!”
Lisa Picciano encouraged all of the sisters to
never lose their sense of awe of God
and His miracles!
That evening, the International Delegates and the Indian Church Leaders enjoyed a Fellowship Banquet! Matt gave the charge that night on WE MUST GO THROUGH MANY HARDSHIPS!
Jaysree (left) and Yassa were inspired by
Sabrina’s Indian outfit and henna tattoo!

The Fellowship Banquet!

Though many of the SAMC participants were tired,
Matt captivated everyone by his preaching about
“exciting difficulties” and praying on our
knees for a half an hour daily!
Sunday was the Final General Session where 347 gathered to worship God!
For the Final General Session, 347
packed out the auditorium!
For our Worship Service, we were led in an International Prayer and Matt & Helen shared GOOD NEWS FROM THE SAGES WORLD SECTOR! (SAGES is an acronym for South Asia, Gulf and Eastern USA States!)
Isaac Gonzalez of Miami prayed in Spanish
during the International Prayer!

Matt & Helen shared GOOD NEWS FROM AROUND
Communion was the goodbye to the Chennai Church from the Rajans and the Gonas, who served nobly as one of the Chennai Shepherding Couples but now were leaving on the New Delhi Mission Team!
In a very touching Communion, the Rajans and
the Gonas expressed their love for the
Chennai Church and called for
Chennai, Bangalore and New
Delhi to be one church!
Contribution was admirably done by Michael & Sharon Kirchner – the World Sector Leader Admin Couple!
The Kirchners inspired the Indian Disciples
about how much the American Disciples
love them and sacrifice for them!
During the collection of the Contribution, the New Delhi Remnant Group sang in Hindi, Jesus Comes Into My Heart!
Jeffrey Norris and the New Delhi Remnant
Group led a Hindi song after the
Contribution that got the
crowd on its feet!
Then I was privileged to give the keynote address, UNSTOPPABLE!

To honor Kip before he spoke, the Rajans and
Gonas presented him with a maharaja
turban and a beautiful brass sword!
Following, we had 9 baptisms – Ravi, Cathy, Manjula, Viju, Yokesh, Sylvester, Srinivas, Monica – a Delhi baptism, and Dipshi – a very talented screenwriter of Bollywood!
Scarlett and Debs shared about Dipshi – the
Bollywood Screenwriter – before Dipshi
confessed, “Jesus is Lord!”

Mercy who is in the Bangalore Church prayed
daily for her son Sylvester to be baptized!
Then came the moment we were all waiting for, The New Delhi Mission Team Send-Off! Amazingly, 38 fired up disciples were on the team and 18 remnant group disciples were waiting for them to come to New Delhi! Encouragingly, 14 of the 18 came to the SAMC!
Luke gathered both the New Delhi Mission Team
and Remnant Group on the stage and passed
out to each disciple an upside down globe
emblematic of us turning the world
upside down! (Acts 17:6 RSV)
The entire conference went to our knees as Ted Green – one of two SAGES World Sector Shepherds in Miami – and Thomas Vijayan – one of the Chennai Shepherds – led the prayer to send out the New Delhi Mission Team!
The entire SAMC fell on their knees and begged
the Spirit to make the New Delhi Planting
the most fruitful one yet!
Our closing song was Prayer For Boldness! Immediately after Prayer For Boldness which Vignesh led, Vignesh – a former Hindu and intern for Delhi – dropped to his knees and asked Scarlett – a former Muslim named Ussain – and asked her to marry him! She said, “Yes!”
Vignesh led the closing song…

And then got down on his knees to ask Scarlett
to be his wife! She said, “Yes!”
Following, all of the Indian Brothers and Sisters broke out in a jubilant dance! Earnest & Shannon Baker of New York City – former professional dancers – led the International Delegates to follow suit!
Following the end of the SAMC and the
engagement, everyone began to
dance for joy!
Following all the celebrations, we enjoyed a scrumptious Indian Lunch!
So encouraging was that Julie Stevenson
of NYC had her father Russ at the
entire SAMC!

