Greetings from Los Angeles! The 2014 Global Leadership Conference – ZION’S DREAMERS – was filled with awe-inspiring events from the “Pre-Festivities” to the closing theme song from Psalm 126 – Men Who Dream! Highlights included almost 2,000 in attendance on Sunday morning; the Second Annual International College of Christian Ministries Commencement; 13 Kingdom Appointments – seven Evangelists and six Women’s Ministry Leaders; the sending out of the Dallas-Ft. Worth, Miami-Ft. Lauderdale, and the Chennai Mission Teams; and the introduction of the SoldOut Movement World Sector Leaders!

Almost 2,000 gathered for the monumental 2014 GLC Sunday Worship Service!
Last year, 1,114 participated in the GLC, but this year, the Lord smashed that record with 1,323 registrants from around the globe! As well for the first time, the 2014 GLC was “Livestreamed!” All of the General Sessions and several of the workshops and forums were broadcast to a countless number of souls in 52 nations: Aruba, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curacao, Democratic Republic of Congo, Dominican Republic, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States, Uruguay, Vietnam and Zimbabwe!

Alex, AJ and Mario – “the AV guys” – propelled the gospel through Livestream to bring the GLC to 52 nations!
This Good News Email will chronicle day-by-day many of the moving “GLC Pre-Festivities” and all of the historic 2014 GLC! Indeed our theme Scripture of Psalm 126 came true before our very eyes: “When the Lord brought back the captives to Zion, we were like man [and women] who dreamed… Then it was said among the nations, ‘The Lord has done great things for them.’ The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy!” (Psalm 126:1-3)

A record 1,323 “dreamers” participated in this year’s GLC – ZION’S DREAMERS!
The “Pre-Festivities” began with the gorgeous wedding of Princeton & Joy George in God’s Cathedral (outdoors) at Burbank’s beautiful Brace Canyon Park! Princeton & Joy – excellent ICCM students – left immediately after the GLC to assume the leadership of the new Miami-Ft. Lauderdale Remnant Group!

Congratulations to Princeton & Joy George!
On the Sunday before the GLC, the South, Central, West and Southland Regions met together for an incredible Worship Service that was a glimpse at the “great things [awaiting] us” at the GLC!

After running through the order of the service, Cory Blackwell led us in a “prayer huddle” calling upon God’s Spirit to fall on us afresh!
Andrew Smellie dynamically preached the Word and Cory & Jee Blackwell gave a moving communion as they were celebrating their First Wedding Anniversary! As well, we heard the new Southland Choir – enthusiastically led by Pat Boea Jr. – sing a spirited rendition of Here Am I Send Me! From these four of our 11 regions, we witnessed five baptisms, three restorations, and two place memberships!

The South, Central, West and Southland Service was a foreshadowing of the GLC!
In the afternoon was the elegant wedding of Anthony & Cassidy Olmos – another vibrant couple in the ICCM! They were vital members on the Paris Mission Team and are now interns in the “sensational South Region!”

Anthony & Cassidy Olmos bring a fun and joyful spirit into everything they do!
Not only was the Spirit stirring in LA on this Lord’s Day, but in Orlando as well as Ryan Sullivan was baptized into Christ! Now all three of Matt & Helen’s children are baptized disciples! All five of the Sullivan Family participated in the GLC! Melissa the oldest will be a freshman this Fall at USC!

After years of prayer, the entire Sullivan Family is in the light!
Also, that same day, the daughter of Micky Ngungu – our Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo) Church Leader – was the first baptism of some of the “early arrivals” on the Dallas-Ft. Worth Mission Team! Lena came to the entire GLC and was “sent-off” on the DFW Mission Team the very next Sunday!

During Lena’s (purple towel) baptism, her father Micky Ngungu was “Skyped in” from the Congo and saw his prayers become reality!

