
Capil Marhatta: Greetings from the Sensational South Region! On Super Bowl Sunday, Lance Underhill – our very own Shepherd – preached an incredible lesson calling all of us to give to God our very best! The Holy Spirit and the angels worked powerfully through the brothers to lead two dynamic young zealots – Lubo and Lonnie – to the waters of baptism! Lubo, who is from Bulgaria and is extraordinarily intelligent and talented, introduced himself to Joe Estep by saying, “My name is Lubo and I would like to get baptized!” Joe responded by telling him, “That sounds like a great plan, but we need to do a few Bible studies first!”

Lonnie is the brother of Andrew who was married in the church just a few weeks ago! Lonnie was very excited to leave his old life and get some brand new spiritual clothes!

Spiritual twins – Lonnie (left) and Lubo – are
both amazed that all their sins are forgiven!

We also were blessed to have Cassidy Deaves return to our region with the great experience of being on the foreign mission field in Paris. She is also smiling very brightly these days because her boyfriend Anthony returns to LA on Wednesday from one-and-a-half years serving in the Paris Church as an intern! Anthony & Cassidy will now lead our dynamic Campus Ministry!

In Paris, Anthony & Cassidy risk their
lives by eating escargot!

This Sunday the Lord continued to add to our number as we saw Martha get baptized! She has endured much persecution, has overcome many challenges, and so God welcomed her into His loving family! Finally, Women’s Day is right around the corner on March 2, 2014! During the announcements, we were reminded that there are several disciples in our region that first attended our church at a previous Women’s Day! Therefore, all the South Sisters are hard at work for what promises to be another fruitful occasion!

The friendship with the disciples helps Martha
(second from the left) to have the faith to
overcome persecution and be baptized!