Before Kip left for the airport to go to Paris, he
had dinner with the Rajan Family – Raja,
Debs, Ashwin, Shefali and Isheeta!
Isheeta asked, “Kip Uncle, can I
go to the GLC?” Kip had no
choice but to say, “Yes!”
That Sunday night, I boarded a plane to fly to Frankfurt and then on to Paris for the final stop of this missionary journey! I was so looking forward to seeing Anthony & Cassidy Olmos as well as preaching to the Paris Church! I finally arrived late Monday afternoon!
On Monday afternoon at the airport, the Paris
Disciples sang in French, We Love You
With The Love Of The Lord!
The three of us had a delightful dinner on Tuesday night!
Kip’s beloved grandson and granddaughter in
the faith – Anthony & Cassidy Olmos!
During dinner, Cassidy shared about the two Women’s Day Events that she has spoken at this year – Stockholm and Paris! Amazingly, in Paris, Cassidy spoke in French for the entire program including her speech! God blessed both churches as both exceeded their attendance goals! In Stockholm, with 8 women disciples, they had an attendance of 22! The Paris Church with 14 women disciples had an incredible attendance of 53!
Cassidy preached at the Stockholm
Women’s Day!

For the Olmoses to go to Stockholm, it was
a great time of bonding with Kaspar &
Ashley Tambaur who lead the
Stockholm Church!
At the Wednesday night Midweek, I was able to encourage the church which has grown from 14 when the 4 person Paris Supplemental Mission Team arrived from London in October to now 26 sold-out disciples!
Wednesday night, Nayomie learned that
she would be a full-time intern in the
Paris Church!

Wednesday night, Kevin Lacken-toto did a
superb job translating Kip’s message!
Because of unseen circumstances, I cut my visit short and left on Thursday morning. Praise God, I arrived home to see my beloved wife of 41 years Elena feeling much better! And to God be all the glory!
Boston: Arthur Hughes was able to baptize his younger brother Bobby into Christ on April 9th! Arthur shared with tear-filled eyes from John 1:40-42 where Andrew had brought his brother Simon to meet Jesus! It has been his Kingdom dream to baptize someone in his family!

Congratulations to Arthur who baptized
his brother Bobby!
Denver: We are so happy for Adrian Garcia-Zataray & Lidia Barrios who were married on April 21, 2018! Both Adrian & Lidia are truly a son and daughter to Dustin & Amanda Miller, and Dustin was honored to marry them!

Congratulations to Adrian & Lidia!
New York City: Since the last Good News Email, the New York City Church has witnessed a wedding and an engagement! Angel & Jocelyn Santiago were married on March 24th! Jocelyn had been a single mom until the wedding! It is so incredible to see God bring fathers to the fatherless in His Kingdom!
Jazlyn was soooo fired up for her mother
Jocelyn to be married to an incredible
man of God – Angel Santiago!
Also, after 3 years of dating, Gerald Gayle & Danielle Jamison were finally engaged! We look forward to their wedding!

Congratulations to Gerald & Danielle!
Alan Moncayo was baptized in Boston a few years ago. He fell away and then was married. So touching was that on the day Alan was restored, he baptized his wife Judy!

Praise God for Alan’s (left) restoration
and Judy’s baptism that unites
them in Christ!
Paris: At the end of March, we celebrated the first wedding of the year! It was incredibly powerful to see the union of Landry & Christelle Mokwa! They dated in world and had a son, but because they wanted a clear conscience they broke up to put God first! And after one year of pure dating, they became united under God at their wedding! This momentous occasion gave us 150 visitors to hear the Word of God preached!

Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Mokwa!
New Delhi: John (the Baptist) & Salma are engaged and now lead the Teen Ministry in the New Delhi International Christian Church!