A week later, Lena is sent out at the GLC on the Dallas-Ft. Worth Mission Team!
Because of the GLC, we moved the City of Angels Church Staff Meeting to Monday! The moment I walked in the door, I could feel the “GLC buzz!” The first highlight of the day for me was the arrival during Staff of the seven brothers and sisters from Sydney! Then the Willises, the Fetelikas, Marita, Rahnesha, and Teigan – their first baptism – all gave their hearts in an impromptu sharing! Teigan in tears thanked the LA Church for sending the mission team which gave her – a former atheist – salvation! In keeping with the ZION’S DREAMERS theme of the GLC, the Staff Lesson was from Zechariah 12-14 and entitled, The Day Of The Lord!
To conclude the day, Raja, Debs and Shefali (14) Rajan shared what they had learned in their three weeks in LA! They were especially appreciative of the Sirotkin Family that oversaw their visit!
Elena & I are so looking forward to working side-by-side with the Rajans in Chennai for a month! As is our custom when a mission team is sent off, a “specialty cake” reflecting the city and/or nation is presented to the mission team leaders and enjoyed by all the Staff!

Pray for the Chennai Mission Team!
So many arrived this day from around the globe at the LAX Airport!

Brothers and Sisters like Roger & Kama Parlour came from all over the world to LA to enjoy the GLC and for their love of IN-N-OUT hamburgers!

Thomas & Shirly – one of the two Chennai Shepherding Couples – arrives early evening on Tuesday!

Their very first meal outside of India was of course at IN-N-OUT!

The LA Disciples and Thomas & Shirly return to LAX to greet Johnson & Vandana – the other Chennai Shepherding Couple!
The morning began with the historic first meeting of the SoldOut Movement World Sector Leaders Council! The lesson was from the Book of John and entitled, The Savior Of The World. We learned that John used the word “world” 70X in his gospel! We closed by sharing communion. After each person “broke the bread” but before they ate it, each would hold up their piece of bread and pledge to the group, “We are family.” Then before each person drank from the same one cup of red grape juice – that signified Christ’s blood and His ultimate sacrifice of His life – each pledged before the group, “To the end.” And many tears were shed.

Your World Sector Leaders!
Also Wednesday during the day, Luke & Brandyn Speckman went sightseeing with the Rajan Family and the two Chennai Shepherding Couples!

First on the docket was Manhattan Beach where the Beach Boys surfed in the 60’s!

The Chennai Leaders met some very impressive Americans at the famed Chinese Theatre in Hollywood!

Johnson was so fired-up that he found the star of his favorite actor – Harrison Ford!

Vandana, Johnson, Thomas and Shirly at the foot of Mt. Hollywood!
That evening was the gathering of the ever so vital Crown of Thorns Council, which parallels Jesus’ 72 other appointed Apostles in Luke 10! Cory Blackwell – the Middle East World Sector Leader – addressed this amazing group of tirelessly working disciples with the needed message,One In Heart And Mind.

Cory has the honor of being a World Sector Leader in our former fellowship and in the new movement!
The Crown of Thorns Council (COTC) continued on Thursday. In the morning were Men and Women D-Groups. Michael & Michele Williamson – the European World Sector Leaders – respectively spoke on the theme, The Word Spread Through The Whole Region. In the afternoon, each of the World Sector Leaders reported on all of “their” churches. Three aspects were shared about each congregation: 1) The strengths of the church; 2) The needs of the church; and 3) How these needs can be met by their world sector and/or by the movement in general!

Michael Williamson preaching at the COTC Men’s D-group!
At 9AM on Friday morning, the Church Builders Workshop began with phenomenal singing as many of the church leaders had flown in the day before!

Registration for the GLC began at 7:30am on Friday! Shay Sears was in charge of this demanding aspect of the GLC Program! Here she welcomes Dulce from Mexico City!

With so many early mornings, for Kristtina and the rest of the “Registration Crew” Starbucks became a must!
To kick-off the packed four hour program, Andrew Smellie – the African World Sector Leader – delivered a stirring message entitled, 21st Century Dreamers! He called the movement leaders to rededicate themselves to Campus Ministry!

Andrew challenges all the Church Leaders to dream even bigger dreams for the Campus Ministry!
Following we heard short charges on the Five Foundational SoldOut Movement Convictions: 1) All Scripture Is Inspired by Cory Blackwell; 2) Where The Bible Speaks We are Silent by Raul Moreno – the World Sector Leader of Central & South America; 3) The Church Is Composed Of Only SoldOut Disciples In Discipling Relationships by Matt Sullivan – the World Sector Leader of the USA South Quadrant; 4) A Centralized Leadership With A Central Leaderby Tim Kernan – the World Sector Leader of the USA Northwest Quadrant and Canada; and the final charge was given by Chris Broom – the World Sector Leader for the USA North Quadrant and India – on 5) All Nations In A Generation!

