Thoughts from I Kings – First Serving

Introduction to I and II Kings

When we read I and II Kings the chronologies are challenging.  Northern Israel was ruled from 931BC to 722BC by 19 Kings.  The total number of years adds up to 209.  If the years of reign of the Kings are taken individually then they add up to 241 years.  The difference is because of co-regencies, where the father and the son shared the throne.

Struggle for the throne

I Kings 1: 5-7 David had a great life but did not correct his children.

Are we as parents correcting our children?

  • To the parents – If fathers don’t correct their children, then they will grow up without having fear of God.

 I Kings 1: 6 Adonijah was handsome but arrogant

 Do we take pride in our beauty? 

  •  God looks only at the heart and does not mind the external.
  •  Let’s not be too consumed by our appearance.
  • Keep your heart clean because, “You are beautiful too”.

 I Kings 1: 1-4,15 Bathsheba approaches King David 

Where were all the other wives of David? 

  • To the marrieds –A wife needs to take care of her husband and the husband needs to take care of his wife

Do you like someone in the church? 

  • The right way to go about is to talk to the leader and seek advice. Liking a person in the church is not a sin.
  • In life, there are some things that should be kept secret for the person who is going to be your life partner.
  • Hold on to God’s plan and stay pure.
  • A pure woman and a pure man can get married and keep each other warm.

 1 Kings 1:15 Relationship between Nathan, David and Bathsheba.

 How do we look at somebody knowing their past? 

  • He/she is always going to be like that.  Is that a correct thought?
  • In the church, we have to be like Nathan.  They did sin, but they do not have to remain the same and if they have repented we need to look at them with a new set of eyes.

 I Kings 1: 32 David acted immediately when Adonijah plans to make himself King.

What do we do when there is trouble in our ministries? 

  • Physically David was old but mentally razor sharp.
  • Sometimes you have to act and not just simply sit and pray.

Survival of the throne

 I Kings 2:1-4 David asks Solomon to show himself as a man

Do we men act as a “man”? 

  • When we wanted to mess up in life, drunkenness, smoking, masturbation, porn… Did we seek permission from our parents?
  • When we want to do what is right, why do we seek permission especially to do what is right?
  • BROTHER! Be strong. It’s not beating or wrestling with another man or woman that shows you are a man.
  • Say It! You are going to live and die as a MAN and stand up and say “My life was in a mess and now it’s not.”

 I Kings 2:1-4 Someone said, “If you follow Jesus you will become prosperous.” – WRONG!

Are you following Jesus to be prosperous? 

  • This promise was for the whole nation and not for one person
  • Deuteronomy 28, Leviticus 26
  • Among Israelites there would have been poor people too.
  • The rich take care of the poor and so should we in the Kingdom!

I Kings 2: 4 – David was grateful to all those who were there for him

Are we grateful to those who were there for us?

 Securing the Kingdom

I Kings 2: 17 – 22 Solomon corrected his decision

Have we said Yes for the wrong or No for the right things?

  • Even if we had said yes to something that was wrong. We need to correct our own decision.
  • Solomon changes his decision.
  • The aim is to be in line with God’s word.

I Kings 2: 24 Solomon’s patience, mercy, and decision

Do we draw a line?

  • We at times give a lot of mercy to people but we do not draw a line.
  • Drawing a line helps people change.

I Kings 2:26 – 31 Joab begs for mercy by holding on to the altar.

Innocent people found mercy at the altar

  • God is merciful
  • Repent and change your life.

Are we securing the kingdom?

  • Evil cannot be quietly contained
  • God’s promises are unconditional but there are requirements which are conditional.
  • Act on sin, do not compromise