Congratulations to John & Salma on their
engagement and leading the New
Delhi Teen Ministry!
Bangalore: Christy & Maria, the leaders of the Bangalore Church, were blessed with Lydia Brielle Christopher!
Maria – the Women’s Ministry Leader of the
Bangalore Church – adores her beautiful
baby Lydia Brielle!
Portland: God has been working in a powerful way to bring families to Christ! After months of prayer, on March 11th, we witnessed our sister Daniela’s son Aaron get baptized into Christ!
Daniela would not take “no” from Aaron in
coming to church and in time being
Then on Resurrection Sunday, after receiving much persecution from his physical family, our campus brother William was able to baptize his mother Olga! William’s father then joined them in Christ as he was baptized last Sunday where he shared, “I am so glad that my son has now become my father in the faith!”

On Easter Sunday, William baptized his mom and
three weeks later he baptized his father!
Lastly, three weeks ago a man told his daughter, “We need to start getting closer to God and go to church once more.” She responded, “Dad, I need to do homework, so can we go to Starbucks?” Little did they know that Rich Hardy and the Starbucks Ministry was going to be there having Bible Talk! The daughter, a teen named Vania, was baptized at our Women’s Day Event, and on Sunday, her father Javier, who is a pilot, shared in tears that he was finally able to face the challenges of forgiveness after years of holding bitterness! God’s grace is abounding in Portland!
After Vania’s baptism, her changes were
so compelling that her father
Javier was baptized!
Mirebalais (Haiti): Congratulations to Emmanuel & Beltude Pierre on their wedding!
Toutes nos felicitations to Emmanuel & Beltude!
Moscow: As in every family, a wedding is always a great event and the whole church in Moscow is looking forward to the next one! At the Women’s Conference, during the lesson, music played as well as the sound of a helicopter, and Rezo Davitadze came out in black glasses as agent 007 and offered Sasha Korotova, our dear sister, to be his wife, adding that, “Resistance is useless!” Afterward, everyone congratulated Rezo & Sasha! Then Aliona finished her lesson saying that in the church, we build pure dating relationships in Christ and that’s the blessing of God for us and the power of Bible teaching! This touched the hearts of all the women guests!
Congratulations to Rezo & Sasha!
Manila: Rey & Nina Hayag gave birth to an 8 lbs. and 15 inch baby boy, Marc Hercules, on April 4th! We are confident that he will live up to the noble heroism of his namesake!
Welcome Baby Marc Hercules to God’s
worldwide family!
Miami: So exciting for the whole Miami Church are the engagements of two awesome couples: Will Nelson & Tatyana Brutus as well as Zach Shahan & Lauren Hammers!
Congratulations to Will & Tatyana!

Congratulations to Zach & Lauren!
Eugene: Congratulations to Brian & Joaly Carr – the dynamic Eugene Church Leaders – on the birth of Sahalie Rae!
Congratulations to Brian & Joaly on the
birth of Sahalie Rae!
Los Angeles – AMS Region: Congratulations to Adam Zepeda & Lauren Ona – the AMS Region Leaders – on their engagement which was on Lauren’s birthday – a very lucky Friday, April 13th!