Raul explains the revolutionary theology of the SoldOut Movement – “To be silent where the Bible speaks and to speak where the Bible is silent!”
In the next section of the program, we heard from several of our younger leaders! Richie McDonnell and Adam Zepeda humbly challenged the Lead Ministry Couples and Congregational Shepherding Couples to select Unpaid Interns!

The young prophet – Adam Zepeda – “lays it out” about the importance of unpaid interns!
Then Cesar Limon and Rebecca Rico inspired young and old alike as they shared from their own rich experiences in the International College of Christian Ministries! They went on to plead with all the Church Leaders to build an ICCM in each of their churches! They reminded everyone that to have an extension campus (like the ICCM – Toronto) required at least a Master’s in Ministry Degree from the ICCM. Their message was high impact as several were inspired to sign up for this helpful and rigorous program!

Cesar and Rebecca use humor and visual aids to underscore their appeals about the ICCM!
To conclude the workshop, new exciting plans for Africa were unveiled! Perhaps most thrilling was that Andrew Smellie, Blaise Feumba and Luke Speckman will travel to Abidjan, Ivory Coast next June to host the First African Missions Conference! They will then travel to Johannesburg to initiate the Johannesburg Remnant Group, which Lord willing, will be led by Jacques & Jeanette Groenewald who are South Africans in the London Church!
Fascinatingly, just a few days before, Luke Speckman, who oversees the evangelization of East Africa, shared that he had given the name of a “pastor” – who had contacted him after reading our websites – to our dear brother Beniet Marius. Marius traveled to Busia, Kenya about 300 miles northwest of Nairobi to meet Luke’s contact – Evan!

Busia, Kenya!

The Busia Remnant Group is located inside the red bordered area!
After preaching for several days, Marius made disciples and then baptized two Kenyan preachers (Evan and Mike) and their wives and a doctor, as well as two Ugandan preachers (Freddy and Titus) who heard of Marius’ coming and the SoldOut Discipling Movement!

Marius (left) passionately preaching the Word!

Titus – a preacher from Uganda – is the first to be baptized as a disciple!

Marius baptizes Mike – the Kenyan preacher!

After baptizing Evans, Marius and Mike prepare to baptize Florence – Evans’ wife!
Marius also reports that he preached in Mike’s church of about 50 members! After Marius spoke, Mike told his congregation that Marius taught him “the way of God more accurately” and now a total of 14 have been baptized with many more in both Kenya and Uganda studying! (Acts 18:26) Pray because new discipling churches are being formed in both Kenya and Uganda!

The first nine baptisms are introduced to Mike’s church!
Later on Friday several other events were scheduled: TheMERCYworldwide Dinner, The International Campus Devotionaland The ICCM Faculty and Board Mixer!

Nick Bordieri – the Director of MERCYworldwide – gives the Welcome to the MERCY Dinner!

Dr. Alexander Schlothauer (Moscow) shares his vision for MERCY in Russia!

Before the ICCM Mixer, Kip, Elena, Chris and Michael sign all of the diplomas for Sunday’s Commencement!

Jared (Mexico City) with Erica (LA) and Brittany (Denver) lead the singing at the International College Devo!

Best of friends, Coltin (Boston) and Mike (Gainesville) strengthen their partnership in the gospel by preaching at Devo!

Gordo (Portland) is greatly convicted by the preaching at Devo!
Of special note, shown continually on Friday, Saturday and Sunday afternoons was the screening of the GNN Short Film – RESPECT! This outstanding and controversial movie was directed by Chris Chloupek – our global AMS Ministry Leader – and starred our brother Michael Peterson! The movie is a true and moving account of Michael’s turning to Christ from a homosexual lifestyle! If you haven’t seen it yet let me encourage you to do so as your faith will be greatly strengthened!

Michael Peterson stars in this compelling GNN Short Film!
CyberCon was a six hour workshop whose purposes were to train our WebDeacons, as well as to identify potential CyberEvangelists and more WebDeacons! This event was emceed by Ron Harding – the Lead CyberEvangelist for the movement!

Ron Harding not only is effective at leading our Global Internet Ministries, but also he has inspired the DC Church by his powerful preaching!
Our global internet ministries are the primary initial contact point for God drawing remnant (“veteran”) disciples into His movement! The other innovative CyberEvangelists in the movement who taught on this program are: Rob Onekea, Jake Studer, Jeremy Ciaramella and Tim Kernan!

