Corey Blackwell
How do you describe the kind of joy only the Lord can give? Pure joy! The South Central Ministry is dynamically growing not only in number, but even more so in spirit!
Sunday March 17 we had five house churches! Can you imagine that just two years ago we were nine people meeting in a kitchen? Another milestone occurred on Friday night, March 15, as Lisa Davis the Principle of Washington Elementary School was baptized! Nick & Denise Bordieri, Shepherds of the City of Angels Congregation and the South Central Region, met Lisa over two years ago during our Annual MERCY Toy Drive. Lisa has had many challenges over this time, but has really persevered to make Jesus Lord of her life. She is so fired-up to have a new family! Thanks go to Pam Boea, Monica Vasquez, Denise Bordieri and of course our fearless Women’s Ministry Leader – Megan Mathews.
My eyes are filled with an inexpressible joy, as on Sunday afternoon, 70 people witnessed the baptism of a teen named Shawntiva! She originally attended church in our former fellowship. Her sister DiEsha Carter placed membership several months ago and has been an incredible example to her “little sister!” Amazingly, at the baptism were 14 members of the ICOC, all of whom shared deeply from their hearts how happy they were that Shawntiva made the decision to be a baptized disciple! It was so impacting to watch all our Teen Women and DiEsha go into the pool and baptize Shawntiva!

Sunday March 23 was another incredible day as we had such a beautiful service! We had the pleasure of hosting service with the West and Central Regions. From start to finish it was absolutely electrifying–the energy was incredible, the singing was amazing-there are so many words that come to mind when trying to describe the day, but the one word I will use is heart. The heart of the disciples was so amazing- we wouldn’t have had such a wonderful service if it wasn’t for the God working through all our hearts! We had an attendance of 330! I know in the world when there is a gathering of this many people, there can be so much disunity. But here in God’s kingdom it is exactly the opposite! Looking around the room, all I saw was unity amongst the different Regions! That’s one way I know we are part of God’s true church! One of the highlights of the service was a dear friend Chris Bryant’s restoration. We met a while back as he was a member of our former fellowship. He shared a convicting message about his spiritual life, on how he was like a National Geographic Wildebeest who was being eating alive by Hyena’s who were relentless in there pursuit. Chris’ humility was amazing, sharing how he “cut in” on his own faith. (Galatians 5:7-8). He ended with giving thanks to God for His grace and made another National Geographic reference to an episode where an elephant was being attacked by lions. The elephant overcame the attacks and shook off the lions, the same way Chris shook of Satan’s attacks, seeing the “hope for a future” (Jeremiah 29:11). Our God is truly amazing.

Nick and Cory warmly welcome Chris to South Central! Chris’ excitement is
very apparent in that wonderful smile he’s got on!
I am crying uncontrollably as I am writing this good news report because of the miracles that our God is once again doing in my beloved South Central LA. I am so grateful for the City of Angels Church who embraced me and my family, and now is allowing me to once again be a small part of Jesus’ dream! And to God be all the glory! “The LORD has done great things for us; We are glad.” (Psalm 126:3)