Congratulations to Adam & Lauren – the AMS Region
Leaders for the City of Angels Church!
West Region: Congratulations to Marvell Holder & Alexys Hall who were engaged on April 14th! Excitingly, they are on the Milwaukee Mission Team as Milwaukee is Marvell’s hometown!
Congratulations to Marvell & Alexys who will be
going on the Milwaukee Mission Team!
Antelope Valley (AV) Region: Leilani Aguilar was added to God’s family! She is the daughter of Jason & Monique Aguilar and sister of Conner Aguilar! The Aguilar Family now has 4 of 7 faithful disciples, who are all full of joy! Of note in 2013, at the young age of 10, Leilani was the one to encourage her family to start attending church! Leilani is an incredible addition to our growing Teen Ministry!
Congratulations to the Aguilar Family on the
baptism of Leilani (second from the right)!
Sirena Rubio was baptized by Samantha Massman and her physical sister Jasmine Diaz! Sirena is 14 years old, and was so fired up to get right with God, that she spent the entire week of spring break in back to back Bible studies! With her baptism, this spreads the Teen Ministry to high schools in both Lancaster and Palmdale!
Sirena Rubio (center) was baptized by Samantha
Massman and her physical sister
Jasmine Diaz (right)!
Ronnie Martinez is an incredible and humble young man! He is a cousin to the Aguirre/Carrillo Family, who now have 8 members who are disciples in the AV Region! But as God would have it, he was actually met and invited out to church by his coworker Matthew Fajardo, a disciple in our Singles Ministry! After showing up to service, realizing that this is the same church so many in his family are a part of, he eagerly desired to study the Bible! After a few weeks, Ronnie became our brother in Christ!
The Aguirre/Carrillo Familia was fired up
about Ronnie’s (center) conversion!
Josh Massman is 15 years old and was born and raised in the Kingdom! The fight and perseverance of his physical family (9 of which are disciples, making Josh the 10th), have proven to be influential in his decision to make Jesus Lord! He has overcome so much to become a disciple! Josh calls all of us higher, as since studying the Bible, he has been having consistent 5:00AM quiet times and is on his knees every morning praying to God! He is such a powerful addition to the AV Teen Ministry!

David Orellana had the honor to join the Massman
Family in baptizing Josh into Christ!
Coachella Valley (CV) Region: At our Women’s Day in the CV Region, on March 11th, after 4 long years of prayer, Laura Miranda was baptized! Laura was reached out to by one of the original CV Mission Team members, Monique Carrasco. Laura brought her sister Dasey to the very first church service in the Valley. Dasey went on to become a disciple, while Laura fled. After much prayer and fasting, and to God’s glory, Laura was baptized and is now united with her physical sister, Dasey!
Laura was so fired up after her baptism and
that now Dasey is her “double sister!”
Orange County (OC) Region: Sarah and Christina have been solid sisters in the Orange County Region for some time. When they were originally reached out to, their little sister Angelica was with them (age 11 at the time). Now after being faithful for 4 years, Sarah and Christina helped start the Teen Ministry in the LIFE Sector of the OC Region and their little sister Angelica started to study the Bible! After transforming her life and being made into a disciple, Angelica was baptized as their sister in Christ on March 3rd! Since then she has already been fruitful and baptized her best friend from high school, Azalea on April 13th!
Christina (left) and Sarah (right) rejoiced at
their little sister Angelica’s salvation!
The following is a special note from Shay Sears of Dallas about her mother Debbie Vloet’s baptism in the OC Region of LA: “What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe as the Lord has assigned to each his task. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.” (1 Corinthians 3:5-6) I am so grateful to be a part of a worldwide movement because as we “grow,” not only are more souls being saved, but the hope for our physical families “grow” as well!
Shay (Vloet) Sears was the McKeans’
personal assistant for three years!
Growing up my mother and I had a saying that we would express daily before she dropped me off at school. I would say, “I love you,” and she would say, “How much?” Then I would finish out with “All the way to Heaven!” Eleven years ago, while in college at Cal State Fullerton in Orange County, I was reached out to and asked to study the Bible. After three weeks of studying, Tracy Harding baptized me into Christ! Although I rejoiced in the treasure of having a relationship with God, my heart was tinged with a hint of sadness when I looked at my Mom and knew that I could not at that moment say, “All the way to Heaven.” That day a fervent, “impossible prayer” began for my Mom’s soul. She was less than “fired up” with my decision as she printed and read every persecution article she could get her hands on, and even had some “spicy talks” with the Hardings and the McKeans!

Tyler & Shay trusted God that He would convert
their families as they left on the São
Paulo Mission Team!
Over the years, I watched my Mom go through some very challenging trials in her life that brought her to her knees and opened her heart to see her need for God. I am beyond grateful for the many women like Lynda Moreno, Sharon Kirchner, Connie Underhill, Loidy Frenzley, Elena McKean and so many more who have “watered” the seed that was planted in her heart. A special thank you to Judy Harding, Therese Untalan and Tracy Harding who studied the Bible with her. Truly it was God who made her love and faith “grow” and just last week, my sister Lori and I were able to fly from Dallas to LA and surprise my Mom by emerging from the Harding’s room during the sharing!
Shay and Lori – both of Dallas – surprised their
Mom during the sharing that they had
come to help baptize her!