Rob Onekea talking about the security of the SoldOut Movement Websites!
During this same time was the MERCYworldwide Symposium lead by Nick & Denise Bordieri who also serve as a World Sector Leader Shepherding Couple! During this session many subjects were tackled:Selecting And Leading A Project, A Heart For Orphans, Spreading The Message through Social Media, the Red Cross Blood Drive,and developing a “Signature Project” in each world sector!

Ted Karonis (Boston) addressing the MERCY Symposium on A Heart For Orphans!

The Sterlings (DFW) spoke about their experiences in MERCY in their class – Partnering To Further The Kingdom!

Also on Saturday morning most of the new World Sector D-Groups met! Above is the USA Northwest & Canada World Sector D-Group!
That evening was one of my favorite sessions of the GLC – The Shepherds Fellowship! This important time was overseen by Tony & Therese Untalan – the other World Sector Leader Shepherding Couple! In Tony’s introduction, he shared that movement-wide this group had grown 65% in just one year – from 68 to now 104!

Tony & Therese Untalan are the coordinators for the Shepherds Fellowship!

At the Shepherds Fellowship, John & Bernie Pereda of Guam meet Debs Rajan of India!

Chris & Mahe Directo of Hilo meet Dave Swann of LA’s Ventura Region!

Carlos & Mari Diaz of the East Region of LA toast to unity with Aberlado & Elida Flores of Mexico City!

East Coast meets West Coast as the Greens of Orlando (center) enjoy a good laugh with the Ochs of San Francisco!

The French-speaking Shepherds of Ivory Coast, Haiti and France!
Saturday evening, Princeton George organized two very fun fellowship events: The Kingdom’s Got Talent 2 and The Pure Dance!

Carl Buckner at the Kingdom’s Got Talent 2 Show!

The PURE Dance!
Excitingly that evening, two of our best ICCM students were engaged – Kirk Hamula & Margie Flores!

Kirk & Margie are all smiles as she “shows off” her ring!
The official beginning of the 2014 Global Leadership Conference was our Sunday Service! Not only was the fellowship of almost 2,000 disciples before the first song electric, but it escalated as the eight minute Opening Video simply “brought down the house!” The video began with a “movie like” scene of the Jewish captives leaving Babylon and then eventually reaching Jerusalem – Zion! From there our dream of the evangelization of all nations in this generation flashed across the screen!
Then the video became “a bit light-hearted” by asking the question, “So how’s it going SoldOut Movement?” Then for about four minutes, we saw various clips of disciples from all over the world answering the question by mouthing the song, Everything Is Awesome! While we heard Carl Buckner’s “Christian rap” in the song and in between these quite humorous pieces of footage was the so encouraging news of how the “42 Portland disciples” that planted the City of Angels International Christian Church in 2007 have multiplied – in just seven years – into over 3,000 disciples, with an attendance of 5,000, in 55 churches, in 26 nations, on all six populated continents of the world! The applause after the video – so well crafted by Jose Otero – was deafening!

Baptized just five days ago through the efforts of the Southland Region, Sarah is in awe of the Kingdom of God!
Communion began with the first time introduction of all of the World Sector Leader Couples! Prayerfully everyone grasped that now the SoldOut Movement not only has a dream and a plan to evangelize the nations, but we have designated Evangelists and Women’s Ministry Leaders whose charges collectively cover every section of the world! Wednesday’s World Sector Leader Communion was shared about and now the World Sector Leaders’ pledge, “We are family… to the end” – Lord willing – will become a deep conviction in everyone in God’s young movement!

The World Sector Leaders are first introduced to all the SoldOut Movement Disciples at the GLC!
Oleg & Aliona Sirotkin – the World Sector Leaders for the Russian Commonwealth – gave the Contribution Challenge! So inspiring is the account of the forming of the Moscow Mission Team which Lord willing the Spirit will send out this December! Amazingly, 17 disciples from the Russian-speaking nations of Ukraine and Russia have now moved for training in LA’s South Region with the Sirotkins! Each of these disciples has paid for their own ticket, as well spending their own money for rent and other living expenses!

Oleg & Aliona Sirotkin – the World Sector Leaders for the Russian Commonwealth – deliver a moving contribution!
Then came the Second Annual ICCM Commencement! The stirring Wagner classic Ride Of The Valkyries was played for the procession of the ICCM Faculty, Board and Graduates! Then a total of 57 BA Degrees were awarded in four different tracks for the first time: 21 were presented with BA Degrees in Ministry; three were given BA Degrees in Ministry and Administration; five received BA Degrees in Ministry and Charitable Services; and 28 earned BA Degrees in Ministry and Shepherding!

The Second ICCM Commencement!

Dr. Kenneth Chin (NYC) receives his BA Degree in Ministry and Charity Services!

Dr. Jen Watkins (London) is awarded the BA in Ministry Degree!

Elida Flores of Mexico City!

Jack & Jeanne McGee are among the first recipients of the BA of Ministry and Shepherding Degree!
Then Tim Kernan spoke on The ICCM And The European Degree System. Elena – our Dean of Women – followed up with the enlightening description of the Equal Opportunity For Sisters In The ICCM.

Tim explains the European Degree System!
Following this, three Master of Arts in Ministry Degrees were given to: Kyle Bartholomew, Lianne Kernan and Andrew Smellie; and then, the Degree of Masters in Ministry and Administration was awarded to Michael Kirchner!

Kyle Bartholomew – Dean of the Undergraduate Degree Program!

Lianne’s father – Steph Brown who was the first restoration in Toronto – congratulates his beloved daughter!

Andrew Smellie – Dean of the ICCM Graduate School!

Michael Kirchner – Chairman of the Board of Regents!
Then came a moment that all of us will cherish for a long time; Dr. Tim Kernan “was hooded” and given the prestigious Doctorate of Ministry Degree!

Dr. Timothy Christopher Kernan!

The BA Degree Graduates!

The ICCM Faculty and Board of Regents!
After a short fellowship break, Raul Moreno preached the keynote address for the GLC, ZION’S DREAMER – EZRA! He captured our attention with his humorous (but true) “GLC Trends” and from these launched into a tremendous Bible study on the events surrounding the building of the temple!
Then as the end of the service neared, we witnessed one restoration, two place memberships and 10 baptisms! Two of the most touching to me were April Jones baptizing her mom Lita just three weeks after her father (Lita’s husband) passed away, and Sal & Patricia Velasco baptizing their daughter – Priscilla!

The IE Brothers baptize Jose – Alida’s father and Veronica’s husband!

Justin joins the IE Brothers in issuing their weekly challenge, “You will be next!”

After Lita’s husband and April’s (left) father passed away three weeks ago, Lita began to seek the Lord and was baptized!

Sal & Patricia Velasco rejoice over Priscilla’s baptism – their oldest daughter!
Then came the prayer for the Holy Spirit to send out our three mission teams: The DFW Mission Team led by Tyler & Shay Sears; the Miami-Ft. Lauderdale Mission Team led by Princeton & Joy George; and the Chennai Mission Team led by Elena & me nobly assisted by Raja & Debs Rajan!

The Dallas-Ft. Worth Mission Team!

The Miami-Ft. Lauderdale Mission Team!

The Chennai Mission Team!

Isheeta the adopted daughter of the Rajans is so fired-up to have a globe signifying being on the Chennai Mission Team!
To close the service, we bridged the aisles while Lou Jack Martinez led us in The International Version Of The Glory Song!

After the service, the Shelbrack Family congratulates Tracy on her BA Degree in Ministry!

The old IE Region Leadership Team – Anu, Cesar, Debbie, Jason and Argo – is reunited at the GLC!

Jeremy Ciaramella congratulates the Phoenix Shepherding Couple – Chris & Darby Schultz!
After some quality fellowship, Elena & I went to the Chinese (Hong Kong) Mission Team Lunch! Joe & Kerry Willis – the World Sector Leaders for Austral-China – hosted the event! After some Subway sandwiches, Joe delivered an impassioned message on Chinese nationals getting a heart to return and evangelize “their nation” of 1.4 billion lost souls!

Joe Willis preaching for Chinese Nationals to return to their homeland to preach the gospel!
Joe shared that all four Chinese converts in Sydney are ready to go on the team! From the mission lunch and lesson, these courageous disciples made the commitment to move to Sydney – thus joining the four Chinese disciples – to train for the Crown of Thorns Hong Kong planting: Eric & Gloria Lee (OC Region of LA), Dylan Lee their son, Hannah Wang (OC Region of LA), Brian Li (Santa Barbara), Leon Hu (Denver), and Keiko Uchita (Honolulu)!