Debbie shared about Shay and Lori growing up!
Shortly after the sharing, Lori and I baptized Mom into Christ! I have always admired my Mom’s strength, but today what makes her beautiful is her vulnerability and her willingness to show her weaknesses so that God can be her strength!

Now Shay, Lori and Debbie are Sisters
in Christ and closer than ever!
Now as sisters in Christ, I can say with confidence “Mom, I love you! How much? All the way to Heaven!”
Greetings from sunny Los Angeles, California! God is moving powerfully in the City of Angels Church as He has blessed us with 123 baptisms in the first 119 days of 2018, bringing this congregation to its largest membership yet of 976 members! We are praying fervently for “1,000 for the Lord” before the end of July!
The entire City of Angels Church is
praying for “1,000 for the Lord!”
I’m also excited to share with you what God did with the Women’s Days here in Los Angeles: 521 sisters had 1,426 women in attendance, as well as a whopping 12 baptisms at the actual Women’s Days! I am so grateful for my lovely wife Lianne, to Megan Matthews and to all the amazing sisters who worked so hard to make this Women’s Day an incredible success!
The City of Angels Church Women’s Day
was blessed with over 1,400
in attendance!
God is truly “doing a new thing” here in CR! (Isaiah 43:19) We just started 12 Week Sessions of CR in each of the 5 groups here in LA! Lord willing, we will have 40 graduates by July 31, 2018!
Matthew & Marlo Lovacheff are pioneering
new ways to implement the godly
teachings of the CR Ministry!
The congregation here in Los Angeles is working eagerly to raise missions to support our dear brothers and sisters who are planting and building churches around the world and here in the United States! By the grace of God as a church, we are at 59% of our goal! I want to especially commend the faith and hard work of the Central Region led by the inspirational Mike & Brittany Underhill, who have surpassed 100% of their missions goal a month early!
The Central Region of the City of Angels Church
is to be imitated in their sacrifice by all
the churches in the Movement!
Two very creative projects to raise money for missions are Smokey Joe’s Café led by Jay Causey, and the Reach Short Film Festival hosted by the AMS Region and inspired by Josiah & Kristin Smith!
Smokey Joe’s Cafe’s first show will be
this Sunday, May 6th – the 11th
Anniversary of the CAICC!

Pray for and support the REACH Short Film
Festival on May 19th, as they already
have several sponsors!
Please pray for us as we are in step to blow out our Missions Goal by Sunday, May 20th!
Not only are we giving money for missions, but from the Ventura Region led by the hard-working Curtis & Morgan Valdez, we sent out one of our best, Alicia Winthein, to Hong Kong, China at the end of March! Interestingly, when you give to God, then God gives back even more, as the Spirit has blessed the Ventura Region recently with 3 Chinese campus baptisms – Craig, Adele, and Jetta!
Alicia was able to help baptize Adele
(second from the left) before she
left for Hong Kong!
Another highlight in the month of March in the awesome Ventura Region was the baptism of Johnathan Franklin! Johnathon was reached out to in 2013 while he was playing football for UCLA where he broke 4 rushing records while playing there! He lost touch with the disciples, but went on to be drafted into the NFL by the Green Bay Packers! He played only 11 games when he had a career ending injury.
Johnathan Franklin played American football
for UCLA and the Green Bay Packers!
Through finding his identity due to career change, Johnathan reached out to Micheal Peterson in the Metro Heights Region. He soon studied the Bible in the Ventura Region due to living in Oxnard, California and came to the knowledge of the truth to become a disciple and get baptized! After baptism, Johnathan was so excited to make disciples that he asked the HR Department of the Los Angeles Rams – where is an Executive Spokesperson – to start a Bible Talk and they said “Yes!”
Praise God, Johnathan (second from the right)
already has set up a Bible Talk at
the LA Rams Facility!
The City of Angels Church Family is very excited to host all of you in just 3 and-a-half months at the 2018 Global Leadership Conference – EMPOWERED!
Divorce And Remarriage In The Philippines
On Sunday, April 8th, at the Pacific Rim Missions Conference, I addressed the Filipino Brothers and Sisters on the issue of Divorce and Remarriage. The following is the transcription of my announcement of our historic decision:
Good morning family! I want to address an issue that for the most part we have been silent on for a few decades. I want to deal with divorce and remarriage. The Philippines at this time is the last of several Catholic nations where divorce is still illegal. Interestingly enough, the first so-called Catholic nation to strike down this law was Italy in 1974. The most recent one was Chile in 2004.
Now, it is important for us to understand a couple of definitions. First of all, divorce recognizes that a marriage existed but is now over. Annulment says there never was a marriage. In the Philippines, one can receive an annulment for congenital flaws or mental illness. Therefore, to receive an annulment, in gist, most people would be lying to say there was no marriage, and usually, the stated reason for the annulment is also a lie. As well, the cost can be up to $5,000 USD. Now some Filipinos go outside the Philippines and get a divorce. However, if you are a Filipino citizen and you return to the Philippines, the divorce is deemed illegal. Interestingly enough, the Philippines House of Representatives have been wrestling with this issue over the last few weeks. As a matter of fact, it passed a divorce bill fairly overwhelmingly. However, an article on March 5th stated that it will not pass the Philippines Senate. The Senate Minority Leader, Franklin Drilon, said emphatically “no” to divorce. However, he did add, “Perhaps we can reform our current laws on annulment to make it less tedious and less expensive to attain.” But let me just remind you, an annulment takes a lie, and that means totally denying marriage vows that were made before God.
So, I have been very conflicted in my conscience. I have been uncomfortable in my conscience as I see the existing law that divorce is illegal to be something that stops people from coming into the Kingdom. If we really apply the Scriptures, and say a person quote, “Is no longer living with their first wife,” but quote, “they have a second marriage,” then we would have to say that you need to separate because that is immorality. Or we would have to look past it and condone what in actuality is immorality. If we demand a separation in keeping with the Scriptures, it could be a separation not only of husband and wife, but even children. Again, this is quite a conundrum. Therefore, what are we to do as God’s holy church? Elena & I have prayed for the last several months and we met with the World Sector Leaders in Brazil at the end of January to consider this question, because we see it as blocking people from coming into the Kingdom of God, as well as making people liars that are in the Kingdom of God. We also had a meeting two days ago, where I met with John & Anna Malnegro, Richie & Elizabeth McDonnell, Tim & Lianne Kernan, John & Emma Causey, and Elena to once again discuss divorce, annulment and remarriage in the Philippines.
The historic Metro Manila Meeting on divorce,
annulment and remarriage!
It is true that Romans 13 states that we must submit to governing authorities, and yet we must also remember Acts 5:29, where Peter and all the Apostles respond, “We must obey God, rather than men.” In 1986, the Discipling Movement at that time out of Boston, made a decision, to not obey the laws of the land in South Africa. In South Africa at that time, apartheid – separation between blacks and whites – was the law of the land. We were even told by Mainline Churches of Christ to send a black mission team and a white mission team. I ardently said, “No!” We sent a racially mixed team of brothers and sisters (half-white and half-black) to Johannesburg, South Africa going against the law, because we must obey God rather than men! Even in the New Movement, about a year ago in Russia, they passed a law that said, “You are not allowed to share your faith. You can have any conviction you want, but you are not allowed to share your faith.” In the Moscow Church the very next day, we preached that every disciple is commanded to preach the Word and to share their faith! We must obey God, rather than men! Are you with me here?