The Chinese Nationals are fired-up to return to their homeland!
Sunday night of the GLC was The Kingdom Banquet! After prayer, Heather Harvin sang beautifully, I Will Always Love You!

“All things are ready, come to the feast…”

“Go to the roads and country lanes… so that my house will be full!” (Luke 14:23)
Then following a scrumptious meal, the Los Angeles AMS Ministry performed a rousing dance routine!

The AMS Dance Troop!
Other highpoints of the evening were the appointments of Richie & Elizabeth McDonnell of Santa Barbara and Renato & Mari Jose Tria of Sao Paulo as Evangelists and Women’s Ministry Leaders respectively!

Richie & Elizabeth McDonnell (Santa Barbara) are appointed Evangelist and Women’s Ministry Leader!

The Morenos share during Renato & Mari Jose Tria’s appointment!

Renato celebrates the next day at IN-N-OUT!
For the “grand finale” of the night was the fantastic sermon by Blaise Feumba – Meet This Threat!

The sage African Evangelist – Blaise Feumba – lifts our eyes to the heavens to see the power of God!
Monday began with a new feature of the GLC – The International World Sector Forums! For many reasons we combined some of the world sectors, so the five forums were: Europe & The Russian Commonwealth; Austral-Asia & India; Central & South America; Africa; and The Middle East!

All from Sao Paulo, the Trias (right) and Danilo & Carol so enjoyed the Central & South American Forum!

The Mejias with the new Bogota, Colombia Remnant Group Leaders – Hector & Adriana Gomez!
Elena & I attended the Austral-China & India Forum, so we were privileged to hear Kyle Bartholomew – the World Sector Leader of the Pacific Rim. Kyle preached on A Greater Glory – Our Family Story,where he shared about Joan’s and his ministry in Hilo that became “the spark” that initiated God’s new movement!

Kyle preaches his heart out sharing the Scriptural stands that gave birth to the new movement!

Joan Bartholomew provides an excellent example for all foreign nationals as she will help plant the Metro Manila ICC in May 2015!

Alfredo Anuch serves as an Evangelist in the great Santiago Church, but he also works a full-time job as an architect!

A former Mainline Church of Christ preacher, Alexis was baptized at the 2013 GLC! Upon returning home, 93 disciples have been baptized in Haiti forming four SoldOut Movement Congregations!
After a lunch break, the afternoon’s International Church Builders Forums were a “potpourri of opportunities!” The Administrative World Congress was led by Michael Kirchner – the World Sector Leader for Admin and Law. This gathering was extremely helpful to achieve our goal to identify an Administrator for each world sector by January 2015!

Nick Economo, Chicago’s Administrator, after he receives the Top Administrator Merit Globe and his wife, Jacque, the Web Deacon for Chicago!

The Chloupeks lead our global AMS Ministries!

Russ addressing the Chemical Recovery Convention!
The evening came quickly! After more angelic singing, Anthony & Elizabeth Eckels of Houston were appointed Evangelist and Women’s Ministry Leader, and following Gabe & Stephanie Reed of Eugene were appointed as well!

After the Eckels are appointed, in appreciation they graciously give their ICCM stoles to their Ministry Trainers – the Sullivans!

Gabe & Stephanie Reed are appointed by the Gonzales’ and Dimitrys!

Tim masterfully delves into the Scriptures about having the heart of God to reach out to the remnant!
Many of us stayed up quite late fellowshipping as most conference delegates were leaving the next day shortly after the last session!
On Tuesday morning were the Women’s and Men’s Programs! For the women, I heard excellent reports about Elena’s lesson on Esther entitled,For Such A Time As This! Her motivating points were: 1) If I Die, I Die; 2) Obey Your Mordecai; and 3) Lift Others High!