We need to understand that it is true in the book of Malachi that God hates divorce. Even beyond hate, it breaks His heart. And yet, there are two reasons that the Scriptures give for divorce in the New Testament. The first is by Jesus in Matthew 19:8-9, “Jesus replied, ‘Moses permitted you to divorce your wives, because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife except for marital unfaithfulness and marries another woman, commits adultery.'” Jesus says the first reason for divorce is adultery. Now unbeknownst to some disciples, there is a second reason. This one is given by Paul in 1 Corinthians 7:14-15, “For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife. And the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband, otherwise, your children would be unclean. But as it is, they are holy. But if the unbeliever leaves, let him do so, a believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances. God has called us to live in peace.” So, Jesus teaches quite clearly that adultery is a Biblical reason for divorce. Paul teaches that abandonment is a Biblical reason for divorce. Therefore, with the heart to see as many as possible coming into the Kingdom of God and with the heart to keep our fellowship pure of lying and deceit, going forward, the International Christian Churches in the Philippines will issue a Certificate of Divorce that will be retroactive to the date of the separation of said disciple. It will say on the certificate, that we are granting this divorce in the eyes of God, but it will also state, that in the Republic of the Philippines, it is not legally recognized.
Let me address a couple of issues. To be married in the Philippines there must be a Justice of the Peace or Certified Individual to conduct the wedding. We will still abide by the law of the land that Filipinos must be 21 years old in order to be married. Now we did have a situation come up last year where a young couple was married. One was 21 years old and the other was 20. Some have questioned the validity of this particular wedding. Now I want to speak to it. It did indeed break “Filipino law,” but it was done in the eyes of God and witnessed by the church, so this couple is married. But in order to do what is right in the eyes of God and the eyes of man so far as we can, this coming week, that couple is getting their civil ceremony done. Amen? I also want to remind you of the mindset that we have in all of our churches around the world. The fact that there is a wedding done by a Justice of the Peace is in most nations. So recently, Elena & I were able to participate in a wedding of two individuals that we love very much and that is now Kolbe & Rebecca Gray. Now in England, the only marriage that is recognized is a Civil Wedding. So, Kolbe & Rebecca went to get married on a Wednesday in a Civil Ceremony. However, they were not married in this case by me, as their chosen presiding minister for their “church wedding” until Sunday. And if they would have touched each other in a sexual way, we would have looked down on that because we recognize that it is God and His church that sanctify the wedding of two disciples. Are you with me right here? Therefore, I do not think it to be unreasonable that the church, being the hands of God, once more says, “Now you are married.” So, the church can also say, “Now you are divorced.” And so, I pray that you will get your hearts behind this.
There may be some of you that can be helped. The church will absolutely recognize an annulment as being legal and there will be no further necessary things to be done. On the other hand, there may be some in the audience that have quote been, “married a second time, sort of, but not really.” You need to come to either Richie McDonnell if you are here in Manila, or if you are in Cebu, please see John Malnegro. Talk to them and share about your situation. We will sit down with you and write for you a Certificate of Divorce going back to your separation from your previous spouse. Then of course we’ll decide how to move forward in your case. Remember, our goal is for everybody to have a clear and good conscience. We don’t want to make the lack of being able to attain a divorce a huge roadblock for people coming into the Kingdom. There are Biblical reasons for breaking up: adultery and abandonment. And once more, as God’s church, we must obey the laws of the land, but when they are in contradiction to the Bible and the Bible does teach there are two reasons for divorce – adultery and abandonment – then we must obey God rather than man. Thank you very much.
“God has the whole world in His hands” and
has EMPOWERED us to evangelize the
nations in this generation!
Dearest SoldOut Movement Family,
EMPOWERED is the incredible theme of the 2018 Global Leadership Conference! Indeed, the Spirit working through God’s great people will empower us to take the Gospel into all nations in this generation even when human laws defy God’s Word! So with The Glory Song ringing in our ears, let us all continue to pray and fast to see “the world evangelized in our day!” And to God be all the glory!
We are family… by God’s amazing grace,