To signal to the sisters that every disciple needs to be willing to go anywhere, Elena wears Traditional Indian Clothes!
Then came the session where several sisters gave five minute charges on Women In The Days Of The Remnant: Vashti – Lucy Mejia (Santiago); Twelve Months Of Beauty Treatments – Michele Williamson (London); The Daughters Of Shallum – Lynda Moreno (Sao Paulo); Marrying Women From Ashdod – Therese Untalan (LA); The Prophetess Noadiah – Patrique Smellie (LA); Purim – Theresa Broom (New York City); Esther’s Call To Fast – Sonja Chloupek (LA); The Winged Women Of Zechariah – Helen Sullivan (Orlando); andBuilding Paneled Houses – Lianne Kernan (Toronto)!

Michele Williamson of London!

Lynda Moreno of Sao Paulo!

Patrique Smellie – the Women’s African World Sector Leader!

Theresa Broom and her husband Chris will be traveling to India in November!
For the Men’s Program, Chris Broom spoke on a subject that I had not heard a whole sermon devoted to: The Greatness Of Mordecai! Chris as always had us laughing but totally convicted by the Scriptures!

Chris Broom – the Lead Evangelist of the New York City International Christian Church!
The next part of the program was again unique to my experiences as key brothers spoke on Learning From The Enemies Of God: Haman – Jeremiah Clark (Denver); Eliashib – Tyler Sears (DFW); Sanballet – Evan Bartholomew (San Diego); Geshem The Arab – Jay Shelbrack (Chicago); Bigthana And Teresh – Victor Gonzalez Sr. (Las Vegas) –Satan’s Attacks On Our Families – Chris Adams (LA); Satan’s Attacks On Our Finances – Luke Speckman (LA); and Ourselves – Jason Dimitry (San Francisco)!

Evan Bartholomew of San Diego!

Victor Gonzalez Sr. of Las Vegas!
After a short break, the Brothers and Sisters came back together for our final General Session! After the singing of Jerusalem, Jake Studer, Jake & Jen Ramsier, and Cesar Limon & Debbie Bosch were appointed Evangelists and Women’s Ministry Leaders!

Tim and Andrew appoint Jake Studer an Evangelist in the Kingdom of God!

Joan (right) has the unusual privilege of appointing her younger sister Jen to become a Women’s Ministry Leader!

Jake (left) is appointed to be an Evangelist by his best friend – Kyle Bartholomew!
However, when Cesar shared about those that had helped him the most, he shared last about Debbie and then he dropped to one knee and proposed to her! Of course, Debbie said, “Yes!!!”

Congratulations to the future Mr. & Mrs. Cesar & Debbie Limon!
The final speech title was taken from Zechariah 4:6, Not By Might Nor By Power! Our main text was Zechariah 2-4. These chapters contained visions number three, four and five on the night that God gave this young prophet eight visions! The fifth vision was of a menorah with seven candles. Suspended above the menorah was a bowl with olive oil with tubes feeding each candle… but no priests because God is sustaining His people (the menorah) through the Holy Spirit (the olive oil) to light up the world!
We then find out that there are two olive trees by the bowl and the menorah. The olive trees are representative of Zerubbabel (the Governor) and Joshua (the High Priest). In other words, God uses leadership to unleash His Spirit to work among His people to light up the world!
The points of the lesson: 1) Be Still; 2) Be Purified; 3) Be In Awe of The Cross; 4) Be Ready to Lead; 5) Be Fully Invested; and 6) BeTotally Poured Out spell SPIRIT! The evangelization of the nations in this generation will not be done “‘by might nor by power but my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty!” We closed arm-in-arm singing the GLC Theme Song, Men Who Dream!

Kip & Elena will be totally dependent on the Spirit when they go to Chennai for the month of September!
Dearest Brothers and Sisters: In closing this Special Edition of the Good News Email, I would like to especially thank the Director of the GLC Tim Kernan as well as the entire GLC Staff for a job “well done!”

Tim & Lianne on the University of Toronto Campus!

Thanks to Carlos & Lucy Mejia of Santiago for securing and overseeing the facilities at the beautiful JW Marriott!
Thanks also to all that sacrificed so much and traveled from so far to encourage all of the disciples in LA! And after returning to our home congregations and being empowered by His Spirit as ZION’S DREAMERS, let us all collectively focus on glorifying our Father in Heaven by having our most fruitful Autumn… yet!

Michael Adrian Williamson and Junior Kernan are reminding us that it’s “all about the Spirit!” And they’re inviting you back to LA for the 2015 GLC!
“Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever! Amen!” (1 Timothy1:17)
Much love,